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Counter-Hex (Covencraft Book 2)

Page 11

by Margarita Gakis

Dex nodded. "He mentioned it yes. He wanted Veronica and I to be on the look out for any magic shifts or changes in our own Covens. So far our Covens report back as unaffected."

  "What about your own magic?" Jade asked instantly.

  Dex quirked his lips. "I confess, I do find it affected. It started sometime last night, I think. It's like... an inkdrop in a bucket of water - swirling around and changing the color."

  Jade shrugged one shoulder. "Maybe you should go home. You might find that once you leave, your magic will improve."

  Callie looked at Jade quickly, eyebrows coming together in a frown at Jade's tone.

  "I thought about it and discussed it with Paris and Veronica, but since we don't know the cause, we all agreed it might be best if we stay here. If we're somehow infected, we could potentially be bringing that problem back to our Covens. As long as they report no issues, I'm happier staying here until it's resolved."

  Jade faked a smile, but by the looks on Henri and Callie's faces, she didn't fake it well.

  "How is your magic?" Dex asked, his eyes settling on Jade. His gaze made her twitchy.

  Jade thought about lying, but knowing that the entire Counter-Magic Department had been there for her test, decided against it. "Unaffected," she said flatly.

  Dex's eyebrows went up. "Well, that's a lucky break. Any thoughts on why?"

  "As you said, just lucky, I guess."

  She saw one of his fingers tapping against the side of his coffee cup. Jade felt like she was in a Mexican stand-off. He was clearly trying to get her to talk more, and she wasn't biting.

  "It could be because Jade is so new to the Coven," Callie broke in. "Or maybe it has to do with her being born outside it." Dex didn't take his eyes from Jade as Callie spoke, only leaning over slightly as she talked.

  "Lucky indeed for you."

  Something in his tone, in his posture, in his face made the hair on the back of her neck itch. Jade's eyes shifted quickly to Henri and Callie, but neither one of them seemed at all perturbed by Dex. Seriously? This guy was their friend? No one found him creepy but Jade? She knew her creep-o-meter was more sensitive than others, but come on.

  "Callie, Henri, thanks for the coffee break," Jade said. "Dex." She added nothing past his name, leaving it hanging awkwardly in the air. As she started walking out of the cafeteria, she heard Callie explaining to Dex that Jade just took a while to warm up to people and not to take it personally. Jade wanted to march right back and tell Callie she didn't need to explain her behavior to anyone and that if Jade wanted to dislike someone, it was her choice and no one else had to give two shits about it. Looking over her shoulder and seeing Callie's big eyes so genuine and wide made Jade feel churlish and childish. Callie was just being herself - kind, generous and open.

  Pretty much the opposite of Jade. Callie was more like Lily. It was probably one of the reasons why Jade liked Callie so much.

  Now she just felt maudlin on top of feeling a little left out and segregated. So, just your average weekday morning.

  She knew she should head back to Counter-Magic - she'd been away far longer than she could reasonably justify as a coffee break - but instead she found herself taking a right at the top of the third floor landing instead of a left.

  Paris' assistant, Suki, wasn't at her desk. Jade was starting to wonder if Suki was just a disembodied voice that was able to use the telephone, keep Paris organized, and interact with members of the Coven and the Supernatural community at large, all without ever being seen. Jade had yet to meet Suki in person, but saw her name on emails and correspondence from Paris, and had even spoken to her on the phone once. Jade mentioned it once to Callie and Henri and they laughed - of course they had seen Suki. She was just a busy woman and her job generally left her in a mad rush to get things done.

  Jade reserved the right to consider the possibility that Suki was incorporeal until she managed to put her own eyes on the woman.

