Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1)

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Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1) Page 10

by Raven K. Asher

  “Seriously, she’s a Hunter?” I ask stunned in disbelief.

  I couldn’t believe that all this time my best friend had been a Hunter.

  Damon nods as he motions for us to look back out the window.

  We watch in silence as Harley peers up to both men holding her before bowing her head down appearing defeated, but we could spot the small sly smirk on her lips.

  In a heartbeat she moves throwing the two men off guard and away from her.

  Moving swiftly she then knees one in his family jewels easily bringing him to his knees before high kicking the other in the throat causing him to fall down to the ground gasping for air.

  It was a sight to see her take on the wolves all by herself.

  I was impressed.

  “I can’t believe she was my best friend and I had no idea she could have taken me out like that.” I state absently as we continue to watch her fight off a few of the other wolves that move to disable her.

  A handful of other Hunters join her until they manage to get her away and to safety within the building.

  London begins storming around the parking lot with his face quickly growing a deep angry shade of red.

  I laugh out as he picks up one of his own men before throwing him back down to the ground.

  My laughter dies quickly when London’s eyes pin me from my spot in the window.

  “I will get you one way or another, Parker. You belong to me.” He growls in warning in my mind.

  Cursing, I back away from the window.

  “What’s wrong, Parker?” Dillon inquires moving to my side.

  “He can talk into my mind thanks to the stupid mating bond. I didn’t realize it until now but he will be able to track us no matter what we do or where we go.” I explain discouraged.

  Nothing felt possible now.

  Getting Gage back was slowly slipping from my fingertips.

  “How do we break that bond?” Damon asks.

  “Only Gage can.” I reply sadly. “Only another alpha male can break what London has done to me.”

  “That really sucks.” Damon grunts.

  I nod in agreement.

  “Well, that gives us only one choice then. We have to go find Gage, and the sooner we do the better.” Dillon states adamantly.

  “But can we do it without London and his pack catching us?” I question.

  The door to our room opens and in walks Harley with a wide grin. “They won’t be able to catch us if we stay one step ahead of them.”

  “Then I guess that’s what we will do.” I glance over to Damon in question. “That’s if you’re still with us?”

  He nods. “I wouldn’t leave you alone, Alex told me to take care of you and that’s what I’m going to do.” He responds. “Plus, I’m not going to miss out on a chance to kick some wolf ass.”

  I laugh abruptly before moving over to my best friend.

  Pulling her into a hug I sigh in relief. “I’m glad you weren’t hurt.”

  “They never had a chance against me, Parker.” She grins leaning back.

  “I saw that, and by the way we have a lot of talking to do.” I laugh lightly.

  She nods. “Yes, we do, but first let me apologize for not being honest with you.”

  I interrupt her before she can go on. “Don’t be sorry, Harley. I understand why you couldn’t tell me who you really were. I just hope our friendship wasn’t a lie.”

  She shakes her head. “It was never a lie, Parker.”

  “Good.” I grin.

  Glancing past me she smiles sweetly before leaning in close to me again. “Who’s the cutie?”

  I look back to a confused Damon before shaking my head with a smile. “That’s Damon, a Hunter like you.”

  She moves past me with her hand out to shake his. “Hey, I’m…”

  “Harley, Harley Carter.” Damon cuts her off. “I know who you are. You’re the best Hunter around this part of the states.”

  She nods as she turns to me with an impressed look. “I think I’m going to like this one.”

  I snort as Damon’s eyes widen in surprise.

  “She’s going to do it again, isn’t she?” Dillon laughs in my mind as we watch Harley skillfully move around Damon.

  “Yes, she is.” I snort out as Damon lets out a squeal as my best friend gives a good pinch to his behind.

  “What’s wrong with you, woman?” Damon hoots.

  “Nothing, I just like to make sure the guy I’m going after has a firm butt.” Harley answers bluntly.

  I snort out in laughter as Damon’s jaw literally drops.

  That was the best friend that I knew and loved.

  “You’re going to have fun with that one.” Dillon laughs along with me.

  Harley steps her game up by kissing him on the cheek. “That shocked look is a good look for you, cutie.”

  He smirks and she walks away with a flip of her hair.

  Moving to my side she giggles while glancing over her shoulder.

  “You’re going to kill him slowly, Harley.” I giggle with a whisper.

  She nods before becoming serious. “So, when are we going to go after Gage?”

  Glancing to Damon and then Dillon beside us I sigh roughly. “There’s no better time than now, I guess. As long as you guys are ready?”

  “I’m ready whenever you are, Parker.” Dillon answers quickly.

  “Same here, Parker, I’ll move when you do.” Damon answers.

  I nod and look to my best friend with sad eyes. “Is it even possible to get him back without having London capture me?”

  “Anything is possible with us behind you, Parker.” She reassures.

  She gave me a sense of hope, hope that this would work, that I would get Gage back, and that life would return to the way it was.

  At least that’s what I was hoping for.

  But I knew well enough now that nothing was ever going to be the same after everything I had learned in the last few days.

