Lesbian Stepmother

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Lesbian Stepmother Page 4

by Amy Polino

  “You’re not wasting it. This is what it’s for.”

  “I know, but we should do something fun.”

  “Fun sounds good to me. What did you have in mind?”

  Abbie repositioned herself on the couch and picked up her mug, taking a long drink of coffee. She set it back down and shrugged. “I don’t know. What about a movie?”

  “Is there one you’ve been wanting to see?”

  “Not really. You have that account, don’t you?”

  Lonna had signed up for a Netflix account when she first moved in. She watched a lot of television and found the additional choices convenient. “Sure.” She picked up the remote and switched on the TV. She quickly set up the menu and showed Abbie how to navigate through it. “You’ve never seen this before?”

  “No. There sure are a lot of choices.”

  “It looks that way at first. After a few weeks you realize it’s mostly junk.”

  Abbie spent a few minutes searching the movies and finally settled on an old horror film. “This looks scary.”

  “You want scary?”

  “I think it would be fun to watch it, sitting here with you next to me.”

  “I know I’d like it.”

  “The movie?”

  “No, silly! Sitting next to you while it’s on.”

  Abbie started the movie and leaned into her, getting comfortable again. They sat and watched the opening credits and the first scene, trying to become interested in the story. It was shaping up to be slightly boring and not the least bit scary. The acting was terrible.

  Lonna looked at Abbie. “Can I get you something, birthday girl? Maybe make you some popcorn?”

  Abbie shook her head. “I’m still full from breakfast.”

  “Let me know if I can get you anything. I want to make today as nice as possible for you.”

  “You already did.”

  Lonna laughed happily and leaned further into Abbie. “You deserve it.”

  Abbie looked at her. “Hey! I know what I want!”

  Lonna sat up, ready to please. She was bored with the movie already. “What?”

  Suddenly Abigail sank back into the cushions, frowning. “Never mind. You’d never go for it.”

  Lonna smiled. “Try me.”

  Abbie pursed her lips, considering. “Well. I was just thinking. Since it’s my birthday and all.”


  “I know I’m only nineteen, but…”


  “Well…” She looked at Lonna. “Do you think I could have a little drink? To celebrate?”

  “You mean booze?”

  “No. Never mind. I shouldn’t have asked.”

  “I didn’t say no.”

  Abbie sighed. “It’s just…when I see you watching movies, you usually have a drink. I just thought it might be fun to try it.”

  “I think it would be fine for you to have a drink on your birthday, honey.”


  “Don’t tell me you’ve never had one before.”

  “I have. But only a couple of times. It’s been awhile. I never really got into it.”

  “Well, I would have no problem with you having a drink. As long as you don’t make a habit of it. And, of course, don’t tell your father.”

  “I’m not telling that asshole anything.”

  “Then it sounds like a birthday drink is coming your way.”

  “You don’t think it’s too early?”

  “Well, we probably can’t do it tonight. Thanks to you-know-who.”

  “Good point.”

  Lonna stood up, grinning. When was the last time she had a drink with a friend right there in the house? She didn’t think it had ever happened. Rick never touched the stuff, and she had very few friends, none of them good ones. Becoming close to Abbie was the best thing that had happened to her in a very long time. “How would you like it? Mixed? Straight? On the rocks?”

  Abbie paused the movie and got up off the couch. “Let me see how you make yours. I want mine the same.”

  She followed Lonna into the kitchen and watched as the older woman got two glasses down from the cabinet. Lonna then took the ice cube tray from the freezer, twisting it and dropping several cubes into each glass.

  “I like ice in mine,” Lonna said.

  “Then I want ice in mine, too.”

  Lonna picked up the bottle of vodka and removed the cap. “I don’t think I ever made a drink this early. And still in my nightgown!”

  “We don’t have to, if you don’t want.”

  “I do want. It’s kind of exciting.” She poured two or three ounces into each glass, the ice cubes popping loudly. She then screwed the cap back on and returned the bottle to the back of the counter.