  With Suki not being at her desk, Jade went straight to Paris' office door, knocked once and entered without waiting for an answer. She stopped short when she stepped in. Paris looked up from his desk, an expectant look on his face. Beside him was one of the most beautiful women Jade had ever seen. Blonde hair, green eyes, perfect features. She was like one of those really fancy cats. Jade didn't know what they were called, but they were the kind you would see in pictures with royalty, looking better than all the humans surrounding them. Jade heard a quote once that cats used to be worshipped as royalty - and cats remembered that. The unknown woman had that same sort of presence - like Jade was in the midst of some kind of reagent. She was standing next to Paris as he sat, right in his space, her hand on the back of his chair, her body bent in half as she leaned over to look at something on his computer. She was pristinely dressed - sharp, crisp white shirt tucked perfectly into a navy pencil skirt, her honey blonde hair in some kind of upswept do. Her green eyes settled on Jade and she smiled.

  Even her lipstick was perfect.

  Jade felt shleppy in her jeans and t-shirt tee, ponytail and tennis shoes. Despite her earlier thoughts that morning, she wished she wasn't putting so much 'casual' in 'casual wear.'

  "You must be Jade," the woman said, standing upright, her hand never leaving the back of Paris' chair. "I'm Veronica."

  Jade's eyes darted to Paris quickly and then back to Veronica. Paris stood. "My apologies, I should have introduced you. Jade, as stated, this is Veronica, one of our other Coven Leaders. Veronica, as you have correctly guessed, this is Jade."

  Veronica came out from around the desk and Jade's eyes flicked down to Veronica's feet and yes, she was wearing three-inch heels and walking perfectly in them. Veronica held out her hand and Jade took it, returning the firm, yet not overbearing grip.

  "It's so nice to meet you," Veronica said. She cupped the bottom of Jade's hand while she shook it, her hands soft and warm.

  "I didn't know you were busy, sorry," Jade muttered looking at Paris and wanting to kick herself. She looked back at Veronica. "I mean, it's nice to meet you as well. Sorry for interrupting."

  Veronica stepped back out of Jade's space and leaned against Paris' desk casually, almost sitting on it. She waved a hand dismissively, perfectly French-manicured nails glinting in the light from the bay window. "I'm glad you did. I wanted to meet you." She crossed her arms over her chest. Her white shirt fit her perfectly - not stretching or pulling awkwardly as she moved. Jade had never managed to be comfortable in a shirt like that. She'd always felt constrained and bound. Although Veronica's shirt looked like it cost more than Jade had ever spent on an entire outfit, so that likely had something to do with it.

  "Is something wrong?" asked Paris, taking his seat again.

  Jade pulled her eyes from Veronica back to him. "No, I was just..." she took a breath. "I was just wondering what was going on with the Coven's magic and if you'd found anything out."

  "Veronica and I were just discussing that. Unfortunately, I don't have any real news. Has something happened?"

  Looking between Veronica and Paris, Jade thought they matched - like a tea set or a collection of paintings. Veronica looked totally at ease in Paris' office with its large bay windows, plush carpet and sweeping desk. Jade hadn't even wanted to sit down the first time she came in; she felt too overwhelmed. Veronica clearly felt at home enough to nearly perch on the desk casually, unaffected by the space.

  Jade shook her head. "No. I was just curious."

  Paris' eyes searched her, narrowing slightly at the corners and Jade took a step back. She should leave. She shouldn't have come here and barged in like she had any right to the space.

  "I should get back to Counter-Magic."

  Veronica checked her watch. "I'll walk you out. I'm afraid I must be going as well." She pushed herself off of Paris' desk and then stepped back around, picking up her purse from the floor next to his chair. "I've got a dial-in meeting for my Coven."

  "Do you need a place to work?" asked Paris. Jade felt like she was intruding on t
heir conversation, but since Veronica had indicated she would walk Jade out, she felt like she couldn't leave until Veronica did.

  "Callie has a spot for me in the dungeon." Veronica leaned over and kissed Paris on the cheek, thumbing away the slight stain of lipstick she left behind. Paris had casually tipped his head to the side to let her, unsurprised, as though this were a common occurrence.

  Jade couldn't take her eyes off the small smudge of color that stayed on his cheek, even as Veronica straightened and came around his desk.

  "Tell me Jade, are you looking forward to the Coven Ball?" Veronica asked, linking her arm through Jade's easily. Jade flinched slightly at how close she was but couldn't step back without physically pulling her arm away. Jade turned away from Paris and followed Veronica's steps across the soft plush carpet toward the door. In her heels, Veronica was about an inch taller than Jade and it felt strange and unnatural to have to look up to her. Women were generally shorter than her. First Dex and now Veronica. She straightened her spine.

