The Dust Will Never Settle

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The Dust Will Never Settle Page 21

by Deva, Mukul

‘Are you all right, dad?’

  He nodded, still dazed.

  Just then Simran appeared at the head of the stairs, with Jasmine in tow. They saw Ravinder’s head cradled in Ruby’s lap.

  ‘Ruby saved all of us today,’ Ravinder said hoarsely with tears in his eyes.

  Both women started to sob as the aftershock struck.

  Ruby sat silent and still, stroking Ravinder’s hair softly, lovingly. Her eyes were blank and silent. Something inside her head had fragmented. She no longer knew who she was. Where she was. Why she was.

  Vehicles came to a screeching halt outside. Cops burst into the house.

  Ruby did not see them. She heard nothing. She motioned to Jasmine to come closer and sit beside her. She gently moved Ravinder’s head to Jasmine’s lap. ‘Look after daddy. No one must hurt him.’ Then Ruby returned to her bedroom, seemingly oblivious.

  Simran, Ravinder and Jasmine watched her go. None of them knew what to say or do.

  Ruby collapsed on the bed. For once her mind did not trouble her. It couldn’t. Something inside had broken loose. A Rubicon had been crossed.

  Unaware of the turmoil awaiting them, thirteen men from seven countries made their way to India.

  From Washington, London, Tel Aviv, Cairo, Damascus and Amman, one by one their aircrafts slid through the skies and swept closer to Delhi.

  In their hands lay the fate of millions of people – hope for Palestine and peace for Israel. Their success would mean the return of peace to a land troubled by bloodshed for many years. Each one was keenly aware of it.

  Though none of them had any illusions about the gargantuan task that awaited them, they had hope.

  Day Nine

  A new sun was rising when Senator George Polk’s flight touched down at Palam.

  Thakur met the silver-coloured US Air Force jet in the VIP area of the Air Force Station. Slightly balding, ruddy-faced, with an aura of power, the senator had a wide smile as he descended from the plane. He seemed a tad disappointed to see the small welcome committee. He had expected some press there to hail America’s critical role in this event.

  Mohite was hovering around Thakur. Jennifer Poetzcsh was there too, the senator being her responsibility. Suspicious of everything and mistrustful of the security cover provided by the Indians, her hand never strayed from her gun.

  Thakur, also eager to make his presence felt, accompanied the senator to the hotel to make sure he was comfortably settled in.

  Ravinder joined them there a bit later, still groggy from the events of the previous night. His head hurt less now, dulled by painkillers, but he was still reeling from the emotional jolt. Ruby’s actions had left him utterly confused. However, still unable to ignore the evidence against her, he would continue the surveillance until the delegates left India. That seemed to be the safest option.

  They had barely settled the senator in when the Saudi delegate, Prince Ghanim Abdul Rahman al-Saud, walked in. Despite his short, stout build and bushy eyebrows, his regal paraphernalia left no doubt that he commanded instant obedience. Two hard-looking, well-built, retired SEALs were flanking him. Ravinder noted that both bore a striking resemblance to Mark Leahy.

  And, my God, yes, the two South African mercenaries are still at large. And Ruby. What is she doing? He looked at his watch; it was a quarter to eleven. The surveillance team was to report every hour so the next call would come at eleven, or earlier if Ruby left the house.

  That morning Ravinder, then Jasmine, and eventually Simran had gone to check on her. All three had met a locked door. The only response was her voice, telling them she was okay and that they shouldn’t worry. But she sounded far from okay. Ravinder was concerned. He hoped it was nothing more than the shock of the previous night’s events.

  He was still thinking of Ruby when Chance strode in with Sir Geoffrey Tang, the British delegate. Tang was extremely tall and fit, and looked very smart in his tailored grey pinstriped suit. Despite his sixty-plus years, he had a full head of hair, with only touches of white at the temples. With deep-set, coal-black eyes, chiselled features, long sideburns and goatee, Tang looked the epitome of royalty.

  ‘We heard about last night… are you okay?’ Chance asked in an undertone. Ravinder nodded. ‘And Ruby?’

  Ravinder nodded again. But both were keenly aware that the danger was far from over. In fact, it had just become more real with the arrival of the delegates. Whatever had to happen would happen now.

