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Two Wrongs Make a Right

Page 21

by Ann Everett

  “I wasn’t giving you an assignment. I just thought it might be something you’d enjoy doing.” Hell, it seemed no matter what he said, it came out wrong. And why would she be looking for a job? Did she expect him to throw her out as soon as the baby came? “I don’t want you to worry about a job. I mean, you can work if you want, but it isn’t necessary. I mean…” his voice trailed.

  Now she looked at him. “I know what you mean. But when our arrangement ends, I want you to understand I don’t intend to mooch off you.”

  Dak should say more, but he didn’t. She’d made her mind up the marriage would end sooner than later. Why else would she already be looking for employment?


  When they arrived at her dad’s, Quinn’s focus went straight to the Buick sitting in the drive and panic stabbed her chest. “What’s my mother’s car doing here?”

  “I guess she’s visiting. Is that good?”

  Quinn ignored the question, flipped the visor down, and stared into the mirror. She threaded her hands through her hair. “I’m a mess.”

  “You’re fine.”

  She smoothed her shirt and straightened her collar. “No, I’m not. I should have changed into something nicer.”

  “What? Like another person?”

  She sucked in a quick breath, then pinched the bridge of her nose.

  “Shit,” Dak said. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.”

  She turned to face him and fiddled with the top button on her blouse. Tears brimmed. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Dak got out, rushed to get the bags from the backseat, and followed Quinn inside where Mom, Dad, and Gramps sat at the dining table eating pie.

  “Mom, what are you doing here?”

  She rose and hugged Quinn, then Dak. “Your dad mentioned how much he missed my apple pie, so I baked one for him.” She patted Quinn’s belly. “You feeling all right? The baby doing okay? You look beautiful.”

  “We’re both fine.”

  Dad and Gramps joined them, and offered hugs to Quinn, then shook hands with Dak.

  “Don’t let us interrupt,” Dak said. “Quinn cooked all day and we wanted to bring the food while it was fresh.”

  “They’re ready to freeze,” Quinn said.

  “Thank you, Sweetie.” Dad gave her an extra hug. “Do y’all want some dessert? There’s plenty.” The men sat again.

  “I’ll take a slice,” Dak said, then leaned over and whispered to Quinn. “Do you want to tell them the sex of the baby? Your decision.” Since he’d let it slip during lunch with his sister, he decided it was time to tell everyone, before Sim blabbed.

  “We’re having a girl.” Quinn blurted without any forethought.

  Her mother stopped slicing the pie and jumped to her feet, as did Dad and Gramps. Quinn rose and they circled her in a group hug.

  “A girl! Oh my goodness!” Mom said.

  “You’re in for a world of trouble,” Dad said to Dak. “Take my word, she’ll have you wrapped around her finger. When Quinnie gave me those puppy dog eyes, I couldn’t tell her no about anything.”

  “Nothing sweeter than a baby girl,” Gramps said.


  Thirty minutes later, on the way back home, Quinn didn’t talk. Dak still felt terrible about the remark he’d made earlier, so he tried to make conversation. “What’s going on with your mom and dad?”

  She said nothing. Just continued to stare out the car window, and he figured she was giving him a much deserved silent treatment. But then in a small quiet voice he’d not heard before, she answered, “I guess they’re seeing each other.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  “There’s no way you can understand this, because your parents are happily married. But for years the one thing I wanted most was for my dad to come home and us be a family again. I look back now and realize how selfish that was because they were miserable together. But when you’re a kid, you just want to be happy even if it means your mom and dad are unhappy.” She rubbed her hand across her stomach. “Somehow the baby has changed Mom.”

  The sadness in her voice caused Dak to wonder if she was thinking about the future of their child, and how she’d be raised without her dad around. And that made his heart ache in a way he’d never felt before.


