Stud_Motorcycle Club Romance

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Stud_Motorcycle Club Romance Page 17

by ML Nystrom

  “Come on, baby. Let’s get you warmed up in the shower.” He pulled at her icy hands and she stood up to follow him into the bathroom. He turned on the water, making it as hot as he thought she could stand. He stripped them both quickly and got her under the spray, letting the water soak through her hair and run down her back. She shivered once, and he enfolded her again in his arms, pressing her breasts against his chest and wrapping her tight.

  “You’re safe, baby. I got you,” he murmured, his lips to her wet head.

  It was then that she broke. She cried out, her scream echoing in the tiled chamber. She clawed at him, fighting and gouging her fingers into his arms, chest, back, anywhere she could reach. She punched and hammered at him, twisting to get away, then clutched him close. Stud held on while she fought her way through. This took a long time, as she was a strong woman, physically and mentally. Stud knew he would be sporting a lot of bruises come morning, and he was glad she didn’t have long fingernails, as he would have been bloody too.

  She finally tired out and settled, crying hard. Stud had never seen this side of her either, and her tears tore at him worse than her hands had. He kissed her temple, murmuring more comforting words, stroking her naked back. He moved down to kiss her ear, tracing the rim with his tongue, feeling her shudder at the contact. Her breathing deepened, and she pressed against him, clinging. He kissed down her neck and shoulder, biting lightly, listening to the soft moan that came from her throat. He tilted his head and held one breast up, teasing her nipple into a tight bud before sucking it deep in his mouth. She gasped and arched her back, offering him better access. He took it, rolling the other in his fingers, switching back and forth between them. He played with her breasts until she was writhing with need. His dick hardened, rising up between her legs, but he ignored it as best he could. This was for her. He got to his knees and pulled one of her thighs over his shoulders, spreading her open to his mouth. He licked at her clit, sucking it gently. She moaned again and pressed into him, asking for more. He gave it. He slid a finger inside her wet opening, hooking it against the secret spot only he knew about in her body. Her muscles clenched at his stroking digit and his dick went rock-hard, feeling her channel grip him. She cried out and came, her juices flowing from her to mingle with the shower stream. Stud licked her sensitive bud of flesh a few more times, then stood, fisting his own cock, and finished himself off against her stomach. The water was starting to grow cold. He washed them off quickly and got them out of the shower, dried off, and into the bed. Clothes could wait.

  Stud lay on his back, Eva curled into his side with his arm around her. He stroked her drying hair that was starting to curl and kissed her forehead. Touching her had become such a habit he didn’t think about it anymore. A few sounds filtered into the room, other people moving around, a TV turning on, and cars going by. Still, Stud continued to stroke and hold Eva. She was now relaxing and starting to drift off.

  “Stay with me,” he asked, his voice soft but strong and sure. “Come back to Bryson City and stay with me. I have a condo. Plenty of room for you and your sewing machine. Your lounge pants and other stuff are selling like hot cakes, and I’ll help you get the insurance sorted and deal with the legal stuff if they won’t pay out. Until that happens, you don’t have to make any other decisions right now other than this one.”

  She shifted, wide awake now. “Fuck my life!” she declared, erupting from the bed. Stud was not expecting it and froze at the sight and feel of her naked body suddenly straddling his. She put her hands on his shoulders as if to hold him down and stared into his eyes.

  “I’m over this bullshit. The whole ride to get here, I was hoping for a sign. I wanted to quit the crew and come back with you to Bryson City. I guess I got my sign. A fucking huge one that just had to include a fuckin’ bonfire so everyone could see it! I love all my brothers, but Connor is right. The time is way past for us to make our own ways. I can’t say what I feel about Da just yet. I’m mad as hell at him, but I know he is who he is and he’s not gonna change. Maybe someday I’ll get over my house, but right now, I don’t want to see or talk to him.”

  She sat back a bit, her naked core settling on his quickly hardening dick. “Damn! I just wish my Jimmy Choos had survived. I’m gonna miss those shoes!”

  Stud could have rejoiced. This was the Eva he knew and loved.

  “Are we starting something serious between us? Dare I even ask if this is the R-word you don’t like and run from anytime you can? Because right now, I’m not up to dealing with half-ass crap. So you be real sure that’s what you want.” Her green eyes snapped fire.

  Stud’s smile became huge. “Yes, I promise you this is serious, Eva,” he answered, placing his hands on her hips. “I want you to be in my life and in my bed.”

  “I will not share,” she stated emphatically. “If I move in, it’s exclusive. I won’t be a scheduled night. No biker bunny Bambis or Nikkis or anyone else. Can you promise me that?”

  “Guess threesomes are out,” Stud muttered.

  “Asshole!” Eva growled, and moved to dismount.

  Stud laughed out loud, arched his torso, and flipped her to her back, pushing her legs apart and pressing his throbbing cock between them.

  “I’m teasing you, baby. I promise no one else will ever take your place. This is real. This is solid.” Stud didn’t hesitate.

  Eva rolled her hips against his hardness. “Does that make me your old lady?” she asked. “If I have to wear a property patch, that’s fine, but I really want to get my own bike. Riding bitch gets old quick.”

  Stud gave her his half smile as he slid inside her. She took a quick breath at his surprise entry. “Yeah, Cactus, I’ll put my patch on you and get you a bike too. You’ll need to get on the pill, ASAP. We’ve been taking a few chances. Not that I’d mind a rug rat or two, but let’s get a few years under our belts first.”