  When Ruby came down for breakfast she found Simran and Jasmine at the table. Jasmine gave her a big smile and, running up to her, gave her a long hug. Jasmine appeared to have recovered completely. Or perhaps she was in complete denial. At Simran’s insistence she was even going to college. It would be better for her to go out than to stay home and mope.

  Simran also smiled warmly at her, aware that none of them might be alive today if it had not been for Ruby.

  ‘You are just in time, Ruby.’ Jasmine pulled Ruby to the seat beside her. ‘Come. Mom is helping me prepare for today’s moot court. Would you also like to hear my contentions?’

  ‘Why do you want to bother her?’ Simran said before Ruby could respond.

  ‘If that is what you want me to do,’ Ruby replied listlessly, ignoring Simran.

  ‘Are you sure?’ Jasmine queried. Ruby nodded. ‘Great!’ Jasmine pulled out a sheaf of papers. ‘The case is a real one: Jayant Ganguly versus Mausami Ganguly. I am representing the father and my best friend is representing the mother.’ Jasmine began to read, giving details of how she would defend the case in the college moot court.

  Ruby was staring at the plate of eggs on the table, and did not appear to be listening. Simran was watching her, a worried look on her face.

  ‘So when the wife, Mausami Ganguly, deserted her husband, she moved to another city.’ Jasmine flipped a page and continued, ‘From there she managed to obtain an ex-party divorce. She also managed to get legal custody of their four-year-old daughter. The husband, Jayant, contested this in the High Court – the divorce and the custody.’

  ‘Did he win?’ Ruby’s sudden question, delivered in that same flat monotone, shocked both Jasmine and Simran.

  ‘What?’ Jasmine asked. ‘So did he get it? The custody, I mean,’ Ruby repeated, still staring at her plate.

  ‘The father? Yes, he did get custody, but only later, from the Supreme Court.’

  ‘I see.’ Ruby still did not look up.

  Jasmine exchanged a glance with Simran, who shrugged her shoulders.

  ‘You can if you want to,’ Ruby said as she suddenly got up and began to walk away, heading back to her room. ‘You can if you want to… you have to want to,’ Ruby called without stopping.

  Simran and Jasmine heard her go up the stairs, with a heavy, dragging stride. They were stunned.

  ‘Daddy did not want to. If he had, he would have found me,’ Ruby’s tearful voice rang out. ‘Only mom loved me!’

  They heard her bedroom door slam shut.

  ‘Mom?’ Then more insistently, ‘Mom! Where are you?’ Ruby was sitting on the edge of her bed, her face still blank. ‘Why is this happening to me? What have I done?’


  ‘Have you also abandoned me? Please. I need you, mom.’

  ‘I am right here, Ruby. I am always here, you know that.’ Within the recesses of Ruby’s fragmented mind, Rehana reached out and began to stroke Ruby’s head.

  The shock of the night’s assault took over now. Ruby began to cry in deep, shuddering sobs.

  ‘He was going to kill my daddy. I couldn’t let him… even though daddy did not want me. If he had, he would have found me. He does not even want me to stay. If he did he would have asked me to.’

  ‘I know, child, I know,’ Rehana said. ‘Hush! Don’t worry. Everything will be fine soon.’

  ‘What should I do, mom?’

  ‘Do what you have to, Ruby. Do your duty.’


  ‘No buts, Ruby. Nothing has changed. Our lives mea
n nothing if we falter from our duty.’

  ‘But he is my father! I cannot do anything to him, even if he…’

  ‘You don’t have to, Ruby. Just finish what you started.’ Rehana began to talk, slowly, insistently – first cajoling, then pleading. All the while allowing Ruby to cry, allowing her pent-up feelings to flow.

  Even though she was a trained agent fully versed in the art of subversion, she was yet to understand just how strong Rehana’s influence on her was. Even now – especially now, when everyone seemed to have closed ranks against her.

  Hours later, when the tears stopped, Ruby felt whole again – the avenger was back in control. The embattled, shattered woman had gone underground.

