Hound Cerberus 2.0 Book 2

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Hound Cerberus 2.0 Book 2 Page 5

by James, Marie

  “Slow was going to make me shoot my load too soon.” I punctuate my statement with a deliberately slow rotation of my hips before speeding up and pounding into her. “Fast, I thought would be better. I’d last longer.”

  She moans, head thrown back, the soft skin of her neck exposed.

  “I was wrong. The clench of your pussy is too much, no matter the tempo.”

  I bite and suck at her neck, ramming, sawing in and out of her like I’ll never be inside of her again.

  When the door crashes open at the first clasp of her orgasm, the first pulse of mine, I see it as a sign, an omen of things to come.

  I couldn’t stop coming if someone was holding a knife to my throat. I just signed my death warrant anyway, because when I look up, I’m staring right into the eyes of Diego “Kincaid” Anderson.

  “Daddy!” Gigi yells, trying to wrap the tangled sheet at her side over her chest.

  I tug it free and help cover her body, ready to fight all the men standing at Kincaid’s side for seeing what they have. True to their reputation, the men turn, giving us their backs and Gigi the privacy she deserves.

  “You could’ve knocked,” she mumbles.

  “Georgia Leigh Anderson,” Kincaid hisses. “Get your ass dressed right now!”

  I can feel the tremble in her body, and I want nothing more than to protect her, but four against one with these motherfuckers are horrible odds.

  I tuck the sheet closer to Gigi before pulling out of her. If he wanted to hurt me before, Kincaid is likely imagining my dismembered body when I groan as I leave her body.

  “Not helping,” Gigi whispers as she crawls out from underneath me.

  “I’ll kill you,” he sneers before turning his attention back to his sheet-wrapped daughter. “Go get dressed.”

  I expect her to defy him, to argue that all she has to wear is a thong and bikini top, but she scurries into the bathroom without a backward glance.

  I see the fist coming. I have time to react, time to deflect the punch, but I let the hit land on my left cheek, right where Kincaid intends. I deserve every punch he lets fly at my face. I deserve the gruesome crack of my nose as it shatters under his angry fists.

  “Enough,” one of the other MC members says as he drags Kincaid off of my chest.

  Wiping the blood from my face onto the sheet, I can’t even look him in the eye. What argument would I have? There’s nothing I can say to make what I did right. There’s no way to explain away the reason I ended up in bed with the boss’ daughter. Again. And again. Hell, I’d do what he did and more if I walked in on my daughter getting plowed by a man that was sent to protect her.

  “This?” Kincaid hisses. I finally meet his eyes as he points at me. “This is who you recommend for my club. I can’t trust him not to sleep with my daughter. How in the ever-loving fuck can I trust him with my men when things go to shit on a mission?”

  The man that pulled him off of me, the one Kincaid is challenging, is his older brother Dominic.

  “Dammit,” I mumble looking over at the grey-haired man. He’s massive, the silver color of his hair and small smile lines at the corners of his eyes are the only things that hints at his age.

  “He comes highly recommended,” Dominic says with doubt in his eyes.

  And I do. My time in the Marine Corps and my FORECON training and experience, on paper, practically over-qualifies me to be a Cerberus member. But, Kincaid is right. Trust is more valuable than experience. Faith that I’ll have the men’s backs is paramount to success. I’ve lost it before I could even prove to them how valuable I can be by fucking a girl I never should’ve touched.

  I can’t blame her. I can’t burden her with my choices. I had every intention of speaking with her last night, convincing her to see my side of things, but the temptation of her body was too much, irresistible by her mere nearness. It would’ve been all for nothing seeing as we were just busted in on in flagrante delicto.

  Kincaid doesn’t say another word. He merely glares at me, chest heaving and paying no attention to my blood marking his knuckles.