  Four days after Thanksgiving, Dak rolled over to find the bed empty just as he did every morning. Quinn always got up early and went through her usual routine. Threw up, cooked breakfast, and made his lunch. He felt bad about not keeping his promise of making a baby name list, even though he still had plenty of time. She’d not mentioned it again, but from her body language, no doubt she was pissed. Only a few weeks into the marriage, there was already trouble and he needed to shoulder the blame for it due to his lack of communication.

  But again, what did he expect? The way things started for them didn’t exactly pave a road to happily-ever-after. He kept telling himself to get over it but he wasn’t ready to forgive her yet.

  Thoughts buzzing, and now fully awake, he grabbed a quick shower and dressed for the day. The already familiar aroma of homemade biscuits drifted down the hall. Damn woman could cook. He’d give her that. He quirked a smile and wondered what shape she’d cut the dough into. Turkeys? Leaves? No telling.

  He strolled into the kitchen. “Don’t forget we have the company party this week.”

  “Friday night, right?”

  “Yeah. You need money for a new dress?”

  “No, but thanks.”

  He snatched a pumpkin shaped biscuit and stared at it. “This is orange.”

  “It’s just food coloring. It’ll taste the same.”


  “I’m sorry. I won’t change them anymore.”

  He wagged his head. “Not the biscuit. This.” He pointed to a button dangling from his shirt. “I’ve got to change.”

  “No need for that. I’ll get the sewing kit and be right back.”

  She returned and pointed to a barstool. “Sit down. You don’t even have to take it off.”

  His heart rate kicked up a notch when she ran the thread across her tongue, then guided it through the eye of the needle. Standing between his legs, she slipped one hand inside his shirt, fingers gently touching his chest. With the other, she began to sew, working the sharp point in one hole then the other. He took a deep breath.

  She locked eyes with him. “Don’t worry. I won’t stick you.”

  God, if she only knew how much he wanted to stick her at the moment. What was wrong with him? How could he be so mad and be affected by her all at the same time? “I know you won’t.”

  She was so close, he could feel the heat coming off her skin. Smell the fragrance from her shampoo. Two inches closer, his lips would be pressed against hers. Just as he leaned in a bit, she worked the button into its hole, then patted his chest.

  “There you go. All fixed.”

  She smiled and those big brown eyes didn’t reflect one ounce of guilt, and there should be a lot. Why did she have to look so happy all the time? He walked to the pot, filled his insulated cup, then picked up the pumpkin biscuit. “Thanks. I’ll be working late tonight, so no need to cook supper.”

  He needed time away from her, or he should say away from their bed. Having her next to him and not touching her was harder than he thought it’d be. Sitting in his truck, it took him a moment to process what had just happened. Those lips. Eyes. Body heat. He ran a hand over his face. Shit. That button action gets to me every time. Cramming a bite of biscuit into his mouth, he started the engine and drove away.


  For one fleeting moment, while she sewed the button, Quinn thought Dak might make a move on her. There’d been a flicker of something in his eyes, but then it disappeared. For the past two weeks she’d waited for him to present his list of baby names, but not gotten so much as an excuse. Aside from furnishing him job security, it was clear he would never allow himself to feel anything for he

  Being in the same bed with him every night was pure torture. She rarely got a good night’s sleep, for fear of touching him. It was time to end that. The anxiety couldn’t be good for the baby. She went to the garage and one by one brought in the bed rails to her old bed. Forty-five minutes later, she had the frame together. The mattress and box springs leaned against the bedroom wall, so she dragged the box springs over to the frame and eased it over. Once it was in place, she maneuvered the mattress and let it fall on top, then aligned it by shoving one corner at a time.

  By ten o’clock, the bed was made. She tugged on her leggings and favorite blue sweater, then twisted her hair into a knot on top of her head. The weather report mentioned no rain, only colder temps. Perfect for getting in the spirit of the season.


  After listening to carols for an hour, while filling a basket with her selections at Ho-Ho Holiday, she headed to the checkout counter. Minutes later, the stock boy loaded the last of her purchases into the minivan. “Man, you must really love Christmas,” he said.

