Two Wrongs Make a Right

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Two Wrongs Make a Right Page 20

by Ann Everett

  Quinn offered a weak smile. “I’m sure it’s fine. Mom will be there. Do you want me to arrange for the two of you to sit separately?”

  “Do you want us to sit together?”

  “I want everyone to be happy.”

  “Well, it’s settled. It’ll be nice to see her again.” Dad turned to the groom. “You said you work at Galaxy. How long you been with them?”

  “Twelve years. After college, I joined the Marines, then went to work.”

  “You a Longhorn?”

  Dak raised his hand in the school sign. “Hook’em Horns. You?”

  “Yep. Class of ’71. You’re a big guy. Did you play football?”

  “Yes sir. You?”

  “No. But I love the sport.”

  “Okay, enough man talk.” Quinn looked at Dak. “Do you have a map?”

  He took another folded page from his pocket and passed it to her dad.

  “That’s directions to the house. If you have any trouble, call me.”

  “Will do. Now, let’s go inside, and get something to drink.”

  An hour later, Quinn tried to keep from crying, but she couldn’t. All the way home, she thought of how Dak’s parents and hers would hate her if they knew the truth. She couldn’t be sure that wasn’t what he planned. Gather everyone for a happy occasion with no intention of going through with it, and then announce what a conniving, deceitful, horrid, and wicked, bitch she was and how she’d ruined his life. That made her cry more because it was true.

  Silent until now, Dak pulled the car into her drive, then faced her, his face tight with tension. “Are you ever going to stop crying?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m trying.”

  “Try harder.”

  Her breath caught. She grabbed the door handle.

  He placed his hand on her shoulder. “Wait. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  She didn’t look at him. “I get it. You’re angry. I don’t blame you. I deserve it.” She didn’t give him time to say anything else, just stepped out of the car and rushed inside, glad to be away from him.


  The day of the wedding, Quinn, Raynie, and Megan arrived at Dak’s just after noon. With the groom sequestered at his parents’ house, the two helpers had a chance to explore the place, and the bride an opportunity to gush over the decorations and cake. She stared at the back deck, where clusters of orange and white pumpkins, interspersed with yellow, tangerine, and snowy mums bunched along the railing. An archway intertwined with ivy, autumn leaves, and tulle stood at one end. The fall hues of the surrounding trees looked as if God had colored them just for her wedding day.

  “Damn, I might marry him to live here,” Raynie said. “This place is beautiful.”

  “No lie,” Megan said.

  Quinn frowned. “Could we please refrain from using the word lie?” Then she walked to the kitchen and gestured to each appliance as if it was a game show prize. “Look at these. I can’t wait to cook in here. Double ovens. A dream come true. If I’d met him under different conditions, this might be my home.”

  Megan wagged her head. “I hate to pour water on your fantasy, but don’t get attached to this place. He’s made it clear, once his job situation is taken care of, you’re outta here.”

  “Hush up.” Raynie shook her finger. “This is her home. Maybe temporary. But if she wants to enjoy it while it lasts, then let her. Stop being so negative.”

  “It’s okay,” Quinn said. “She’s right. None of this is mine and it never will be. Sometimes, for a few seconds, I see the Dak from Memorial Day, before he knew what I’d done and I think maybe I can get that version back for good. Stupid, huh?”

  Raynie took her hands. “Not at all. I noticed there’s only one bed in this house, so I’m assuming you’ll be sleeping together. Your relationship began with sex, so start over.”

  Quinn spread her arms out on each side of her belly. “See this. Not the sexiest shape right now. He won’t be interested.”

  “Are you?”

  She raised her eyes toward heaven. “Oh God. So much.”

  “Well, you won’t know until you try. I say go for it. Besides, who doesn’t do the deed on their wedding night?”

  “Big fat liars?”

  Raynie bent with laughter. “If I was a guy, I’d do you.”

  Now Quinn laughed. “Good to know.”