  Everything I had known had changed.

  Everything I had believed in had pretty much been a lie.

  And now I would forever be on the path to find the truths.

  “Alright, then let’s get out of here.” I reply.

  Everyone jumps into action.

  A little while later as we finish getting ourselves packed Pops walks into our room without knocking. “I found you another bike like you wanted, Parker. Is there anything else I can get any of you to help?” He asks.

  I shake my head as I close the bag that I had just packed for Dillon and me. “I think this is all we need, Pops.”

  Moving over to him I grab him into an abrupt hug. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, you have no idea how much this has meant to me.”

  Pulling away he sniffles a little. “It was my pleasure, Parker.”

  He then moves to leave but stops at the door. “You have proved your father right. Wolves aren’t all bad and if we continue to work together life won’t be so hard.”

  “You can tell my father that when you see him.” I reply.

  I had to keep any hope I could that my father was still alive somehow or had gotten away from London and his corrupt pack.

  He nods sadly. “I hope I do get that chance.”

  Without another word he walks away.

  Dillon walks up behind me placing his hand on my shoulder. “If there is one thing I can tell you it’s that when I left London and the pack your father and some of his pack were still alive. They were pretty badly beaten but they were still breathing.”

  “I hope they can hang on until we return.” I reply softly.

  “They will.” He responds with certainty.

  Nodding, I turn to face Harley and Damon. “Are we ready to head out?”

  “We’re ready.” Harley answers for the both of them as Damon nods.

  I nod once more before turning to lead us all outside, through the small crowd of Hunters that had gathered, and to the two bikes that Pops had ready for
us to leave on.

  Dillon and I move over to one bike while Harley and Damon move over to the other one.

  Harley motions for Damon to take the front as she takes the backpack from his hands. “Don’t worry I don’t mind riding in the back especially since I’ll be wrapping my arms around you, cutie.” She flirts.

  I laugh out as Damon blushes slightly before getting onto the bike.

  “Wear these so they can’t see you.” Pops yells out as he tosses Harley and Damon two helmets with visors that come down over their faces.

  He tosses two more to me and Dillon as we get onto our bike with me up front and him in the back.

  I didn’t have a choice in the matter of who drove.

  It was Dillon’s job as my second to cover my back, and he was literally going to do that whether it was only riding on the back of the bike.

  Sliding on my helmet Pops comes over close. “The helmets are all connected so you can talk to each other as you ride.”

  I smile. “Thanks for that, Pops.”

  “Thank you too, Parker.” He smiles back.

  Flipping my visor down, I start the engine and glance over to Damon to see if he was ready.

  He gives a thumb up and we quickly take off with him falling back behind me as we reach the road, before taking off towards the one place I was hoping that we would find Gage.


  Trees, fields, and towns pass us by as we ride non-stop towards our destination.

  Towards Gage and Rowan, to save them from the horrible things they were surely enduring inside the Island.

  “Are we going to stop to take a rest soon, Parker?” Damon chimes in over our head sets.

  “We should, but we’re going to have to make it a quick stop since this is Blackwood Pack territory.” I reply.

  Dillon curses behind me. “I suppose they don’t know that their young alpha is dead, do they?”

  I sigh. “I honestly don’t know, and I really don’t want to be the one to tell them that he got himself killed.”

  “Then we will make this quick.” Harley replies.

  We continue on to a quick-mart at the edge of a small town near the edge of the Blackwood territory.

  Parking in the lot I curse softly smelling the scent of other wolves around.

  Dillon moves in close as we get off of our bikes.

  It was too late to get back on and ride off, if they were as near as I thought they had already smelled us coming anyway and running now would only cause them to give chase.

  “Harley, can you and Damon go inside and get us some drinks?” I question hoping she could read between the lines.

  She narrows her eyes for a moment before nodding.

  I knew she had gotten my hidden message, Dillon and I wouldn’t be welcome inside the store, let alone the town.

  We watch as Damon and Harley walk off.

  “I don’t like this, Parker.” Dillon states behind me as we gather back-to-back so we could watch from every angle.

  “Me either, Dillon, but as long as we are just passing through we shouldn’t have a problem.” I grunt.

  “If they do have a problem we will be in big trouble.” Dillon replies.

  With it just being the two of us I was hoping we wouldn’t be taken as a threat but that wasn’t always a guarantee that we would stay safe.

  We were still considered a pack that was trespassing on another’s land, plain and simple.

  “We’ve got trouble.” Dillon whispers into my mind with growing fear.

  I turn beside Dillon to face whoever was coming.

  A tall older man walks towards us with a swagger only an alpha would carry.

  “Tilt your head to the side, he’s and alpha.” I order Dillon.

  We both tilt our heads and the Alpha stops with narrowed eyes just a few feet away from us.

  “Who are you and why are you here?” He questions.

  I step forward. “I am, Parker Haynes, of the Onyx pack.” I answer.

  His eyes widen as he moves a step closer. “You’re Rixon’s pup?” He asks.

