Unimaginable Lover (Warriors of Lemuria Book 3)

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Unimaginable Lover (Warriors of Lemuria Book 3) Page 12

by Rosalie Redd

  Coop barked, again and again, adding to the confusion.

  Tanen stood and wrapped her in his embrace. “It’s just you and me, Sheri.”

  She latched on to him, her trembles reverberating through their connection, worming into his heart. He held her tight until her shivers ceased.

  “Tanen…” She leaned back and peered into his eyes. “Wh…What happened? Who were those…people?”

  The muscles in his jaw clamped tight. “Not anyone you wish to know.”

  Coop jumped, placing his front paws on Sheri’s hip. He gave her a few soft woofs, his tail wagging back and forth.

  “Oh, Coop.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face and hands in his fur. The adoration and love she displayed for her pet melted Tanen’s resolve. Despite they were from different worlds, literally and figuratively, he couldn’t deny what was in his heart. He cared for her, more than he should.


  She released Coop and glanced around her home. Although her fingers shook, her hand fisted at her side. She turned her focus on him, and a fire burned in her eyes. “Tanen…tell me. What’s going on? Who were those people and what were they doing here? Why did they want your blue stone? Are you in some kind of mob?”

  Heat raced over his shoulders. He exhaled, forcing his heartbeat to slow. “Sheri…there’s more to this—”

  She brought her fist to her mouth, and held up her other hand. “Stop, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know what kind of trouble you’re in. Besides, it doesn’t matter. I’m moving to Seattle.” With short, quick movements, she picked up a cushion and tossed it on the couch. Bending over, she grabbed the edge of the coffee table, returning it to a standing position. Her frantic pace increased and she raced to her bookcase.

  Her head jerked back and forth as she assessed the damages. She dropped to her knees. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she grasped book after book.

  Tanen couldn’t take anymore. He wrapped her in his arms, tugging her to him. “Shh…Sheri. Calm down.”

  A short sob escaped her lips then she relaxed into his embrace.

  “That’s better.” He trailed his fingers over her hair, trying to quiet her as best he could. She’s moving away? The words haunted him, but his need to care for her outweighed the sudden ache in his chest.

  She pulled back to look at him. A tear slipped over her lashes. Tanen cupped her face in his palm and gently trailed his thumb over her cheek, wiping away the wetness.


  Coop shoved his way between them and issued a short bark. Sheri stepped back, wiping her hand over her face, drying the remaining moisture from her eyes. “Oh, Coop. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  She gave her companion another hug. “Good boy. Go lie down.”

  After a quick finger snap, she pointed to his bed. He tilted his head, woofed, then headed for his spot.

  She scratched at her chin, the skin red and swollen.

  A tendril of worry skittered over his nerves. “Does your jaw hurt?”

  “It’s nothing, just burns now and then…” The lines around her eyes drew together and her delectable mouth turned into a frown.

  He winced, knowing he’d caused her such pain. “May I take a look?”

  She bit her lip, and he had the sudden urge to bite it, too. The pull, the magnetism between them, drew him to her and he couldn’t stop himself. He traced a finger over her brow, placing a few stray strands of hair behind her ear.

  “You’ve been through a lot in the past few hours. You seem fine, but please, let me look at your wound.” She met his gaze and he concentrated on her features, memorizing the intricacies in her hazel eyes. The brown melded with the green in a unique pattern and he’d never seen anything so beautiful. He wanted to dive into their depths and please her, please this female he’d come to care for so much in such a short time.

  She nodded, the brief gesture a victory as much for her as for him. A resolve built in his chest. He wouldn’t let her down. With thoughtful attention, he tilted her head and trailed his finger to the red spot on her chin.

  She flinched ever so slightly.

  “I’m sorry you were injured.”

  Mauree’s fist had left a small welt and a tiny scratch, but it was already well on its way to healing. Good thing Jakar hadn’t bitten her. She wouldn’t have survived.

  “How does it look?” Her voice was soft, shaky.

