Kiss Me with Lies (Twin Lies Duet Book 1)

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Kiss Me with Lies (Twin Lies Duet Book 1) Page 6

by S. M. Soto

  He laughs. It’s husky and genuine, if the dimple that peeks out in his right cheek is any indication. “There’s a private pool and spa available at my leisure. No one else is allowed.”

  My brows dip. “That’s nice?”

  I say it more as a question, and he laughs. “I’m asking if you want to join me, Mackenzie.”

  My mouth drops open. “Really?”

  He smirks. “Yes.”

  I can’t fight the smile that spreads across my face. “I’d love to.”

  After swimming laps with Baz in his private pool, I realize he’s quite a good swimmer. Eeven injured, he makes me look like a fool in the water. His form is immaculate, the way his strong arms slice through the water looks incredible, and he’s fast as all hell. One of his arms is bandaged, and he seems to favor his left side to avoid irritating the arm that’s wrapped. Apparently, he took a nasty fall that scraped up most of his arm and elbow when he was out ATV-ing with his buddies.

  When he told me he had his own private pool, this wasn’t what I was expecting. He literally has his own section of the resort marked off just for him with an Olympic-sized pool and a basketball court. It’s insane. It’s private. It’s his own little slice of paradise. And I am in complete awe of it all.

  After gawking at his pool and him, I wade through the water, closing my eyes as the cool trickles smooth over my skin. When I close my eyes and pump my arms and legs, I see her. Madison. I don’t see her that often anymore. She used to pop in my head and stay there right after she passed. I used to hate it at first—it was agonizing—but after a while, I got used to it. And then, when more time passed, I looked forward to it. To seeing her. Hearing her. Even if it was just inside my head.

  I’m swimming away from her when I hear her voice. It’s so real. So clear. It almost has me jumping out of my skin at the thought of her standing at the ledge of the pool, watching my interaction with Baz. There’s no doubt, if Madison were still alive, Baz would be the kind of guy she’d fall for. They’d have the life I’d always dreamed of having. She’d rub it in my face every chance she got, and I’d let her because that’s just what we did.

  When Baz’s hands slide around my waist beneath the water, I let out a grateful sigh that I can freely push thoughts of Madison out of my head. We easily move from the pool to the Jacuzzi, where Baz proceeds to suck my nipples and fuck me in the water, making me forget what planet I’m on and why I’m here in California in the first place. Having sex in a semi-public place is a thrilling sensation when I can let go of my inhibitions and feel free.

  Now, we’re resting around the glass and marble fire pit overlooking the twinkling lights of LA. Located up here on the cliff, his private sanctuary provides a majestic view of everything down below. It looks incredible.

  “It’s beautiful,” I whisper in awe, eyes riveted on the twinkling lights as I try to pinpoint what is what below. I think I can see the Griffith Observatory from here, but I can’t be too sure.

  “Yeah,” he says, prompting me to look at him. I startle when I realize he’s been watching me. I blush furiously under the heat of his gaze.

  “So Mr. King”—I clear my throat—“is this where you bring all the ladies?”

  He laughs, taking a sip from his tumbler. “Sometimes,” he answers. I try to ignore the twinge in my chest. It’s not as though I expected to be the special one who he allows up here. But I guess that insecure part of me still secretly wanted to hear he doesn’t usually bring girls up here. That I’m the first. I don’t think any woman likes to think about the hordes of other women who have slept with a man. Least of all, not me.


  “Is it?” he asks.

  Turning to him, I search his face, trying to figure out how often he does this. “Very. It’s romantic, so I’ll give you that. I’m sure the girls fall all over themselves while they’re up here with you. Personally? I think it’s a bit cliché.”

  He cocks his head to the side while he scrutinizes me. I see something in his eyes, and it looks a whole lot like a knowing glint. As if he understands why I’m saying what I’m saying. For a second, I worry he can see right through the shield I’ve worked so hard to build over the years. To guard me against my insecurities and any more hurtful words. I dart my gaze away, cutting off the connection, so he can’t see what’s happening inside my head any longer.

