Lawn Boys

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Lawn Boys Page 10

by K. Webster

  “They’re fine,” she bites back. “How is the grandson?” She says grandson as if the word is vile on her tongue. As though it should embarrass me.

  “He’s perfect,” I tell her with pride.

  Looking away from my friend’s disdainful stare, I text Anthony.

  Me: Maybe pick me up early? I don’t think I can make it through dinner with these vicious beasts.

  “You’re way too young to be a grandma,” Marie says. “You’re what, fifty-one?”

  Anita and Kelly laugh.

  I don’t argue my age because it’s clear they’re enjoying having fun at my expense.

  “Seriously, though,” Anita says with a laugh. “How does your boy toy feel about you being a grandmother? Does he know?” Her eyes flicker with meanness. “Do you think he ever hooked up with Lacy in high school? What if your grandson is your lover’s baby?”

  “Stop,” I snap. “You’ve gone too far, Anita. Maybe lay off the prescription painkillers and wine cocktail. It’s turning you into a psycho bitch.”

  She gapes at me as if I’ve slapped her. “We’re only joking, hon. Lighten up.”

  “Does your lawn boy like it when you use your mom voice on him?” Kelly questions before downing the rest of her martini. “I bet he likes to get spanked.”

  I frown down at my phone as he hasn’t responded. Maybe I’ll just leave and walk back home. Anything is better than letting these vultures try and pick apart my relationship with Anthony. I never should have ridden with Anita.

  “Oh. My. God.” Marie’s eyes are wide as she stares off behind me.

  I jerk my gaze over my shoulder and gape at the sight before me. In comes Anthony. Striding through the restaurant like some Greek god. He’d told me earlier that he had to mow his neighbor’s yard while I was at dinner with my friends. Now, he’s stalking my way in nothing but a pair of navy basketball shorts and his tennis shoes. His upper half is completely bare. Every sweaty, sculpted inch is available for the entire restaurant to see. Blades of grass stick to his chest and I want to volunteer for the job of plucking each one off with my teeth. His dark hair is wet and hangs over his brows, barely hiding the predatory glare.

  My thighs clench because he looks so intense.

  Powerful. Angry. Sexy as hell.

  When he reaches our table, I can’t help but smile dreamily up at him.

  “Ladies,” he greets, his voice a low grumble that gets my panties wet on instant.

  “Hello, lawn boy,” Anita says back in a condescending tone.

  I snap my head to stare at her. Her eyes are narrowed on him.

  His large hand clutches my shoulder and I love the strength that pulsates through him.

  “We were just discussing you,” Anita snips out. “About the boy and his cougar.”

  He ignores her and kneels beside me. When his fingers clutch my jaw and he turns my head, I get lost in his intense gray eyes. “Ready to go home, teacup?”

  I hear a dreamy sigh from Marie and a giggle from Kelly. Anita isn’t impressed.

  “Isn’t this sweet?” Anita’s voice is venomous. “Every boy’s dream is to bed a cougar. Right, young man? Do all the boys in the high school locker room have dreams about sleeping with their daddy’s friends?”

  He stands abruptly and leans over the table, his body rippling with strength and power. “Sorry to break it to you, lady, but I’m not a goddamned boy.”

  Kelly mutters, “Amen to that.”

  “And if she’s the queen cougar you’re claiming,” he growls, “then I’m the motherfucking king of the jungle.”

  He stands and tugs me to my feet. The moment I have my purse in my grip, I’m startled when he hefts me over his shoulder.

  “Stephanie!” Anita screeches. “We’re in a restaurant! Behave yourself!”

  With my butt in the air and Anthony’s tight ass right in my face, I can’t help but giggle. I whap his bottom with my purse. “Let’s go, big lion!”

  He snorts and gives my ass a slap. “If you’ll excuse us,” he says to the women, his voice dripping with sex. “I need to take my fine-ass woman back to our lair so I can maul her.”

  Marie and Kelly giggle, but Anita is silent.

  About damn time my judgmental friend has nothing to say.

  “Stop pacing,” Anthony orders, his massive arms crossed over his chest.

