“What if the pirates have gone and taken all of our supplies and equipment with them?” asked Lindsay.
“What if they haven't gone?” said Richard as he pulled out a lighter and started the fire. “We can't afford to have a large fire. They may see the smoke.”
“As thick as that rain is out there,” said Lindsay. “They wouldn't see it if we caught the roof on fire.”
“But it can stop at a moment's notice,” said Richard. “These storms can be really freaky.”
“If Professor Kingston is right,” said Lindsay, “they're more than just freaky. They're downright unnatural.”
“That's what we're here to find out,” said Richard. “But we're not going to do much without our equipment.”
“I'm still amazed that you were able to put two and two together,” said Lindsay, “and it led us back to the triangle.”
“Superstorms and earthquakes don't just suddenly start appearing for no reason,” said Richard. “There had to be a cause.”
“But to tie it all to increased activity in the Triangle,” said Lindsay, “and the way you tied it together. That's what was so amazing.”
“They had the supercomputer and the data,” said Richard. “I just came up with the reverse approach. Instead of trying to predict the upcoming weather, with all the unknown variables, I decided to have them trace a superstorm back to its origin. No unknowns, no variables, just hard data and you saw the results.”
“Every superstorm they traced had its origin in the Bermuda Triangle,” said Lindsay. “It was the Butterfly Effect all over again.”
“And if we can tie the storms in with the alien's activity here,” said Richard, “maybe we can convince the aliens to stop what they're doing. It'll no longer be just a case of a few lost sailors. We're talking about worldwide catastrophes.”
“And what if they don't listen?” asked Lindsay. “What if they just erase our memories again?”
“When Professor Kingston's report is released, there will be so many people snooping around in the Triangle,” said Richard. “Someone will surely discover the answer.”
“And if it's not the aliens that are causing the increased activity?” asked Lindsay.
“Then someone will have to discover the real cause,” said Richard. “But my money's on the aliens.”
“How are we going to contact them,” asked Lindsay, “if their di-lithium refinery is at the bottom of the ocean or even deeper beneath the ocean floor as we suspect?”
“We may have to return to the mine in Costa Rica,” said Richard. “But when we do, I want to have data to back up our arguments.”
“How do they get the crystals here,” asked Lindsay, “and how do they get them into the ships after they're refined? UFO activity isn't being reported in either area. At least not an abnormal amount of activity.”
“That is puzzling,” said Richard. “And that's something we're gonna have to figure out. Especially if we're going to try to contact them here in the Triangle.”
“Well, unless we can recover our equipment and supplies,” said Lindsay, “we'll have to worry about our own survival. Saving the world will have to wait.”
“Is sleeping part of your survival plan,” asked Richard, “or do you want to talk about aliens all night?”
“Sleeping would be nice,” said Lindsay.
“We've circled the clearing and there's no sign of any parachutes,” said Lindsay. “If it wasn't for that one still in the tree, I'd think we were on the wrong island.”
“Or they dropped the supplies on the wrong island,” said Richard. “But someone drug something away from that tree where the parachute is. Let's follow their trail back down to the beach. Maybe we'll find some answers.”
“What do you think happened?” asked Lindsay.
“I'm thinking some pirates saw the airdrop, came ashore, stole the equipment and supplies and sailed away to shores unknown,” said Richard. “It's a good thing you've already sold the manufacturing rights for your machine. You'll probably never see the original again.”
“Do you know how long it took to develop my data base,” said Lindsay.
“I should,” said Richard. “You used my rock collection to develop a lot of it.”
“We wouldn't have met if it wasn't for that machine,” said Lindsay. “If I come across the jerks that stole it, somebody is gonna walk the plank.”
“This is where the trail splits,” said Richard. “We came up that way and they came this way. Keep your eyes open for any clues.”
“There's got to be at least a dozen of them,” said Lindsay. “Look at all the tracks.”
“We can't be sure of that,” said Richard. “They might have made a couple of trips.”
“For all we know, one pirate made a dozen trips,” said Lindsay. “Looking for clues and guessing at what they mean is a waste of time. Let's look for food.”
“I've been looking,” said Richard as he pulled out his machete. “We'll be lucky to find berries and they might be poison. The sea is our only safe source of food. I'm gonna cut us some cane spears.”
“Have you ever done any spear fishing?” asked Lindsay.
“In scuba gear,” said Richard. “Hopefully we can find some tidal pools. It will be like shooting fish in a barrel.”
