Exposed (Free Falling)

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Exposed (Free Falling) Page 30

by Raven St. Pierre

  AJ’s phone began to vibrate on the table and he answered it right away, still holding my stomach.


  Whoever was on the other end of the line had him grinning from ear to ear. “You guys checked in already?” he asked. “Ok, cool. Get some rest and I’ll see you in the morning; I’m making breakfast here at the house for everyone.” He paused again to listen to the caller’s response. “Ok.” His eyes lifted to meet mine and he smiled. “Sure, I’ll tell her.”

  When he ended the call he set his phone aside again. “My mother said to give you a kiss from her,” he announced before leaning in to plant one on my cheek. “And my father said to tell you not to be shy about bossing me around – he doesn’t want you moving a muscle.”

  I smiled at his father’s words, thinking of how I hadn’t even been able to put my own socks on for the past month. It was strange at first being in Mr. Hahn’s good graces, though. After AJ informed his parents that we were back together, I didn’t know what to think of his father’s newfound humility. At first, when AJ mentioned that his father had changed, it crossed my mind that it could be an act, a ploy to get back on his son’s good side; however, he was still just as kind and warm today as he’d been two years ago, squashing my suspicions.

  I remember holding my breath one Saturday morning when AJ opened the door to our loft. His parents had driven up for a visit and I was so nervous about how it would play out. His mother entered first, smiling and passing out hugs, while his father hung back and observed. Eventually, my eyes locked with his and we couldn’t avoid greeting one another at that point. I gave a short, simple, “Hello,” as he crossed the threshold and continued to walk in my direction. It shocked me half to death when he extended his hand. At first I stared at it, then at him, wondering what this gesture was supposed to mean. It wasn’t until he spoke that I understood his angle completely.

  “Samantha…I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but...I sincerely and humbly apologize. If you - ”

  Before he could finish, I clasped his hand. A smile crossed his face and he nodded graciously.

  “I forgive you,” I said readily. Mrs. Hahn discreetly reached for AJ’s hand, silently celebrating the end of the years-long feud that had been brewing between her husband and me for far too long.

  The memory evaporated from my mind when my stomach rumbled again.

  “He’s really moving today, isn’t he?” AJ asked, continuing to rub.

  I nodded and released a breath. It felt like each second became more uncomfortable than the last.

  “So how’s this supposed to go?” Terrell asked. “Because you’re having the C-section, does AJ still get to be in there with you or they don’t allow that?”

  “They let the dads come back too, but the doctor said not until they get me prepped and laid out on the table.”

  Terrell smiled at AJ and directed his next question at him. “You gon’ cry, man? Like at the wedding?”

  Dee, Karl, and Maisha all shared a laugh at AJ’s expense, but I managed to dial mine down to a smile.

  “For the last time,” AJ said, laughing right along with the rest of them, “I wasn’t crying. My allergies were just acting up that day.”

  Terrell and Karl hadn’t let him live that down yet, probably never would. He’d only shed a tear or two as I came down the aisle, but these two made it seem like he was at the altar blubbering. Karl let out an exaggerated sob and doubled over in Deanna’s lap, pretending to reenact the scene.

  AJ shook his head at the guys and then focused his attention on me again. On cue, our son practically rolled from one side of my stomach to the other.

  “What the hell?” Terrell asked in horror. Maisha smacked his arm, but he continued to point and stare. “I know I’m not the only one who just saw Deuce do a somersault. Is that supposed to happen?”

  I rolled my eyes. “First of all…do not call my child ‘Deuce’. Second, he’s just getting big and running out of room,” I explained.

  “What’s wrong with –“

  Before that stupid nickname could leave Terrell’s mouth again, I shot him a warning glare.

  He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Fine…what’re y’all planning to call him then? We can’t call him AJ ‘cause we’ve already got one of those, and Anthony junior sounds too formal.”

  A sharp pain shot across my stomach and I winced a little, but AJ didn’t notice. “You know what Terrell? Shut it,” I said, managing a smile despite the pain that’d just set in.

  “But back to this delivery room situation,” Terrell blurted. “I think you should take some tissue with you just in case, man.”

  AJ laughed and waved him off. “Whatever.”

  Karl stood from his spot on the couch. “You know what? We can settle this right now. Where’s the DVD of the wedding? I think I saw it when I was unpacking the movies.”

  AJ abandoned his post beside me to cross our living room, attempting to grab the DVD before Karl found it, but he was too late. Karl let out the most obnoxious laugh ever while Terrell blocked AJ from getting to the TV.

  Everyone was laughing and having a good time but me. My stomach tightened to the point that it made my back ache. This had been happening all day off and on, so I knew it’d pass, but still - it hurt like hell.

  “You good, girl?” Maisha asked.

  I continued to breathe through the pain and nodded. “I’m fine.”

  Her question got AJ’s attention and concern filled his expression. He stood behind me and placed his hands beneath my elbows. “Let me help you get to the couch so you can put your feet up,” he offered.