  “I guess I wouldn’t really know,” he says.

  Glancing back at him, I raise my brows, not following. He shrugs noncommittally and looks out beyond the fire.

  “I don’t pay much attention. If I enjoy someone’s company, I enjoy it. But relationships aren’t my thing. The women I sleep with know that.”

  I force a fake smile, recognizing what he’s getting at. He wants me to understand that this was just a quick romp in the hay. No strings.

  I get it. Hell, I even want the same thing, but it doesn’t keep me from feeling like I’m her again—the previous Mackenzie. I’m left feeling unwanted again—the odd one out. The old me is like a whole other entity I can’t seem to get rid of. I suck in a sharp breath and wince at the sensation of razor blades slicing into my lungs.

  “You know you don’t have to beat around the bush, right? I get it.”

  I expect my answer to appease him, but it doesn’t. If I’m not mistaken, his demeanor changes. Something passes over his features at my answer, and his eyes darken a few shades. I don’t know if the fire is playing tricks on me or not, but he changes the subject before I can seem to figure it out.

  “So you said you write?”

  “Yeah, I mainly take on freelance projects.”

  “Is that what you want?”

  My brows dip. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Freelance, is that the goal? That’s what you’ve always dreamed of?”

  I’m about to respond but pause with my mouth gaping. His tone wasn’t condescending, not in the least, but it wasn’t completely supportive either. It’s sad that even this stranger thinks I can do something more with myself.

  I lift my shoulder in a halfhearted shrug and look back out at the twinkling lights. “No. Not really. When I was younger, I had higher aspirations, but as the years passed, those ambitions got lost. So, no”—I sigh—“freelance isn’t my dream job. But it does pay the bills.”

  Baz takes a sip from his tumbler. I feel his gaze burning into the side of my face, incinerating me. “You still didn’t answer my question. What do you want?”

  “I know,” I respond quietly. I don’t normally drink hard liquor, but his questions have me taking large gulps from the glass. Anything to avoid him and his penetrating gaze. “How did you get into the … hotel business?” I ask him, trying to steer the topic clear of me.

  He laughs as if he knows better. “Simple really. My family comes from money, but my success … I wanted something that was mine. I dabble in a few other business ventures, but I’ve put everything into these chains.”

  I glance around and smile as I take in the sleek look and feel of the resort. He really did put his all into this resort, and it shows. Without thought, I place my hand over his. “You’ve done amazing. I haven’t been to any of the other resorts, but from what I’ve seen here”—I glance around for emphasis—“this place is incredible.”

  Something flashes across his face, but it passes so quickly I can’t tell what it is. He almost seems uncomfortable with the praise for a few seconds, but then he switches to a different tactic. Anything to get the topic off him.

  Two people who don’t like talking about themselves. Not very promising.

  “You know what’s incredible?” he says, voice husky as all hell.

  I gulp. “What?”

  “You,” he whispers. Leaning in, he slides his hand around my neck and kisses me senseless. I feel it all the way down to my toes, traveling up my spine, then swirling in my belly. It’s addicting. Baz King is addicting. Want to know how I know? I’ve known this man not even one day, just a few hours, and I’m
completely and utterly infatuated with him.

  “What the hell do you mean you got caught up? We had dinner plans.” I can hear Vera’s pout through the phone, and I can’t help but roll my eyes. “And don’t you dare roll those damn eyes at me,” she says, making me pull the phone away from my ear and glance down at it.

  God, am I really that predictable?

  Absentmindedly, I stroke my fingers through my hair while I try to come up with something believable. “There was just a lot happening here at the resort. I started getting ready, but then I felt too tired to go out, so I decided to stay.”

  Vera’s silent for a moment. “All right. Well, next time, a call would be helpful. Are you at least coming out with us tonight?”

  I refrain from saying, “duh.” Vera doesn’t know just how much tonight means to me. She doesn’t realize that tonight is step one into embedding myself into the lives of the men who possibly took my sister from me. She doesn’t have a single clue, so she certainly doesn’t deserve my snark.

