Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1)

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Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1) Page 7

by Raven K. Asher

  He grins and without removing his claws he moves in one quick smooth motion cementing our bond and completing our mating ceremony.

  Quickly bringing me to an unfamiliar but welcome and overwhelming feeling of pure bliss London retracts his claws before jumping off of me changing into his wolf form.

  I smile as I sit up and then change into my own wolf form.

  Looking around at the wolves around me and to London’s white wolf I’m struck with the memory of the drawing that I had sketched out in art class.

  This was what I had drawn.

  The same wolves surrounded me now that did in the sketch.

  Rubbing against my side London nuzzles his nose against mine. “What are you thinking about, Love?” He questions curiously in my mind.

  He could have easily entered my mind since we were now mated to see what I was thinking but it meant a lot to me that he was asking instead of just searching for it.

  “I’ve drawn this scene before.” I answer in his mind.

  “I hope that’s a good thing.” He replies gently.

  Nuzzling my nose into his neck my wolf takes a deep breath of his smoky scent. “It’s a very good thing.” I answer.

  Playfully jumping back from me London gives me a goofy wolf grin before taking off through the trees. “Catch me if you can.”

  I laugh to myself as I watch him disappear.

  “Parker, stop. He’s lying to you.” Brock’s voice suddenly enters my mind in a barely there whisper.

  “Where are you, Brock?” I question reaching out for him.

  I receive no response.

  Standing in place I wait for a few more moments to hear something, anything at all, but all I hear is silence in my mind.

  Shaking my head I take off at a full run after London.

  I had convinced myself that I had to just be hearing things.

  My father had told me that Brock was fine, and I had no reason not to trust my father, or London, at that moment.

  Suddenly, out of nowhere London jumps out from his hiding spot pinning me down to the ground before he soon moves us to complete our mating in wolf form.

  Brining me to another plateau of bliss I forget about everything but the wolf with me.

  Still there was something that felt like it was whispering into my mind, whispering to me that things weren’t exactly as they seemed.

  With London there though, those voices quickly become nothing more than whispers in the wind.

  “I love you, Parker.” He growls into my mind.

  “I love you too, London.” I reply back with a moan.

  11-Fool’s Paradise

  “Open your damn eyes, Parker.” Someone screams into my head.

  I groan as I roll to my side holding my head in my hands.

  Twigs and leaves snap and rustle beneath me as I slowly become aware of my surroundings.

  Beside me was London, naked.

  “What the hell?” I whisper as I back away from him and become frantic at the state of my own undress.

  Trying to back away further my eyes remain glued on London until a branch snaps under my hand with a loud crack.

  In an instant London is on his feet with a fierce snarl.

  His features quickly soften as he realizes it was me that had made the noise. “What’s wrong, Sweetheart?” He asks.

  Looking around absently I wave my hands around. “All of this is wrong.” I motion between us next. “And why are we naked?”

  His eyes narrow for a moment. “You belong to me now, Parker, don’t you remember last night, don’t you remember calling out my name as I held you?”

  I shake my head in denial. “I don’t remember anything.”

  Moving farther away from him I try to remember anything from the night before, but only bits and pieces of distorted images pop into my mind.

  Nothing made sense.

  “Get away from him now, Parker. He’s been controlling you.” Brock screams into my head again.

  “Where are you?” I ask him.

  “I’m locked away, but I’m close to getting free. Just hang on a little longer for me, please.” He begs in my mind before screaming out in pain and then fading away.

  Turning my attention back to London I narrow my eyes at him this time. “Where is Brock?”

  He frowns. “He’s doing some errands for your father, why?”

  Closing my eyes I shake my head. “That’s a lie. Where is he really at, London?” I demand.

  As I open my eyes I’m suddenly thrown back on the ground as London pounces on top of me.

  I fight until he pins my hands above my head and his weight holds my body in place.

  “Let me go, London.” I growl out.

  Shaking his head with a menacing grin London switches his hands so only one was holding my hands above my head while the other moves down to my neck.

  “Like I said before you belong to me.” He grits through his teeth.

  I gasp as his claws pierce my skin.

  “What are you doing, London?” Dillon questions abruptly from overtop of us.

  “I’m doing what I have to do, Dillon.” London growls out in anger.

  Kneeling down next to us Dillon looks deep into my eyes before looking to London. “Is this really what you want, do you really want a mate that you have to control at all times?”

  “It doesn’t matter now, she belongs to me and that isn’t going to change. She is part of our pack and she’s going to learn really quickly that no one undermines me.” London replies.

  Shaking his head Dillon looks at me sadly. “I just don’t think any of this is right. Not what you’ve done or what her father did.”

  London growls louder while digging his claws in deeper. “It doesn’t matter what you think, Dillon. I have her now and Gage will never see her ever again.”

  Peering back at Dillon, London lets out one last fierce snarl. “Leave us, now.” He orders.

  Dillon doesn’t waste any time in moving away from us.