  “What do you mix with it?” Abbie asked.

  “I like cranberry juice, but we also have orange. Your choice. Oh, we also have your father’s soda.”

  “I want mine to be exactly the same as yours.”

  The comment gave Lonna an emotional lift, and she was already feeling pretty high. She almost danced to the refrigerator, removing the bottle of cranberry juice and shaking it up. She returned to the counter with it, twisting off the cap. “It’s nice and tart, not too sweet,” she commented.

  “You’re sweet enough already.”

  Lonna almost dropped the bottle. She gripped it tighter and poured, filling each glass to just below the rim. She glanced at Abbie, who was watching her, looking very happy. “You’re becoming pretty sweet yourself.”

  “I’m trying.”

  Lonna quickly stirred the drinks with a teaspoon and put the juice back in the fridge. “Don’t try too hard. I might start getting used to it.”

  “You’d better get used to it.” Abbie slapped her on the ass as she passed by, making them both laugh.

  “Jeez, Abbie! If I had known you were this much fun, I would have suggested we do this a long time ago.”

  “You couldn’t. I was a bitch, remember?”

  “You were never a bitch.”

  “I was. But not anymore. Not to you, anyway.”

  “Well, it certainly is nice to be on your good side.”

  Abbie smiled. “It is fun. And we live together. We can do stuff like this all the time!” She stepped up to Lonna and wrapped her arms around her again.

  Lonna squeezed and lifted her, bringing Abbie’s feet up off the floor and spinning her around. She spun her around twice, both of them giggling, and then set her back down, hugging her and kissing the top of her head. “We can, can’t we?”

  “You bet.” Abbie slapped her ass again and grabbed her drink, dashing away into the other room.

  Lonna laughed, picking up her own drink and rushing after her. When they were back on the couch they each took a sip of their cocktails, their eyes locked over the rims of the glasses. Lonna smacked her lips, sighing. “Hits the spot.”

  Abbie nodded. “It’s good. Strong.”

  “Too strong?”

  “I can handle it.”

  “You’re not a kid anymore.”

  “No. In lots of countries, I’d be allowed to drink.”

  “You’re allowed to drink in this one, as long as you’re at home and with a parent.” She smiled. “Or me.”

  Abbie smiled back, taking another sip. “Thanks, Lonna.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “This is really good.”

  “It’s good with orange juice, too.”

  “Maybe we can try that next.”

  Lonna sipped her drink, crossing her legs. “I don’t know about that. You don’t want to go getting drunk at eight o’clock in the morning.”

  “Who doesn’t?”

  Lonna laughed. “We should probably keep it to just one. I did make them a little strong.”

  “You made them perfect.”

  “Now who’s being nice?”

  “I like being nice to you. I wish I had tried it sooner.”

  Lonna didn’t know what to say. She felt v
ery good. She took another sip of her drink and set the glass down on the coffee table. “What about the movie? Did we give up on it?”

  “Oh!” Abbie took another, longer drink from her glass and then got the movie going again. “If you want to change over to something else, feel free.”

  “I want to watch something you picked out.”

  They sat in silence for a little while, sipping their drinks and watching the movie. A doll had apparently come to life and was chasing the family around the house, slashing at them with a butcher knife. Junior got it in the belly, his intestines spilling out onto the carpet.

  “This is more funny than scary,” Abbie said.

  “Maybe because it’s so bright in here. I’ve never watched a horror movie in the morning.”

  “You think it would be scarier at night?”

  “I would hope so.”

  Abbie laughed, gulping down her cocktail. The ice cubes rattled in the glass. “Man, that was good. Thank you for the birthday drink.”

  Lonna tipped her own glass up, finishing it off. “It was pretty good, wasn’t it?”

  “I’ll say.” Abbie leaned over, reaching her hand around Lonna’s head, pulling her close and kissing her quickly on the mouth. Her lips were cold from the ice.

  Lonna was astounded. She looked at Abbie, who had an enormous grin on her face. “What the heck was that?”

