The Brethren
Page 63
and Harlan, 49, 94, 170, 263
and Haynsworth, 61
law clerks, 21, 86, 250, 281,
284n., 420, 421, 424-25.
468, 496-97, 507-08 and Marshall, 50, 56, 266,
386-87, 424 on mentally ill, 440-47
passim, 451 Nixon appointees (see also
names), 321-23 obscenity and pornography,
228-31 passim, 236-41
passim, 290-300 passim,
330-33 passim, 430, 478 patent case, 497 Pentagon Papers, 162-75
passim police brutality, 495 political questions doctrine,
145-46, 352 and Powell, 254, 263, 375,
379-80, 525-27 and press, 421, 527 press gag orders, 499-503 prior restraint, 162-74
passim, 499-503 passim racial discrimination, 140,
reapportionment, legislative, 146, 322
and Rehnquist, 264, 455, 481, 483-84,486, 488, 527
school desegregation, 50-59 passim, 112-20 passim, 124, 127, 181, 182-83, 311-18 passim, 506, 507
sex discrimination, 301-02
social issues, 433-35
speech, protected, 151, 152,
162-74 passim, 210, 211 stare decisis doctrine, 486 state court, case return to,
495-96 states rights and minimum
wage law, 483-87 passim and Stevens, 484, 486, 508-
509, 526 and Stewart, 255, 302-03,
375, 527 tax cases, 429, 469 Vietnam war cases, 145-47,
151,155-56, 157, 158,
162-74 passim, 210, 211,
Warren and Warren Court, 13-14,48,49,61,100, 145-46, 322,369, 425, 527 Watergate (executive privilege), 341-43 passim, 359-410 passim welfare searches, 138 zoning, 434
Brown, Larry, 420
Brown v. Board of Education (I and II), 37-40 passim, 44, 47, 50, 54, 55, 107-13 passim, 116-17, !89, 191, 209^., 334, 335, 367
Bruch, Carol, 285
Buchen, Philip, 416
Buckley, James L., 469
Buckley v. Valeo, 469, 472-73
Buffalo Forge v. United Steel-workers, 509
Burger, Elvera (Mrs. Warren E.),4I5, 416
Burger, Warren E., 5-9, 68, 142,143, 179-80, 184, 203-04, 319, 367-69, 373. 420, 421, 490
Burger, Warren E. (cont:) abortion cases, 199-207
passim, 219-23, 274, 279-
282, 491, 492. 493 aliens, admission to bar, 304 American Bar Association,
21, 35-36 antitrust cases, 91-96, 219,
261, 447-48, 454 assignment of cases, 70-71,
72, 76, T37, 200-01, 210-
213, 220-22, 223, 264,
301, 305, 425, 466, 478,
490, 495-5or passim,
517-18 and Bazelon, 9, 19-20, 21,
100, 437-38. 449, 497 and Black (see Black: and
Burger) and Blackmun (see Blackmun: and Burger) border searches, 307 and Brennan (see Brennan:
and Burger) busing (see Burger: school
desegregation) campaign financing, 469,
472, 473-74 and Carswell, 8, 82, 187 on case load of Court, 193,
cert pool, 323-24,417 civil rights, 39, 64 concurrences and, 63 conference procedures, 70,
204, 305 and confidentiality, 33-35,
113, 174-75, 250, 280-82 and Congress, 30-31, 368 consensus and, 51-60 passim conservatism, 6-8 control of court, 22, 57, 70-
71, 203, 220-21, 519, 528
on Court of Appeals, 5, 21-22, 30, 32, 33, 57, 79,130, 141, 180, 368, 437-38
death penalty, 243, 246, 249-50, 259, 512, 517. 519, 521-23, 524-25
discrimination, racial, 140-141, 333, 334-35. 334«., 498-99
discrimination, sex, 141, 301,
302, 335, 498-99 dissents, 78, 79-82,174,199,
228, 312, 344 and Douglas, 71, 78-79, 95-
96, 200-01, 205-06, 281,
388-89, 428, 436, 456,
