All or Nothing

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All or Nothing Page 5

by Jessica Jarman

  She spotted them sitting at a table in the back and headed towards them. They stood as she approached, and each kissed her quickly before she took her seat between them.

  “You look tired, darlin’,” Zac commented.

  “Well, you know how to compliment a girl.” She rolled her eyes.

  He leaned towards her, running his hand along her thigh. “You look as delicious as always. Just tired.”

  “It was a long day, that’s all. Everything that could go wrong did. But it’s done, and I’m starved.” She picked up the menu that lay in front of her and scanned the choices.

  The waitress approached and listed off the specials. Shannon narrowed her eyes as the woman rested her hand on Zac’s shoulder and leaned down, giving him an up-close-and-personal view of her cleavage. Annoyance flared, and Shannon tried to push it aside. Zac and Nate were attractive men. Of course women would try flirting with them.

  They ordered and conversation centred around a job the men were working on. Shannon tried to focus on what they were saying but her attention was on the flirty waitress, who found every excuse under the sun to return to their table and come on to Zac. Did they want to try a different wine? More water? Some complimentary bread? And Zac just ate it all up with a shit-eating grin, being all sweet and charming.

  By the time the meal ended, Shannon was seething. She wanted to scratch the bitch’s eyes out. Could she be any more desperate and obvious? As they walked out, Shannon glanced back and saw the woman sidle up next to Zac. She slipped a piece of paper into his jeans’ pocket, her hand lingering far too long.

  Before Shannon did something she regretted—she hated public scenes—she let go of Nate’s hand. They’d driven separately, since she’d come right from work.

  “I’ll see you at home, hon,” She kissed his cheek and hurried out of the restaurant. The entire way home, she berated herself for overreacting. Zac was a free man. After all, it wasn’t like she and Zac were married. Their relationship was physical, period. And she fucked two men. Why should she expect Zac to be faithful to her?

  She arrived at the house before the men and, after changing out of her suit, went to the kitchen. She stood at the counter, flipping through the mail, when the men came in. Nate walked over and pulled her into his arms.

  “Why’d you rush out like that? You okay?”

  She pulled away and forced a smile, then turned her attention back to the envelopes in her hand. “I’m fine.”

  “Ooookay,” he drawled. “Zac, you want a beer?”

  “Sure.” Zac sat at the table. Shannon could feel his gaze on her, but refused to look at him.

  After a few minutes of listening to them talk, Shannon horrified herself by blurting out, “So, are you going to call her?”

  They looked up, confused frowns on their faces. Shannon stared at Zac, held tilted, waiting.

  “Call who?” he asked slowly.

  “The waitress.”

  “The waitress?” he repeated dumbly.

  “Yes, the waitress. You know, the one who couldn’t stop touching you, talking to you, finding any reason to come back and be near you. The one who slipped her number into your pocket.” Her voice rose with each word, and her heart pounded painfully.

  “Shan—” Nate started.

  She held up a hand. “No, I want to know. I mean, she was attractive, I guess, if you go for the overly obvious, trashy look. I’m sure she’d be a great lay.”

  Zac stared at her, jaw tight, hands clenched in his lap. “You think I’d do that? That I’d go off and fuck another woman when we’re…” he trailed off.

  “We’re what?” She hardened her voice, unwilling to let the pain she felt be visible. “Come on, it’s not like we’re committed to each other. Nate’s the one I’m married to. You’re free to do whatever the hell you want.”

  “God, Shannon!” Nate stalked over to the sliding glass door and stared out into the darkness.

  Zac stood and studied her with cold eyes. “Good to know where we stand, darlin’.” He walked to the door and, hand on the knob, added, “I threw away the fucking number before I even left the restaurant.”

  With that, he walked out. Shannon braced her hands on the counter and drew in a stuttered breath that nearly turned into a sob. How the hell could this hurt so bad? She shifted her gaze to Nate. He still stood rigidly with his back to her. When he didn’t turn around, she swiped at the tears that managed to escape and left the room.

  She went to their bedroom, changed into pyjamas, and crawled into bed. God, why had she gone off like that? All she’d managed to do was drive Zac away, and that was the last thing she wanted.

  The bedroom door opened, and Shannon tensed as Nate walked in. He said nothing as he undressed and slid into bed. They lay silently for a few minutes. Shannon wracked her brain for something to say. Anything to make it better. Only thing was nothing could make it better. Finally, Nate spoke.

  “You hurt him, Shan. A lot.”

  She choked back a cry. “I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true, Nate. He isn’t committed to me.”

  “If you believe that, you’re blind,” he snapped. “If you would just open your eyes, you’d see that he’s half in love with you, and it’s more than obvious that it’s more than just sex for you. Your reaction shows that clearly.”

  “I love you, Nate,” she said firmly. And Zac wasn’t in love with her. She’d know if he was…wouldn’t she?

  He sighed. “When are you going to see that loving Zac doesn’t mean you don’t love me?”

  Did she have feelings for Zac? Did it even matter? She’d succeeded in pissing him off—and hurting him if Nate was right—and probably ensured he wouldn’t come back. God, was there any way for her to make this all go away?

  “He got a job offer the other day, and I think he’s going to take it after tonight.” Sadness wove through Nate’s words, and Shannon frowned.

  “Well, that’s good, right? Or does it bother you that he won’t be working with you anymore?”

  “It’s out west. California,” he bit out.

  California? Shannon felt as if something were squeezing the air from her chest. Zac was moving across the country? Tears welled up in her eyes and she didn’t bother wipe them away as they fell.