  Turning his attention back to me London forces a smile, although it comes across as more of a maniacal grin.

  It sends shivers down through my spine.

  He scared me.

  “If we can come to some sort of understanding I won’t have to continue doing this to you, do you understand?” He questions.

  I nod as much as he would allow me.

  “Now, if you want to bypass all of this all you have to do is be my true mate, do as you’re asked and do as you’re told. It’s not really that hard.” He pauses for a reaction from me.

  But I couldn’t say anything, and I couldn’t do anything with his claws still in my neck.

  “I’m going to let you go just this once but I swear if you step out of line even once I will have your idiot second, Brock, killed as you watch.” He then warns.

  After a moment more he pulls his claws out and I gasp at the loss.

  Standing to his feet London glances down at me triumphantly, little did he know I wasn’t about to bend to his will or anyone’s for that matter.

  He reaches his hand out to me and I take it standing to my own two feet before I turn my back to him readying myself to run away.

  I had to at least try to get to Brock or someone else that could help me.

  London’s body moves closer to mine as he lays his chin on my shoulder. “I’m sorry I’ve been so mean to you, Darling. I should have gone about this differently but I didn’t want to lose you to someone else, especially when you didn’t even give me a chance.”

  I shiver in revulsion as his warm breath continues to fan across my cheek.

  His hands glide up my arms and my stomach threatens to spill out everything in it.

  The thought that we had even been together intimately had me nearly gagging with sickness.

  Whoever came up with the phrase ignorance is bliss was right on the money because I couldn’t have stayed by his side for another moment unless I was ignorant to it all.

  The only way he would
ever keep me was to take all of my will away.

  He would have to keep controlling me, because the thought of even pretending to like him was something I just couldn’t even bring myself to do.

  I hated him.

  And if I had my way he would suffer.

  He would either suffer knowing that I would never truly be his or I would find my rightful mate and have him destroyed for what he had done.

  Taking another’s mate was considered treason, and it was against all of our laws.

  And considering Gage had all but made me his was reason enough to bring him to justice.

  Anyone with a nose could still smell Gage on me.

  I belonged to him and him alone.

  Turning towards London I smile sweetly as I place my hands on his shoulders.

  His arms wrap around my back bringing me closer.

  “I just don’t think this is going to work, London. We don’t really belong together.” I state calmly.

  His yellow eyes darken as his grip on me tightens.

  “But if you were to let me go now I wouldn’t ask for death for you.” I add.

  He growls out fiercely. “You are mine. My pack and your father witnessed it last night so there is no going back and you cannot condemn me for something that you very much enjoyed.”

  I snarl as I show him my teeth. “If I would have been in my right mind I wouldn’t have even let you get that close to me. You make me sick.”

  His grip on me tightens even more as his eyes stare deep into mine. “That’s enough. I gave you a chance.” He growls as his hand begins to move closer to my neck.

  In a flash of movement I bring my knee up directly between his legs.

  He gasps as his eyes go wide and his hands fall from me.

  I watch as he falls to his knees and then to his side as he continues to whimper in pain as he clutches himself.

  “Try to control me again, London, and I will do far worse than that.” I warn before taking off through the trees and bushes at a full run.

  Just as I’m about to reach the edge of the trees and the lawn running up to my house a heavy body slams into me with a loud cackling laugh.

  I’m rolled over onto my back and I gulp in fear as I’m forced to look up into London’s yellow angry eyes.

  “That is the last time you will ever try that, Parker.” He growls before twisting my neck violently and digging his claws deep into my skin.

  Instantly, I feel myself become delirious before a peaceful bliss takes over and I smile up at London.

  He smiles down at me as his claws retract and he moves himself over me holding his weight just off of my chest. “Feeling better now?”

  I nod and grin further. “I do, but I’d feel much better if we were in bed.”

  His lips spread into an even wider grin as he lifts us both to our feet. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  With that he lifts me up placing me over his shoulder.

  I squeal out in laughter as he slaps my bare butt before heading towards the house and into the front door.

  We are met there by Dillon as he pants out in fear. “We lost him.”

  “What do you mean you lost him?” London questions while becoming serious.

  “He got away and no one has been able to find him within the walls yet.” Dillon answers.

  Setting me down to my feet I cover myself as Dillon studies me with a soft sad smile.

  “We have to find him now.” London orders before turning towards me. “I’m sorry but I have to go figure this out. Wait for me in your room, okay?”

  I nod and begin to turn towards my room but he stops me with his hand on my arm.

  Turning me back towards him he crushes his lips against mine before letting me go.

  “Keep your door locked.” He adds.

  I nod once more before rushing up the steps and into my room.

  Shutting the door I lock it before moving over to my closet for some clothes to put on since I was feeling a bit uncomfortable being naked when London wasn’t around.

  Opening the closet door I gasp in shock as Brock jumps out ready to fight.

  He quickly relaxes when he notices it’s just me.

  “Why are you hiding in my closet, Brock?” I question with a laugh.