461-74 passim, 515 due process, 480, 481 El Paso rehearing, 91-96 on ethics code, judicial, 31 federal courts, access to,
498, 503 federal jurisdiction issue,
193-94, 200, 207, 208 Ford inauguration, 416 habeas corpus petition, 510 and Harlan, 9, 61-66 passim,
73, 75-76, 79 and Haynsworth, 61, 187 health, 418
House seating of Adam
Clayton Powell, 21-22 in forma pauperis petitions,
on Jews, 335
in Justice Department Claims Division, 6, 28
law clerks, 21-22, 23, 30-35 passim, 122, 174-75, 179-81, 290-91, 319, 323» 334-35, 337-39, 368-69, 412, 417
on layers, 304, 449
as "liberal", 140-42
and Marshall, 64, 71, 209,
232, 266-67, 386-87 on mentally ill, 437-54 and Mitchell, 8, 18, 36, 186-
187, 348 and Nixon, 5-9, 18-19, 58,
60, 87-88, 113, 145, 185,
338-39, 343, 362, 367,
nomination and confirmation, 9, 18-24 and nominees to court (see
also names), 8, 61, 97-99,
100, 185-86, 475 obscenity and pornography,
228, 231-41 passim, 290—
300 passim, 330, 33I-32,
429-30, 432 office organization and
procedures, 22, 27-31, 99-
100, 284, 380 paranoia, 156-57 Pentagon Papers, 162-66
passim, 169-75 passim,
picketing, 142, 509 police brutality, 495 and Powell, 263, 303-05,
417, 430-33, 447-48, 498,
press gags, 500-02
press relations, 6, 31, 127,
140, 415 public image, 140-42 reapportionment, legislative,
reargument issues, 207, 219-223
rehearing procedure (Rule
58), 92, 95 and Rehnquist, 319-20, 488-490
relations with Justices (see also names), 71-76
school desegregation, 43, 44, 51-60 passim, 107-28 passim, 180-83, 3to, 312, 315-16, 318, 334, 336-37, 506, 507
speech, protected, 149-53 passim, 162-66 passim, 169-75 passim, 210-13
stare decisis doctrine, 95, 129
state court, case return to,
495-96 states rights and minimum
wage law, 482, 483 and Stevens, 508, 509, 519,
523, 525-26 and Stewart, 73, 75, 79-82
passim, 96, 141, 303, 373,
404, 449-50, 453-54, 519 supremacy of Supreme
Court, 66 testamentary rights, 62-64,
65, 66
unreliability, 72-74, 78, 95, 181, 200, 204, 208
Vietnam war cases, 145, 148-60 passim, 161-66 passim, 170-75 passim, 185, 208, 210-12
votes (see also cases), 73, 200, 280, 305, 425, 495-496, 498-99, 503
Warren and Warren Court, 22-23, 44, 57, 79, 91-92, 107, 140, 236-37, 367-72 passim, 376, 380, 412
Watergate (executive privilege), 338-50 passim, 356, 360, 364-412 passim, 415, 416
and White, 71-72, 208
Burger, Warren E. (cont.) wiretaps, warrantless, on
radicals, 264 writing of opinions, 23, 142
Burrell v. McCray, 503-05
Burton, Harold H., 184
busing and school desegregation, 107-28,180-83, ail, 309-18, 333-37. 507 (see also school desegregation)
Butterfield, Alexander, 339
Byrd, Robert, 185-86
Byrnes, James F., 209
C. & S. Air Lines v. Waterman Steamship Corp., 401-02
California, death penalty (Aikens; McGautha), 242-60 passim, 511-21 passim, 524
Cambodia invasion, 87-88, 327-29
campaigns, political
financing, 469-70, 472-74 on military base, 488
Campbell, Spencer, no, 252, 419
capital punishment See death
penalty car searches, 133-36, 307-08,
Cardozo, Benjamin N., 100,
131. 161 Carmen Baby (film), 236 Carnal Knowledge (film),
Carr v. Montgomery County Board of Education,
Carswell, G. Harrold, 8, 82-
83, 97. 185. 186, 187 Carter, Jimmy, 470