  Over the next few hours, one by one, the remaining delegates arrived. Ravinder’s team was busy settling them, and Thakur – unwilling to give up the limelight – ensured he spent time with each of them, assuring them that India was delighted to have them.

  As soon as the last delegate arrived, Thakur proudly took them all for a grand tour of the secure zone.

  Ravinder was half listening to Thakur when he saw Mohite waving at him from across the room. He quietly peeled away and went to him.

  ‘How are you, sir? That was terrible, what happened last night.’ Mohite paused. ‘I want you to know that we really tried to catch them…’

  ‘That’s okay, Govind. Even they get lucky sometimes.’

  ‘Well, we have taken out all three of them now, so maybe they are not so lucky after all. Your daughter did a very brave thing.’

  ‘I know. Thank you. Tell me, why did you…’

  ‘The officer in charge of PM security is here. He wants to speak to you.’

  ‘What about?’

  ‘The idiot says he will only talk to you.’

  Ravinder groaned inwardly. Mohite must have done or said something to piss him off.

  ‘Where is he?’

  ‘In the control room.’


  ‘I will come with you,’ Mohite said.

  ‘No, that’s okay,’ Ravinder replied. Mohite might just add fuel to the fire… if he was the one responsible, that is.

  As it turned out, Ravinder’s intuition was spot-on.

  ‘I cannot believe this, Mr Gill! Your deputy actually told me to…’ Ravinder allowed him to vent before smoothing things over. It cost him the better part of an hour. And a blinding headache.

  He then went back to the eighth floor and buttonholed Mohite. ‘How can you tell anyone from the PM’s security to bugger off, Govind?’

  ‘You are always in a hurry to judge me and condemn me, sir. He was being such a nuisance and interfering with everything. I—’

  ‘Come on, Govind! He was only doing his job. The PM will be here tomorrow morning. And they need to do what they need to do. That’s their regular drill.’

  ‘How are you, Gill?’ Thakur interrupted. Having finished networking with the delegates, he was calling it a day. ‘I heard about the incident last night. Glad to see you are okay.’

  ‘Thank you, sir.’

  ‘I believe your daughter did a fabulous job. Brave girl. You must be proud of her.’

  ‘I am, sir.’

  ‘Excellent. Give her my best.’ Thakur threw a pointed look at his watch; he seemed to be in a hurry. ‘Do you mind if I have Govind for a bit?’ Without waiting for a reply, Thakur gestured and Mohite sauntered off behind him like an eager puppy.

  Ravinder returned to his room on the seventh floor. He needed to lie down. The painkillers were making him groggy. The headache made it worse. A bank of monitors displayed the feed from all the cameras set up to maintain a 24x7 watch on all entry and exit points and, more specifically, the seventh and eighth floors. The master feed was beamed into the control room to the left of the elevator bank, which was manned by four ATTF men per shift.

  Ravinder lay on the bed and began to watch the live feed. He saw Chance and Jennifer emerge from the elevator. They said something to the guard. It must have been a joke because all three laughed. Leaving the guard still grinning, the two headed for their rooms – Chance to the one directly opposite Ravinder’s and Jennifer to the one next to it.

  I wonder if they will use the interconnecting door later. Ravinder smiled at the thought.

  He remembered when he had been that age. Rehana flashed into his memory. Hard on her heels came Ruby. Stress returned. He fretted about her and wondered how Ruby was doing now. Simran’s call about her behaviour at the breakfast table had alarmed him. He would have gone to her if he could. His eyes flicked at his watch. The last call from the surveillance team had come in twenty minutes ago; Ruby had not left the house all day.

  There was a knock at the door. He looked up at the monitor scanning the corridor. It was Mohite. He let him in reluctantly, hoping he had not created some new problem.

  ‘I want your permission to have the city hotels checked again tonight, sir. Maybe we can get hold of the South African mercenaries now.’

  ‘Won’t it take away too much manpower? We need every man we have to secure the Games Village, the stadiums and this hotel…’

  ‘I think it is worth the attempt.’

  ‘Let me check how Ashish feels.’

  ‘He is okay if you say it is. I already checked with him.’

  ‘I will appreciate if you go via me in future.’ Ravinder did not hide his displeasure.