  The bathroom door opens, and Gigi steps out. The gorgeous red hair that trailed behind her when she scurried in there earlier is now clasped in her hands in the form of a wig. My attraction to her had everything to do with that red hair, but I can easily admit, with long dark hair flowing over her shoulders, she’s even more gorgeous. The sight of her timidly standing on the threshold, swallowed up by my t-shirt, a pair of my boxers peeking out at the bottom cause more problems for me. She’s beautiful, and even with five angry bastards in the room, my cock doesn’t seem to mind.

  I grunt, twisting to the side of the bed, feet planted on the floor and cover my thickening cock with the thin blanket at my feet.

  One of the men chuckles, and I look to see another guy, bearded like myself and maybe only a few years older. I’m not as inconspicuous as I thought. The laugh is odd though. Meeting his eyes, all I get is a smirk and a slight shake of his head before he walks over and reaches out a hand for her.

  “Come on, Gigi. Let’s head to your apartment and get you packed.”

  “I don’t need an escort, Kid,” she grumbles drawing my eyes back to her. “What are you going to do to him?”

  I look over at her father when he begins to speak. “Hound is my problem now.”

  Her eyes widen, confusion drawing her brows together.

  “Hound?” She shakes her head as she glares at me. “You know my dad?”

  “Let’s go,” Kid says making me almost come off of the bed when he places his hand on the small of her back to guide her out of the room.

  A man covered in tats and piercings follows them out, leaving myself, Kincaid, Dominic, and another bearded man alone in the room.

  “You had the simplest job.” Kincaid begins to pace back and forth on the worn carpet, the other two men giving him a wide berth. “Blade tried to hide the fact that she was dancing from me. Gave you the opportunity to extract her and bring her home. I can tell you, Hound, coming in here and watching you come inside of my daughter is ten times worse than coming to Dallas myself and pulling her naked from the stage.”

  “Topless,” I correct. “They sell liquor, so they have to keep their pussies covered.”

  “Jesus. What’s wrong with you?” the bearded man I don’t know asks, speaking for the first time.

  “He seems like an idiot, Shadow,” Kincaid says. “Like a man who can’t keep his mouth shut or his cock in his jeans.”

  I shake my head. “I didn’t say it out of disrespect. I just don’t want you to imagine her on stage completely naked.”

  “Like it makes any difference with the memory of seeing you fuck her!” He roars loud enough to make my head snap back.

  The tattoos on his arms dance and ripple as he continues to pace, his hands clenching open and closed repeatedly.

  “I won’t touch her again,” I vow. “It was a mistake. A lapse in judgment on my part.”

  “Biggest mistake of your life,” Kincaid adds.

  I look him straight in the eye. “Not even close.”

  Kincaid holds my gaze for a long silent moment, and I feel the relief of reprieve when he turns and walks out of the room. Shadow follows him, but Dominic stays behind. I wonder if it’s his turn to throw a couple of punches. Gigi is his niece after all.

  “Don’t go anywhere,” he instructs. “We haven’t decided what we’re going to do with you.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I answer giving him the respect he deserves. From what I know of the Cerberus MC, Dominic is the only one who served longer than I did. He’s the one with the most experience of the group. A man I’d hoped would mentor me while working for Cerberus. It’s another thing I’ll lose when they leave me behind because I couldn’t keep my dick out of the Prez’s daughter.

  Chapter 8


  “They know each other?” I ask as Kid shuffles me into a dark-tinted SUV in the parking lot.

  “It’s club business,
Gigi,” Jaxon mutters before closing the door in his face.

  When he opens the front passenger door and takes a seat, I’ve had enough of the unanswered questions. Enough of the dismissals I’ve been getting my whole life. They may think they protect us from danger, but they leave us open to manipulations and betrayal.

  “I don’t give a shit if it’s club business, Snatch.” He turns his head toward me, mirth on his face. His son Lawson, my childhood friend’s fiancé, looks so much like him it’s almost startling. Using his club name, the one we were never allowed to use as kids gets his attention. “How does he know my dad?”

  “He was going to work for Cerberus,” Kid answers as he snaps on his seatbelt.

  “Was?” I shake my head. “It’s not an option for him now?”

  Why does the thought of Jameson, or Hound, whoever the hell he is, being back in New Mexico make me want to go back to my childhood home?