  I slow to a halt and chew on my lip. “What if she’s angry with me?”

  “Because you’re happy? Doubtful, teacup.” His smug smile warms me and confidence flitters through me. Lacy loves me and has always encouraged me to date. I’m not sure about her stance on my dating Anthony, but I’m about to find out.

  As if on cue, the front door opens. My gorgeous daughter walks in carrying a diaper bag and my grandson, Elias.

  “Hey, baby, where’s your husband?”

  She kisses Elias on top of the head as she drops the bag to the floor. “He got held up at the church. I thought I’d save us some time and run Elias over here.” She pauses as she regards me. “You look pretty today, Mom. What’s with that smile?” Her gaze drifts behind me. “Anthony?”

  “Hey, Lacy.” He strides over to her and holds out his hands. Surprisingly, she passes Elias to him. My ovaries clench at seeing this giant man cradle my sweet grandson. As soon as he walks off, talking in a cute baby voice, she squeals.

  “Mom! You and Anthony?” Her eyes twinkle with delight and to say I’m relieved is an understatement. “I knew it. When he came over, the chemistry was electric between you two. Gah, so you guys really are together?”

  “We are,” I admit. “He’s so good to me.”

  She throws her arms around me in one of her loving hugs. “Oh my God, I’m so happy for you.”

  “You are?”

  “Of course I am. Ever since Daddy died, you’ve been so lonely.” She pulls away and cups my cheeks. “Anthony is a good guy.”

  “I think he just crapped his pants,” Anthony grumbles when he walks back in.

  Lacy smirks as she takes her son. “I’ll change him really quick and then I’ll go.” Her attention flickers to Anthony. “My mom is a treasure. Treat her right, Anthony Blakely, or I’ll cut you.”

  He snorts as he wraps an arm around my waist. “Put the knives away. I have no intentions of letting this one go.”

  I look up at him and accept his sweet kiss to my forehead.

  I have no intentions of letting him go either.

  Two and a half months later…

  “Take the money.”

  He laughs but doesn’t stop hammering away at the drywall in the front bathroom. On a whim, I decided I wanted to remodel it. Anthony, being the eager demolition man, wasted no time hunting down a hammer.

  “I’m serious,” I grumble. “You’ve been keeping up with my yard and doing all these house projects. Aiden takes my money.”

  He looks over his shoulder and pins me with a sexy stare. “I’m not Aiden.”

  I roll my eyes and he laughs again before returning to his project. He’s too damn hot shirtless and always flexing those muscles of his whenever he’s working around my house. I wish he’d just take the money, but he never does.

  “Why won’t you let me pay you?”

  He whacks the hammer into the drywall and leaves it hanging before turning to regard me. Heat flickers in his eyes as he prowls over to me. Once I’m swept up in his arms, he kisses my nose.

  “Guys don’t make their girlfriends pay when they do shit for them,” he says simply.

  I smile because I love when he refers to me as his girlfriend. It felt silly at first, but it was easy to feel small and cared for when this big man was beating on his chest being the alpha he so clearly is. He was right. Anthony is all male. Strong, fierce, confident. Not at all a boy. And once I accepted we were a thing and there was nothing to be ashamed of, I’ve had so much fun with Anthony. He makes me laugh. He makes me feel when I never thought it was possible after losing my husband all those years ago. Sometimes he even mak
es me angry. Although, I’m pretty sure he does that on purpose so he can ravish me afterward with make-up sex.

  “You’re so romantic,” I tease as I run my fingers through his messy hair.

  “Speaking of romantic,” he says with a wide smile. “You should go shower. I’m taking you out tonight.”

  “You don’t even ask anymore. You just assume I’ll go out with you.” I laugh when he smirks.

  “Damn right. You’re mine now, so you have to do what I say,” he says in a smug tone. Amusement dances in his eyes.

  “You’re ridiculous.”

  “You like it.”

  He hates me.

  My boyfriend’s dad hates me.

