by Bob Woodward
Mitchell, John, 8, 23, 43, 93 and Blackmun, 96, 97 and Burger, 8, 18, 36,186-
187, 348 and Douglas, 84, 85, 87 and Fortas, 14-16 and nominees to Court, 8,
18, 96-97, 186-88, 475 Pentagon Papers, 161,164-
Watergate, 342, 344 Mitchell v. U.S., 144 Mitchum v. Foster (Florida
bookstore case), 198, 200,
207, 208 Moe v. Tribes of the Flathead
Reservation, 490 Moore v. Illinois, 243/1., 265-
Mora v. McNamara, 144 Mudge, Rose, Guthrie & Alexander, 93
N.A.A.C.P., 141
Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc., 40-41,
45, 48,49, 112, 113, 244.
255, 526/!. Nabrit, James M. HI, 112 National Court of Appeals,
National Lampoon, 329-30 National Lawyers Club, 30 National League of Cities v.
Usery, 482-87 National Observer, 98 Near v. Minnesota, 162 Nebraska Press Association V.
Stuart, 499-503 New Deal, 39, 85, 88, 277 newspapers, see press; names Newsweek, 127 New York Times, The. 19, 30,
127, 396, 472, 524 Pentagon Papers, 161-75,
New York Times v. U.S., 161-162
New Yorker magazine, 293 Nimmer, Melville B., 149 Ninth Amendment, abortion
laws and, 194, 217, 277 Nixon, Richard, 20, 30, 36, 73,
93, 209, 357, 358 abortion attitude, 202, 280,
attitudes of Justices, see
names and Blackmun, 97 and Burger, 5-9, 18-19, 58,
60, 87-88, 113, 145, 185,
280, 281, 339, 362, 367,
Cambodia, 87-88 and Carswell, 82-83, 97t 185, 186
Nixon, Richard (cont.)
criminal justice, 6, 133, 244 desegregation, 37-38, 41,
45, 48, 108, 113, 115, 121 and Douglas, 85, 87 election campaign, 45 and Fortas, 12-17 and Haynsworth, 60, 97,
185, 186 impeachment inquiry,
House, 342, 343. 352, 361,
371, 396, 410 nominees (see also names),
7-8, 9, 18-24, 60-61, 74,
82-83, 97-99, 185-91,
201, 232, 262, 321-23,
resignation, 412, 416 "Southern Strategy," 37-38, 60-61
Vietnam war, 87-88, 144-145, 155-56
Warren and Warren Court, 4, 5, 9, 13-14, 23, 24, 369
Watergate (executive privilege), 338#., 416
wiretaps, warrantless, on radicals, 264 nominations to Court (see also names of nominees)
Eisenhower, 5, 10, 13-14, 17
Ford, 468, 475-76, 477
Johnson, 4-5, ii, 13, 49-50
Kennedy, 13, 72
Nixon, 7, 9, 18-24, 60-61, 73, 82-83, 97-98, 185-90, 201, 232, 262, 321-23, 475
Roosevelt, 13, 38, 67, 85 North Carolina
busing, 107-08, 181-83, 211, 311, 315, 317, 336
death penalty, 512-23 passim
Northcross v. Memphis Board of Education, 108
Oberdorfer, Louis, 42-43, 183 objectivity and unapproach-ability of Court, 89-95 passim, 146/1., 172-73 obscenity and pornography, 11, 226-41, 290-300, 330-33, 431-32, 478 brochures, unsolicited, 293 jurisdiction, 198, 200, 207, 208
literature, serious works of, 230
press, 238-39, 297, 300 O'Callahan v. Parker, 128 O'Connor, J. B., 439 O'Connor v. Donaldson, 437-454
office arrangements and
administration, 10, 27-31,
288-89, 418 Ohio-Kentucky boundary,
320-21 Organizaton for a Better
Austin v. Keefe, 142 Otter Tail Power Co. v. U.S.,
Papish v. Mo., 297-98
Paris Adult Theatre v. Slaton, 241, 290
Parvin, Albert, 14, 84
Parvin (Albert) Foundation, 14, 17, 84
Pasadena City Board of Education v. Spangler, 506-07
patent case, 497
Paul v. Davis, 479-81
Pentagon Papers, 161-75, 344
personal relations of Justices,
see names Peters v. Hobby, 28, 29 Phillips v. Martin Marietta,
picketing, 509 private property rights, 210-213
protected speech, 142 Planned Parenthood v. Dan-
forth, 492-93. 494 Playboy magazine, 300 Plessy v. Ferguson, 47 Poff, Richard, 185 Points of Rebellion (Douglas),
police brutality, 494-95 police of Supreme Court, 154,
156-57, 289, 490 political questions doctrine,
145-46, 346, 352, 494 pornography, see obscenity
and pornography Port of Portland v. U.S., 201-
Powell, Adam Clayton, seating in House of Representatives, 21-23, 368, 377 Powell, Jo (Mrs. Lewis), 418 Powell, Lewis F., 187, 188, 207, 251-54, 264-65, 302, 432, 463, 465, 527 abortion cases, 207, 217, 219-20, 272-73, 281, 492, 492/1.
