Certified Cowboy

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Certified Cowboy Page 16

by Rita Herron

  He gently pulled back and searched her face. “Any time you want me to stop, Rachel, all you have to do is say no.”

  His sensitivity and the gruff, sultry tone to his voice intensified her hunger, and she slid her hands down to unbutton his shirt. One button, two, three, his breath hissed, an erotic sound that ignited her passion.

  Then his mouth found hers again, and this time that passion exploded in a rush of tongues mating and hands exploring. Rachel remembered her son, though, and tugged Johnny into her bedroom.

  He paused at the door, his breathing labored, and gave her one last opportunity to say no. But she didn’t want a way out. Not this time.

  She wanted Johnny naked and loving her.

  JOHNNY’S HEART DRUMMED in his chest, his body hammering home his raging need to be with Rachel. She was vulnerable but strong and so damn beautiful that he felt humbled being invited into her bedroom.

  The sound of the door closing as he shut it added an intimacy and aroused him even more. He’d wanted, craved a night in Rachel’s bed ever since she’d arrived. The fact that she wanted him after the way she’d been treated intensified his emotions.

  Then she gave him a sultry, beckoning look, and he stripped his shirt and tossed it to the floor. His hat he gently hung on the chair in the corners, then he walked toward her.

  When she reached for him and rubbed her fingers across the broad expanse of his chest, his breath became trapped in his lungs. With a teasing smile, she lowered her head and trailed kisses over his torso.

  Johnny’s body hardened with need, but he allowed her to set the pace. Her kisses were tender but so damn erotic that a second later he thought he’d explode. He eased her back toward the bed, then slowly began to undress her.

  Only, Rachel seemed in a hurry. Her breath quickened, her hands flew to help him, and suddenly they were tearing off each other’s clothes and falling onto the bed, a tangle of naked limbs and bodies. Their tongues danced and mated again, then he lowered his head to take one firm ripe nipple into his mouth and suckle her. He raked his other hand down her abdomen and found the soft nest of curls at the juncture of her thighs. She was wet and he slipped one finger inside her.

  She writhed beneath him, urging him on, and he spread her legs and dipped his tongue into her honeyed sweetness. Her moan of pleasure sent a million sensations pummeling him, and when she cried out his name and her body convulsed with pleasure, he rose above her, grabbed a condom from his jeans pocket, rolled it on and teased her legs apart with his sex.

  Her hand came down to grip him, making his erection throb, but he let her guide him inside her. Her warm, wet body enveloped him, her muscles clinched his thickness, and he plunged deeper, then withdrew, then filled her again. She wrapped her legs around him and he set a rhythm, rocking inside her, stroking, filling, taking, giving.

  And when she clutched his hips and lifted her own, coaxing him to move deeper, then whispered that she was coming, his own release spiraled out of control and he lost himself inside her.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Rachel rolled over and curled in Johnny’s arms, sated and happier than she’d ever been with a man. She buried her head against his shoulder, and he pulled her closer against him and kissed her again. She savored the moment as they lay entwined, hearts beating, breath slowly steadying, erotic sensations tingling through her body.

  Exhaustion pulled at her, but she didn’t want to go to sleep. She wanted to languish in the pleasure he had given her.

  Johnny had reminded her that lovemaking was supposed to be about love.

  And she was totally in love with Johnny.

  But Johnny was a star, a man who was only donating time here at the ranch, a man who had his own life to go back to. Not a man who wanted or deserved to be saddled with a ready-made family with trouble on their tails.

  Johnny nuzzled her neck, then stroked her arm gently with his fingers, and she closed her eyes, relaxing in his embrace. Outside, the rain slowed to a drizzle, the pattering on the roof a soft hypnotic rhythm, cocooning them into their own private world.

  “I like the rain,” Johnny said.

  “Why?” Rachel whispered.

  “Because it brings new life to the ranch,” Johnny murmured.

  Rachel realized he was right. The rain would make the grass grow and water the flowers and bring spring into full bloom.

  Just like Johnny had done with her heart.