  “Not too bad. The redness will disappear in a few hours. Are you hurt anywhere else?”

  “N…no, I’m fine.” She straightened her head and glanced into his eyes. “Thank you. If you hadn’t showed up when you did…” She inhaled. “You saved my life.”

  His chest constricted at the sincerity in her voice. “You wouldn’t be in this mess if not for me.”

  Her brow creased, and her eyes shifted back and forth as she studied him. “I’ll be honest. I don’t know what’s real and what isn’t anymore and I’m scared out of my mind right now, but with you, I feel safe.”

  His heart pounded double time. That she trusted him, felt protected by him, lifted his spirits. “I…I thought you were dead. You have no idea how much that scared me.”

  “Tanen…” The affectionate way she looked at him shredded his insides, her eyes boring into his soul. His inner beast woke and a low growl started in the base of his chest. The vibration rumbled between them. An answering moan eased from her parted lips.

  He cupped her head in his palm, and traced his thumb over her bottom lip. She audibly inhaled and licked her lips. Holding back was no longer an option. With deliberate intent, he glanced from her eyes to her mouth and brought her close. Their lips met and sparks ignited, tingling the inner lining of his mouth.

  She mewled in acceptance, and he deepened the kiss. He wanted more, and blood rushed to his groin. His growl turned into a moan of pure need. Leaning into him, her body molded to his, her breasts pressing against his chest. His shaft filled with his desire, and he stroked his free hand over the dip in her waist to her full, rounded hips. He tugged her to him. She gasped, breaking their kiss.

  He cradled her nape in his palm, holding on, not ever wanting to let her go. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to her forehead. “Let me clean you up, care for you as you did for me.”

  She peered into his eyes, trust and faith radiating from their depths. All she gave him in response was a quick nod.

  That was all the encouragement he needed. He grasped her hand and led her toward the bathroom, only stopping long enough to lock the front door.


  Tanen pulled Sheri into the bathroom and shut the door. He scanned the counter, looking for the small box with the red cross on the front. A myriad of bottles, tubes, and assorted containers lined the countertop, but nowhere did he see her medical kit. Restlessness tingled his nerves, and he glanced at her.

  She touched his arm, his skin lighting up at the contact. Her gaze was focused on her reflection in the mirror. “Oh, my…” Her lip quivered.

  Wanting to distract her, he placed his hand on her shoulder. “Why don’t you sit?”

  She nodded, and he helped her perch on the toilet seat lid.

  “Where’s your medicine box?”

  At the sound of his voice, her attention tracked to him. She pointed at the cabinet under the sink. “D…down there.”

  He opened the door and a slight squeak issued from the hinge. There, on the bottom shelf, was the little white box. Next to it was a bottle of what looked like ointment. He couldn’t read the label, and an irritated flush raced over his shoulders.

  Quickly, he grabbed both items and placed them on the counter, scooting some of the bottles out of the way. He eased open the metal latch, revealing her medical supplies. An assortment of bandages, cotton balls, ointment, scissors, and tape filled the small box.

  He stole a glance at her. Her gaze was focused on the floor, her shoulders shaking. The last thing he wanted was for her to go into shock. Gripping the bottle
, he held it in front of her, forcing her to pay attention to him. “Is this an antiseptic?”

  She peered at him then focused on the container in his hand. “Yes.”

  He unscrewed the cap and moistened a wad of cotton. Bending on one knee, he leaned into her and placed a hand on her arm. His fingers tingled at the skin-on-skin contact and reminded him of her battle with Mauree. Sparks had radiated from Sheri’s fingers.

  Craya. She’s no longer human. Somehow, he’d changed her. She was a Dren now, and would soon need to feed from him. Her special gift had something to do with the electrical energy in her fingers. He needed to help her ease into her transition.

  He moved a stray strand of hair away from her eyebrow and looked into her eyes. “I’m going to take good care of you. I promise.”

  Her eyes flicked back and forth as she evaluated him. Then, her full mouth, still red from their kisses, pursed. “Tanen…my mother used to say people come into our lives for a reason. That sometimes, we have to take a leap of faith.”