aliens, admission to bar of,
303-04 antitrust cases, 223-26
passim, 261, 447-48 border searches, 307-08,
454-55 and Brennan (see Brennan: and Powell)
and Burger (see Burger:
and Powell) campaign financing, 470,
472, 474 cert pool, 323 control of Court by center,
264, 303, 528 death penalty, 241-42, 246,
249, 251-54, 259, 510-25 dissents, 302, 312, 314-15,
and Douglas (see Douglas:
and Powell) due process, 480, 481 federal courts, access to,
498, 503, 504 habeas corpus petitions, 510 and Harlan, 252, 263, 419 interstate commerce, 477-78 law clerks, 235, 254, 281-
282, 298, 353, 367, 418-
and Marshall (see Marshall: and Powell)
on mentally ill, 440-51 passim
and Nixon, 343
nomination and confirmation, 187-91, 202
obscenity and pornography, 231, 235, 241, 293, 297-298, 330, 331, 430-33
police brutality, 494-95
press and confidentiality of sources, 263-64
press gags, 502
racial discrimination, 252-
253, 333-34, 3341-and Rehnquist, 263, 304,
school desegregation, 189, 310, 314-18 passim, 334, 335, 507
Powell, Lewis F. (cont.)
sex discrimination, 302
social issues, 433-34
speech, protected, 210-13
stare decisis doctrine, 26471.
states rights and minimum wage law, 483
and Stevens, 518, 526
and Stewart, 263, 264, 302, 303, 307, 510-25 passim
taxes and education allocation of, 306-07
Vietnam war cases, 210-13
Warren precedents, 264, 510
Watergate (executive privilege), 343, 344, 346, 350-55 passim, 359, 363-64, 365-76 passim, 407-11 passim
and White, 263-264, 307-308, 365-412 passim, 511-25 passim
wiretaps, warrantless, on radicals, 264
zoning, 433-34 Powell v. McCormack, 21-22,
368, 377 powers of Court, 66, 78-79, 145, 262, 353-54
executive privilege and (Watergate), 340-412 precedent. See stare decisis
doctrine press (see also names), 109-10
confidentiality of sources, 263-64
gag orders, 499-502
law clerks and, 280-81, 417, 421
leaks to, 150, 174-75, 281-282, 348-49, 421, 433, 526-27
obscenity, 235-36, 297, 299
Pentagon Papers, 161-75, 344
relations with Justices, 6, 30,31,127,140,415,421, 526
prior restraint, 430, 499-502 Pentagon Papers, 161-75 privacy right
anti-sodomy law, 505 birth control and abortion,
206, 277-78 obscenity and pornography, 229-39 passim, 291, 293 Profitt v. Florida (death penalty case), 513-22 passim property rights
picketing and, 210-13 zoning, 433-34
Rabe v. Washington, 236 Radich v. New York, 147 reapportionment, legislative,
146, 322 reargume
nt, holding cases over
for, 207, 219, 240, 435 Redrup v. New York, 227,
228, 229, 237, 240, 332 Reed v. Reed, 301 Regents of the University of
California v. Bakke, 33472. rehearing petitions (Rule 58),
90-91, 94-95 Rehnquist, William H., 97,
186, 207, 261-62, 319-20,
420-21, 468, 487, 507 abortion cases, 207, 217,
220, 279, 281, 491, 492?!. aliens, admission to bar of,
antitrust cases, 261, 454-55 and Blackmun (see Blackmun: and Rehnquist)
border searches, 307,454-455 ·
and Brennan (see Brennan:
and Rehnquist) and Burger (see Burger:
and Rehnquist) cert pool, 323, 324 civil rights (see also subjects), 261-62 Court personnel, 490 criminal justice, 246, 249,
252, 254, 259, 263, 307,
455-56, 478, 488, 500,
503, 504, 510, 512, 516,
523-24 death penalty, 246, 249,
259, 516, 523-24 discrimination, racial, 333,
334/1., 488 on disqualifications, 309 dissents, 279, 298M., 312,
484, 486-87 and Douglas (see Douglas:
and Rehnquist) due process, 480 federal courts, access to,
262, 503, 504 federal jurisdiction issue,
and Fortas, 15 Fourteenth Amendment
views, 261 inflexibility, 263, 264 Indian cases, 490 influence, 485 at Justice Department, 15,
law clerks, 262, 281, 320, 490-91
and Marshall (see Marshall:
and Rehnquist) on mentally ill, 440-43
passim, 447-53 passim
minimum wage law, 482-87
nomination and confirmation, 188-91, 202
obscenity and pornography, 231, 236, 292-93, 294/1,, 329-30, 332
police brutality, 494-95
press gags, 500, 502
reapportionment, legislative, 322
revisionism and conservatism, 262, 279, 482-84,
487, 489 school desegregation, 191, 310, 312, 317, 318, 335,
- 507
sex discrimination, 301, 302, speech, protected, 210 stare decisis doctrine, 262,