“Ever shot any fish in a barrel?” asked Lindsay. “I didn't think so.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” said Richard.
“I'm sorry, Richard, but I'm hungry, I'm wet, I'm dirty, and I'm pissed,” said Lindsay. “I guess I got up on the wrong side of the rock.”
“You've got to keep a positive outlook,” said Richard. “We're gonna get through this.”
“The tracks ended as soon as we hit the sand,” said Lindsay. “We don't even know which way they went.”
“The trail was heading that way when it met the beach,” said Richard. “Let's go that way for a while and see if there are any tidal pools. The tide's just now beginning to recede.”
“Those islands out there,” said Lindsay. “Are they inhabited?”
“Don't know,” said Richard. “We'll have to look for lights when it gets dark. But what difference does it make. There's no way we can swim that far. Beside, there are sharks in these waters.”
“Maybe we could light a signal fire tonight,” said Lindsay.
“And attract the pirates,” said Richard. “I'm not sure that's a good idea.”
“We could pay them a ransom to get us back to civilization,” said Lindsay. “Do you think they'll take American Express.”
“Oh, they'll take it all right,” said Richard. “To pay for our burial at sea.”
“What I wouldn't give for a candy bar right now,” said Lindsay.
“Darn it, Lindsay,” said Richard. “Now you've got me thinking about candy bars. I put some in our supplies, you know.”
“What kind?” asked Lindsay. “No! Don't tell me. I don't want to know.”
“Nothing but beach as far as the eye can see,” said Richard. “If the whole island is like this, we'll have to wade out past those waves to find any fish.”
“There's got to be some closer to the shore,” said Lindsay. “That's at least a quarter mile out. What about the sharks? You spear a fish that far out and you'll attract every shark for miles before you can get back to shore.”
“The fish are here, but you can't spear them if you can't see 'em,” said Richard. “Look at how murky the water is.”
“Let's keep going,” said Lindsay. “Maybe the other side of the island will be different. They were Milky Ways, weren't they?”
“Mounds,” said Richard.
“Mounds!” exclaimed Lindsay. “You know I'm allergic to coconut!”
“Then you're not missing anything,” said Richard. “Think about something else. When the tide's out, we may be able to dig up some clams.”
“That will be hours,” said Lindsay. “I'm hungry
now. I'm gonna look for berries.”
“All the berries I've seen are still green,” said Richard. “They'll just make you sick. Even if they aren't poison.”
“But you promised me breakfast,” said Lindsay. “That's what got me through the night.”
“All right,” said Richard as he turned over a rock exposing several grubs. “Breakfast is served.”
“I'll pass,” said Lindsay. “I just lost my appetite. Besides, I'm on a restricted seafood diet.”
“So. You eat any food you see,” laughed Richard.
“No!” said Lindsay. “If my food can see me, I'm not eating it.”
“So we're through thinking about food?” said Richard.
“Yeah,” said Lindsay. “Now that I know there's plenty, I can be picky.”
“Okay then,” said Richard. “Let see what's on the other side of this island.”
“Look,” said Lindsay. “A freshwater stream flowing down to the ocean.”
“That sounds like a waterfall,” said Richard. “Let's follow it upstream and check it out.”
“It is a waterfall,” said Lindsay as she started removing her clothes. “And a large pool. I'm going in.”
“Wait for me,” said Richard. “Race you to the other side.”
“This is great and the water temperature is just right,” said Lindsay. “It's just cool enough to be refreshing. Where are you going?”
“Be right back,” said Richard. “I've gotta check this out.”
“Why are you cutting more spears?” asked Lindsay. “We probably won't even used the ones we've got.”
“It's sugarcane,” said Richard as he bit into a piece of cane. “Catch!”
“Oh, this is heaven,” said Lindsay. “It's so sweet. You're so sweet. Come on over here.”
“Where are you going?” asked Richard as Lindsay climbed out of the water and onto a large flat rock.
“I'm gonna take a shower,” said Lindsay and she stood beneath the waterfall. “Join me.”
“Where'd you go?” asked Richard as he reached the rock.
“Back here. Behind the waterfall.” said Lindsay. “There's a cave back here. I can see a light.”
“Sunlight?” asked Richard.
“I don't think so,” said Lindsay. “Hurry up. See for yourself.”
“Quiet,” said Richard as he walked through the waterfall. “Someone may be in there.”
“Are we gonna check it out?” asked Lindsay.
“Of course,” said Richard. “But try not to make a sound. Watch your step. Better give me your hand.”
“It's our stuff,” said Lindsay. “There's my machine.”