  She kissed him tenderly, then he deepened the kiss and moments later they made love again. Slowly, tenderly, languidly, tasting and exploring…

  And for the first time in two years, Rachel forgot that she was a wanted woman and allowed herself to dream that she and Kenny and Johnny could be a family.

  A sense of peace washed over her as another orgasm rocked through her in perfect timing with Johnny’s.

  Then he held her again, and she finally fell into a deep sleep. A sleep filled with dreams of marriage and babies and a life that she hadn’t dared dream about for the past two years.

  JOHNNY WOKE AT THE CRACK of dawn. He rolled sideways to make sure Rachel was still in his arms, that last night hadn’t been a figment of his imagination.

  His chest heaved with relief when he saw she was still there.

  Then his body stirred once more. Early morning sunlight seeped through the sheers and painted glowing lines across her beautiful face. God… He could get used to waking up beside her every day.

  The tip of one naked breast glowed in the sunlight, and he ached to kiss it and make love to her again. But reality seeped in. It was morning, and Rachel’s son was sleeping in the next room and might wake up any minute.

  He didn’t want Kenny to find him in Rachel’s bed.

  Not until they were ma— What the hell was he thinking?

  Johnny Long was a bachelor. Not husband or father material.

  Besides, they still had to deal with her ex and the charges against her.

  His phone buzzed, and he checked the number. Brody.

  Damn. He’d promised he’d explain the situation this morning and he’d better get his butt over and do just that.

  Rachel sighed as he kissed her cheek, then he tucked the covers over her and rose. He hurriedly dressed, then grabbed his hat and tiptoed out the door, closing it gently so as not to wake her. The ground was still damp from the night’s rain, but the sun glinted off the water droplets clinging to the grass, making them shimmer like diamonds.

  He texted Brody that he’d be there in half an hour, then retrieved the horses he and Rachel had ridden the night before, mounted Soldier and led her horse back to the stables. One of the ranch hands was already mucking stalls and he asked him to take care of the animals.

  Then he rushed to the main house, took a quick shower, poured himself a cup of coffee in the kitchen and went to meet Brody.

  “All right,” Brody said, “what’s going on, Johnny?”

  Johnny cleared his throat, then spilled the whole story.

  “Dammit, Johnny, why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” Brody asked.

  “Because at first it was just suspicion.”

  Brody leaned back in his desk chair. “We have to talk to the sheriff.”

  “No.” Johnny’s emphatic tone brought an eye raise from his friend.

  “Why not? If this Rex guy is as dangerous as you say, we can’t let it go. In fact, you should have turned Burgess in last night.”

  Johnny swallowed hard. “Maybe, but I believe Rachel, Brody. You and I both know money can buy people. And God knows, the press can add its own spin. Look how they crucified me.”

  Brody drummed his fingers on the desk. “So, what now?”

  “You hired extra security. Let’s alert them to watch out for Rachel’s ex and for Burgess. And I’ll personally guard Rachel and Kenny.”

  Brody studied him for a long, tension-filled moment. “This is not like you, Johnny. What’s going on between you and this woman?”

  Johnny hesitated, a lie on the tip of his ton
gue. But lies had landed him in trouble when he was younger. And he respected Brody and what he was doing too much not to be honest.

  “I care about her and the boy,” Johnny said. “Besides, we’ve worked too hard on the rodeo and setting up this ranch. If this story goes public, it could cost us big time.”

  “Which would make Copeland damn happy.” Brody chewed the inside of his cheek. “All right, we’ll play it your way for now. But if Rachel’s ex shows up and causes trouble, I won’t hesitate to call the sheriff. Rachel will have to deal with the fallout.”

  Johnny nodded. Brody was right. But Rachel would not have to deal with the fallout alone. He would do whatever he could to help her.

  Kenny’s terrified face the night before flashed in his mind. In fact, he would like to meet her ex face to face, himself.

  And when he did, Johnny would convince him to leave Rachel alone. If he didn’t, the lowlife would be sorry.