  "I guess," Jade answered. "I'm not really sure what to expect."

  "It's a wonderful event. Although my magic's affected by whatever's going on here, I can't be sorry about being here for the Coven Ball. Did you know I grew up here?"

  "I don't remember if Callie mentioned it."

  "Are you friends with Callie?" Veronica asked. They passed by a few other witches from the Coven and Jade noted that while some of them were the ones that had been giving her the cold shoulder and sideways glances before, they all had smiles and waves for Veronica.

  "Yeah, I guess so."

  "I miss hanging out with her. I don't get much time for socializing and phone calls anymore. So, how are you finding Coven life? I admit, I was curious to meet you and may have traded on my history with the Coven to come here and see you."

  "Yeah, I get that feeling a lot."

  "We're a nosy crowd, aren't we?" Veronica said, leaning in slightly into Jade's space. A cloying, crowded feeling settled on Jade's shoulders and she pulled away from Veronica firmly.

  "That's one way of putting it."

  Veronica laughed, a low, easy sound. "We're sort of like a small, isolated town in some ways - living in each other's back pockets." Veronica had a slow gait and Jade wanted to rush ahead at her normal speed and just leave her behind. Thankfully, they'd reached the junction of the hall that would lead her back to Counter-Magic.

  "Yeah. I'm heading this way. I guess you'll be heading down to the library to work now."

  Veronica smiled, warm and perfect. Despite the color she'd left on Paris' cheek, (something that Jade couldn't stop thinking about), her lipstick still looked pristine. "I hope to speak with you again. I'm really interested in your insights on Coven life and maybe any ideas you might have on how we do things."

  Jade could feel her eyebrows doing that thing they tended to do when she was unimpressed with something. She could train herself out of the habit, but found her eyebrows did a lot of good communicating for her and generally made it less necessary for her to speak when she didn't want to. "Mm-hmm."

  Before Jade could turn and leave, Veronica reached out and squeezed Jade's bicep lightly. "It was good to meet you."

  Jade looked down at Veronica's hand and then back up into her grass-green eyes. "Yeah. Sure." She felt like she could still feel the imprint of Veronica's hand on her arm the entire way back to Counter-Magic. Daniel pointedly looked at his watch when Jade sat back down at her desk and she mouthed the word, 'Sorry,' at him as she booted up her computer and opened up her spell books again. He gave her a quick concerned look and she got the feeling he was about to say something more, when Josef announced that Jade was in charge of the incoming email box and needed to start logging the incoming incidents.

  Total rookie job.

  Jade logged onto the shared server and started reading through the inbox, sighing at the contents. She was going to need some kind of classification system to track the incoming emails and figure out how she wanted to rank or file them. She tightened her ponytail and opened a spreadsheet. She paused to brush her hand over her t-shirt and arm to erase the phantom feeling of Veronica's touch, rubbing her skin roughly until she couldn't feel the lingering sensation of the other witch anymore.


  If asked, most people would hazard a guess that being Coven Leader meant that Paris' day was full of important meetings, life-changing decisions, power lunches and discussions over drinks.

  Sadly, the reality was generally exactly like what he was doing now - reading reports, trying to pull together a rather large amount of disparate data to form a cohesive picture. After meeting with Dex and Veronica in the morning, he'd met with the Coven's department heads to discuss the current issue as well as get their input and feedback.

  Research and Development emphatically denied they had anything to do with the current state of Coven magic, either as a department or as individuals. Paris read through the Department Head's last report and pulled up the master list of their active projects. He was slowly working his way through all the spells, making notes on anything that seemed powerful enough to affect the entire Coven or seemed out of the ordinary. While he'd read the reports at the time they were due, he'd certainly never paid as much attention to them as he did now.

  Hannah was seated in one of the Queen Anne chairs in his office going through the logs for Counter-Magic over the last six months. She was also looking for anything out of sorts or perhaps a number of things that, in combination, may be responsible.

