Retribution, Devotion

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Retribution, Devotion Page 33

by Kai Leakes

  Oracle Intercessor Levels:

  First level: Throne. They can do everything oracles, mystics, and slayers can do, but the only differences is they can directly speak to the Most High, receive direct orders, and are the breathing Holy Spirit with the power of the divine. To have a Throne-born always means a war or something major is going to happen, which is why Thrones are so rare.

  Second level: Dominion (their job is to regulate the duties of the other Angels and ensure that God’s wishes are carried out).

  Third level: Virtues. Stronger gifts, also known as Guardian oracles.

  Fourth level: Seers/Mystics. They help guardians by recording the history of all the angels and human chosens, and locate other immortals or angels born outside of the Nephilim society. Note: They do not call this level Oracles because it is lowly ranked, but they are related. This means someone in his or her line is an Oracle or will be. This is why they are frequently targeted by the Cursed.

  Triad: Also known as the Trinity, when linked with the Oracle. Hidden weapon of God long forgotten and only known by the eldest blood. They are able to detect and possess the Dark, making them do anything they want. Only one triad is born a generation and the gift usually dies out in the bloodline. The Dark does not have an equivalent so they tip the scales, which is why the Dark always seeks to kill any Triads if found. Triads cannot be turned.

  Mystics: Also called Light Witches. Same as seers but are able to use scripture, chants, et cetera as white magic, and channel white magic.

  Immortals: Also called Disciples and Slayers. These are the long-lived humans (50,000 years). They stop aging at twenty-five years and age four years a decade after that.

  Immortals Disciples: These Immortals are those who just have the gift of sight or white magic. They help the Nephilim Mystics’ powers as anchors amplifying their powers.

  Slayers: These are the Immortal humans who help with the fight against the Cursed. They have some of the strength of angels.

  Gargoyles: Also known as Protectors. These are the human-like hybrids of demons and humans. There are also other hybrids of them, such as Dragons. They are ostracized in the Light community and are used as killing pets. They are loyal to Vessels and Sin Eaters. They have super speed, hearing, smell, taste, and psychic sense. Some can fly and all have nails hard as diamonds. Some make a clicking sound and have poisonous nails or fangs. Gargoyles turn into stone at sunlight. They hibernate until the sun sets. Some are able to cut their hibernation in half, if there is a strong link with their Vessel or Sin Eater.

  Infinity Phantoms: Nephilim angels who keep the balance of neutrality. They can play whatever side they want, which makes them unpredictable. But the majority are good unless made to be Cursed Phantoms.

  House Garrisons: A House made up of hunters, Stalkers, et cetera, who watch and protect high-ranking Society members if they do not have a gargoyle. Not every House is able to afford or have an H.G.

  Dignitary Council: Members of a Royal House. Able to apply at twenty-five years old.

  Dark Nephilim/Cursed:

  Cursed Initiates: Also known as Cursed Chosen. Individuals the Cursed snatch or plan to turn.

  Fallen: Also known as the Ancient ones or Shroud-Eaters. Only Fallen Elders. No new bloods have been born after they were Cursed. They cannot create or reproduce.

  Anarchy Snatchers: Also known as Stalkers. They are comprised of many different sublevels of fallen, such as Stalkers. Anarchy Snatchers are combat Dark Guardians. They are meant to cause chaos and death to many humans and Light Nephilims. They feed off of the souls and blood of humans and can turn light angels into cursed through a venom bite and soul-polluting infusion. Historically they are the demons labeled Vampires.

  Anarchy Stalkers: They only stalk their prey and they hunt those humans who have potential to lose their souls, turning them into Dark Immortals.

  Dark Immortals/Hunters: These are the long-lived humans, as well as the sublevel races. They can be created only by the Anarchy levels or born evil.

  Seers or Witches/Warlocks: They help stalkers by recording the history of all the dark angels, and human chosens. They locate other Light Nephilim. They can also use Dark Magic and heal.