  Mohite nodded. ‘I wouldn’t have done it, but Thakur sahib agreed that we need to keep looking for the terrorists.’

  ‘You discussed this with him?’ Ravinder confronted him. ‘How many times have I told you…’

  ‘I didn’t, sir. We were just talking and he asked me so I gave him my opinion.’

  Realizing it was futile, Ravinder ignored him and considered the situation. ‘Okay, go ahead, but use only personnel on non-critical duties.’

  Mohite left and Ravinder went back to watching the monitors. He could see the delegates moving around on the eighth floor. Several of their PSOs were also mingling on the seventh floor. The guards on the stairwells and elevators were alert and in position. Everything seemed normal.

  But would it last? His instinct warned him that a storm was about to break.

  Unable to sleep, and despite the pain and grogginess, he decided to check on the guards in the lobby and at the hotel gates. Everyone was alert and in position. Then he walked down the street to the roadblock five hundred metres away. To his surprise, he met Mohite and one of the control room officers walking back.

  ‘What are you two doing here?’

  ‘Checking the guards, sir,’ Mohite said, looking like he was hard at work.

  ‘And him? What’s he doing here? I made it clear that no one is to leave his post.’

  ‘He is just keeping me company, sir.’ Mohite’s expression was sheepish, but his voice was defiant.

  ‘Get back to your post.’ Ravinder waved the control room officer away. ‘You have to stop doing this, Govind. No one… I repeat, no one is to leave his post even for a second. I shouldn’t have to tell you that.’

  They walked back, a sulky silence between them. They were parting at the elevator when Ravinder realized that now only one man was guarding it instead of two.

  ‘Where is the second man?’ he asked the guard.

  Before he could reply, Mohite jumped in, ‘I have reduced all non-essential posts by one man each and am using them to beef up the hunt for the two terrorists. I spoke to you about it, sir.’

  Ravinder could not believe his ears.

  ‘Only from the non-essential posts, sir,’ Mohite repeated, almost smugly.

  ‘You consider the main access points non-essential?’ Ravinder was seized by an urge to hit him. ‘How long will it take you to call them back?’

  ‘Call them back? Why?’

  ‘Mohite, which part of my question didn’t you understand?’ Ravinder was on the verge of losing it. If he did not rein himself in, Mohite would be missing a few teeth. Taking a deep breath, he
forced himself to calm down. ‘Call them back. Now! I want every damn post in the hotel at full strength. Clear?’

  ‘Right, sir,’ Mohite recoiled. ‘I will have them back in one hour.’ He scooted towards the control room.

  One bloody hour! Pulling himself together, Ravinder called Chance and asked him to keep an eye on the eighth floor. He himself began to patrol the seventh, hand never too far from his weapon.

  When the security posts had been restored he retired to his room and, taking another pill, he lay down. He finally dozed off, but the unease stayed with him and he did not sleep much that night.

  Day Ten

  The morning light on the day of the Summit was but a pale streak on the horizon when Ruby exited the Gill’s gate. Dressed in a maroon jogging suit with Nike emblazoned across it, her ponytail jutting out of a matching maroon baseball cap, she started running.

  The events of the last thirty-six hours had faded. Having stayed cooped up inside her room since the attack, Ruby was now raring to go. There was no trace of the stunned zombie of yesterday. Today her mind was at rest, allowing only operational matters to be dwelt upon. Rehana’s magic had worked – her weapon of vengeance was primed and ready for action once again.

  Her pace increased slowly and her strong, muscular legs began to chew up the distance. Eager for exercise, her lungs sucked in the chilly early morning air. Soon she got her second wind and settled into a steady, loping run.

  Ruby’s mind was clear. It went over the list of actions that she needed to take.

  The shrill ring of his mobile startled Ravinder awake.

  ‘She is doing what? Jogging?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ the surveillance commander replied, ‘the guards tell me she is following the same route that she follows every day.’

  ‘Stay with her.’ Ravinder pushed his sleep away. ‘And keep me informed.’ In a way he was glad that Ruby had finally come out of her room. Perhaps she was getting over the shock.

  He headed for the bathroom. It took several splashes of cold water before he was fully awake.

  Today is the first day of the Summit… the thirteenth of October. Damn that fucking number!


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