by Rosanne Bane
See also Creative Play
Play (Brown), 129
Play-doh, 42, 47, 52, 197
Prayer, 229
Predator Archetype, 180
Pressfield, Steven, 135
Process, 11, 39–57, 78, 148, 150, 151, 204, 246, 253, 256, 276
accountability for, 264
committing time to, 40–44, 273
play in, 40–46, 48, 52–57, 59, 78, 87, 130, 205, 271
Product Time and, 46–47, 58–60, 64, 66, 75, 85–87, 111
starting over with, 267
surrendering expectations in, 46–52
tracking, 151, 153, 157, 168
See also Creative Process
Product Time, 11, 39, 46, 58–90, 148–52, 204, 218, 246, 256, 271, 276–81
accountability for, 264
evaluating, 66–69
Process and, 46–47, 58–60, 64, 66, 75, 85–87, 111
recognizing resistance to, 218–20, 249
rewarding yourself for, 175
Self-Care and, 111–12, 115, 119, 131
showing up for, 64–66, 251–53, 273
stages of creative process in, 69–79, 100
starting over with, 267
tracking of,152–54, 157, 158, 168
Progressive muscle relaxation, 228–29
Protector Saboteur, 185, 187, 189, 192
Proust, Marcel, 233
Public Broadcasting System (PBS), 72
Public success, 259–61
Puritanism, 126
Queensen, Miriam, 58–59
Quiet, power of, 123–24
Ratey, John J., 102–3
Reality, recognizing, 219–20
Record-keeping, 150–58
Redford, Robert, 209
Redirection, 242–44
spontaneous, 244–45
Relaxation, 223–26
methods of, 227–31, 234
Relaxation Revolution (Benson), 225
REM sleep, 97, 99
RescueTime application, 116, 117
Resistance, 3–5, 24, 246–47, 257, 273
inventory of, 8–11
neurological causes of, 25–28
normal, 5–6
recognizing, 29–31, 211–23, 249
redirecting energy of, 240–45
relaxing into, 223–34
resolving, 7–8, 39–40, 206–45, 251
See also Process; Product Time; Self-care
respecting wisdom of, 234–40
rewards for reducing, 160, 168
Reticular activating system (RAS), 19–20, 28, 142
Rewards, 148, 155, 158–66
shaping behavior with, 171–76
Ridiculously Simple Furniture Projects (Carlsen), 64
Riley, Lieutenant Commander Michael, 156–57, 235
Rituals, 135–47
to ease anxiety, 136–40
effect on neural connections of, 140–42
ending, 144–46
identifying, 143–44
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, 32
Roman Catholic Church, 32
Routines. See Rituals
Routine tasks, rewards for, 163–64, 169
Rowling, J. K., 272
Ryun, Jim, 37
Saboteur, 178–205, 215, 236, 259, 267, 269
characteristics of, 189–92
choosing response to, 204–5
competitive plasticity as tool of, 254–55
guises of, 185–88
muzzling, 253–54
obsessive-compulsive disorder and, 198–203
psychological origins of, 179–84
recognizing, 194–97
Sacred Contracts (Myss), 179
St. Thomas, University of, 63
Sarton, May, 136
Saturation, 67, 70, 73–75, 77
Scheduling, realistic, 219–20
Schiller, Friedrich, 138, 142
Scholastic, 270
Schultz, Wolfram, 175
Schwartz, Jeffrey M., 153, 198–200, 202–3, 205
Science Channel, 72
Self-care, 11, 39, 58, 64, 85, 91–132, 148, 150, 151, 204, 246, 253, 256, 271, 276
accountability for, 264
adequate sleep, 96–100
exercise, 100–106
focus, 106–18
meditation, 119–24
play, 93, 110, 119, 124–32, 226
record-keeping for, 151, 153, 157, 168
self-indulgence distinguished from, 93–95
showing up for, 273
starting over with, 267
Serotonin, 103
Singing, 231
Sleep, adequate, 96–100
Sommers, Laura, 44, 93–95, 100–102
Sophie’s Choice (Styron), 100
Spark (Ratey), 102
SPECT brain imagery
Speed (film), 226
Splintered History of Wood, A (Carlsen), 64
Spooky Art, The (Mailer), 65
“Squelch Your Inner Censor” (Fletcher), 197
Stanford University, 115, 165
Starting over, 267–70
Story-teller, 182
Stress, 3, 27, 84, 214, 229
chronic, 226–27
limbic system and, 20, 26–27, 80, 129, 215, 223–26
techniques for reduction of, 103, 107, 124, 128, 129, 228, 231–34
Stroke patients, 181–82
recovery of, 34–35, 48, 167–68, 182
Styron, William, 136
Superstitions, 136–40
Sympathetic nervous system, 223, 225, 231
“Synaptic Jazz” (Cook), v–vii
Taub, Edward, 35, 167–68, 170
Taylor, Jill Bolte, 32–33, 48–50, 70, 181–82, 204
Temporal lobe, 19
Thalamus, 15, 18, 140, 143, 223
visual, 23
Tharp, Twyla, 136–37
Theobald, Julie, 46, 173–75
Theta waves, 53, 97
Thich Nhat Hanh, 122
Thurber, James, 144, 146
Tieck, Sarah, 45, 46
Time of Day Chart, 116, 117
Tracking, 150–58
Transcendental Meditation, 122
Tübingen, University of, 248
Twain, Mark, 136, 161
Twitter, 62, 213
Ueland, Brenda, 41
Underestimation, self-, 213–15
Unlucky Saboteur, 185, 189, 192
USS Missouri, 156, 235
Venting, 229–30
Verification, 68–70, 77–78
Visualization, 230
Wade, Nikki, 124, 125
Washington, University of, 42
Water, calming influence of, 231
Watson, Stephanie, 45, 260–61, 270–71
Wee Hours, The (Watson), 45, 271
Welter, Francis, 179
Welty, Eudora, 136
Wernicke’s area, 19
Whale Done! (Blanchard), 243
Wharton, Edith, 136
What-if/then . . . statements, 222–23
Wideman, John Edgar, 136
Wisconsin, University of, 121
Wise, Anna, 53
Woolf, Virginia, 136
Writer’s block, full-fledged, 212
Writer’s Digest, 182
Writers Dreaming (Barth), 107
Writer’s logs, 150–58
Writer’s journal, see Journalingr />
Writer’s Market, 259
Writer’s Support and Accountability (S&A) Groups, 275–84
evolution of, 282–84
finding, via Facebook, 277–78
inclusion in, 278
weekly check-ins with, 279–82
Writing buddies, 264–65
partner or spouse as, 265–67
Writing Down the Bones (Goldberg), 8, 41
Writing habit, power of, 10–13.
See also Process; Product Time; Self-care
Zen, 122
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