  “Yeah, I’ll be down in a few. Kat said we’re meeting here, right?”

  “Right. And try not to bail on us this time. Talk later, babe.”

  After hanging up, I rest my cell back on the bathroom counter and blow out a deep breath. I knew the girls would give me shit for not showing up to dinner last night, but it still didn’t stop me from enjoying the reprieve from day-to-day life I found in the form of the elusive and handsome Baz King.

  I shift on my feet as memories from last night resurface. A hot flush covers my skin, and I fidget. The need to fan myself is all-consuming. The ache between my thighs is ever present and more than welcome. Sex with Baz was incredible, and that’s putting it lightly. I’ve never had such a raw, primal, chemistry-driven sexual experience with someone.

  I lost my virginity in college to a guy who didn’t deserve any part of me or my time, but I settled anyway because I was just learning how to be my own person. I was trying to navigate life without my twin, my other half, and I never realized how hard that would be until she was gone. I wanted that validation that sex would give me. I wanted to feel beautiful, desired, and sexy. Those were all things I went most of my life not feeling as I lived in the shadow of my sister. And after she was gone, those were the first things I sought out.

  Finding a way out of her shadow. Searching for the real me.

  That was the odd dynamic of my relationship with Madison. Even though we were practically carbon copies of each other, we were also vastly different. Just by looking at us, it was easy to tell us apart. I’d always looked up to my sister. Even when she’d go out of her way to hurt me and make me feel like I was two feet tall, she was my blood, she was the other part of me, and she was my better half. She was my best friend, and despite all the bad, I loved her to death. A piece of me was missing, and I was sure I’d never get it back.

  Sex for the first time was a disaster. It was so bad, I even contemplated never doing the deed again. It hurt like hell. He lasted for all of five minutes, and I didn’t even have an orgasm—something everyone always raved about during sex. Over the years, I’ve had a total of three sexual partners, and none of them were great. I think that’s why I’ve shied away from sex and from relationships. It’s too much work to fake it, only to feel frustrated when you’re done because you have to masturbate in order to get yourself off. Having to put your faith and your trust in someone else and invest the time didn’t appeal to me.

  It scared me, actually.

  Putting that much faith and trust in a single person is damning. Because at the end of the day, there’s always the chance that person will let you down. Truth is, I’m scared of falling. Falling so hard, there will be no one there to catch me. I don’t ever want to rely on anyone for anything, least of all an orgasm, when I’m just fine doing it on my own.

  But sex last night with Baz? It was nothing short of incredible. I’ve never, ever had so many orgasms wrung from my body. I’ve never felt so connected or content with someone. There was an easy kinship with Baz that I’ve not experienced before. I should’ve just told the girls about my sexcapade with him last night, but truthfully? I didn’t want to share the experience with anyone else. It was mine and mine alone. Baz was so far out of my league I didn’t want to hear the girls tell me how much they thought so, too. About all the ways I could better myself, ways I could trick him into being mine. I wanted to live in my little bubble of happiness for a while longer, even if it meant lying. I’ve been lying to Vera and Kat for years. One more omission of the truth won’t hurt anyone.

  I shove my hands into the water under the faucet, and my mind immediately drifts back to last night when Baz and I parted ways. After the conversation we had in front of the fire turned into another round of sex, Baz helped me to my feet and walked me back to my suite like a complete gentleman. The walk was silent, a little tense, but not as uncomfortable as you’d think it would be after having sex with a stranger.

  “How long are you here for?”

  I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “Not long. Tomorrow, I’m going out with some friends, and the next day, in the evening, we fly back to New York.”

  “That’s a shame. I had fun tonight, Mackenzie.”

  I turn to him and laugh at the smirk on his face.

  “Oh, I’m sure you did, Mr. King.”

  It’s his turn to chuckle. “Tell me you didn’t have fun, too.”

  There’s no point in lying about it. “This is the most fun I’ve had in a very long time. So thank you. I don’t think I’ve had a proper orgasm before tonight.”