  “I’m hiding because I’ve been locked up in a cage for the past day.” He answers with a low growl.

  My brows crease with confusion as I shake my head. “No, everyone told me that you were running errands for my father.”

  Brock snorts out before shaking his head. “Lies, they’ve been telling you lies, all in order to keep you from finding out what’s really been going on behind your back.”

  I shake my head again not believing him.

  London had no reason to lie to me.

  And neither did my father for that matter.

  Growling in frustration Brock grabs me dragging me over to my mirror before turning my head just right so I could see five circular, angry red, marks on the back of my neck.

  “He’s been controlling you.” Brock snarls letting me go.

  My fingers brush over the marks as I fail to remember how I had even gotten them.

  Turning to Brock I look to him in question. “How do we end this?” I motion to the back of my neck.

  Tossing a shirt towards me from my dresser Brock sighs. “We have to wait until your body heals the marks and your memories return. Until then we have to stay locked in here and hope no one gets in.”

  Slipping the shirt on I snatch the pair of jeans from the air as he tosses them next along with my underwear and a pair of socks.

  Minutes later I sit down on the bed next to Brock fully clothed. “I wish I could remember everything.”

  He nods in agreement. “Me too, it would make this all a lot easier.”

  A moment of silence floats by before I ask him something else that was burning a hole in my mind. “Why would they all lie to me?”

  It hurt to think that my father of all people had lied to me.

  And it hurt to think that London may have been lying to me as well.

  Brock sighs roughly. “I don’t know, I think there’s much more to this than what even I know.”

  Another moment of silence passes.

  I turn to Brock. “How do I know I can trust you?” I ask.

  He smiles sadly. “You don’t, at least not until those marks disappear. Then you will see everything for what it’s worth.”

  I nod accepting his answer.

  For some reason I knew I could trust him on this, especially with the marks on my neck condemning London.

  “I really hope I can trust you, I want to trust you considering I can’t seem to trust anyone else right now.” I sigh softly as I lean my head against his shoulder.

  “I’m your second, if you can’t trust me then who could you trust.” He laughs out lightly.

  I smile. “I guess you’re right. I chose you as my second for a reason.”

  “I’m always right.” Brock teases.

  I nod as I sigh, I really hoped he was.

  Otherwise this was going to be a huge problem, one that I didn’t know how I was going to deal with.

  12-Truth or Dare

  “How much longer do you think it will take until these marks finally fade away?” I whine as I pace the floor of my room while Brock lies on top of my bed.

  “I don’t know but you’re pacing isn’t going to make it happen any faster.” He replies. “Plus it’s only been a half an hour since you found me in here anyway.”

  Sighing roughly, I nod and stop my pacing just in time for London to knock on the door.

  “Parker, let me in.” He commands softly.

  Brock immediately sits up alarmed.

  ‘What do I do’, I mouth to him wordlessly.

  He only shrugs.

  Grabbing him quickly I shove him into the bathroom and into the shower stall before turning on the water.

  He doesn’t say a word as he allows the water to flow over him.

  It would mask his scent for now.

  Turning back to the sink I quickly dig around the cabinet in search of something that would mask Brock’s scent inside the room and especially on my bed.

  I could only imagine what London would do if he found out I had been hiding Brock or that he had been in my bed.

  I’m sure he would jump to conclusions.

  “Parker, let me in now.” London demands.

  Finding a spray bottle of some random perfume I quickly spray it into the air as I rush from the bathroom towards the room.

  Moving to the bed I spray it directly onto the bed before tossing the bottle into the nightstand drawer beside my bed.

  “Parker, I swear to god you better let me in now before I decide to break this door down.” London then warns as he pounds his fist against the door harder.

  Thinking quickly I rush back into the bathroom and climb under the water with Brock before hurrying to strip out of my clothes.

  Brock raises his brow but doesn’t say a word thankfully.

  Stepping back out of the shower I hurry to wrap a towel around myself before rushing out into the room to greet London at the door.

  Opening the door London rushes in. “What took you so long?” He questions before noticing me.

  “I was taking a shower.” I reply with my hand on my hip.

  His eyes heat as he pulls me towards him. “Then why don’t we finish it together.”

  “Can I just finish on my own and then we can have a little fun later?” I question.

  I had to come up with any excuse I could to keep him from finding Brock.

  He sighs as he nuzzles my neck. “I was hoping to at least spend some time with you before I have to go again. We still haven’t found the fugitive that escaped earlier.”

  “But if you continue now and find him then we will have the whole night together.” I suggest with a kiss to his lips.

  Nodding, London leans back to look deep into my eyes. “I guess you’re right. I’m just worried about leaving you in here all alone.”

  “I’ll be just fine, London.” I reassure him.

  He continues to search my eyes.

  My heart felt like it was about to pound out of my chest at any moment.

  I could almost feel the effects of his claws fading away and all of the images and memories that had been hiding behind the haze begin to flood back.


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