  “You two are nuts. I can’t believe you’d even consider doing anything with your new husband after the way he’s been acting. I recommend staying as far away from him as possible until this ordeal is over.”

  “You’re probably right. Now, I need to get ready.”

  At two o’clock, Quinn placed her arm in Dad’s and they strolled to the end of the aisle. When Dak saw her, his lips parted, as if trying to take a breath. He kept his eyes fixed on her until she stood next to him, and they joined hands. Facing him, the vein below his ear pulsed. She had his attention. Her heart quickened.

  As he repeated his vows, he gazed into her eyes, and she almost believed he meant them. And when the minister said to kiss the bride, Dak placed one hand on Quinn’s stomach, and the other on her cheek, then covered her mouth with the most sensuous kiss she’d had since meeting him. She leaned into him, sliding her hands up his chest, then around his neck. He broke the kiss, but came back for another, and her head spun. This time when it ended, she stared into his eyes, and there he was. The sweet, gentle, romantic Dak from the bar, and she wanted to keep him forever. But then he turned to face the crowd, and the moment was over.

  After the ceremony, Quinn mingled among the small gathering, which included Dak’s friend, Luke, and his wife, who Quinn found out was also pregnant, and Justin, her original victim. He was a gorgeous man, with killer dimples.

  He approached and smiled at her. “This is a red-letter day. We never thought Dak would marry.”

  Quinn chuckled and rubbed her tummy. “This had something to do with that.”

  “Well, whatever the reason, I’m happy for him. You won’t stop us from coming over to watch the games on the big screen, or going on hunting trips, will you?”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” She smirked and tried to keep a good attitude. “I’ve already messed up his life. I can’t take football and animal murder away too.” The breeze caught strands of her hair and blew them across her face. She tucked them behind her ear.

  “Wow, that’s some ring.” He took her hand for a closer look.

  “It was his grandmother’s.”

  He double dimpled her. “Well, it’s beautiful. Do you want some punch?”

  “No, thanks. I need to find my groom.” She took a few more minutes to enjoy the view and soak in the decorations. Even if the marriage wasn’t real, this was a day she never wanted to forget. After giving Homer a pat on the head, she went inside and found Dak sitting on the sofa drinking whiskey. She sat, leaving plenty of space between them.

  “You have a nice conversation with Justin?”

  She thought it an odd question and wondered how many drinks he’d had. “He wanted assurance the big screen would still be available for games each week.”


  An hour later, after what seemed like an endless photo session, the guests had all gone. Hannah and Rachel rearranged pumpkins outside. Homer lay in his favorite spot. Bucky and Dad visited on the porch. Raynie, Megan, and Charlie walked down to the lake.

  Bitsy and Mom came into the room, and Dak pulled Quinn closer, then kissed her lightly on the lips. Act or not, she liked it, and wondered about what Raynie had said. If Quinn made advances later, would he be interested?

  “There is nothing sweeter than young love.” Bitsy placed her hand against her throat. “It was the most beautiful wedding I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t sure I’d like one without attendants, but it was perfect.”

  “Bitsy and I were discussing how each of us will decorate the baby’s room at our houses. As soon as we know what you’re having. You plan to find out, don’t you?”

/>   “Yes.”

  “When is your next appointment?” Dak asked.

  “Next week. I’ve made you a calendar with everything on it. It’s in my purse.”

  His vision moved from her mouth to her eyes and back to her mouth again. Quinn took her bottom lip between her teeth and he looked away.

  One by one the crowd thinned, and Quinn got more anxious. Her husband stood next to her as she thanked each one for their attendance. His secretary, Helen, was one of the last to leave. “If he gives you any trouble, call me. I’ve been whipping him into shape for years.”

  Quinn went into shock when her mom and dad left together, leaving Gramps to drive home alone. She wondered what that was about. Was Dad going to stay the night with Mom? She shook the notion away. She had her own bed partner to consider.