  I nodded but wanted to wait for the discomfort to pass – even the material of my maxi-dress grazing my skin when I moved was uncomfortable. A few more breaths and it was over. Terrell moved his chair out of the way so I could get through more easily, but I had to stop midstride; standing to my feet made the constricting sensation return and I quickly grabbed hold of the table. The quick maneuver scared AJ and he tightened his grip on my arm, thinking I was getting ready to fall.

  “I’m fine,” I said through ragged breaths.

  “Clearly, you’re not. I’m taking you in,” he asserted. “Maisha, could you grab the two bags I have packed under our bed?”

  She nodded to AJ’s request and headed up to our second floor. She’d barely made it back to us when the strongest pain yet hit me and I whimpered. AJ came around in front of me and I placed both hands on his shoulders. I was just getting ready to agree that I needed to go to the hospital…when my water broke.

  “Aww hell naw!” Terrell yelled out, followed by an immediate dry heave. Even with my eyes closed, I knew Maisha was trying to inflict bodily harm on him with whatever look she gave.

  Deanna rushed over to help AJ get me to the garage where his car was parked. That short walk felt like the longest I’d ever taken in my life, but I eventually made it and was even able to lean against the car while AJ situated a towel on the seat like I’d asked him to. Once inside the car, I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I’ll have Terrell look up the address to the hospital so you guys can hurry up and get there. We’ll be right behind you,” Maisha said from the doorway. AJ nodded and thanked her.

  “Wait! I need my purse,” I called out just before he climbed in beside me.

  “Just go! I’ll grab it and bring it with me,” Maisha offered.

  When another contraction rendered me speechless, I rested my head against the seat and didn’t protest.

  AJ started the engine, showing clear signs of panic – his face was almost white as a ghost and it looked like he didn’t remember how to shift the car into reverse. I groaned in agony and that made him even more frazzled.

  “Okay…I’m gonna get you there. Hold on,” he said, sounding surprisingly calm as we backed out of our driveway.

  While we drove, I half-listened to AJ placing calls to our parents, Angel, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Todd, and to the hospital to give them a heads up t
hat we were on our way. For that reason, there was already someone waiting at the entrance with a wheelchair, ready to escort us up. AJ handed his keys to the valet, and I sought after his hand as soon as I could reach him. Seeing the fear in my eyes, he worked to wrangle in his own. If ever there was a time that I needed him to be strong for me, it was now.



  She was in so much pain and there wasn’t anything I could do other than hold her hand. I felt completely useless. The contractions seemed to be getting stronger so the nurses were working to hook her up to the monitor to see what was going on. The last one that entered the room came in with a smile and an ultrasound machine.

  “Hello, Samantha! How’re you feeling?”

  Sam shook her head and replied, “Bad,” squeezing my hand with the strength that outmatched that of a large man. My fingers turned purple and throbbed in her grasp, but I wasn’t about to let go, though.

  The woman gave a sympathetic nod. “I’m gonna check you to see how far you’ve dilated first, then we’re gonna do an ultrasound to check the baby’s position.”

  I nodded, but it didn’t even seem like Sam heard a word the woman said. While the nurse did her thing, I pushed Sam’s hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. She took several deep breaths through her nose and seemed to relax a little.

  I glanced down to the nurse at the foot of the bed and noted the look on her face. The smile had faded as she removed the latex glove from her hand, being replaced by a solemn look of concern that medical professionals turn on when something isn’t right.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” I asked in a panic. Trying my best not to alarm Sam, but…

  “Calm down, sir,” the woman said, again trying to put on a happy face. “I’m gonna go get the doctor and he’ll explain everything, okay? Just have a seat.”

  Quickly, she rushed out of the room with the other two nurses following closely behind. Within seconds, the doctor on call entered the room – a man I’d never met before a day in my life.

  He greeted Sam and I with a warm smile and snapped a pair of gloves on his wrists. “I hear we’re having a baby soon,” he announced lightheartedly.

  I pushed my fingers through my hair. “Yeah, but…” I pointed at the nurse who’d just examined Sam. “Is something wrong?”

  The doctor shook his head and took a seat in the stool at the foot of the bed. Before he’d give me an answer, he checked Sam for himself and, while he didn’t look as concerned as the nurse, his smile dimmed a little.

  “Someone needs to tell me something,” I said as calmly as I could. The monitor spiked beside the bed and Sam gripped my hand again.

  “Well…” the doctor began. “There’s good news and bad news,” he announced. “The bad news is, we won’t be able to wait for Dr. Marshall to get here. The good news is…you’re gonna become a father tonight. Your wife’s just about ready to start pushing.” His smile returned, but I was still confused.

  “But…she can’t….the baby…“

  The nurse came around and placed a hand on my arm while the doctor and two others readied themselves. Her tone was even, which set my mind at ease a little. “Your wife will be fine. The only thing is, we won’t be able to administer an epidural at this point because the baby’s already crowning. So she’ll need you to be really strong for her, okay?”