  I find Kid’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “What do you think, Gigi?”

  “I think I’m a grown ass woman who can make her own decisions. Who I have sex with is none of his damn business. It’s only another way for him to try to control me.”

  “It isn’t about who you sleep with that concerns your father. Hound sleeping with you was a betrayal your dad probably won’t be able to get past,” Jaxon chimes in. “Where are we heading?”

  I give Kid the address without a second thought. I have no job since I was fired last night. Staying in Dallas isn’t an option now, and Farmington is closer to Vegas where I plan to head in a couple of months after my birthday. I’d be a fool to refuse a free plane ticket and a nice place to sleep for a while, but it doesn’t mean I can’t play the only card I have.

  “Make sure you tell my dad that if he holds what Hound and I did against him, if he doesn’t allow him to work for Cerberus because of me, I won’t return to New Mexico.”

  “You’re going home,” Jaxon assures me.

  I shake my head. “I may get on a plane and step foot on the property, but I’ll be gone in days. If he wants me to stay for any period of time, Hound will be there, too.”

  Jaxon huffs, and I feel like a little girl all over again. It doesn’t matter that I’m a grown woman; to these men, I’ll always be a child.

  “He’ll never allow a relationship between you and one of his men,” Kid says from the driver’s seat.

  “You’re too young for him,” Jaxon adds.

  “I’m what? Three years older than Khloe when you first brought her to the clubhouse.” I watch the pink coat Kid’s cheeks.

  I laugh when Kid chokes a little. “Yeah,” he agrees.

  “The age difference is too much,” Jaxon amends.

  “There’s a fourteen year age difference between Uncle Dom and Aunt Mak.”

  Jaxon once again narrows his eyes at me. “You deserve more than being the fuck buddy of a biker.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him. “Didn’t Aunt Misty get pregnant with Griffin when she was Shadow’s fuck buddy?”

  Jaxon doesn’t have a leg to stand on or a rebuttal. Kid laughs from the front as I sit back further on the bench seat in the back and cross my arms over my chest.

  “That’s what I thought,” I mutter. “If Hound doesn’t go back, neither do I.”

  I try to ignore the tension in the SUV by looking out the window, but a red Dr. Pepper sign painted on the side of an old brick building reminds me of the blood staining Jameson’s face. So I opt to stare at my hands instead. If I concentrate hard enough, I can still feel the flex of his muscles under them from last night and this morning.

  Is his lie of omission a betrayal?

  Is this exact situation what he wanted to talk to me about before I persuaded him to fuck me instead?

  Was my father the reason he seemed nervous?

  “And you definitely deserve better than this,” Jaxon mutters as we pull up outside of the shitty apartment complex I’ve called home for the last two months.

  I don’t justify my living arrangements with a comment. Honestly, there’s nothing I can say that can make this place look any better.

  “I don’t have much,” I tell them as I open the door. “Give me twenty minutes.”

  Kid and Jaxon both push open their doors.

  “We have a plane to catch in two hours,” Kid says coming around to the front of the SUV. “We’ll help, so it only takes five.”

  “You didn’t bring the Cerberus jet?”

  They rarely travel commercial.

  “We did. But your dad, Uncle Dom, and Shadow will be sticking behind for a few days. They have business to take care of,” Jaxon clarifies.

  It turns out I only needed the five minutes on my own to pack my meager belongings. Taking stock of what little I do have is depressing each time I move on from one city to the next.

  The trip to the airport is spent in silence just like the entire plane ride back to New Mexico. People stare and move out of our way wherever we go. Mainly because Jaxon looks like the scariest man that’s walked the face of the Earth, but Kid has bulked up in recent years, becoming a force of his own. I feel safe, protected around them, even though I’m not one hundred percent here of my own free will.


  When I step out of the SUV in front of the Cerberus clubhouse, my first instinct, just like every time I return home, is to run. Judgment, pity, and looks of disappointment mark the faces of the new generation of Cerberus members. I barely know any of them, so any of them thinking they can judge me only pisses me off.