  The soft pink gown she’d bought accented her breasts in the best way, but she decided against wearing it. Instead, she put on her cotton nightshirt. She wasn’t sure why he wanted them to sleep together, but from the way he acted when they were alone, it wasn’t for sex.

  Dak was already in bed, and even though he had his eyes closed, she knew he wasn’t sleeping. She turned on her lamp, then took something from the bedside drawer and crawled in next to him. “This is a wedding gift for you.”

  He turned to face her. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to. Here.” She passed him the envelope.

  He opened it, slid the page out, and gazed down. “Is this…?”

  “Yes. The first photo of your daughter.”

  He snapped his head toward her and their eyes met. “Daughter?”

  She nodded. “I haven’t even told Megan and Raynie.”

  He stared back at the image. “A girl.” He raised his eyes to Quinn again, and there was the look. The one that escaped his hard exterior for a few seconds when he let down his guard.

  “I can’t believe it. I mean, I know I’ll be a dad, but seeing this makes it real.”

  “You want to feel her kick?”

  He shifted his body. “Can I?”

  She took his hand and placed it on her belly. At first, the baby shifted like a ripple in a pond, then she pushed hard, causing Quinn’s stomach to rise on one side.

  Dak moved his palm from side to side, following the movement. “That’s crazy.”

  “You should feel it from the inside.”

  He lay back, but kept his hand in place, sliding first one way and then the other, searching for the next move.

  She’d hoped he’d say more. She wanted him to, but he’d gone right back to his stoic persona. So much for sex on her wedding night. When she put her hand on top of his, not to push it away, but to hold it in place, he let her. She took a deep breath and was thankful for the intimacy, no matter how small. Within a few minutes, she drifted into sleep.


  Dak sat in a corner booth while a petite waitress with black nails, and a hoop earring hanging from her nostril, filled his coffee mug. He glanced at his watch. Fifteen minutes late, Sim rushed through the door and he waved to her.

  “Sorry, I got tied up with a client.” She scooted into the booth, pushing her purse to the side. “Well, you’re almost two weeks into the marriage. How’s it going?”


  “Just okay?”

  “What do you expect from me? We’re not your typical couple. She cooks. I eat. We sleep together. The rest of the time, we avoid each other.”

  “I don’t get it. You searched for months trying to find her. Now you have, and you act like you hate her, but we both know you don’t.”

  “No, you don’t get it. She lied. Not once, but over and over. Then when she found out she was pregnant, she had no intention of ever telling me about the baby. My baby. She made a fool of me. And for every month I mooned over her, she kept making me a sucker, because I was searching for someone who didn’t exist.”

  “This is about your injured pride?”

  “Partly. I’m a smart guy, but I keep letting women use me. Well, not anymore.”

  Sim leaned back and folded her arms. “You’re making Quinn pay for everyone’s sins?”

  “I’m the one doing the right thing where the baby is concerned. Give me some credit. I married Quinn. The kid will have my name, a dad who’ll love her, and be in her life. I’m the good guy in this story. You seem to be overlooking that.”

  “You said her. It’s a girl?”

  Dak smiled and his chest swelled. He didn’t know how he could have such feelings for a child who wasn’t even born yet, but he did. “Yeah. A girl.”

  “Hannah and Rachel will be so happy! I can’t wait to tell them.” Sim reached across the table and took his hand. “You’re right. You deserve respect for your actions. Not every guy would insist on marriage. All I’m saying is give yourself a chance to see beyond her mistake. Can you do that?”

  “I don’t know. Every morning I tell myself I’ll treat her better, but then she cooks breakfast, makes my lunch, and acts like nothing is wrong and it pisses me off all over again.”

  “The fact she’s nice to you, makes you mad? Would it be better if she acted like a bitch? That would make you happy?”

  He stared into space a moment, then looked back at his sister. “She cuts my sandwiches into shapes. Landscapes the tops of casseroles. She does all sorts of crazy things with food, and it drives me nuts.”