case conferences (see also names of cases, subjects), xiii
quality of, 61, 526 record keeping, 70, 204, 305 speaking order, 495 scheduling, 209 telephone polling, 329 voting, 495-96 case load issue, 193, 323 Catholics and abortion cases,
202, 282-83 center coalition and control of Court (see also names), 265, 303, 321-22, 398, 521, 528
granting of, 2, xii, 435
in forma pauperis petitions,
32-33 pool, 323-24, 417 withdrawal of vote to grant,
Chambers v. Maroney, 134 Chandler v. Roudebush, 498 Charlotte (N.C.), busing, 107-128, 181, 211, 311, 315, 317. 336 "Chicago Eight" trial, 67-68 Chief Justice, role and responsibilities of, io—n, 12, 69-71, 200, 372-73 see also names Christian Science Monitor, 30 CI.A., 84, 356 civil disobedience, 148-60 civil rights, 14, 301, 527 abortion, 193-208, 215-23,
271-84 class actions, 433-35 discrimination, see discrimination due process, 478-81
integration and donor rights,
64-67 mentally ill, 437-54 police brutality, 494-95 schools, see school desegregation zoning, 433-35 Civil Rights Act (1964), 37, 141
Civil Service Commission, 477, 498
Clark, Ramsey, 154 Clark, Tom, 471 class actions, 433-35 Class of '74 (film), 430-32 Clay v. U.S., 157-60, 174 Clifford, Clark, 85, 436, 467 Cohen v. California, 148-54, 165
Coleman v. Alabama, 76-79 Colson, Charles W., 386 conference, xiii confidentiality of Court proceedings, 33-35, 113, 173-74, 250, 280-82, 353, 421 of press sources, 263-64 Congress (see also House of Representatives; Senate; names), 31, 144-46, 368 Connally, Thomas, 423 Connecticut
abortion law, 273 birth control case, 197, 277 Connell Construction Company v. Plumbers & Steamfitters Local, #100, 447-48 conscientious objection (Ali
case), 157-60 Control of court
Burger (see also Burger, Warren E., assignment of
cases), 22, 57, 70-71, 203, 220-21, 519, 528 by center coalition, 265, 303, 321, 322, 398, 521, 528
Warren, 57, 71 Cooke, Terence Cardinal, 282 Coolidge v. New Hampshire,
133-36 Cooper v. Aaron, 350 Corcoran, Margaret, 88 Corcoran, Thomas G.
"Tommy the Cork," 88-
95 passim Corpus Christi (Tex.), school
busing, 181-82 court fees, state, 102 Court Historical Society, 179 Court of Appeals, Federal
(see also judiciary,
federal) District of Columbia, Burger
on 6, 21-22, 30, 32, 33,
57, 79,130, 141, 180, 368,
437-38; bypassed, 342,
First Circuit: and busing, 507
Second Circuit: on Cambodia invasion, 327
Fourth Circuit: and desegregation, 109-18 passim, 126, 180; state prisoner access to, 316; federal courts, 503-05
Fifth Circuit: busing, 507; desegregation, 36-60 passim, 127; mental patients, rights of, 439> 440, 445, 450, 453
Sixth Circuit: Stewart on, 10; on protected rights, 479
Court of Appeals (cont.) Seventh Circuit: Stevens on,
475, 5ii Eight Circuit: Blackmun on,
96, 97, 120, 137, 248 Tenth Circuit: and busing,
Nixon and appointments to, 12-13
Supreme Court supervision, 36-37
courtrooms, decorum in, 7 Cox, Archibald, 339-40. 341, 475
criminal justice (see also
names of Justices, cases), 6-7, ii, 24, 32-33, 72, 73-74. 79. 99, 200, 488 appeal, right to, 79-80 coercion and pleading, 320 counsel, right to, 76-79, 264/1.