454-55, 479-84 passim states rights, 262, 481-87 and Stevens, 485, 508, 526 and Stewart, 487-88, 490,
tactician, 487-88 Vietnam protesters, I57«.,
310, 309/1. Watergate (executive privilege), 344, 345, 411 welfare case, 262 Reich, Charles, 185/1., 462-64 Relford v. Commandant, 128 Reston, James, 19, 172-73 retirement of Justices (see also
names), 470-72 Richardson, Elliot, 341 Richmond (Va.), busing, 316-318
Rifkind, Simon, 85 Right to Life movement, 491 Ripple, Kenneth, 417 Rizzo v. Goode, 494-95
RN: The Memoirs of Richard
Nixon, 88, 412 Roaden v. Kentucky, 298 Robb, Roger, 20 Roberts v. Louisiana (death
penalty), 513-19 passim,
522, 523 Rochester (N.Y.), zoning,
433-35 Rodak, Michael, 347 Roe v. Wade, 193, 271-84 Rogers, William, 9, n, 30 Rooney, John, 31 Roosevelt, Franklin D., ii,
13, 38, 67, 85, 471. 472 Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius,
85, 5251-Roth v. United States, 229 Rouse v. Cameron, 438
sabotage cases (World War
H), 144 Safire, William, 87 St. Clair, James, 351, 358,
360-65, 375, 393 Sakraida v. Ag Pro, Inc., 497 San Antonio v. Rodriguez,
305-07 Sanks v. Georgia, 101-03 Saxbe v. Bustos, 421-22 Schlesinger v. Holtzman, 327 Schneckloth v. Bustamonte,
school desegregation, 36-60, 189, 191, 350, 366 busing, 107-28, 181-83, 211, 309-18, 334-37. 506-07 Seale, Bobby, 67 searches border, 307-08, 433, 454-
455. 527-28 car, 133-36, 307-08, 321 illegal, 74-75
unreasonable, 129-36 warrantless wiretaps, 264 see also Fourth Amendment seating of Justices, 29, 468 Securities and Exchange Commission, 14-15, 16 security, national, 144-45, 162-63 antiwar protesters, 154-57 Pentagon Papers, 161-75, 344
Sevareid, Eric, 286
Sex Between Humans and
Animals (book), 232-33 sex discrimination, 141, 300-
Sexual Freedom in Denmark
(film), 234 Sierra Club v. Morton, 192-93 Singleton v. Wulff, 493 Sirica, John J., 340, 342, 347,
365, 373, 378, 390, 410 Sixth Amendment, criminal
justice and, 68, 77, 401,
Smith, Sally, 431-32
Smith v. California, 148
Smithsonian Institution, 335
Sobeloff, Simon, 28
social issues (see also subjects),
434-35 Sonnett, John, 90 Southeastern Promotions, Ltd.
v. Conrad, 429 Speck, Richard, 81, 82 speech, protected
antiwar protests, 147-53,
210-13 obscenity, 11, 226-41 Pentagon Papers, 161-74 picketing by community
group, 142 press gags, 500-01
Spenkelink, John A., 52671. Stanley v. Georgia, 230-31,
233, 236-46 passim stare decisis doctrine, 4,14,95, 129-33, 224, 258, 262-66, 454-55, 478-86 passim Stassen, Harold, 6, 28, 30 state courts case returned to, 495-96 federal judiciary and, 139, 193-98, 261-62, 503-05 fees, 101-03 state reapportionment, legislative, 322 states rights, 262
minimum wage law, 482-87 Stennis, John, 341 Stevens, John Paul, 475-76, 507-09, 525-27 abortion cases, 493 aliens in federal jobs, 477 anti-sodomy law, 505 and Blackmun (see Blackmun: and Stevens) and Brennan (see Brennan:
and Stevens) and Burger (see Burger:
and Stevens) control of Court, 528 on Court of Appeals, 430,
475,5" death penalty, 511-13 passim
discrimination, racial, 334/2.
dissents, 509
due process, 480, 481
habeas corpus petitions, 510
interstate commerce, 477-78
law clerks, 509
and Marshall (see Marshall: and Stevens)
nomination and confirmation, 475-77
obscenity case, 478 and Powell (see Powell:
and Stevens) press gags, 500, 502 and Rehnquist (see Rehnquist: and Stevens) stare decisis doctrine, 483, 484
states rights and minimum
wage law, 482-86 passim and Stewart, 507-08,518,
525-26 and White, 508-09, 526 Stewart, Harriet, 196 Stewart, Potter, 9-10,49,175,
185/1., 206, 207,233 320-
321, 353, 392 abortion cases, 194-99, 202,
206, 208, 216-17, 220,
276, 278, 279, 492-93 antitrust cases, 89, 94, 96,
223-24, 225, 447, 453-54 assignment of cases, 200,
and Black (see Black: and Stewart)
and Blackmun (see Blackmun: and Stewart)
and Brennan (see Brennan: and Stewart)
and Burger (see Burger: and Stewart)
campaign financing, 470, 474
campaigning on military
base, 488 and Carswell, 82-83 and Chief Justiceship, 9-13,
19, 372-73 conservatism, 14 control of Court by center
coalition, 265, 303, 321,
398, 521, 528
Stewart, Potter (cont.) on Court of Appeals, 9 death penalty, 243, 246,