  “That’s just it. I don’t know, but it does.”

  “Oh my God. You like it and that’s what makes you mad. You’re not pissed at her, you’re pissed at yourself. I’m going to go out on a limb here, and say the feelings you have for her are getting stronger.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  Sim laughed, and wiggled in her seat, then put her sentence to a rap beat. “A girl. My brother is having a sweet baby girl, and if he’s willing to admit it or not, he’s falling in love with her mother.”

  “Shut up and stop doing that. People are watching.”

  She didn’t say anything else, but the expressions she sent his way made him even madder.


  After lunch, on his walk back to the office, he kept going over what his sister said. He was angry, and maybe he was punishing Quinn for everything that’d happened to him. But he wasn’t in love with her. No way. He could never love a woman who’d lied as much as she had. He wouldn’t allow it. But he wanted his daughter to know she meant enough for him to marry her mother and give her his name. In his book, Quinn should be satisfied with that.

  When Dak got home that evening, he found his wife asleep on the couch with Homer curled at her feet. Wallpaper books, fabric swatches, and paint samples covered the floor and coffee table.

  He set his briefcase down and stepped deeper into the room. Her long dark hair fanned out over the throw pillow she’d propped under her head. Her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. One hand rested on the baby bump, and the other hung off the edge of the sofa. Looking at her caused a lump in his throat. He didn’t love her. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He’d already let too many women take advantage of him. She was one more to add to the list. The only difference was now there was a child to consider. One conceived out of lies and manipulation.

  She roused. He quickly went into the kitchen. It wouldn’t be good for her to catch him staring at her like a lovesick fool.

  She sat up and stretched. “Oh, I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “I read women need more rest when they’re pregnant.”

  “I cooked most of the day. I was tired. Your mom called. Seems your parents and mine hit it off so well at the wedding, Bitsy invited them for Thanksgiving.”

  “Hail, hail, the gang will all be there.”

  “Have you read over the list of family names your mother gave me? If there’s one you and I both agree on, I’m not opposed to using it. With the last name Savage, we don’t want to use something that sounds like a stripper.”

  “I told you days ag
o I’d get to it.”

  Quinn joined him. “I haven’t frozen the casseroles yet. I waited to see what you wanted for supper. I made the same things I took last time.”

  “Meatloaf if you have it.”

  “Okay.” It’s already baked. She went to the fridge, moved things around, then set a dish on the counter.

  Dak stared down at the recipe. She’d put a clump of celery palm trees on one end with sculpted sand fashioned out of mashed potatoes. What the hell?

  As she set the table, she talked. “I have some paint samples to consider. I didn’t want to go with the standard pink. I thought we might do stripes in cream. Alternate glossy and matte.”

  “Do we have to decide right now? The kid won’t be here for three more months.”

  She set out a bowl of potatoes, another of green beans, and he felt bad for what he’d said.

  She put portions onto two plates. “After supper, I’m taking the food out to Dad and Gramps, but you don’t have to go.”

  “No, I’ll go with you.”

  As usual, they ate in silence. Dak guessed she’d gotten used to his curt answers and figured there wasn’t much need for conversation. He kept going over in his mind what Sim said earlier. She was right about one thing. He should be nicer. Regardless of what Quinn had done, she was trying hard. He looked over at her. “The glossy matte thing sounds fine.”

  She jumped at the sound of his voice, then glanced up. “Oh. Okay.”

  He expected her to say something else, but she didn’t, and again, he felt like a jerk.


  On the way to deliver the food, Quinn rode in silence. Dak wanted to talk, but couldn’t think of much to say. Finally a thought came. “I had lunch with Sim today.”

  Quinn didn’t respond or look at him.

  “I mentioned how you like to decorate food, and thought you might want to make something for Hannah’s and Rachel’s class parties.”

  “I guess I could do that, if it will help Sim. I know she stays busy, and since I don’t have a job, I have the time. But just so you know, I’ve been sending out resumes.”


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