  I didn’t understand. The last time the doctor checked our son was breech. Shocked, I said nothing, just watched as one of the other nurses in the room put gel on Sam’s stomach and placed the wand on top. I’m no doctor, but I’ve gotten pretty good at reading ultrasound pictures after all the times we’d spent at the doctor’s office over the last several months. Sure enough, he was now head down. The nurse looked at me and smiled.

  From there everything was a blur; it all happened so fast. The doctor didn’t even have to tell Sam when to push; she just seemed to know how this was supposed to go. I couldn’t help but to stare at her in amazement, watching how the fear melted away as she became focused on nothing but getting our son here.

  “You’re doing so good, Samantha,” the doctor said. “One more big push should do it.”

  My heart raced and I held my breath as she gave it her all. The entire room was silent.

  And then the sweetest sound I’d ever heard in my entire life filled the air and I saw him – my son…our son – screaming at the top of his lungs.

  Sam rested her head against the pillow and tried to catch her breath, but just as soon as she had, the site of him stole it right away. Her hand went to her mouth as soft sobs escaped. There he was, a beautiful little boy with a mess of large curls on top of his head, a perfect blend of his mother and me. His cries continued to fill the air as the nurses placed him on Sam’s stomach and let me cut the cord.

  Sam placed a kiss on his tiny hand and I touched him for the first time, unable to remember a time in my life when I’d ever been this happy, this proud, this content. Sam continued to sob when I kissed her on top of her head and then did the same to my namesake. They were both the two most perfect gifts God could’ve ever given me.

  It was that day that our family was made complete. On two separate occasions, she managed to make me the happiest man alive – our wedding day, and right at this very moment. No words existed that could express the gratitude and love that this woman made me feel toward her.

  We’d been to hell and back more than once. At times I even believed that the only way we would ever be able to be together was with a certain amount of tragedy lurking in the shadows.

  I couldn’t have been more wrong about that.

  In the end, regardless of where our journey had taken us, we ended up here, living out our lives together in our own little slice of heaven…


  Continue on for a sneak peek at the cover, synopsis, and two sample chapters of Victoria H. Smith’s

  Found by You

  Coming 6 – 26 - 14

  Also available from Raven St. Pierre

  Free Falling Book 1: Gravity

  Free Falling Book 2: Secrets

  Red Sun

  Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

  Coming Soon

  Again for the First Time

  Raven appreciates your purchase and would love to get your feedback when you finish! Leave your review of this author’s work wherever you made your purchase and let others know what you thought of “Exposed” (Free Falling Book Three).

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  Releases 6.26.14

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  He’s noticed by everyone…

  Griffin Chandler.

  He’s captain of our college’s basketball team. I swear to God I’ve already seen him in a Nike ad, and he’s one of the top picks when he goes pro following our spring graduation.

  His life is on display for the world. Both his accomplishments and demons there for judgment.

  I’m a girl who likes to play roller derby from, of all places, Wisconsin. My own demons better concealed. And one day…

  He notices me.

  Found by You is a new adult contemporary romance.

  Chapter One


  I instantly knew the moment he was in the room with me. How? Because that was when it suddenly became hard to breathe. The air of the laundry room, already thick with heat from the dryers, grew scarce, my lungs constricting and my heart drumming a new intense beat. The feeling quite frankly annoyed me. I’d become one of those girls. The ones that succumbed to his draw despite hardly knowing him.

  Did I say hardly? I meant to say not at all. Like a teenager at a boy ban
d concert, I was all hot faced over a guy I didn’t even know. Despite my opposition of my body’s emotional responses to him, they still occurred. And they came guns blazing. They partially influenced my reasoning for coming to the laundry room on this exact day at this exact hour to get my laundry done. Okay, that’s a lie.

  They very much influenced my reasoning.

  At first, our run-ins were purely coincidental. I was here and then suddenly he was. It was so odd he even was. I did my laundry quite late. Between one and two a.m. most nights. On this particular night a few weeks ago, I was running late and ended up in my housing complex’s laundry room around three thirty, and there he was.

  Griffin Chandler.

  Today was just like that day; the time three-thirty pretty much on the dot.

  I turned only slightly to get a glance at him over my shoulder. That was all I allowed myself. Anything longer than a glance and I would look like a creeper for staring, and anything less, I’d seem rude for not acknowledging I was no longer the only one in the room.

  Like our previous encounters, he wore his basketball shorts, his team colors hanging low on his hips and cladding a set of thighs that had to be just as muscular as his calves. His legs went on for days, long like the rest of his frame. At six foot six inches in height, he made tall men look small. I knew those specs just like every one else around campus. I could probably recite his weight too if asked. Griffin Chandler was the it-guy, the name on everyone’s lips. Hell, I think I already saw his face in a Nike ad somewhere.


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