Bad Boy Romance: The Hitmans Payback (Bad Boy Alpha Male Mafia Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary Crime Thriller & Suspense Romance)

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Bad Boy Romance: The Hitmans Payback (Bad Boy Alpha Male Mafia Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary Crime Thriller & Suspense Romance) Page 2

by Melinda London

  Sometime later, just to even the scale a small bit, Marie asked if she could go and ask Gina to join us. I was thrilled with the idea and felt like it may help Marie to have her friend there among my relatives. Gina was greeted with huge hugs from the family members who knew her, having already been invited to numerous family gatherings. She gave her Nonna’s regrets and settled in next to Marie in the kitchen. At some point during the craziness I vaguely noticed James and Gina deep in conversation. I could have been mistaken but I was pretty sure they flirting. I lost that thought as Marie called my name and immediately pulled me into a conversation with my uncle.

  Days later I was walking home from the restaurant and saw Gina and James deep in conversation on her stoop. I called out to them as I neared and walked over, “Hey you two.”

  “Hi.” They both answered, completely in sync. I noticed a faint blush cross Gina’s face as she glanced quickly at James. He held her eyes a moment too long, which prompted me to clear my throat and ask, “how is Joey doing? I haven’t seen him for a while.” I immediately regretted the question as her face hardened a bit.

  “Oh, Joey is doing well, I think. I haven’t heard from him since he rang the other night to cancel our date 20 minutes after he was supposed to have picked me up.”

  I looked in her eyes and could see that had hurt her, “I’m sorry, Gina, I am sure something very important must have come up to keep him from you.”

  “Really? Cause I am not so sure about that. Seems to be a habit with him.” She said, frustration crossing her face. It was clear she was not happy with Joey these days at all. The protector in me welled up. Joey should know better than to treat Gina like this, then again it really was not my place to get involved.

  Or was it? Truth be told, I thought of her and Nonna as family. Even my parents thought of them as family. I noticed James purposefully looking away up the street so I asked, “have you guys talked about all of that?”

  “Yes. He and I have very different opinions about our current situation. He says he is busier than I am so I will have to learn to adjust. To be honest, I don’t really think I have to. All the more reason why we shouldn’t be dating, but again, he has a different opinion.”

  Funny how until this very moment I never, ever thought to wonder what would happen if these current relationships between Marie and I; or Gina and Joey, didn’t work out. This thought prompted, “Gina, I hope you know I consider you family. No matter what happens between you and Joey, I hope that doesn’t change. Likewise, I hope no matter what happens with Marie and I, you and I will have no issue.”

  “Oh, Tony, of course not. Nonna and I absolutely adore your family and would never want to see anything sever that relationship and bond.” Suddenly I was very aware that James was watching me very intently.

  “Glad that’s sorted.” I said with a wink, “I have to run and change for my date with Marie. I’ll see you at home, James.”

  “Bye.” Gina and James said perfectly in sync once more. Interesting.

  Chapter 5

  I met Marie at a new place in the city that I had heard great things about. Some guy who was from New Jersey, and apparently a rising star, would be performing tonight. We got a table right by the stage and enjoyed our dinner before the show started. She looked amazing, and smelled so good all I wanted to do was nuzzle my face right into her skin. Even with the romantic mood, and her intoxicating scent, I could not get the exchange with Gina off my mind.

  “Marie, I was thinking. How do you feel things are going between us?” I was nervous as I asked this. What if she wasn’t feeling the same way I was? I wasn’t sure I was ready to hear that, if that was the case.

  She seemed to be taken aback by my question, “I feel like things are good, really good, why?”

  “Oh okay.” I managed to get out as I turned my head before my sigh of relief escaped me.

  “Tony?” She asked softly prompting me to turn toward her once more. “Everything ok?”

  “Yea. I mean, yes. Between us, everything is good,” I answered quickly, wanting to reassure her but still very distracted by my earlier exchange with Gina. “Ah, Marie do you ever talk to Gina about her relationship with Joey?”

  She sat upright and looked intently at me as she answered, “Sometimes, not too often. Why?”

  “Not to break confidence but something she said earlier just is not sitting well with me. I’m not sure if I am over thinking it, or just making something where there is nothing.”

  She took a deep breath, “Honestly, Tony, I don’t know. I do know that something in that relationship does not seem right. I’m glad you don’t do or say any of the things to me that Joey does to G. I definitely would not date you if that were the case. It’s more than that though, I would stay far, far away from you.” Her words made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

  “Why do you say that? Has she said anything?” concern and alarm building within me but I fought for a calm exterior.

  “I don’t want to say too much; he is your friend.” She said as she looked down at her wine.

  “Marie, Gina is family, that’s more important than friends. And Joey and I are more like friendly business associates. I only started seeing him more often when we both started dating you and Gina. I wouldn’t lose sleep over his disappearing from my life one bit.” I watched her as she twirled the stem of the wine glass between her dainty, capable fingers. She stared straight into the delicate yellow of her chardonnay and stayed silent for a time. I did not push her. I had learned that she often silently contemplated things before giving a response, especially when it was something important, as this clearly was to her.