  Supernatural Relations and Defense reported no strange or unusual activity over the last six months, but Paris still needed to work through their material as well. He'd checked in with the nearest werewolf pack again, and despite them usually being sensitive to anything amiss or out of sorts with the Coven's magic, they reported no ill effects as of yet.

  Paris hadn't heard anything from the Fae, and Mother Nature willing, it would stay that way. The last thing he wanted to do was pick up the phone and have displeased Fae on the other end. Or course if the Fae were displeased, Paris would likely find himself sucked into an alternate reality or suddenly turned into a unicorn or perhaps torn limb from limb with no warning whatsoever. The Fae were unpredictable. No news was always good news.

  The morning hadn't been too bad but, shortly after lunch, Counter-Magic started logging more incidents. By late afternoon, there were a reported fifty-six occurrences of magic not working. Locator spells were going bad and retrieving strange and unusual items - a mother looking for a missing socks came up with a French horn, a horseshoe and a thimble. A teen looking for her dog ended up finding her father who was having an affair (that must have been one hell of an incident report). A witch with a green thumb using a spell to put his garden to sleep for the winter instead ended up with four new peony plants and six zucchinis. There didn't appear to be any rhyme or reason when the magic went wrong - it was random. By the end of the day, the hotline was reporting steady incoming calls, with a second line needing to be added.

  But whatever was affecting the Coven's magic was only affecting spellcraft. Witches themselves didn't seem to be reporting any symptoms or ailments - only when they used magic. Dex and Veronica received reports from their Covens, both still unaffected.

  As if reading his thoughts, Hannah spoke up from her chair.

  "I see Veronica's in town."

  Paris made some notes in the margin of the report he was reading, trying to figure out if he could discern some kind of pattern. If he could, he might be able to counteract some of the effects. "Yes. Dex as well. It's been a while since they visited."

  "Has it?"

  Something about Hannah's tone caused Paris to look up at her. She was tucked into the chair, feet folded beneath her demurely, her stocking-clad feet just barely poking out from underneath her black slacks. She favored jewel tones and wore a deep red jacket that contrasted sharply with the dark leather of the chair.

  "They're generally quite busy with their own Covens,
" Paris offered.

  Hannah made a vague sound of agreement, turning pages and settling into the read the top page of a report.

  "You did say you thought we'd be seeing some visitors interested in Jade. Given her anomalous origin, it only makes sense that Dex and Veronica would want to meet her. Also, attending another Coven's Ball is always an option for anyone."

  Hannah made another sub-vocal sound and nodded her head slightly. Paris frowned. There were times he wished he could forgo politeness and just demand that Hannah speak up if she had something to say. Unfortunately, experience had taught him that demanding answers from Hannah would only lead to a vicious tongue-lashing and her disapproval. Despite his age, he tried to avoid both as well as he could.

  "Did they ask to meet Jade?" Hannah finally questioned.

  "Yes. I believe Dex went to see her at Counter-Magic and then she happened to stop by while Veronica was in my office."

  Hannah nodded her head slightly. Paris drummed his fingers on the desk watching her.

  "It's hardly surprising." He felt the need to justify Dex and Veronica's actions and he wasn't quite sure why.

  "No, no, you're absolutely correct."

  Hannah continued to read the reports on her lap, focused and intent while Paris felt his center of attention had shifted. He was just getting his stream of focus back when Hannah spoke again.

  "What have you decided upon for Jade's talisman?"

  Paris froze, fingers mid-air above his keyboard. "Bullocks."

  Hannah finally turned to face him. "You forgot." Her tone was decidedly unimpressed.

  "I'm running a coven," Paris defended. "One that is under some kind of magical...," at a loss for a word, he ended up grasping for the first thing that came to mind, "whammy. I did not forget, I simply... haven't addressed it yet."

  "The Coven Ball is a week away, and as her mentor it is your responsibility to charm a talisman for her. A suitable, specific talisman as a show of her formal entrance into the Coven and a sign of her importance to us all."

  "Yes, yes," Paris replied tersely, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I know. I hardly need a reminder of it."


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