  Three months later

  Stud settled back into the couch at the Lair, a video game controller in his hands and a beer at his side. Several other brothers were around, him just hanging out. It was a lazy Saturday afternoon in late fall. The weather was cooling off and the leaves were turning the mountains into seas of reds and golds. Eva had gone into town to drop off a load of new sewing projects and to pick up some supplies. Stud knew she would come back with saddlebags full of material. Her lounge pants were flying off the shelves and being shipped around the country just as fast as she could make them. A number of custom quilts had been commissioned and a few local women had asked about dresses as well. The River’s Edge bar was going strong and busy as ever, and the club’s other businesses were flourishing. Life was good. Real good, and he hoped nothing would change that.

  Eva stomped into the Lair. Clearly, she was pissed as hell. She spotted Stud on the couch and pointed a finger at him.

  “You asshole!” she yelled. “This is your fault!”

  Stud threw up his hands in defense. “What I’d do?”

  One of the guys coughed behind his hand “whipped!”

  She stomped over to him and threw something on his lap. “This is what you did, and you did it deliberately!”

  She switched to a singsong voice, her eyes fluttering and going all girly-girl for a moment. “Oh, sweetheart, you can’t get pregnant so soon after your period. Let’s not worry about condoms this time. No probs! Arrgh!”

  She switched back to her usual self and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I can’t help it that the pill made me sick and I couldn’t take it! You planned this out perfectly, didn’t you?”

  Stud stared at her fuming face and picked up the white stick sitting near his hardening crotch. Two pink lines met his eyes.

  “You’re pregnant,” he stated calmly, standing.

  “Yes, I am! I’m due the same week as that big rally the club goes to every year, and thanks to you, now I can’t go! Well, I’m telling you now, Daddy, if I can’t, then you can’t either! Your ass is going to stay right
here and hold my hand when I’m in that labor room pushing—”

  Stud cut off her tirade by kissing her silent, much to the amusement of the spectators.

  “Woooooooh! Stud the man, gonna be a daddy!”

  “That’s right, buddy! Get her knocked up and keep her that way!”

  “Get a room! No wait, you already did! Hahaha!”

  Stud said nothing. He pulled a small pouch out of his pocket and opened it. Eva went speechless at the sight of him sliding the huge rock on her left ring finger.

  “No place I’d rather be than with you while you give life to our firstborn. Sons are cool, but I want at least one little girl.”

  “Fuck me sideways!” she breathed, holding up her newly adorned hand.

  “Think he already did, darlin’!” came a comment from the couch.

  Eva rolled her eyes and tried to recover some of her attitude. Stud loved that about her and smiled his half smile. Eva growled.

  “I’ve got too much stuff going on to plan a big wedding. I hope you don’t want it ’cause I’m not doing it! We can get married at the church one afternoon.”

  Stud chuckled and hugged her close. “You know Betsey, right? Small wedding, my ass! I just have one request, baby.”

  Eva looked up. “What’s that?”

  Stud grinned at her. “Instead of carrying a big bunch of flowers, you have to carry a potted plant. A cactus!”

  Irish/Gaelic definitions

  Fecks Fools (used to describe someone who has pissed you off)

  beag deirfiúr Little sister

  deartháir mór Big brother

  fireann singil Single man

  cailín leisciúil Lazy girl

  Amaideach bodalán Idiotic asshole

  a stóirín Little darling

  mo rún My love

  Also by ML Nystrom

  Dragon Riders





  A big fat thank-you for reading Stud and Eva’s story. Stud showed up when I was working on Mute, book one and he kept talking to me like he needed his own story. Only a strong woman would be able to handle the Dragon Runner’s playboy and thus Eva came to mind.

  One issue that sometimes bothers me in book series is when the characters all start looking and sounding the same. This is why I wanted to make a big change with Stud and Eva. In book one, Mute is the bulky, silent, menacing badass type no one wants to be around or mess with, and Kat is the shy, quiet, mousy woman in the corner who would rather not be seen. Somehow they work it out. Stud is the popular, playboy, college-educated man everyone wants a piece of, and Eva is the in-your-face, muscular, blue-collar worker who is not afraid to fight her own battles and will stand up for yours as well.

  I think most women can identify with Eva a bit, in that she gets judged by her appearance, her bold attitude, and her occupation. I’ve dealt with some of that myself in my career as a band instrument repair tech, meaning the field is largely male oriented. My work has been questioned by people more than once because of my gender and not my abilities. This is not a good feeling, but I have to say it’s getting better as people are starting to accept women in previously forbidden occupations. There are more women in BIR than ever and they are making a difference to the ones coming into the field. Keep it up!

  Speaking of strong women, I have to give a big thank-you to all those ladies who helped bring Stud to life. I am very grateful to the beta readers, Brittany Alexander, Barbara Hoover, Franci Neill, Kolleen Fraser, Randie Creamer, and Andrea Robinson for pointing out the details I missed and keeping it real. Liv, you’re fantastic! Please be picky! As always, a big thank-you to the Hot Tree Publishing team: Becky, Justine, Donna, and anyone else I might have missed. I couldn’t do this without the support of these wonderful women! A big shout out to the sisterhood of bloggers who help promote the work of women authors. Love all of you and I will be eternally grateful for your support! Ni neart go cur le cheile! (There is strength in unity).

  About the Author

  ML Nystrom had stories in her head since she was a child. All sorts of stories of fantasy, romance, mystery, and anything else that captured her interest. A voracious reader, she’s spent many hours devouring books; therefore, she found it only fitting she should write a few herself!

  ML has spent most of my life as a performing musician and band instrument repair technician, but that doesn’t mean she’s pigeonholed into one mold. She’s been a university professor, belly dancer, craftsperson, soap maker, singer, rock band artist, jewelry maker, lifeguard, swim coach, and whatever else she felt like exploring. As one of her students said to her once, “Life’s too short to ignore the opportunities.” She has no intention of ever stopping... so welcome to her story world. She hopes you enjoy it!


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