  Dak’s house was so big, she admitted she’d gone overboard, but the space needed a lot to make a statement. Even though she wanted traditional red and green, she chose a theme he’d be comfortable with. Besides, her choices worked perfectly with his animal wall mounts.

  “I noticed a sign inside offering decorating services. How much in advance would I have to schedule that?”

  The boy scratched his head. “Since it’s early in the season, we have people available today.”

  Quinn nodded and followed him back inside.

  By five o’clock, the tree was up, the ornaments hung, and the lights aglow. She and Raynie sat back with a hot cup of cocoa and admired the scene. Quinn had spent a small fortune, but it was worth every penny. Since Dak had bought a new minivan, she didn’t feel guilty for dipping into her savings to create holiday cheer. God knew she needed some.

  Splendid was the word that came to mind when describing the ten foot pre-lit fir tree. Skilled workers had intertwined striped, plaid, iridescent, and glittery ribbons. A mix of gold and copper metallic, along with burlap and feathered balls hung from the boughs, while hand sewn forest animals nestled among the branches. Berries, pinecones, and birch sticks poked out in every direction.

  “It’s the most beautiful tree I’ve ever seen,” she said.

  Her friend smiled. “Ditto. Dakanator mention your birthday?”

  “Are you kidding? He doesn’t speak unless it’s necessary. He doesn’t even know when it is.”

  “Yes he does. Didn’t you say he added you to his insurance? He had to have it for that.”

  “He doesn’t remember, and that’s fine. I expect nothing from him.” She stared at the twinkling lights on the mantel. For effect, she’d even tied a large plaid bow around the moose wall mount. He was downright festive in his own dead way.

  Her phone dinged signaling a text. She picked it up, read the message and looked over at Raynie. “He’s not coming home. He’s staying at the condo.”

  Quinn figured it was Dak’s way of avoiding her. For all she knew, he was seeing someone, and why not? Their marriage was a sham to provide the baby with legitimacy and secure his job position. His condo in town was a perfect love nest. The vows they took meant nothing to him.

  “Well, pack a bag, we’re going to my house and tomorrow, we’re celebrating your birthday all day long.”

  “I hate that you’re taking so many days off from work for me.”

  “Don’t be silly. The new girl I hired a few months back is working out great. If she gets bored, she stares out the window at all the guys who visit Rico’s shop.” Raynie wiggled her brows. “All this festive stuff has me thinking about jingling his bells, checking out his candy cane, icing his Christmas cookies—if you know what I mean.”

  Quinn giggled. “You are awful.” But then she thought about Dak’s candy cane and heat rose in her cheeks.

  “Are you embarrassed? What has pending motherhood done to you? Come on, let’s get going and make some memories.”

  Quinn sighed. Yep, this would be her most memorable holiday. A baby girl on the way. A beautiful house. A husband who didn’t love her. Ho. Ho. Ho.


  Dak knocked back the last bit of whiskey in his glass, and stared at the downtown skyline. Christmas lights blinked and glowed announcing the season. Well, it was December first. He could see the tip-top of the state capitol dome from his condo balcony. The takeover was moving forward and the new owners had requested another interview with him, this one to include his wife. Dak needed to prepare Quinn.

  He turned, went back inside, and flopped down onto the oversized chair. Following work, he could have gone home, but it was agony to be so close and not touch her.

  Funny how he’d put demands in place to punish her, and it’d turned out he was the one suffering. Every night he wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her until she lost her breath. Have her spooned into him. Rest his hand on her stomach and feel their daughter move. But when he thought about those things, the wedding day scene with Justin came into view. The way she smiled up at him caused a fire to burn in Dak’s belly, and he reminded himself she’d be with his dimpled friend if she could.

  Jealousy was a wasted emotion, but for the life of him, he couldn’t stop, and the worst part was, it caused him to act like an idiot saying and doing things he instantly regretted.

  He finished the drink and started to pour another but decided that was a bad idea. Numbing himself with alcohol wasn’t the solution. He wasn’t sure what was, but it wasn’t Balcones. At least he wasn’t that big of a chump.