  She sighed then began, “She hasn’t said anything directly. I know she isn’t happy. I know she has tried to end things, he insists that he cares enough for the both of them to make it work. Personally, I think he thinks of her as a possession. She wants to end it, he doesn’t, so she doesn’t get a choice. I think it’s a pride thing; he won’t let her walk away. He is always late or cancelling last minute. Makes her wait, and wait for him. He expects a lot. He wants her to act a certain way, dress a certain way. I don’t know what, if any, are the consequences if she doesn’t comply but I can’t think she just obeys like a doll for the fun of it. I think she feels trapped and doesn’t know how to get out of it.”

  Her words hit me like a bullet, slamming into me blow after blow as she revealed some pretty intense observations.

  “Of course,” she continued, “This is mostly observations and me reading between the lines so I could be very far off.” I knew she wasn’t, and so did she. Marie had a keen sense of observation. She was quick, and rarely missed a thing that happened around her, even the subtle things.

  “I’m sorry this has touched our date tonight. We can let it lie. Thank you for talking to me about it. “

  “Honestly Tony, it’s a relief to share it. It’s been weighing on me.” She stated looking a bit sad.

  I reached across the table to cover her hand with mine, “It will be ok, we can help her figure it out. Or at least you can,” I said offering her a smile, “and I can help you behind the scenes.”

  It was the first problem we’d encountered as a couple, and it felt good to be looking at it together. A few minutes later the show began and we let the conversation fall flat for the evening.

  Chapter 6

  Friday night found Marie and I out with Gina and Joey. This time I was watching him in a very different way. Joey had a few weaknesses, despite his rising star status. Humility was not his strong suit. It was because he was so arrogant; he rarely noticed the reaction or action around him. Should he continue to rise he was really going to need a crew around him that would be more observant than he was for his own safety. Throughout the night I noticed small details. He held her hand, but looked like he squeezed too hard at times. He reached up to massage her neck, but again, seemed to give a not so gentle squeeze. Gina’s smile was tense and she seemed to be working very hard to eng
age us all in conversation, which was odd. She always seemed to be an easy conversationalist. Outside the restaurant Joey leaned in to kiss her goodnight and she visibly stiffened all over though dutifully stepped toward him for a pre-requisite good night kiss. As was usual if I was meeting up with them, Joey never took the ride into Queens to drop Gina home. He knew I would get her home safely, considered me like a brother to her.

  Inside the taxi Gina sat starring out the window while Marie held my hand and looked nervously at her friend.

  “Gina?” I said softly. She turned her head and I could see the tension in her face. “You ok?”

  “Oh, yes. I am fine. It was just a long day.” She made a remarkable effort to smile, then looked away quickly. I noticed Marie stretched her hand out to cover Gina’s as she whispered, “We know something isn’t right, G. Wish you would tell us what it is so we can help.”

  Gina did not bother turning her head instead she just whispered back, “He won’t let me go.”

  Despite our efforts she refused to be pulled any further into conversation. Marie and I both went home feeling as if we had failed our friend.

  No matter how hard we each tried over the next few weeks, Gina refused to tell us any more about what was going on. We both finally agreed that there was nothing we could do if she wouldn’t open up to us. Sooner or later, we figured, she would tell us. Or maybe she would work up enough courage to break things off with Joey. I still did not understand why she just didn’t stop seeing him. It didn’t seem that hard to do. He usually broke dates with her anyway, so what difference did it make to officially end things? What did I know, though? I was just a guy.

  Chapter 7

  The air outside was perfect on this June day something about it reminded me of the second or third time I had gone to Marie’s house for dinner. I liked her parents very much. Her mother was warm and kind, very similar to my own mother. I respected her father instantly. He had a way about him that immediately communicated that you were in the presences of someone who was used to being in charge, yet he was humble about it. On this particular night Marie’s father and I had one of our first conversations, man to man.

  He spoke candidly about what he knew I did, and about his own business. He was very clear about the safety and happiness of his only daughter being his utmost priority and seemed very happy to know that I too cherished those things for her. The conversation moved to work after that, but I knew he was letting me know that he approved of me dating his daughter. I had not realized it, but I had actually wanted the approval.

  Later that same day I enjoyed Sunday dinner with my parents, James, Marie, Gina and Nonna were all present. We were laughing and chatting easily about all manner of things. Gina seemed happier than she had 3 weeks ago at dinner, seemed more like herself. I watched her as she smiled and laughed with James about something he was saying. It was really good to see her looking like her lively self. I wondered if she had broken up with Joey, or if they had just worked things out.

  I had been so busy with work and spending all of my spare time with Marie that it felt wonderful to be gathered around with everyone especially since Marie and I were leaving tomorrow. We had booked our first romantic vacation, which would really be the very first time we would be in a place secluded enough to be intimate. As much as I loved our intense make out sessions, I wanted more, and so did she. We had talked about it at length since this would be her first time.