  He studied her. “Do you believe that?”

  She shrugged. “After what I saw tonight, I think anything is possible. But what I do know, is you came back for me.”

  His chest tightened. A warmth for this female spread through him, searing her into the very fiber of his being. He swallowed and leaned forward. With attentiveness, he dabbed the moist cotton onto her cut, wiping away the bit of dried blood.

  She trailed her fingers up his arm until she latched on to his, holding on as if for dear life. “Tanen, kiss me.”

  He wanted to oblige, please her until she couldn’t remember anything except his touch, his kiss, his love, but he wouldn’t take advantage of her, not in her current state of mind. “You’ve been through a lot…”

  With an ache in his chest, he stood, put the cap back on the bottle, and returned both it and the medical kit to the cabinet.

  She rose from her seat and trailed her hand down his arm. A shiver of pure need trembled through him. His beast wanted what she offered and so did he, his shaft hardening.

  “Tanen, I meant what I said. Please, kiss me.” Her soft words tore into him, breaking his resolve.

  Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, melting his heart. He couldn’t deny her request, not now. Wrapping his hand around her waist, he drew her to him, pouring his love for this tender-hearted female into his kiss, showing her what she meant to him. She’d given him the one thing he’d always wanted—faith. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her now.

  Their kisses took on a frenzied tone, her need fueling his own. When they stopped for a quick breath, she bit her lip and stared into his eyes. “Did you mean it when you said you’d care for me?”

  A tinge of unease travelled along his nerves. “Of course. What—”

  “I want to bathe, get rid of all the dirt and… Please, would you bathe with me?” The plea in her tone was something he couldn’t refuse. His beast growled in agreement.

  Eager to rid them both of their clothes, he tugged at the waistband of her pants, pulling her close. Her fingers landed on his chest. A soft squeal eased from her lips. With deliberate slowness, she trailed her hands between them and undid the buttons on her blouse, her fingers tickling the skin on his chest.

  He eased the blouse from her arms, and the material landed on the tiled floor in a heap. The smooth skin of her neck trailed into the “V” of her cleavage, and her rounded breasts swelled with each breath, taunting him, teasing him. With mindful attention, he slipped one bra strap over her shoulder then the other. She took a step back and undid the clasp. As the material slipped from her fingers, her tight little nipples peaked.

  He groaned, the sound low and needful. Unable to resist, he trailed a finger over her shoulder and around the edge of her breast. As he took her weight in his hand, he gently flicked the sensitive tip with his thumb. A soft gasp escaped between her lips. He’d never heard anything so alluring.

  She eased her fingers over his coat, pausing for a moment to study his emblem. “Your coat is a mess. I’m afraid it’s not much more than a tattered rag.”

  He shrugged out of it and left it on the counter. “It’s all I have and will have to do.”

  She ran her hands over his shoulders and down his sweatshirt. With a quick pull, she yanked at the base of his shirt. He raised his hands and the cloth landed on the counter. Her gaze traced over the healed scars on his chest and shoulders.

  His erection tented his sweatpants and she gripped him, squeezing him tight. A low hiss slid from his throat, and the need to claim her churned deep inside. She tugged at his pants, stretching the waistband over his hips. Quicker than he thought possible, he removed the restraining material along with his shoes. As he straightened, his shaft strained toward her, longing for her touch. But he would have none of that, not yet. First, he wanted her naked.

  He pulled the string on her thin scrubs. She slid them over her hips, and tossed them into the corner with one foot. Scattered around the small room, the bits of clothing seemed right at home. For some reason, the familiar urge to straighten the mess no longer seized him.

  He leaned into the shower, gripped the handle and turned. As the water poured from the shower head, the sound of the spray hitting the tiles filled the room. He turned to face her and became lost in everything that was Sheri. Her warm skin, the gentle shape of her curves, and the desire in the depths of her eyes.

