by KaLee Ray
Force asked me to have his back in a meeting with the Plains MC and when the meeting was over we were out on the floor looking for beer and pussy. I heard Force cuss under his breath and I looked up just in time to see Lace staring at her brother. Someone stopped to talk to Force so I slipped around him and headed for Lace.
I was going to talk her into going back to her room, but she turned around and ran right into me. She put her hands on my chest and let out a little moan that made my cock swell in my jeans. I put my hands on her shoulders to try and steady her so she didn’t fall back after hitting me. The second my hands touched her it was like my whole body was on fire. All I could think about was hauling her to my room and fucking her till she couldn’t walk. Then I saw Force so I let her go and walked off.
Ten beers and a bottle of jack later some little blonde was helping me to my room. She shut the door behind us and started stripping. I wasn’t even sure if I had ever fucked her before. I didn’t like to fuck the same one more than a handful of times. If you learned their names and kept them around they started thinking they were old lady material. I sure as fuck didn’t need an old lady.
She grabbed my belt buckle with one hand and my balls with the other. When I was out of my clothes she went to town like a fucking pro on my dick. Licking, sucking, and barely grazing it with her teeth. I laid back, closed my eyes and pictured Lacie’s beautiful face. I knew it was wrong, but I was too wasted to care.
I remembered how good it felt when Lacie touched me and how she smelled like some kind of fruity lotion. Before I knew what I was doing I was on my feet and flipping the little blonde over. I was in her with one thrust and by two more she was screaming my name. A few more thrust after that and I was screaming Lacie’s name. The blonde whose name obviously wasn’t Lacie got pissed, put her clothes back on, and left. It was for the best because I was going to tell her to leave anyways.
“Sara I’m glad you called, I have so much to tell you and I am driving home so we won’t be interrupted.” I hadn’t realized how much I need to talk to my best friend until I saw her name on my caller ID.
“Lace my brother just died.” She was in shock and my heart broke.
“What? What happened? How?” Dustin was only a few years younger than Sara and I. It always made me sad that I felt like he was more my brother than Ryan growing up.
“Car wreck. It just happened this morning. I can’t believe he is gone.” Sara needed to say the words out loud and that was all it took to break her. She was crying into the phone so hard I could feel her shaking.
I pulled into the compound, put my car in park and just let her cry. I didn’t even realize I was crying with her. I was crying for Dustin, for my dad, and for my life. So much had happened the past week. I didn’t understand why the world was still spinning. My life was crumbling around me, but the fucking world was still spinning. I wanted to yell, to scream at the top of my lungs, but then I heard Sara.
“I’m so glad you are getting this time with your brother Lace. I wish you were here with me, but I know how much getting to know Ryan means to you. Don’t take this time for granted Lace.” She sobbed.
“I have to make rounds in the morning, but I can be there by tomorrow afternoon.” I didn’t want to talk about Force right now. I knew I had to forgive him and move on.
“The funeral is Friday.” She tried to pull herself together, but it was no use. “We had a fight a few days ago, me and Dustin. Over something stupid. I never got to say I was sorry.”
Her words were like salt on an open wound. “I’ll be there tomorrow afternoon. I love you.” I heard her say she loved me too and with that we hung up. I sat there knowing that if my brother was living a life of crime like the agents said then his time could be up any day. I had to apologize before I went to Oklahoma tomorrow.
I sat in my car for a little while longer just crying. I lived with ten guys that didn’t know what feelings were much less how to show them. I just need a little solitude before returning to my real life.
“This weekend we have to deliver a shipment to the Diablo cartel just north of Houston. Titan I need maps with back roads that aren’t gravel. I’m not taking any chances on the highway with this many guns. If the Hellfire’s ambushed us they would get thousands in guns and we would get decapitated by the cartel. I like my head where it is.” I needed this run to go smooth. There was a lot at stake. It wasn’t just the money, it was staying in good graces with the cartel. One day I planned to get out of this business and go legit. When that day came I needed the trust of the cartel leaders to let me find them another dealer so they would let us walk away.
“Any other business before I dismiss church?” I barely got the words out of my mouth when Vinny came bursting through the doors.
“Prez, Lace just came home and she has been crying. She went to her room. Do you think the ATF agents showed up again?” Vinny was almost shaking and I could tell how much Lace meant to him.
“If they did I say we go find these mother fuckers and teach them a fucking lesson.” Wolf said as he opened up his knife.
All the guys chimed in and I could tell how much affect Lace had on them in the short time she had been here. She was making my men soft and stone cold killers at the same time. I loved it. “Let me go see what’s wrong before we go slicing and dicing on some Feds.”
“Lace its me.” I knocked. I knew better than to just barge in demanding answers. That’s how you get a black eye and maybe some bruised ribs with Lace.
“It’s open, come in.” She sobbed
“What’s wrong and don’t say nothing because I have a room full of big fuckers ready to fuck up whoever made you cry.” I laughed, but it was the truth.
“Do you remember my friend Sara? I think you met her at my high school graduation.”
Fuck yeah I remembered the hot little blonde. “Yeah I remember her a little. Didn’t you live with her before you moved here?”