  RACHEL FELT THE EMPTY bed and immediately missed Johnny. She rolled to her side and clutched the pillow Johnny had slept on, inhaling his rugged masculine odor and letting it wipe away the scent of Rex’s cologne.

  She had no idea where she and Johnny would go from here, but she knew what she wanted.

  Only what she wanted was impossible.

  She checked the clock. Kenny would be up soon, so she jumped in the shower and quickly shampooed and rinsed her hair, almost hating to wash the scent of Johnny off her.

  But she had to get ready for the day.

  She’d barely dressed when footsteps pattered across the floor and Kenny appeared in her doorway.

  “Mom, is the bad man coming back?”

  “No, honey. We’re safe now.” Rachel rushed to him and hugged him, although, even as she reassured him he was safe, fear crowded her chest. Burgess might be gone, but Rex would hire another.

  Or come himself.

  It was only a matter of time. She’d been deluding herself into thinking otherwise.

  But she couldn’t leave until after the rodeo. She couldn’t deprive Kenny of this one memory, not when he’d dreamed about it forever.

  Kenny hurried to check on Cleo and the pups. She let him play with them for a few minutes, then Cleo followed the two of them to the dining hall. When Blair entered, her eyes looked puffy, her expression contrite. Rachel knew the poor girl blamed herself for Kenny’s disappearance, so she pulled her aside. “I need to talk to you in private.”

  A sliver of apprehension streaked the girl’s face, then Rachel explained that her ex had been following her and Kenny.

  “It’s not your fault, Blair. He hired this man to kidnap Kenny.” Rachel fought a shudder. “I have custody, but Kenny’s father is violent. I should have told you before, but I didn’t think he’d find us here. But he did. So please keep an extra careful eye on Kenny.”

  “I promise I won’t let him out of my sight.” The young woman squeezed Rachel’s hand.

  “Thanks.” Rachel went to explain the circumstances to Ms. Ellen. With everyone on alert and the extra security Brody had hired, hopefully Rex would be dissuaded and leave them alone.

  But that was a pipe dream, and she kept her eyes peeled for him to show any minute.

  THE NEXT THREE DAYS, Johnny kept an eye on Rachel and Kenny, but he didn’t allow himself to sleep with her again.

  Not that he didn’t want to. Just the memory of her naked in his arms stirred his hunger. But sleeping with her was a distraction, and he had to remain alert. Letting his guard down was too dangerous.

  Besides, there were a thousand details to handle in preparation for the rodeo. The kids were excited, the vendors had set up booths, the ads had been placed, the TV interview had aired and all the investors had arrived to help make certain the safety specifications for the rodeo events were up to par.

  Each of the investors had offered to man events and participate in a grand-finale exhibition that would hopefully help draw a larger crowd. Johnny was on the billing as the grand finale, but he wanted to downplay his role. Still, the idea of showing off in front of Rachel gave him a small thrill.

  Excitement hummed in the air the night of the rodeo. Johnny and the other ranchers rechecked the venues, stables, chutes and animals to verify everything was in order and up to safety regulations. Counselors worked alongside the boys to set up the pony rides, face branding, horseshoes, a lasso contest and other events for the smaller children. His sister and Lucy offered to handle the face-branding booth, and Lucy was the first customer and chose a bright red ladybug to match her hair.

  Johnny wondered if Kim would avoid Brandon again, and had been surprised that she’d stayed for the rodeo. After he broke her heart five years ago and married another woman, she had always made sure she wasn’t around when he and Brandon had gotten together. Then again, Lucy’s excited pleas were impossible to resist. She reminded him of Kim as a little girl. Lucy followed Kenny around as Kim had followed him and Brandon and Carter.

  “Family picture!” Lucy said as the cameraman shot candids of the preparations. Kim hesitated, but took Lucy’s hand and the three of them posed for the camera.

  Volunteers had signed up to man ticket booths, and Johnny was impressed with the lines forming. Families, teenagers and kids chattered excitedly, hurrying to participate in the pre-rodeo activities and buy refreshments and souvenirs. Others perused the silent auction and bought raffle tickets for the items Johnny had solicited from various friends and sponsors in the rodeo circuit.