  As Anthony sleeps, I stare at his perfect face. Earlier, at dinner, I encountered Quinn Blakely for the first time since I’ve been seeing his son. He’d been cold toward me. I can’t say I blame him. I’d been the same way with my daughter’s husband when they’d begun seeing each other. The age gap had been a huge mental issue I couldn’t get past. But then I’d seen how much they loved each other. That love was what had me approving of their relationship. Lacy deserved to be happy.

  I run my fingers through Anthony’s hair and let out a sigh. I’m happy too. Despite being with a man half my age who’s about to start college, I can’t say I’d do anything differently. Anthony fills my heart with him. When he’s not around, I have an aching longing inside my chest. I’m completely consumed by him.

  “Watching people sleep is fucking creepy, teacup.”

  I let loose a laugh as my gaze finds his. “As if you don’t do creepy stuff all the time?” I challenge with a lifted brow.

  “It’s okay when I do it,” he explains, a lazy smile on his face. “Creepy is normal for me.”

  “Maybe I want to be creepy too.” I run my fingertips over his full lips.

  “We may have to have the talk then, my love.” He sits up on his elbows.

  I drink in the curves of his muscular shoulders. His smooth, dark tanned skin against my creamy white sheets. “What talk is that?”

  “The how-to-be-sly-when-being-creepy talk.”

  “I didn’t realize there was a method to creepiness.”

  He lies back and then grabs my hips. I love how he manhandles me all the time. Just picks me up and puts me where he wants. And right now, he wants me on his hard cock. I slide down over his length with a groan.

  “The trick,” he mutters as his palms roam over my breasts, “is to never get caught. I stare at you all the time while you sleep, but I don’t make it so fucking obvious.”

  I laugh. “Go on, oh, smart one.”

  He grips me by the front of my throat and my pussy clenches around him. Gently but full of possessiveness, he tugs me forward so our mouths are inches apart. “Also, don’t let them catch you when you sniff them. You have to be discreet.” His nose brushes along my cheek to my hair where I sense him inhaling me.

  “I’m discreet,” I murmur.

  “You’re not discreet. I always catch you smelling me.”

  “But you smell so good.” I lean forward to kiss his lips. “I didn’t know I had to keep it a secret.”

  “You’re the one who asked for the lessons, not me.”

  His hips buck up and I let out a moan as he impales me deeper.

  “Is that it? Don’t be obvious when you stare and don’t sniff too loudly?” I ask, a smile in my words.

  “And even though you think about the person every second of every goddamned day, don’t tell them,” he murmurs, his lips pressing reverent kisses to mine.

  “Why not? That’s sweet. Not creepy at all.”

  He bites on my bottom lip and pulls away. “The amount of times I think about you goes beyond creepy. It borders on obsession.”

  His words turn me on and I roll my hips as the building pleasure settles in my core.

  “What else?” I whisper.

  He slides a hand into my hair to pull me closer. We kiss desperately until we’re both panting for air. I’m riding him shamelessly as though he’s the keeper of every orgasm I’ll ever have.

  “Don’t admit how many times you’ve whispered that you love them fully knowing they are asleep and can’t hear your confession.” His words are soft and sexy and I almost don’t hear them.

  “Why wouldn’t you admit that you love them if you, in fact, do?” My heart hammers in my chest.

  He releases my neck and his hand slides between us. I let out a whimper when he begins massaging my clit. His other hand falls to my hip as he guides the tempo of our bodies moving together.

  “Because they may not love you back and it’s too fucking depressing if that’s true,” he says, his voice pained.

  “But what if they do love you?” I ask, lifting up so I can stare into his eyes.

  With a groan, he rolls us over until I’m pinned beneath him. His lips attack mine as he brutally thrusts into me. I scratch my nails along his shoulders and dig my heels into his ass. We fuck like two wild animals until he’s grunting out his release. His fingers take me right over the edge with him and I lose myself to an orgasm just as his heat floods inside me. The moment we both let out a collective, sated sigh, he smiles at me.

  “I love you, teacup.”

  My heart catches in my throat and I blink away tears. “I love you too.”

  “I know I may be younger, but I have plans to go to college and make something of myself.” His brows crash together. “I want to take care of you, Steph. I want to have a future with you.” He presses a kiss to my lips. “And maybe, if you want, have a family with you one day.”