  I already knew I wanted to marry her. I had gone back and forth about it being too soon. Ultimately it was her father who had helped me decide. I had spoken to him a few weeks ago. Marie and her mother were inside preparing dessert while her father and I were enjoying a cigar on the deck. I asked him, “How long did you date Maria before you knew you wanted to marry her?” I knew I was taking a chance with this question. I knew he would either get very angry at the mere mention of it, or be thrilled by it.

  To his credit, he remained outwardly calm, “not that long, actually. We were married six months after we met. Things were different then, though. You younger kids are waiting a lot longer now.”

  “Do you think it’s better that we wait” what was I doing? I should have clamped my mouth closed and let the conversation die.

  Still calm, he replied, “Honestly, for some people, yes. Others you just see them together and you know. You know they both understand the commitment. You know they have a nice way together.”

  I had gone too far in the conversation to stop now, so I mustered my courage and asked, “How would you feel if I asked Marie?” I swallowed hard as soon as the question was out and realized this was the very first time in my adult life that I was nervous and truly scared.

  “Are you asking if you can ask Marie?” His tone did not change, but he did sit up a bit straighter as he spoke.

  “Ah, yes, sir. I believe I am.” I managed to say without sounding weak. I even met his eyes squarely as I waited for his reply. My hands were clammy and my heart was racing.

  “Tony, I like you. I don’t know that I would want someone following in the same business footsteps as I am in for my daughter but you are a good man. I know you will take good care of her. I know you will love her. I know you will provide the kind of life she is accustomed to. I know you will respect her. I know you will respect the family. I would be proud to welcome you.” He said each sentence in an authoritative and emotional way so that when he finished I found myself unable to speak for a moment.

  “Thank you, sir.” I croaked out while managing to still keep looking him in the eye.

  He cleared his throat and asked, “When will you ask?”

  “When we go away.” He nodded his head, extended his hand and said, “Welcome to the family.”

  It has been a surreal moment. He seemed so sure I would be part of the family. I, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck. I had told James first who beamed at me broadly and grabbed me by the arm to drag me toward my parents. My mother had teared up, and my father had gone to get some champagne despite my protests that I hadn’t even asked yet, and she could very well say no. That fell on deaf ears as my family’s joy took over.

  Chapter 8

  As Marie and I sat on the plane waiting to take off toward Jamaica, I could feel my nerves coming to light again. I had been fidgeting all morning, and blamed it on being nervous on planes. She seemed to accept this, thank goodness. I had made arrangements to propose on day 3, but now was finding it increasingly difficult to sit still with the giant secret of it all looming between us.

  Bless Marie, she seemed to understand my nerves and began chatting endlessly. I knew I would never be able to recall half of what she was saying, which was very unlike me. Thankfully, we made it through the flight. The ordeal of getting from the airport to the hotel was enough to distract me completely. From the moment we checked in Marie seemed to have an entire agenda of things for us to do.

  Halfway through the day I began to wonder if I would have enough energy to finish out the day at this pace. Luckily, she scheduled in naptime. We returned to the room after exploring the compound of our resort. She shyly escaped into the bathroom where I knew she was taking a shower and changing. The thought of her peeling her adorable sundress off her skin was blissful torture. She emerged in a white sleeping gown looking unbelievably sexy, and innocent at the same time. I made a fast escape to the bathroom to take a very cold, fast shower.

  I knew she was nervous, and did my best to calm her as I slid onto the bed next to her. She was under the covers; I stayed on top. Even though I wanted her badly, sleep seemed more in order as she let out a small yawn. We both burrowed down and snuggled closer at the same time. As we settled against each other for the very first time I realized that I had never felt such a sense of “home” in my entire life. I stroked her hair for a few minutes, whispered, “this is perfect, I love you” in her ear. A few moments later we were both dreaming.

  Chapter 9

  I was vaguely aware of an annoying buzzing in the background as I
felt a warmth slide up against my body which brought all of my senses to life. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times before realizing where I was, and more importantly, who I was with. Marie lay close beside me, her hair tussled from sleep and looking breathtakingly lovely. She half smiled up at me, then pulled away quickly to shut off the annoying alarm that was insisting we wake up.

  She went to slide from the bed completely but I interjected, “Hey, where are you going?” Gently grabbing her wrist, I pulled her back in toward me and nuzzled my face into her neck. “Mmmmm, you smell wonderful.” She didn’t make a sound, so I looked up to make sure she was alright.

  Her eyes were hooded, her mouth gently parted. “OK?” I asked softly to which she smiled and shook her head affirmative. I slowly brought my mouth down on hers. Kissing should make her feel more relaxed as we were well versed in it after near eight months of practice. My tongue invaded her mouth gently to which she responded, her own tongue peeking out and meeting mine in the middle to dance and twirl around mine. As our mouths continued their erotic assault, my hands took to exploring.


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