  He went to check on Rachel before the show began and found her and Kenny in the barn with Cleo and the pups. “I had to feed them before the rodeo,” Kenny said.

  The puppies had started waddling around now and were licking Kenny’s hands. Cleo lay at his feet as if she worshipped the boy. Johnny wanted Kenny to have at least one of the dogs, but he’d have to talk to Rachel first.

  Kenny giggled as one of the puppies tried to crawl up his chest, and Johnny laughed. “If you want to participate in the games before the rodeo starts, it’s time.”

  Kenny hugged the puppy, then gently set him on the ground. “I have to go, little one. I’ll see you later.”

  Rachel looked nervous but excited. Johnny’s nerves felt raw. Security had been easy to maintain during a normal day, but with the crowd tonight, Rex might be able to sneak in.

  He had to stay on his toes.

  Together, the three of them walked over to the arena for the children’s games. Johnny and Rachel joined Kim, then they watched Kenny and Lucy enjoy the games. Lucy won the stick-pony ride, laughing as she twirled around at the finish and bowed. Johnny glanced up and saw Brandon in the distance, helping some boys line up the barrels, and felt a pang of sadness over the rift between Kim and Brandon, and the three of them and Carter.

  “Kenny has quite an arm,” Johnny said as the little boy tossed the horseshoes.

  A wistful look passed across Rachel’s face. “I’ve never seen him so happy.”

  Johnny heard the longing in her voice and wondered if she was considering leaving after the show. His heart tugged painfully at the thought.

  He wanted to ask them to stay. Or maybe to go with him to his ranch.

  But he held his tongue. They still had to deal with Rex before he could even contemplate a future with Rachel.

  The next half hour, Kenny and Lucy participated in the three-legged race, wheelbarrow races, cactus hat throw and rope-tying contest. After every event, Kenny looked up at them, then tipped his Stetson, a big grin on his face.

  Finally, it was time for the main rodeo events to begin. Kim rushed with Lucy to find a seat. Rachel caught Johnny’s arm as her son hurried to join the other competitors. “Johnny, you’ll make sure he’s safe?”

  “I promise.” Johnny squeezed her hand. “If you see your ex or anyone suspicious, buzz me or let security know immediately.”

  She nodded and claimed a seat beside Kim and Lucy as the announcer welcomed the spectators, introduced the sponsors and began announcing the events. “Now let’
s give a round of applause for our barrel racers.”

  Johnny met the boys in the stable, his gaze scanning the crowd. The past two days had been the lull before the storm.

  Johnny had a bad feeling Rex would strike tonight.

  RACHEL TRIED TO RELAX and enjoy the show, but she constantly scanned the crowd and the property for Rex.

  Applause broke out, drawing her attention back to the arena, then the announcer called the first contestant’s name. Three kids ran the barrel races before Kenny, and she held her breath as she watched him maneuver his horse around the barrels. Dust spewed from the horse’s hooves. Kenny’s hat flew off as he swung around the third barrel and drove the horse around the last one, then circled back.

  Rachel stood, clapping her heart out. “Way to go, Kenny!”

  Kim and Lucy clapped, cheering his name, too.

  When Kenny finished, he spun the horse around and waved to her, his face beaming.

  “Now, for our winners,” the announcer said.

  The boys lined up on horseback to receive their ribbons, and tears of joy pricked Rachel’s eyes. “Kenny Simmons takes third place, Bobby Martin second and Willie Sutter is our first-place winner!” Kenny didn’t seem to care that he hadn’t won, and rode over and hugged Willie, the two of them locking arms as cameras snapped their pictures.

  Next came calf roping, which Ricardo won. His look of pride as he accepted the ribbon touched Rachel’s heart. The competition continued, with each of the campers participating in at least one event, and all of them laughing and shouting with excitement as they cheered each other on.

  Trick riding came next, featuring some of the older boys and Brandon, Johnny’s friend who brought the crowd to a standing ovation with his showy style. She couldn’t help but notice Kim watching him with a bittersweet look and wondered if there had been something between the two of them once.


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