  My chest aches with happiness—as though my heart might explode at any second. “I want that too.” Emboldened by love, I articulate the words I’ve been replaying over and over again in my head for days now. “Move in with me. You’re practically here every night anyway.”

  He rains kisses down all over my cheeks and nose until I’m giggling and squirming. Eventually, he stops and brushes the hair away from my face.

  “You really want that?” he asks, his eyes full of love and happiness.

  “I do.” I grin at him. “How else will I hone my creeper skills if I don’t practice every night?”


  Four months later…

  I saunter down the hallway toward Stephanie’s office with a grin on my face. I’m taking her someplace special tonight to celebrate. School may have nearly kicked my ass this semester, but I made it through finals and am ready to spend three weeks of holiday bliss with my sexy-ass woman. I’m nearly there when Damien steps into my path.

  I smirk at him, flip him the bird, then sidestep the fucker. Once he ascertained that I was with Stephanie—happily, I might add—he had the sense to back off. Whatever Aiden’s doing with his daughter must be discreet because I haven’t heard a word on the subject from Damien.

  “She’ll get bored,” he grumbles from behind me.

  I don’t satisfy him with an answer. Nothing Steph and I do is boring. In fact, I like showing her new shit to keep her on her toes. Once I showed her what Tumblr was, I opened Pandora’s Box. My woman is obsessed and is always showing me new things she wants to try. Most of it involves me tying her up and marking up her pretty flesh in some way.

  “Hey, beautiful,” I greet as I walk into her office and close the door behind me.

  Her blue eyes dart to mine and she beams at me. Today, she’s stunning as fuck in a power suit that does little to mask the fact that her body is hot as hell. It fits her in all the right places and I’m itching to peel every layer from her body. “Hey, handsome.”

  “Miss me?”

  She laughs as she stands. I stalk over to her and pull her into my embrace, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair.

  “Who are you again?” she teases.

  “The man of your dreams,” I grunt.

  She pulls away to look at me. “Seriously, how could you miss me? We saw each other at lunch.” Her cheeks burn bright as she recalls “lunch.” We onl
y had time for one of us to eat and I was very hungry.

  “I only got a taste. I’m ready for more than a few licks.” I pin her with a smoldering stare.

  She bites on her bottom lip. “Maybe I’m hungry now.” Her palm slides to the front of my slacks and she rubs my hard cock, making it jerk with anticipation.

  I kiss her nose. “You can eat later, teacup. I’m here to work. Isn’t this your favorite part of the day? Bossing me around?”

  Her hand curls around my tie and she tugs me closer. “I do like that for one hour of every afternoon, as my intern, you have to behave.”

  I slide my palms to her ass and squeeze. “We both know I never behave.”

  “That’s the damn truth,” she says with a grin. “How did your finals go?”

  “I’m pretty sure I aced them all.”

  Her eyes glitter with delight. “I’m so proud of you, Anthony.”

  “Tonight, we’re going to celebrate.” I press a kiss on her forehead. “Think they’ll let you leave this place early today?”

  She opens her mouth to reply when the door swings open. We jerk apart and her face flames red. Thankfully, it’s just Damien in the doorway. But behind him stands Howard.

  “Hi, guys,” Stephanie chirps and gives them a small wave.

  I sit in the chair beside hers to mask the fact that I have a massive erection. “Hey,” I greet.

  Damien’s face is smug as he says to Howard, “Told you.”

  The old man frowns and appears to be disappointed. What the fuck?

  “Stephanie,” Howard mutters, his voice strained. “What exactly is going on between you and the intern?”

  Steph makes a choking sound. “W-What?”

  “There have been rumors that you’re carrying on a romantic affair with Mr. Blakely,” Howard says, his white eyebrows knitted together.

  Damien shoots me a fuck you glare.

  I tighten my fists. The urge to pummel that asshole in the face is overwhelming, but my worry for Steph overshadows that. I want to stand up and yell at them both that hell yes we’re together, but something tells me that isn’t the best thing to help her right now.


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