  “Come, be with me.” He extended his hand in invitation. She placed her fingers alongside his until their palms touched. He squeezed her hand, sending all his comfort and support through their connection. As she joined him in the shower, he couldn’t help but think her acceptance meant more to the both of them then either would admit.


  Be with me. The deep timbre in Tanen’s voice was gentle and soothing, calming her and drawing her to him. She accepted his proffered hand, letting him guide her into the shower and into his arms. He wrapped her in his embrace, holding her close. Leaning against him, she soaked up his strength.

  Deep lines formed along his cheeks and his intense focus left little doubt of his intent. He ran his hand over her hip and over her waist. His fingers skimmed along the curve of her breast, coming dangerously close to her nipples. The taut peaks ached, and she longed for him to touch her, bring her some relief, and make her forget about everything that had happened.

  She stroked her fingers over his shoulders and down his biceps. Tenderness and affection reflected deep in his eyes. This man had wreaked havoc with her life, but there was something about him she couldn’t resist, something that called to her at a level so deep, she couldn’t ignore it. Right now, nothing mattered except Tanen.

  He leaned into her, his hot length pressing against her abdomen. Although he was a big man to begin with, the length and breadth of him made her pause. Could she take him? She wasn’t a small woman, but even still, a niggle of worry built in her chest.

  He pressed soft kisses against her forehead, her cheek, her chin, then gave her another bruising kiss, sending a jolt of electricity all the way to her toes. He flicked her nipple, and her clit pulsed along with her heartbeat. She couldn’t stop her needy moan.

  He kissed the tender spot behind her ear. When she cried out, his smile stretched the stubble on his chin, tickling her skin. He played her like he was a conductor of his own orchestra and each of her nerves was his instrument. She shivered in his embrace, wanting more.

  He slathered the bar of soap between his hands and rubbed his fingers over her shoulders, down her sides and between her breasts. The slick, soapy water ran along her legs, pooling at her feet. With exquisite grace, he kneeled and washed her calves and thighs, pausing for a moment at the junction between her legs.

  A shiver of anticipation traveled over her shoulders.

  A hungry smile graced his features as he rubbed his hand between her legs, careful not to get any soap between her folds. She moaned as his hand teased the fine hairs on her mound.

nbsp; The warm gleam in his eyes bore into her, cracking the protective shell around her heart. He stood, trailing his fingers up her thigh, his hand coming to rest at her hips.

  He gripped her leg and placed it over his hip. A short squeal of delight escaped her lips. His member lay against her thigh, warm and firm. She grasped him, squeezing her fingers tight. A growl born of masculine frustration rumbled in his chest. “You drive me crazy.”

  His quiet taunt lightened her mood, relieving some of her earlier stress, and she melted under his onslaught. He teased her, circling his fingers over her mound, stoking her need.

  She arched her hips and bit her lip. “Oh, yes please.”

  Pure male pride graced his features. With attentive devotion, he eased his finger between her sensitive folds. “You are so wet. I could make you come right now.”

  He circled her lips with his finger. At every turn he gave an extra swirl to her sensitive bud. Her hips moved in rhythm with him as he worked her into a frenzy. He inserted his finger into her cleft, and she gasped, the sensitive skin flaring to life. Little lightning bolts of desire traveled along her nerves.

  He chuckled and his shaft jerked, the end pressing harder against her thigh. Increasing the intensity, he rubbed her clit with his thumb while his finger slid in and out of her sheath. She couldn’t hold on, and she bucked against his hand as she came.

  Her frantic breaths eased in and out of her lungs. “I want you inside me.”

  The muscles in his arms tensed, and his brow furrowed.

  “Don’t worry, I’m on the pill. I won’t get pregnant, and I don’t have any diseases.”

  “Pregnancy? That didn’t even cross my mind.” His gaze roamed her face and his features tightened, as if with longing. “I don’t have any diseases. Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “I do…want you.”

  The smile that played on his lips caused butterflies to flutter in her stomach. Focusing on her once again, he placed the head of his cock at her entrance. He circled the tip around her clit, just like he’d done with his finger. She gripped his behind. “Please.”


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