“Yes that’s her. She just called me, her bother was killed in a car wreck this morning.” She started crying again. “He was a few years younger than us, but we always had him with us growing up. He was a great guy. I can’t believe he is gone. I can’t imagine what she is going through.”
I felt bad for the little blonde girl, but I felt worse for my sister. I know it was hard growing up and not understanding why dad and I weren’t around. This kid was probably more of a brother to her than I ever was. “I’m so sorry Lace.” It was shit, but it was all I had. I didn’t grow up around women so I didn’t do the emotion thing.
“I’m leaving tomorrow after work to go be with her. The funeral is the next day, but I may not come back till Sunday.” She dried up her tears and grabbed a suitcase out of the closet. She was so responsible and organized that she stopped morning and started packing. I knew her well enough to know that if she forgot something it would ruin her entire trip.
“Lace I would come with you, but we have some business this weekend that can’t be put off.” I felt like a piece of shit for putting business before my grieving sister.
“No I understand. I am fine to go by myself. Although I would love to see the look on Matthew’s face if I showed up with a big bad biker.” She smiled as she pictured it.
I started to smile at how vindictive she was, but stopped when I realized I didn’t know who the fuck Matthew was. “Lace, who the fuck is Matthew?”
“An ex-boyfriend, I thought he was the love of my life. I’m sure he will be at the funeral because him and Dustin were pretty good friends.” She looked nervous when she talked about Matthew and that made me want to kill the mother fucker.
“What happened…with you and this Matthew fucker?”
“I was dating him, but he was dating me and half of southern Oklahoma. It was many years ago, but it was the only time I’ve ever been in love. Stupid I know, but he’s a big reason I don’t date. Well him and the fact that I live with t
en very scary men. I don’t think I can go through that kind of heartbreak again.” There was still pain in her voice as she talked about the bastard.
The few times I saw her growing up she was so focused on school and her career I never even thought about her dating . I really couldn’t picture Lacie married with kids. Probably because I didn’t have a very high opinion of our mother. “I’ll let you pack. Come to the compound before you leave tomorrow.” And I walked out of her room.
I didn’t want her to ask why because I’m pretty sure she won’t like the idea of one of the guys going with her, but that’s what was going to happen.
“What’s wrong with her? Who do we need to kill?” Logan jumped to his feet as I walked into the main room with the rest of the guy’s right on his tail.
“Her friend’s brother was killed in a car wreck this morning. She is going back to Oklahoma tomorrow after work and I need one of you bastards to go with her.” I rubbed my hand over my face trying to rid myself of the anger I felt for this son of bitch that broke her heart.
“Prez we got a big fucking weekend. Don’t ya think she can handle a funeral by herself?” Logan barely got the words out before I grabbed him by the throat and shoved him into the wall. “Or maybe not.” He gagged.
“Prez, Logan didn’t mean anything by it. You know he has foot in mouth disease.” Tex said as he pried my hand off Logan’s throat.
“Sorry I just… she just told me some shit I wasn’t really prepared for. This big brother shit is still new to me. She told me about some fucktard that broke her heart and how he is going to be at the funeral. I can’t go with her because of the cartel shit, but someone has to go and make sure he doesn’t come near her.” Someone that would fucking break his fucking dick off and shove it down his throat. “Plus after last week… I need someone to go with her to make sure she comes back.”
“I’ll go Prez.” Titan stepped forward.
He was the last person I thought would volunteer, but he was my first choice for the job. Titan was the tallest mother fucker I knew which made him even scarier. We had all heard him express his feelings on relationships and old ladies so I knew he wouldn’t touch Lace. He was perfect.
“Be ready to go tomorrow when Lace gets off work. Don’t tell her a head of time or she will freak out.” Hell she would probably punch me again. “And Titan, get me the maps I need for the run before morning.”
I wasn’t sure what came over me, but when he was talking about some fucker breaking Lacie’s heart all I thought about was breaking the fucker’s neck. Plus I didn’t like the idea of not seeing her for a few days. Hell I was on pins and needles while she was at work and that was only eight or nine hours. It was clear the bitch was getting to me, but I didn’t know what to do about it.
I stayed in my room most of the night working on the maps for the run. I could have worked on them in the main room, but I couldn’t take the thought of seeing Lace with puffy eyes and a red nose. When Vinny interrupted church to tell us she had been crying I felt like killing someone. I had never felt so helpless before in my life.
I knew Lace was going to flip when she pulled in and saw me waiting with a bag in tow. She thought I was an asshole. Part of me was okay with that because as long as she thought I was an asshole she would stay away from me. The other part of me wanted to show her how much I cared so I could get closer. It was an internal battle I had been fighting since I first laid eyes on her.
I still didn’t understand why Lacie was here or why Force would even want her here. I watched Pagan, the president of the Hellfires kill their dad in cold blood. An act he would still pay for with his life, but hadn’t yet. He was still out there somewhere, just waiting to strike again.
“Dad, this don’t feel right. We have never done business with a club from Louisiana. I know it’s a lot of money, but we need to meet here, on our turf.” Force said to Hudson as we all set back waiting to see how this was going to play out.