  “Boys,” I say and wink at the small group gathered around a motorcycle.

  Every one of them nods in acknowledgment but cringe away from the flirtatious greeting.

  “Leave them alone,” Jaxon mutters under his breath as he walks by. “You’ve caused enough problems for the club.”

  I huff an incredulous laugh. “Didn’t realize I had to get club approval on the guys I decide to fuck.”

  “None of these Cerberus members will touch you, Gigi. Leave them be.” Kid has now joined ranks with Jaxon and my dad.

  The Cerberus guys have always been off-limits. It was easy for them when I was a teenager. Their standards were too high to mess around with a young girl. After adding in my father being their president and boss, we were untouchable.

  “None of the ones here at least,” I challenge as I walk past both of them and around the clubhouse to my parents’ house.

  I left my scant belongings in the SUV. They wouldn’t let me carry them even if I offered, so I don’t bother to waste my breath.

  My mother, the amazing, beautiful woman that she is, waits for me to approach on the porch.

  “I’ve missed you,” she says with pain in her voice. I walk into her open arms. “I’m so glad you’re home, Georgia.”

  I let her warmth wrap around me, let it seep into my bones, let it strengthen me because I know I’ll need it when my dad gets home.

  “I missed you, too, Mom.”

  She sniffles, and unlike the last time I was home and her tears pissed me off, today after the way I’ve lived my life the last couple of months, they almost make me cry along with her. Tears after coming home show weakness. I know I’m leaving again soon, and they would only be used as ammunition against me when it’s time to go again.

  “Are you hungry?” she asks not letting go of me.

  I shake my head against her chest. “No, I ate at the airport.”

  When she releases me, she doesn’t bother to wipe her tears away. She’s the strong one, the one who holds the family together, the one who is often on my side, even when I’m fucking up.

  “Ivy, Delilah, and Lawson are home for the next two weeks before they head back to Brown for their senior year.”

  “Mom,” I groan and pull completely out of her grasp. “Please don’t start in on the college thing before I even step inside of the house.”

  “I’m not,” she vows with her hands held up in surrender. “I just wanted you to know that you have people to h
ang out with if you wanted.”

  “Thank you,” I tell her, but I’m still suspicious of the information she’s given me.

  Maybe she thinks I’ll take off within days, like last year. I was home for three days before my dad shut down my idea of sticking close to home and working at Jake’s.

  I follow her in the house, loving how it smells exactly like my childhood and hating it at the same time.

  “I put fresh sheets on your bed and dusted. The windows are open to air it out some, so make sure you close them before you go to bed.” She turns and smiles at me again. “Are you sure I can’t fix you something to eat?”

  “No, thank you.”

  Unsure of what to do next, I just stand there swinging my arms at my side, much the same way I did as a kid.

  “Maybe a shower will perk you up?” A gentle suggestion, but I know she doesn’t leave any room for an argument.

  My parents aren’t harsh. They don’t often yell. They’ve never lain a disciplinary hand on us. I assume because mom was abused by her first husband. They weren’t mean, but Ivy and I were raised in a very strict household. My dad runs his home the same way he runs his club, with military precision and no room for argument.

  Chapter 9


  “I’m like a fucking caged dog,” I bitch to the empty room.

  It’s been nearly a solid day since Kincaid and his crew busted down the door. Three days since I made a mistake, that after thinking it through, seems less like a lapse in judgment and more like the only outcome.

  I’m certain the draw I have to Georgia Anderson would still be there if I saw her on her dad’s property in New Mexico. I know without a doubt that even if I’d known it was her that very first night, there’s a massive chance the night would’ve ended the same way. The only positive is that I wasn’t entrenched in the club when I saw her for the first time.

  I’m sitting at the small table when the banging comes on the door. I debate whether I should answer it, but I know if I don’t they’ll just kick it open again. I only left once yesterday to grab food and Breathe Right strips because my nose is so swollen from Kincaid’s fist I could hardly breathe.


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