cruel and unusual punishment, 242-60, 503, 511-525
death penalty, 185, 242-60,
437, 511-25 double jeopardy and retrials,
80-82 evidence error, 265-66 exclusionary rule, 129-36,
455-56, 510 federal courts, access to,
261-63, 503-05 grand jury records, 461 habeas corpus petitions,
510-11 in forma pauperis petitions,
32-33 insanity pleas, 438 jury unanimity, 263 Miranda rule, 77, 128-29 plea bargain, 478
press gags, 499-502
searches, 74-76, 129-36, 143, 307-08, 321, 433, 527 (see also Fourth Amendment)
servicemen, non-service-related crimes of, 128
Warren Court, 74-75, 77, 128, 131, 132-33. 243. 264/1.
Datcher, Harry, 441, 465, 466,
471, 477
Davis, John W., 209/1.
Davis v. Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County, 109-10
Dean, John, 186, 304, 339, 386
death penalty, 185, 241-60,
265, 437,5n-25 decision-making process of Court, xii-xiv, 41/1., 44, 140-41, 254 De Funis v. Odegaard, 333 Democratic National Convention (1968), 67 Denniston, Lyle, xiv, 526 Denver, school busing, 309-17 Dershowitz, Alan, 419 desegregation, see civil rights; school desegregation; case titles
Detroit, school busing, 316,
334-37 Diem, Ngo Dinh, 169 disablement of a Justice, and Court procedures, 423-424, 435-36 see also Douglas, William O., health discrimination
against aliens, 303-04, 477
racial, 140-41, 333, 488,
498-99 reverse, 333
sex, 141, 300-03, 498-99 see also civil rights; school
desegregation "dismissed as improvidently
granted" (DIGGED),
101, 41c—11, 504 disqualifications, 309-10 dissents (see also names of
Justices), xiii District of Columbia Bar
Association, 21, 87 divorce case, 143 Doar, John, 342 Doe, Mary (anonymous plaintiff in abortion case), 284 Doe v. Bolton, 193-223, 271-
Doe v. Commonwealth's
Attorney, 505 Dog That Didn't Bark, 397-98 Donaldson case, 437-54 donor rights and park integration, 64-66 Douglas, Cathy (Mrs. William
O.), 14, 422-23, 421,
461-67 passim Douglas, William C, 14, 29,
46, 80, 85, 99, 100, 194,
233, 251, 420, 508 abortion cases, 193-202
passim, 205, 208, 217-23,
273, 277-78, 279, 491 assignment of cases, 71,
210-13, 220-22, 264, 311,
Bill of Rights, 246
and Black (see Black: and Douglas)
and Blackmun (see Blackmun: and Douglas) and Brennan (see Brennan:
and Douglas) and Burger (see Burger:
and Douglas) Cambodia, 327-29 campaign financing, 471,
472-73 cert pool, 324 on courtroom decorum, 68 criminal justice, 78, 80, 129, 134, 243-44, 246, 249, 252-53, 258-65 passim,
437, 5" death penalty, 243-44, 249,
250, 259-60, 437, 515 discrimination, racial, 333—
334 (see also Douglas:
school desegregation) dissents, 65, 69, 95, 138,
191-93, 220-23, 243-44,
265, 329, 465-66 due process, 480 El Paso case, 89-96 passim environmentalism, 191-93 First Amendment, 228-29,
and Ford, 84-87, 477 and Fortas, 16, 423, 436,
grand jury records, 461 and Harlan, 69, 243 health, 180, 423, 424-25,
426-28, 435-37, 456-57,