  I nod. “Yes, I am and I’m sorry to be trespassing on your land but I must, my father’s pack was attacked and I must flee from the wolf who betrayed our laws.”

  “What about my son, Brock, where…?” He trails off.

  I bow my head. “Many good wolves have died. I don’t even know what has even become of the Onyx pack. I’m sorry.” I answer gently.

  He growls. “Who did this?”

  Looking back up at him with anger of my own I answer with a growl. “The Redwood pack, they’ve wronged us all.”

  “Who are you running from?” He inquires next.

  “I’m running from London Hail, he had controlled me and forced me into a mating with him that my pack and I did not want. I’m trying to find my rightful mate so we can go back and take over what is rightfully mine.” I reply.

  The alpha lets out a low growl as Harley and Damon join us.

  I quickly step in front of them. “They are friends.” I reassure.

  “But they are Hunters.” He argues.

  “Yes, my father has structured a relationship with them to protect our pack and others who want to live in peace.” I reply calmly.

  Shaking his head he keeps his eyes on Harley and Damon. “I still wouldn’t trust them.” He sighs.

  “I don’t.” I answer with a smirk and he snorts out a laugh.

  “Just be careful, little alpha.” He laughs lightly. “And if you need help the Blackwood pack will be behind you and the Onyx Pack.”

  “Thank you.” I answer gratefully.

  Having them with me instead of against me would prove to be very valuable.

  “Can I ask one favor of you and your pack?” I ask cautiously.

  I didn’t want to hurt the relationship I had just formed with him so quickly.

  He raises his brow in question.

  “Can you keep London from entering your land or at least slow him down so I can have a bit of a head start?” I ask shyly.

  He nods looking thoughtful. “We can try, but I can’t promise anything. I’d rather not lose any of my pack until we have to.”

  “That’s all I’m asking. Thank you.” I reply grateful for any kind of help, big or small.

  Suddenly, the alpha lets out a low growl as he is joined by another in wolf form.

  “You better run, Sweetheart.” He orders as he turns his back to me and changes form before running off.

  That could only mean one thing, London was catching up.

  Harley curses as she and Damon quickly get onto their bike as Dillon and I run to ours.

  We didn’t have a second to lose.

  If we had any chance of getting away it was now.

  Back on the road we ride as fast and as far as we can go.

  “I didn’t think wolves changed out in the public like that.” Damon states over our headsets.

  “They only do that when there is immediate danger.” Harley answers. “That’s why I didn’t hesitate.”

  “I’m just glad he decided to be on our side after I practically told him that his son had been killed.” I sigh sadly.

  “Yeah, I thought for sure we were goners.” Dillon laughs.

  “We did get lucky, but let’s not waste that luck.” I reply.

  Harley, Damon, and Dillon grunt in agreement.

  This whole trip could have been over in a matter of minutes considering neither Dillon nor I would have been strong enough to take on an older wiser alpha.

  “So, I know this is stupid to ask now but where exactly are we heading to?” Damon questions.

  “We are going to the Island.” I answer simply.

  I figured Hunters and wolves alike knew what that place was, and judging by the string of curses that leave his lips I was right.

  “How are we even going to get in?” Harley asks.

  “I don’t know. I was just going to kind of make things up as we went along.” I respond.

rley sighs roughly. “This is all going to blow up in our faces.”

  “We’ll be just fine.” Dillon reassures gently in my mind for me to hear alone.

  “I hope so because if I mess up it might just cost us all of our lives.” I reply back in his mind.

  We all go silent as we ride down the long strip of roadway between two fields of knee-high corn stalks, towards the setting sun in the distance.

  “We are going to have to stop somewhere for the night.” Damon states abruptly breaking the silence.

  “Let’s wait to find a place just after dark.” I agree.

  He grunts. “Whatever you say, boss.”

  All too soon the sun sets, plunging us into a cold darkness as we continue on down the long road devoid of any towns or buildings.

  We were all tired.

  I could barely keep my eyes from wanting to close and our speeds had slowed to a near crawl.

  “We are just going to have to sleep outside tonight.” Harley states.

  “We have to find somewhere. You and Damon can’t sleep outside when it’s this cold.” I argue.

  The temperature had dropped drastically and I worried that they would freeze to death without proper shelter.

  “We really don’t have much of a choice, Parker. Being on these bikes like this is going to kill us. I’m freezing already and I can only imagine how Damon is feeling.” She stutters as her teeth chatter.

  I instantly stop my bike.

  Damon stops his a few seconds later.

  “We can hide in the corn fields.” I state before riding the bike into the tall stalks.

  “We’re going to have to keep them warm.” Dillon states exactly what I had been thinking in my mind.

  “I know. We can sleep on either side of them to keep them warm.” I answer.

  Stopping the bike halfway through the field I step off of it and wait for Damon and Harley to join us.

  A few long minutes later they do.

  Harley jumps off of the bike right before Damon sways.

  “Grab him, Parker.” Dillon grunts as he grabs hold of the bike before they could both fall to the ground together.

  I quickly pull Damon’s lifeless body off of the bike.


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