Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1)

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Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1) Page 17

by Raven K. Asher

  “As much as I hate that bastard for what he did to us I sure hope he listens to reason so we can get out of here.” Gage sighs as he places his chin on my head.

  “I hope so too, Gage.” I whisper back.

  26-Escape Plan

  “Okay, so we finally have London on board with whatever plan you come up with, Parker.” Dillon chimes in sounding exhausted a while later.

  “Good, thank you, Dillon. Our main plan is to use a distraction from your side and we will figure out the rest down here, do you think you guys can manage a big enough distraction to lead most of the guards to the top and away from the building?” I question.

  “I think we can manage something like that.” Dillon replies.

  “Alright, we are going to need you to use the distraction on my call. We are going to wait for a certain moment down here, okay?” I request next.

  “Whatever you say, Boss.” Dillon replies.

  Our plan was to use the guard already inside the cell with us.

  When the lady he had talked about opened the door to get him out all four of us would charge the door and hopefully break free.

  The wolves on the outside would draw the attention of the guards so that way we wouldn’t have many to fight through in order to reach the elevator and make our way up into the main building.

  From there it was going to be tricky to get out of the building and through the fence without being killed.

  It was risky but it would be worth it if we got out of this hellhole.

  After that dealing with London this would be a breeze with my pack behind me.

  “This plan will work, Parker.” Gage replies softly, reading my mind.

  His hand brushes over my hair as I lay my head on his chest as we rest on the soft grass of the enclosure we were being kept in.

  “I hope so. Otherwise I don’t know what else we can do.” I sigh sadly.

  “We will escape.” Gage promises.

  I nod and snuggle into him more feeling content in his strong arms.

  “I missed this.” I whisper a few moments later.

  “Me too, Babe, it feels like a lifetime ago since I had you in my arms.” He replies.

  “It has been forever since we were like this in my bed.” I agree.

  “What exactly happened between you and London?” He asks changing the subject.

  “Most of it I can’t remember, thanks to him using his claws on me, and what I do remember I would like to burn from my memory forever.” I sigh as I look up to him.

  “Part of you enjoyed it though, didn’t you?” He inquires gently.

  I bow my head and nod.

  Placing his fingers under my chin he lifts my face to look up at him once more. “Do you love him?”

  “Part of me does, but I don’t know why.” I answer honestly.

  “Then, I’m going to make you forget everything about him.” Gage smirks before flipping us over so I was suddenly below him.

  Damon coughs behind us and Gage turns to snarl at him.

  He raises his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry, but the last time you guys did this we all ended up getting gassed afterwards.”

  Gage curses and looks back to me. “Now, it makes sense.”

  I raise my brow in question. “What makes sense, Gage?”

  “This, all of this, me and you, they want to breed the perfect wolf and we practically handed it to them when we did this last time.” Gage explains while pushing up off of me to stand to his feet. “They gassed us so quickly after we made love last time so they could take away what I gave to you.”

  My jaw drops as I prop myself up on my elbows.

  “That’s really messed up.” Rowan states exactly what I had wanted to say.

  It really was messed up.

  It was barbaric and wrong to do against our kind, anyone for that matter.

  Holding his hand out to me Rowan pulls me to my feet.

  “This place needs to be destroyed if we ever get out of here.” Gage growls out while he begins to pace. “The packs need to unite and destroy everything they’ve created here.”

  “We will but first we need this plan to go perfectly, so no touching Parker. I really don’t want to be gassed again.” Damon ends with a light chuckle.

  “To hell with this place, as soon as we get out of here you can spend as much time as you want with Parker, Gage.” Rowan states with barely held in anger.

  With a loud fierce growl Gage stops his pacing and immediately storms over to the cowering guard in the corner by the door.

  He picks him up by the neck, dangling his inches from the ground with a single arm.

  “What have they done in here?” He snarls into the guards face.

  He glances to me with wide eyes for help but I only shake my head. “Tell him what you know. I can’t stop him this time.” I reply sternly.

  He visibly gulps before turning his eyes back to Gage. “They…they were going to use your DNA to produce a pack of stronger wolves that they could introduce into the different packs. They wanted them to become spies of sorts.”

  Gage curses. “What else?”

  “They were also going to use them to destroy all living wolves. They want your kind exterminated. There was talk about placing something within the wolves they create so that when everything was done they could remotely destroy them too.” The guard answers quickly.

  This time we all curse.

  “Is there anything else you know, anything else you’ve heard?” Gage questions lowering the guard to his feet.

  He shakes his head. “I’m not even supposed to know what I’ve told you. The only reason I know is because Sully can’t keep his mouth shut when he’s drunk.”

  “Do they have any of these wolves already out there?” Rowan questions while stepping up next to Gage.

  “They might, but I know they were waiting for him and his mate to be joined before they really begun their work.” The guard answers honestly.