  “A thank-you kiss.”

  “What did I do to deserve it?”


  Lonna was speechless. She was also very excited. The kiss had felt wonderful.

  “You okay?” Abbie asked.

  “Yeah. Are you?”

  “I’m great. Thanks to you.”

  Lonna giggled. “You know, I was hoping we would get closer. But never in my wildest dreams did I think we’d get this close, this fast.”

  “You have wild dreams about me?”

  Lonna laughed again. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “I think you did.”

  “I think your drink was too strong.”

  “That glass of juice you gave me? You call that a drink?”

  Lonna smiled affectionately. “I can tell it had an effect on you.”

  Abbie smiled back. “Maybe.” She looked at the empty glasses on the coffee table. “Anyway, it was actually very good.”

  “I’m glad you liked it.”

  “Let me put these away.” Abbie stood up and collected the two glasses. “And let me know if I miss anything good.”

  “Want me to pause it?”

  “I’d prefer you didn’t.” She walked away, into the kitchen. Lonna stared after her, noticing for the first time how beautiful she looked. Her heart was doing a funny little dance in her chest. She looked back to the TV, trying to put it out of her mind.

  A minute later, Abbie was peeking in at her from the kitchen doorway. She looked upset. “You’re not going to believe what just happened.”

  Lonna sat up, alarmed. She hadn’t heard a phone ring, or any noise at all. She couldn’t imagine what Abbie was referring to. “What?”

  Abbie smiled, bringing her hands into view and stepping back into the living room. “I accidentally made us another couple of drinks.”

  “Abbie!” Lonna laughed. “You probably shouldn’t have.”

  “Probably?” She stepped over and handed one to Lonna. They were made with orange juice this time.

  “Wow, that looks good.” She accepted it and took a little sip.

  “How is it?” Abbie sat down beside her and took a sip of her own.

  Lonna pulled the glass from her mouth and breathed out theatrically. “Whoah! Now that’s what I call strong!”

  “You don’t like it?” Abbie looked almost heartbroken.

  Lonna smiled and took another sip. “Did I say that? It’s delicious!”

  Abbie giggled and sat back, taking a drink from her glass. “Oh, good! I was afraid I fucked them up.”

  “On the contrary. This may be the best screwdriver I ever had.”

  “Is that what it’s called?”

  “It’s vodka and orange juice, right?”


  “That’s a screwdriver.” Lonna took another sip, the alcohol beginning to register now.

  “No offense, Lonna, but I think I like it better with the orange juice.”

  “Why would I take offense at that?”

  “No reason. I just know you like it with cranberry better.” She took a big gulp, belching quietly. “Excuse me.”

  “You’re excused.” They were looking at each other, the movie forgotten.

  “Can I ask you something, Lonna?”

  “Of course.”

  “When is your birthday?”

  Lonna shook her head, frowning. “Not until January.”

  Abbie looked crushed. “Damn. That’s too far away.”

  “Too far away for what?”

  Abigail paused to take another long sip. She shrugged her shoulders. “I was just wondering. I kind of want to return the favor, you know?”

  “What favor?”

  Smiling brightly, Abbie slid up against her on the couch. “Oh, come on! All the nice things you’ve done for me? Going out of your way to make me feel happy? Saving my birthday? Buying me the most thoughtful present I ever received? Coming out of nowhere and becoming the best friend I ever had?”

  Lonna was speechless again. Had she done all that? She hoped so.

  Abbie took another sip. “I just want a chance to pay you back, that’s all. When your birthday does come, it’s going to be a fuckin’ doozy! That’s a promise.”

  Lonna reached forward and set her glass down, sighing deeply. She looked into Abbie’s eyes. “Abbie, you don’t need to pay me back for anything. All I ever wanted from you is your acceptance, and your friendship. And as far as I can tell, you’ve already given me both.”

  “I have, haven’t I?” Abbie set her glass down on the table and cuddled up closer to Lonna.