  Hunters: These are the Dark Immortal humans who help with the fight against the light. They have some of the gifts of the demons and strength but only have the half-life of a demon. They stop aging after twenty-five then begin to age rapidly after four decades.

  Dark Gargoyles: Also called Demons and have many sublevels of their race, such as Dark Dragons. They are the human-like hybrids of demons and humans. They are ostracized in the cursed community and are used as killing pets; they have not gained a soul. They are flesh-eating maniacs. They do not change into human form and smell of putrid sulfur and acid. They do turn into a soft stone if they touch hallowed land. Gargoyles are extremely fast, some can fly, and are lithe and flexible.

  Demon Dragons: Can no longer hold the pure and honorable shape of a Dragon. In their human form, their nails seem to be dipped in black ink, as their scales line varied spots on their skin. Some have protruding spinal columns. Others have varied nodules on their skin that will later turn into serpent horns. Dark Gargoyle Dragons can never stay hidden as spies for long; that telltale sign of a persistent cough, which spews black blood, always gives them away. They can no longer walk in the light as well (allergic to direct sunlight).

  Phantoms: Light Societal Members who think they have more to gain on the Dark’s side. Insurgents for the Cursed. Their skin has a soft glow to it from their spirits taking over their human body. Their eyes are opaque or really light, which is why many wear sunglasses or contacts.


  Trinity/Trinities: Society’s term for a cigarillo that has ancient spices and herbs from China, India, and Egypt blended to calm or heal. It boosts the immune system and grants additional speed. Very helpful in calming agitated Gargoyles. It is not addictive but it is still frowned upon in high Nephilim Society.

  Qua Gum: Energy gum; a quick energy restorative like Red Bull.

  Hemorush: Process of giving a person some of their blood to help the individual who was bitten create blood faster in order to replenish them.

  Sustaining Mixture: Hemorush, water, proteins, and herbs. A drink that tastes like cod-liver oil and cooked grease. Helps slow down the Cursed bite.

  Psylin: To heal a human who is bitten, with a touch or counter bite.

  Slayer Runes: Also known as Protection spells. These are markers left behind for other Guardians to know that a tracking or battle went down. They can see what Protection scriptures are used, what weapons, and then some.

  Locus Tracer: A tracking system injected into a demon’s and Dark Nephilim’s bloodstream for Slayers to track. It also slows demons down until they die from poison.

  The Priming or Evolution: When a Nephilim comes into their maturity usually between sixteen and seventeen years of age. Those coming into their power, if human, are known by their glowing skin; only other Nephilims and the Dark can detect it. If a late priming occurs, some may not survive it.

  Transition: To teleport from one region to another. It uses a lot of energy so it is only used for short distances. Angels can carry up to three people in flight, but can move a small group through transition spells.

  Denotation: A vision that is sent as a warning. Usually a jumbled premonition. Anyone can have them, but usually they are given to non-seers and Prophets.

  Mating Attraction: If a female is near a male who matches her pheromone, they will automatically mind lock. If the mind syncs perfectly, then a female knows she has found a strong potential mate. If not a good match, i.e. threat, the woman either attacks, or calls a protector to defend her. If it were just a normal incompatibility then she would shun him.

  Craving: When a male goes into heat for his mate.

  Marking Bite: The releasing of pheromones through the fangs that is injected into the intended mate. This only happens during the Craving and when an
intended mate has opened their mental barriers for the union. This bite signals a marriage of sorts and it is a sweet, tart flavor for some. Residue of it can be in the saliva.

  Oil of Ruth: A mixture of spikenard, myrrh, cinnamon, and olive oil. It helps with aches, pains, and is used in lessening the pain of cramps. It is also used on the marriage night with a virgin.

  Urban Books, LLC

  97 N18th Street

  Wyandanch, NY 11798

  Sin Eaters: Retribution, Devotion Book Two

  Copyright © 2014 Kai Leakes

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-6016-2417-8

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

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