  Letting his grip go on the guard Gage turns to me with sad eyes. “I’m so sorry for this, Parker.”

  “You didn’t know, Gage. None of us knew, otherwise we would have stopped ourselves.” I reply softly.

  “Hey, we’ve got a lot of activity up here, Parker.” Dillon suddenly chimes in.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. It almost appears to be some sort of shift change. There’s a large group of people coming and an even larger group leaving the Island.” He answers.

  “Okay, I’m taking it that we will be placing our plan into action soon so wait for my directions.” I reply.

  “We will be ready and waiting, Parker. Be careful.” He sighs.

  “I will be, Dillon.” I promise.

  “The shift change is happening.” I state out loud for Gage and the others to hear.

  Gage nods as he moves to hold me in his arms. “We will get out of here soon then.”

  I nod and bury my face into his chest.

  My heart flutters with nerves.

  This wasn’t going to be an easy escape and my worst fear was losing someone along the way.

  I had already lost my fair share lately and I just wasn’t sure I could stand to lose anyone else especially not at the hands of people hell bent on destroying our kind.

  “I’m scared, Gage.” I whisper softly as I peer up into his eyes.

  “I know you are, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t because I’m scared too. I’m afraid of losing you again especially when I just got you back.” He replies with a passionate kiss.

  “Do you think we will escape?” I question.

  He nods confidently. “We will.”

  “No matter what, we will get out of this place.” Rowan reassures as he moves up beside us.

  Letting go of Gage I move into Rowan’s outstretched arms.

  After a few moments in his arms I feel him nod above me before he hugs me tightly and then hands me back to Gage.

  Deep down I knew they had had a silent conver
sation regarding me.

  But it wasn’t something I wanted to think about because being without Gage wasn’t going to be an option.

  If he died then so would I.

  That’s what mates did for each other.

  They didn’t get over the bond breaking from a death.

  My father certainly had never gotten over my human mother’s death so I could only imagine how a death to a true mate would be.

  Those were things I just couldn’t think of right now.

  All I needed to think about was escaping.

  Everything else would have to wait in the back of my mind until afterwards.

  When the dust settled and we were free.

  27-Breaking Free

  We watch calmly through the glass as Sully walks past with a group of guards.

  They appeared to be leaving for the day.

  And as they pass a new group of guards we get our answer when they wave their goodbyes.

  Soon the guard in our cell stands to his feet and peers out the door’s window as people in white lab coats begin to pass by.

  One woman catches his eye and he begins pounding on the glass.

  She stops with a look of horror as she moves to the door quickly.

  It was exactly the reaction we had wanted and the guard on our side was playing his frantic part perfectly.

  Of course it was purely fear considering Gage had all but promised to tear him limb-from-limb if our plan failed.

  He may have also described how he would allow his wolf to eat out his insides as we forced him to watch.

  Gage was very detailed and even I found myself shivering in fear from his threat.

  “We need to get ready.” Gage whispers into each of our heads.

  One-by-one we all nod giving him our signals that we were ready.

  We were all standing in different positions around the cell making it appears as if there was no real possible threat.

  But what they didn’t know was how well organized our attack would be.

  “Help me. Sully threw me in here to die, Miss Lux.” The guard pleads.

  The woman curses on the other side of the door, and then glances towards us for a moment before making some sort of decision.

  “Are they a danger right this moment?” She questions quickly.

  “I don’t know.” The guard answers in fear as Rowan growls behind him. “I don’t think I have much time before they decide to attack me though, Miss Lux.”

  She nods while watching us for a few more moments.

  Her hand slides into her pocket and we hear the distinct sound of keys before she pulls out a ring of them.

  We all tense in preparation as she slowly slides the key into the door, she then turns it.

  The click of the lock sounds through the cell like a bell of freedom.

  As the door slowly squeaks open we all charge changing into our wolf forms as we catch the woman off guard.

  She gasps in fear as she closes her eyes waiting for us to deal the killing blow but we all just run right past her.

  There was no reason to kill the only kind person in the place.

  Running down the hallways at full speed we search quickly for the elevator that would take us to the top where we could escape from there.

  Alarms soon ring out around us as we run down hallway after hallway.

  “This way, guys.” I command as I catch the faint scent of fresh air.

  Sure enough we find the elevator at the end of this hallway.

  But our luck falls short when the doors are closed and the numbers at the top are ticking downwards.

  Only two things could greet us when it opened.

  Either we would face a small group of lab coats or we would face a group of guards armed with guns.

  Whatever was on that elevator was going to die one way or another.

  They were evil people.

  They weren’t innocent.

  As the elevator dings the doors slide open revealing two guards.

  Before they can even react we pounce on them.

  Gage and Rowan kill the first unlucky guard.

  And Damon and I kill the second.