  “Yes, you have. And I couldn’t be happier.” Lonna slipped her arm around Abbie’s shoulders, smiling at her.

  “I’m happy, too. For the first time in a long time.”

  “You know what the best part about this is?”


  “It doesn’t have to end.” Lonna ran her finger along Abbie’s nose, touching the ring that pierced her there. “We can be friends forever.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Me, too.”

  Abbie was smiling. “Jesus, Lonna.”


  “I never really noticed it before. Or if I did, I didn’t pay attention.”


  “You’re really pretty.” Before Lonna could respond, Abbie pressed her mouth against Lonna’s and drew her into a deep kiss, wrapping her arms around her and squeezing.

  Lonna thought about pulling away, but didn’t really want to. Instead, she kissed back, pulling Abbie even closer and welcoming the younger woman’s tongue into her mouth, where it began wrestling with her own.

  Chapter 8

  Abbie pulled her mouth away from Lonna’s and then brought it back, briefly, kissing her on the lips. She smiled at her, looking into Lonna’s eyes. They were both breathing faster, their hearts racing. Abbie leaned forward and kissed her again, biting Lonna’s lower lip and gently pulling it into her mouth, suckling it.

  Lonna’s arms were still wrapped around Abbie, and now she wrapped them even tighter, stretching them out from her shoulders and encompassing her as much as she was physically able to, leaning back on the couch and breathing deeply, inhaling the intoxicating scent of Abbie’s warm breath.

  When Abbie released her lip, Lonna moved in closer, sliding her cheek against Abbie’s. She then slipped a hand under Abbie’s nightgown and began rubbing her thigh. Abbie twisted slightly, just enough to be able to reposition her head so that she could see Lonna’s face. She was smiling at her. “You really know how to make a girl feel better.”

nbsp; “Look who’s talking.”

  Abbie kissed her again. “Do you think this is wrong?”

  Lonna thought about it. “Most likely.”

  “Do you want to stop?”


  “Me either.”

  “Then don’t, sweetheart.” Lonna lifted her face to Abbie’s again, engaging her in another long kiss, this time sliding her tongue into Abbie’s mouth and twisting on the couch, bringing her legs up and shifting herself lengthwise. Abbie followed her lead and arranged herself on top of Lonna, slipping her hands behind Lonna’s head and getting lost in this new little world they had created.

  They kissed for a very long time, their hands exploring each other exhaustively. After awhile, Lonna had worked Abbie’s nightgown up high enough to be able to reach her hands into the back of her underwear and begin massaging her there, the skin soft and smooth. She slid one hand along the side of her hip and on to the front, her fingers reaching down until they found Abbie’s mound. She reached lower, past the soft stubble of pubic hair and to the slippery folds of her vagina. It was very wet. She ran one finger along the swollen nub and then slid it partway in.

  Abbie gasped, squirming on top of Lonna, kissing her even deeper. Her own hand shot down and began pulling roughly at Lonna’s nightgown, yanking it away and diving beneath it. She angled her hip slightly so that she could reach into Lonna’s panties and grasp her pussy, rubbing it up and down, almost feverishly.

  Lonna whimpered and began writhing around beneath Abbie, clutching her harder with one arm as she continued to work her fingers, sliding two of them deeper and maneuvering them around.

  Abbie suddenly twisted her face and began kissing Lonna on the neck, the throat, the chin. She kissed her all over her face. “Stick out your tongue,” she whispered.

  Lonna stuck it out, continuing to work on Abbie with her right hand.

  Abbie rubbed Lonna harder, and then paused as she slipped a finger into her wet slit. She slid it in deep, all the way to her final knuckle.

  Lonna moaned loudly, grinning, her tongue still protruding slightly from between her teeth.

  “Stick it out, Lonna.”

  Lonna stuck her tongue out further, as far as she could. Abbie wrapped her lips around it, sucking it into her mouth and licking it like a popsicle. She bobbed her head up and down, sucking Lonna’s tongue in and out of her mouth, the two of them squirming fervently on the couch, their fingers working diligently.


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