  Guilt tightened his chest. He’d been a jerk when she’d mentioned making a list of names for the baby. He picked up a note pad and hovered the pencil over it. They could name her after their mothers. That would be funny.

  At first he thought it was his imagination, but the knock came again, this time louder. He glanced at his watch. Almost midnight. For a moment, his heart picked up speed in hopes it was Quinn. She knew the address from their hook-up weekend. She’d followed him there to pick his truck up before they went to his house.

  What a ridiculous notion. She’d never come looking for him. She’d not even texted back when he’d sent the one telling her he wasn’t coming home.

  He set the pencil and pad aside, then ambled to the entry, and pressed his eye to the peephole. Shit. Shelly. What the hell was she doing here? One way to find out. He pulled the door open.

  Dangling her shoes in one hand, and a bottle in the other, she weaved from side to side. “I’m so glad you’re here. I wasn’t sure you would be. You’re still dressed, so I guess you’re alone? I need to pee.” She shoved past him, dropped her spiked heels to the floor, set the champagne on the counter, then disappeared into the bathroom.

  A few minutes later, she returned and threw her arms around his neck. “Can I stay here tonight? I got into a fight with my date and he left me. You believe that? The jerk ditched me!” She rubbed against him. “Oh God, you feel so good. I’ve missed you.” She tiptoed and pressed her lips to his.

  He pulled her arms from his neck and stepped back. “I’ll call you a cab.”

  “No. It will take forever. Traffic is wall-to-wall out there.”



  “Carpet is wall-to-wall. Traffic is bumper-to-bumper.”

  “Whatever.” She gave him a sad face. “I want to sleep with you. You know how to treat a woman. Let me, and I’ll do that thing you like so much.” She moved in for another kiss.

  Funny how since meeting Quinn, he’d not given Shelly a single thought. That was crazy. The girl had skills in bed, and he was in the middle of a long dry spell. That could end. All he had to do was say one little word, and he should. Hell, it wouldn’t be cheating. It’s not like his marriage was real. But for the life of him, he couldn’t do it. Because for the first time, it dawned on him, that maybe, just ma
ybe, it could be real.

  He side-stepped, then caught her by the wrists to keep her from falling. “I’m married.”

  That got a laugh from her. “No you’re not.”

  “Yeah. I am. You have to go.”

  Off balance, she craned her neck to look around the room. “I don’t see a wife.”

  He displayed his hand and wiggled his fingers. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with a drunk ex-girlfriend.

  Eyes wide, she grabbed his finger, and brought it in close to her face. Then she squinted as if trying to focus. “Oh. My. God. You’re serious. You really got married? When? To who? Or is it whom? I never know. Anyway, what’s her name?”

  “Nobody you’ve met.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t want to cause any trouble.” She staggered to pick up her shoes, went to the sofa, slipped one on, then lay over on the cushions.

  “Do you need help?” When she didn’t answer, Dak moved around to face her. She had her eyes closed. He patted her cheeks. Shook her shoulders. “Shelly. Come on, Shel. You’ve got to wake up.”

  No response. He pulled the shoe from her foot, and folded her legs onto the sofa, then propped a throw pillow under her head. Great. Just frigging great. He had a wife at home who didn’t want him, and an ex-girlfriend at his condo who did.


  Early the next morning, Quinn didn’t throw up for the first time in months. She’d also slept better than usual and chalked it up to finally accepting her situation and taking control. That and having Lucy and Ethel curled against her. It was nice to have bed partners that loved her. She’d missed that. She stroked both cats. “You won’t have to stay with Raynie much longer.” They purred their response.

  She’d pushed any feelings she had for Dak to the back of her mind and the bottom of her heart. The best she could hope from him was tolerance. Forgiveness was out of the question and she’d made peace with that. She bounded out of bed, dressed in her most comfortable jeans and sweater, then walked down the hall with a bounce in her step. Raynie was removing cinnamon rolls from the oven.


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