  Luckily Damon saves me from the horrors of taking the guards life as he rips the man’s throat out killing the light in his eyes.

  I was thankful for him but sooner or later I would have to bloody my hands.

  It was just part of our life.

  We killed.

  Blood would always stain our hands for as long as we were alive.

  Once we are all inside the elevator safely Gage hits a button to stop it between floors so we could have a few moments before we would have to fight our way through the guards we knew would be waiting for us once we reached the top.

  “We need that distraction soon, Dillon.” I order as I change into my human form.

  “Already on it, we have more than half of the guards after us already but there’s still a lot more that stayed behind.” Dillon replies quickly.

  I curse loudly as my eyes meet Gage’s.

  “It’s going to be bad, isn’t it?” He asks.

  I nod. “We have more than half the guards to get through before we’re free.”

  “Well, at least we have a few guns.” Rowan states as he plucks the guns from the two dead guards still in the elevator with us.

  He hands both over to Damon. “You would probably work best with these.”

  Damon nods. “Yeah, I’m better with my guns than I am with my teeth.”

  Taking a deep breath Gage hits the button restarting the elevator.

  It jerks upward.

  “I need one last kiss, Babe.” Gage commands softly as he tugs me into his arms.

  Raising my lips to his we quickly get lost in each other, our tongues tangle in a heated passion that I could live in forever.

  His words though made this feel as if it would be the last kiss we shared.

  A dark cloud was hanging over our heads.

  Leaning back Gage searches my eyes. “I love you, Parker. I love you with every fiber of my being.”

  “I love you too, Gage. I always did and I always will.” I reply before pressing my lips back to his.

  “If I don’t make it, I need you to go on. The pack will need you to take this place down.” Gage whispers into my mind.

  I lean back shaking my head. “You’re not allowed to leave me alone.”

  “But if something happens…” He trails off as I place my finger across his lips to stop his words.

  “You’re not leaving me.” I whisper sternly.

  Gage smiles sweetly. “Fine, I will never leave you.”

  “That’s all I wanted to hear.” I whisper softly.

  With that he kisses me one last time before we both transform back into our wolves along with Rowan while Damon holds both guns in front of him like some bad ass Hunter.

  The elevator dings as we reach the top and as the doors slide open we are met with an angry line of guards with their guns aimed directly at us.

  Damon shoots as we lunge forward attacking whoever we could.

  Shots ring out around us.

  I yelp as one slices through my ear.

  “Are you alright?” Gage growls worried.

  “I’m fine.” I reply back as I end the life of the man below my teeth.

  Blood splatters across my fur as I turn to kill another guard.

  Even though these men had been ready to kill us I had to continue to remind myself of the horrors that they had created below.

  I had to remind myself that if I didn’t kill them now then I would lose one of my pack members.

  “Shit.” Damon curses as he falls down to the ground.

  I rush to make my way over to him fearing the worst.

  From his position he continues to fire with one arm as he cradles the other to his chest.

  “Where are you hurt?” I question quickly in his mind.

  “My arm, they shot me in my arm.” He answers out loud.

forming into my human form I quickly make work healing his wound so he could continue fighting for us.

  His guns were a very valuable weapon right now and not one we could lose.

  If we did then we would be doomed.

  Damon was the only one really leveling off the playing field.

  “Thanks, Parker.” Damon grunts as I change back into my wolf and he grabs for a new gun with his newly healed arm.

  “Parker, you better hurry the guards heard the shots and are headed right back for the building.” Dillon practically yells with fear into my mind.

  “We need to get out of here now, Gage.” I call out.

  Regrouping quickly we head towards the door to exit the building.

  Most of the guards inside were dead now so there wasn’t much to worry about.

  What I feared more was the guards that were going to be rushing at us when we decided to leave the protection that the small building gave us.

  When the elevator dings behind us we don’t get the chance to decide whether we were ready to leave.

  More guards were on their way and if we didn’t leave now we would be caught in the crossfire.

  “Run, now.” Gage orders us all.

  Running full speed outside we are unfortunately met by a long line of guns aimed at us again.

  We all skid to a stop before shots begin to ring out.

  Then loud growls sound out behind the men shooting at us.

  London and his group were attacking now.

  We had a little luck on our side.

  Rushing forward once more our pack tears through the men while shots graze our fur and blood splatters all around us like some sort of morbid rain.

  From an outsiders point of view I’m sure it would have appeared to be a scene cut from a horror movie.

  I know living it was similar to being trapped inside a horror movie with no way out.

  As the bodies of the guards drop things begin to look up for us.

  The large gate was open making escape easy once the guards were all finished off.

  Fighting my way through the remaining men I find myself fighting side-by-side with none other than London.

  He gives me a wolf grin as we take out one of the men together.

  When the last man falls under Rowan’s teeth the rest of us quickly transform into our human forms to take in the scene.


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