  Without warning, Baz stops walking, and I face him with raised brows. His expression looks like a mixture of shock and pity. “Do we have time to rectify this further? Break some records?”

  I laugh, and the sound echoes down the plush hall. “I think you’ve already rectified it about three times tonight.”

  “Four, actually,” he corrects.

  I smirk at him. “Keeping track now, are we, Mr. King? Better be careful. I wouldn’t want to tarnish that playboy reputation of yours.”

  His eyes gleam wickedly as he leans into me. “It’ll be our secret, dirty girl,” he whispers seductively in my ear and shoots me a wink. My thighs slam together in response. It’s a wonder I’m able to remain standing.

  When we make it to the front of my suite, I turn toward him, struck by the startling realization that I don’t want to say goodbye yet. I open my mouth, about to tell him that I want him to stay, but then wisely decide not to. That’s not what tonight was. Not the start to a fling or a new relationship. It was just sex. I can’t look into it more than that. I came here for my sister. For answers. For justice. Not this. I can’t lose sight of that just because I had some really incredible sex tonight.

  “Thank you again, Baz, for tonight. I had a good time. And the sex was pretty good, too.” I wink at him playfully, and he throws his head back, barking out a laugh. I can’t contain my smile as I watch him enjoy himself with my playful banter.

  “You are not like most women, Mackenzie. I’ll give you that.”

  His words have my smile faltering. I feel like the insecure Kenzie again. He must notice my change because he steps into me and fists his hand in my hair. “It’s a good thing, dirty girl. You’re one in a million.”

  My breath escapes in a stutter as he stares down at me. He leans in, and I close the distance, pressing my lips against his. His tongue slips into my mouth, and I let out a stuttered breath, my hands sliding around his broad, muscular shoulders as I deepen the kiss.

  “It was a pleasure,” he breathes as we part, staring into my eyes intently. “Good night, Mackenzie.”

  “Good night, Baz.”

  Reluctantly, I let myself inside the room and lean against the door after I’ve closed it, replaying everything that happened over the course of the night.

  I stand rooted to the spot, trying to wrap my head around the strange turn of events. That was possibly the hottest man I’ve ever
met in my life—who thought I was gorgeous—and I didn’t even think to get his number? All because I wanted to stick to a foolish plan?

  Fuck me.

  Snapping out of my internal musings, I click off the bathroom light and stride toward the floor-length mirror. As I stare at my reflection, I force thoughts of Baz out of my head and focus on why I’m here. Tonight is the night. We’re here, so I can find out the truth, and I can’t mess this up.

  My palms slide down the material of the dress that clings to my skin. It’s a black satin mini dress with a slinky cowl neck and an open back. Showing off my legs and the perfect amount of thigh, it doesn’t come off as too slutty and leaves just enough skin exposed to have every male within a one-mile radius wondering what lies beneath. My D cup breasts are barely contained by the slinky cowl neck that dips dangerously low. I paired the dress with my black Choca Spike Louboutins, courtesy of Katherine.

  My makeup is painted on to perfection. Normally, I don’t wear this much makeup, but in order for tonight to work, I needed a change, and a full face of makeup with a dark smoky eye was enough to make my hazel eyes pop. It’s enough to mask the old Mackenzie with the new version—the one who would do anything to find out the truth. Anything to make the bastards from my past pay for what they did to my sister and me.

  The sound of knuckles rapping on the suite door has me spinning away from the mirror and reaching for my clutch on the dresser. I don’t even have the door opened all the way before I hear the girls’ rowdy catcalls.

  “Holy mother of hotness, you look amazing, Kenz!” Vera just about screams.

  “My God, your hair. I can’t believe you dyed it all black!” Kat gasps in surprise, eyes going wide. An amused smile tugs at the corners of my lips at their reactions to my makeover. I expected as much from them, especially over the change to my hair.

  “It’s like Megan Fox and Jennifer Love Hewitt had a baby with a naughty angel.” Vera sighs dramatically, weaving her fingers through my straight strands.

  I bark out a laugh at the comment. A blush paints my cheeks, and I dip my head, trying not to let her words have an effect on me.


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