  * * * *

  Nate and Zac sat out on the deck, sipping cold beer. Shannon wasn’t home. She’d left before either of them had woken up. Zac sighed. When he’d left the night before, he’d gotten in his car and just drove. He’d never been so angry. That Shannon thought he’d be with another woman… Fuck, that just pissed him off. Even though he’d never said the words, he thought his feelings for her were pretty damned clear. Telling him that they had no commitment, that he was free to go fuck anyone he chose… He hadn’t thought he could hurt as much as he had when she said that.

  When he’d returned, he’d resisted the urge to climb into bed next to Shannon. Instead, he’d spent a restless night in the guest room.

  “You don’t have to move.” Nate glanced at him. “Shannon didn’t realise what she was saying last night. She was just upset.”

  Zac sighed. “I think at this point my staying would just cause tension and problems between the two of you, and the last thing I want to do is screw with your marriage.”

  “What about you? Your loving her doesn’t matter?”

  Zac shot a look at him. “You were there first, my friend.”

  “Fuck that. Shannon loves you, Zac. Even if she isn’t ready to admit that to herself, I can see that she does, just like I can tell you love her.” Nate tipped his bottle towards him. “Don’t give that up.”

  “What if she can never admit it? What if she can’t accept this relationship long term?” He set his beer on the table between them and stood. He crossed to the railing and leaned on it. “Every time we argue, is she going to throw it in my face that I’m not the one she married? No, I think it’s best if I leave now.”

  The sound of the garage door shutting reached them, a
nd Zac braced himself. Damn, this was going to be hard—the saying goodbye. He wasn’t one to just slink off without a word.


  He turned to find Shannon standing in the doorway, hands in her pockets, looking at him with sad eyes.

  Nate stood and went to her. He kissed her briefly and moved to go into the house. Zac smiled, knowing his friend wanted to give him a private moment with Shannon.

  She grabbed Nate’s arm, stopping him. “Stay. I want you here for this. Please.” She turned towards Zac. “It’s not that I don’t want to be alone with you. It’s just this is about the three of us, right? All three of us should be here.”

  Zac nodded, but remained silent. Shannon came to stand in front of him, stopping when less than a foot separated them. When she met his gaze, he noticed the gleam of tears. Aw fuck.

  “This is hard for me, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t interrupt me. Just let me get through this, okay?” She twisted her fingers together nervously.

  “Okay,” he agreed. Not having to talk right away would give him a chance to figure out how to respond to whatever she was going to say.

  “All right. I don’t want to continue the way we were. I can’t spend days and nights with you, share a bed with you, then see you with someone else. You agreed!” she protested when he opened his mouth to speak.

  He clamped his mouth shut and nodded for her to continue, though some of the anger from the night before began to surface.

  “I know when we started this…arrangement...we agreed to take things one day at a time. You both told me,” she glanced at Nate briefly, “you didn’t expect anything from me, and that’s what I needed to hear at the time.

  “I love Nate, Zac. I vowed to be with him forever.”

  Nate moved to stand behind Shannon, resting his hands on her shoulders. She looked down, as if trying to figure out what to say next. Zac’s chest ached. This was it. This was where she told him that she wanted her marriage back the way it was.

  She lifted her gaze. “I love you, Zac. It took me a bit to figure that out.” She placed her palms on his cheeks. “I love you, and I make you the same vow I made Nate. Forever. If you can’t commit to forever, then you should take the job in California, because I can’t settle for anything less.”

  Zac knew he was gaping at her like an idiot, but he couldn’t help it. Had he heard right? She wanted a commitment? From him?

  “There are expectations now.” She laughed. “If you stay, that’s it. It’s forever. No more ‘one day at a time’. It’s all or nothing, Zac.”

  He searched Shannon’s face. “Are you sure?” He barely choked the words out.

  She blinked back tears. “Oh, I’m sure.” She reached into her pocket and withdrew a small box. “Nate and I exchanged rings when we made our vows. I want you to be a part of our marriage, our lives, so I want to give you this.”

  With shaking hands, he took the box and opened it. Nestled inside was a silver wedding band, identical to the ones Nate and Shannon wore. Zac’s heart stuttered at the meaning behind the gift.

  “I know I can’t legally marry both of you, but my vow to you is just as meaningful as the one I made to Nate, and you deserve to have a symbol of that.” She frowned. “I mean, you don’t have to wear it. I know it probably seems silly to you—”

  “Stop right there,” he interrupted. He pulled the ring from the box and slipped it on his finger. “All. My answer is all, darlin’.”

  He pulled her to him and kissed her hard. Shannon sighed and wrapped her arms around waist, pressing close to him.

  “I love you, Shannon,” he said against her lips.

  “I love you.” She shifted in his embrace and held a hand out to Nate. “I love you, too.” Her voice cracked.

  Nate took her hand and stepped closer. “Love you, baby.”

  Shannon slid an arm around Nate’s waist and tightened her other arm around Zac’s middle. She sighed contently. “There. This is where I belong.”

  Zac glanced at Nate, then at Shannon. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Me too darlin’, me too.

  About the Author

  Jessica Jarman has been weaving stories for many years, starting in her childhood when she’d entertain her younger sister every night. The stories, though simple, involved love and a happily-ever-after ending. It is no surprise she has come full circle and is now penning romances.

  Jessica currently lives in Minnesota with her wonderfully supportive husband and their four children. Although family keeps her busy and on her toes, she manages to squeeze out time to put the characters and plots that live in her head onto paper.

  Email: [email protected]

  Jessica loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Jessica Jarman

  The Fey: Fate’s Song

  Lust Me, Trust Me

  Night of the Senses: Sweet Urges

  The Fey: Waters of Fate

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