“Shh!” said Richard. “You'll wake up the dead.”
“How did it get here?” asked Lindsay. “Do you think the pirates are still here on the island?”
“They're obviously not here,” said Richard. “They would have heard us by now.”
“Is that a Milky Way wrapper on that table?” asked Lindsay. “It is. You did bring Milky Ways. Why did you lie to me?”
“I just wanted to get your mind off of candy bars,” said Richard.
“They don't look like pirates to me,” came a female voice from the shadows.
“How many nude pirates have you seen lately?” came another more masculine voice.
Lindsay grabbed a sheet off one of the cots and wrapped it around her as two strangers stepped into the light. “Did you say these items belong to you?” asked the young man. “We thought pirates were setting up shop on the island.”
“Who are you and what are you doing on this island?” asked Richard.
“For god's sakes, Richard,” said Lindsay. “Put something on. Can't you see there's a woman present.”
“Toss me a sheet,” said Richard. “Is that one of my suits he's wearing?”
“I want to know who ate the candy bar,” said Lindsay. “There had better be some left.”
“We were hungry,” said Antonio. “We've been shipwrecked here for almost two weeks.”
“I ate most of it,” said Maria. “Don't blame Tony. We didn't know it was yours. We thought ...”
“Pirates,” said Lindsay. “You thought there were pirates. I can see where you might get that idea. Huh, Richard?”
“Okay, so I was wrong,” said Richard. “I didn't hear you coming up with a better explanation.”
“Well, we've got one now,” said Lindsay. “Hi, I'm Lindsay and this is Richard. Pleased to meet you.”
“Hi, I'm Maria and this is my Tony.” said Maria. “Do you have a boat? Can we go home now?”
“Richard can use the shortwave to contact the boat,” said Lindsay. “We'll have you home in no time.”
“The shortwave?” asked Maria. “Square box, heavy, with lots of tiny pieces inside?”
“Yeah,” said Lindsay.
“We droped it,” said Maria.
“You dropped it!” exclaimed Lindsay.
“A couple of times,” said Maria. “Tony has been trying to fix it.”
“Where is it?” asked Richard.
“Over there,” said Maria. “And over there and some of it's over there.”
“I'm afraid we're stuck here too,” said Lindsay. “At least for the next month.”
“We'd be willing to share our supplies in return for your help,” said Richard. “And then we'll give you a ride home.”
“How can we help?” asked Tony.
“We'll get into that later,” said Richard. “What's for lunch?”
“We've hardly touched your food supplies,” said Tony, “except for the salt and spices. We didn't know how long it would have to last us. This time of the year, we're up to our ears in crabs. You can't even walk on the beach at night without stepping on one.”
“I was just getting ready to cook up a batch of molasses,” said Maria. “I was going to make some rum but now it looks like we want be here long enough for it to ferment.”
“With my sweettooth, the molasses won't be around long enough,” said Lindsay.
“Build a hut,” said Tony. “We had thought about doing that on the beach, but we were afraid the pirates would spot it too easily.”
“We need it built on top of the hill,” said Richard. “We've got a better view from up there.”
“In case the pirates come?” asked Maria.
“Enough with the pirates already,” said Lindsay. “We need to keep a close watch on the weather.”
“I can tell you what the weather will do,” said Tony, “and I haven't even been paying attention. It's going to rain, then it's going to rain some more.”
“Should we give them the whole story?” asked Lindsay.
“Might as well,” said Richard. “When the report comes out, it won't be a secret much longer.”
“Aliens, huh,” said Tony as he smiled at Maria. “They don't need any more rum.”
“We're serious,” said Lindsay. “You've seen firsthand what these storms are like. Look where you two ended up.”
“The weather is getting weirder all the time,” said Maria. “Maybe there's something to what they're saying.”
“We'll help you,” said Tony. “If only for the ride home. But I'm gonna need a little more proof before I start believing in E.T.”
“I can't eat another bite,” said Lindsay. “It was delicious, Maria. I'm gonna want your recipe for that sauce. That was the best crab I've ever eaten.”
“You were just hungry,” said Maria. “You'll get tired of it soon enough after three meals a day.”
“You said you were shipwrecked,” said Richard. “Where's what's left of your boat?”
“It capsized at sea during a storm,” said Tony. “We woke up on shore. I have no idea how we got here. We weren't anywhere near these islands when the storm began.”
“It was a mir
acle,” said Maria as she made a motion across her chest with her hands then kissed her rosary.