Hudson was in bad health, we all knew it wouldn’t be long until he passed the gavel to Force. Lately anything would set Hudson off so we all pretty much stayed clear of him. We knew this wasn’t how he wanted to go out, but if you couldn’t ride, you couldn’t led.
“Force I understand your concern, but this was their terms, not mine. When this is over I will pass you the gavel and you can make all the fucking decisions about the club.” He said as he patted his son and VP on the back. “Now back to business. Are the van’s loaded? AK’s and AR’s in one van, everything else in the other.”
“Yeah prez, everything is loaded and all the boys are ready to ride.” Logan said.
The meet was supposed to take place twenty miles this side of the Texas/Louisiana border, but we barely made it Sixty miles and we were ambushed by the Hellfires.
Bullets were flying all around us and all we could see was dirt and blood. We had a couple other clubs ride with us just in case shit like this happened. We had almost a million dollars in guns. Had being the key word. They outnumbered us three to one. There was no way we were coming out on top.
“Get the vans out of here, now.” Hudson yelled as we took cover in a wooded area.
The shootout lasted only thirty minutes, but it felt like it was hours. It was like something from an old western movie. I had never seen anything like it before. When the dust settled we realized Hudson and a few other were dead and the guns were gone.
Hudson’s death was a message. Not only was he shot, but he also had a knife sticking out of his chest. It was Pagan’s signature. The Hellfire’s were letting us know they were smarter and a step ahead. We found the vans a few miles down the road. Both drivers were dead and the vans were empty.
That day changed everything for me.
Chapter 6
The silence was deafening. This was going to be the longest five hours of my life if one of us didn’t say something. I looked over at Titan, but he was just staring out the window looking uncomfortable.
“Sorry you got stuck babysitting me again. When we get there you can just stay at my house and watch TV or just relax. Have a mini vacay.” I said the words before I realized how ridiculous I sounded.
“I volunteered. Force said there would be a little fucker at this funeral that I need to keep away from you.” He gripped the streeling wheel till his knuckles were white.
Volunteered. What does he mean, he volunteered? And is he talking about Matthew? That explains why Force told me not to argue with him when I pulled up and saw Titan standing there with his bags. Force really tried to play it off like I needed some time to rest while Titan drove. I should’ve known those fuckers were up to something.
“Well thanks, but I can handle Matthew on my own. Besides this is about Sara, it has nothing to do with me and Matthew.” I could only imagine the look on Matthew’s face when I showed up with Titan.
“I have no doubt that you can handle yourself, but you need to worry about your friend and I will worry about fucktard.” He had an evil smile on his face.
“I think that is the first time I have ever seen you smile. It’s an evil and kind of creepy smile, but still a smile.” Honestly it made him even hotter if that was possible.
He burst out laughing and it was beautiful. It was a deep earthy kind of laugh, the kind that shook his whole body. Even though he had a full beard I was pretty sure I could see a dimple hiding. I wondered what he looked like with a clean shave.
I shook the image out of my head. I didn’t want to see him without the beard. Right now he was rocking a man bun and it was hot. But a man bun without a beard was just stupid.
“I know that’s the first time I have seen you laugh. You should do that more often.” I left it at that and he smiled.
Time for music, something loud, something rock.
“Well you clean up nicely Mr. Titan.” I said as I stood in complete awe of this man.
He was
wearing a button up black shirt that clung to every muscle in his bulging arms. The sleeves were rolled slightly, just enough to see his tanned skin. He wore dark blue jeans that didn’t have holes or oil on them and of course big black motorcycle boots. It wasn’t exactly funeral attire, but I wouldn’t have wanted him any other way.
“I feel naked without my cut on. You don’t realize how heavy that bastard is until you aren’t wearing it around.” He was speaking, but I didn’t hear anything past naked. “You look very nice yourself doctor.”
“Hum, oh yeah, thank you.” I was drooling, but he said naked. “Come on, we better go. I just talked to Sara and she wants me there early so she doesn’t have to deal with all these people by herself. Last chance to stay here.” I looked at him hoping he wouldn’t take me up on the offer.
“If I stayed here the next funeral you would be attending would be mine. Force would kill me, plus I’m looking forward to this.” He smiled again. “Scaring the little fucker, not the funeral.”
“He’s really not that little. I have always had a thing for tall men.” I said it and then I felt my whole face blush as I looked at all six feet and six inches of Titan.
Before I knew what was happening he was backing me up against the wall. He braced both of his hands on the wall around my head and brought his face just a few inches from mine. He closed his eyes and smelled the perfume on my neck. The gesture sent a chill from the back of my neck all the way down my spine and I felt a throbbing in between my legs.
He opened his eyes and cupped one of my cheeks with his hand. I let out a little moan as he ran his calloused thump over my bottom lip. I thought I was going to melt into a puddle right there in front of him. He let out a primal groan and slipped his other hand under my dress and up my thigh. I became aware of how hard my nipples were when my breathing became erratic and my chest rose up and brushed my breast against his chest.