by KaLee Ray
We stayed there tangled up in each other for several minutes coming down from our sex high. My legs were molded around him and he was still inside of me. It was an amazing feeling that I wasn’t ready to let go of, but all too soon he rolled off me. He put one arm under me and the other wrapped around me. “Sleep, my Lacie.”
Chapter 7
When I woke up I was in shock and didn’t recognize my surroundings. The room was dark, but a small crack in the blinds let in enough light to see. My arm was asleep and something beside me was letting off heat like a furnace. I looked down and saw Lacie. The whole night before came flashing through my head like a movie.
Shit, shit, shit. Force was going to kill me. This was not part of the job. Last night was amazing and I didn’t regret a second of it, but I shouldn’t have let it happen. I shouldn’t have let it happen because I wanted it to happen again.
“Good morning.” Lacie said with a yawn. Then she cuddled up with me like she couldn’t get close enough. Honestly it was almost as amazing as the sex.
“Good morning. How did you sleep?” I kissed the top of her head.
“Great. The best I’ve slept in a while.” She traced my tattoo while she talked. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure.” It came out a little strained and I wasn’t sure why. I wanted to answer her questions and I wanted her to answer mine. I wanted to know her completely, but I wasn’t ready for her to know me.
“Do these bible verses mean something to you?” She whispered.
“Yes they do.” and then like reciting a song I had heard a million times I recited the verses. “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” I touched the spot where it was written. “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” And my favorite, “The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him.”
“They are all about forgiveness.” She leaned up and looked in my eyes.
“In my line of work I need all the forgiveness I can get babe.” I brushed my lips against hers.
“But you are in a club called Devil’s Descendants? Do you see the confusion?”
“To believe in the devil you must first believe in God. Plus I don’t think we would be very scary if we rode around with Heavens Angels on our backs.” I laughed and rolled her over on her back.
In one quick move I was on top of her and pinning her hands above her head. I leaned down and kissed her lips. I held her wrist together with one and let the other hand travel down her body. When I reached her nipple I gave it a tight squeeze and kept going south.
Damn she was so wet and ready. I put my fingers in between her folds and rubbed her clit till her back was arched off the bed. I kept rubbing it in a circular motion till she was almost over the edge. Then I stopped and when she opened her eyes and mouth to protest I pushed into her with my entire length.
She slammed her eyes closed and her mouth opened enough to let out a gasped moan. I pulled out and slowly went back in sending her in to ecstasy. She dug her heels in my ass and pushed her pussy all the way up my cock. I leaned my head down and lick her nipple. That was all it took and I could feel her pussy tighten around me as she screamed my name.
Hearing my name roll off her tongue was enough to make my own orgasm rip through me.
We spent the rest of Saturday naked in bed or the shower. Sunday morning we had breakfast with Sara and headed back to Texas. We talked the whole ride back about anything and everything. His favorite Movie is Tombstone, his favorite song is The Unforgiven by Metallica, favorite food is Italian, and I was even surprised to find out he had a favorite book, The Great Gatsby.
I was still mad at Force for not telling me the truth about dad, but after talking to Sara I decided to forgive him. She was right, he was the only family I had. Good or bad, we had to stick together. Not only that, but I loved all the guys. It wasn’t conventional, but we were one big family.
“Lace we need to talk about something before we get to the compound.” Titan said as we pulled into Athens.
“About Force?” I knew this was coming.
“Yeah. I was given strict orders not to touch you. We all were. He is president and he has the power to vote me out. I can’t leave the club Lace.” Titan didn’t look at me just held my hand tight as he looked forward.
“I know Titan.”
“I know I’m not supposed to tell you club business.” It was like he was fighting with someone inside him. “To hell with it. After a few more deliveries for the cartel we are going legit.” He looked at me like I was supposed to know what that meant.
“And?” I said showing my confusion.
“Lace if we go legit everything changes, including us. The only reason Force wants us to stay away from you is because one of us could die or go to jail at any time.” He scrubbed his hands down his face and beard. “Lace what I’m asking is for a little time. As soon as we get out of guns I will go to Force myself and tell him about us. I need you to trust me.”
“I do trust you Titan.” And I wanted to, but my heart was broken by his words.
I had never been happier to see the compound than I was at that moment. I needed out of the car and away from Titan’s green eyes. Those eyes screamed, trust me, love me, and want me. My own brother lied to me for the club, I had no doubt that Titan would do the same.
“Lace, we are glad you are home.” Logan gave me a big hug.
“Because you missed me or because you missed my cookin?” I ask.
“Both! Don’t hit me!” Logan said as he covered his face.
“Well at least you’re honest.” Damn you hit one guy because you’re mad as fuck and everyone else thinks you’re going to hit them too.
“Ignore him princess.” Wolf said as he wrapped me in a big hug. “It’s good to have you home.”
“Guys I was only gone a few days.” I was looking at them like they lost their damn minds.
“After everything that has happened the last couple weeks we weren’t sure if you would come back.” Force said as he appeared from behind the guys. “Guess this just goes to show you are more like us than we thought.” He laughed at some joke I didn’t understand.
“How do you figure?” I let my curiosity get the best of me. Because for the life of me I couldn’t figure out how I fit in with these badass bikers.
“We are brothers and no matter what, we always have our brothers back.” I was still confused, but I didn’t question him. He hugged me and led me inside.
I felt like shit for asking Lace to trust me. I was in no shape to be making deals. When the smoke clears I will either be dead or a long way from the Devil’s Descendants and Lacie.
“Let’s have church and catch Titan up on everything. Maybe Lace will take pity on us and cook us something for dinner.” Force was trying to get rid of Lace without hurting her feelings. She may live with us and take care of us, but she wasn’t one of us.
“I guess I could make meatloaf and potatoes. I’m sure you guys starved to death while I was gone.” She joked.
I wanted to say fuck church, fuck Force, and just take her to my bedroom. I wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up with her until she had to go to work Monday morning. But I had a job to do and a club to protect.
“Everyone is still alive and in one piece so I take it the run was successful.” It was sad, but a true assumption.
“Thanks to your maps brother, the run was very successful. Sorry you got stuck at a funeral with Lace, but I really appreciate you looking after her.” Force said as he took his place at the head of the table.
“I could’ve done without the funeral bullshit, but the rest wasn’t bad.” The rest was fucking great. “Her friend Sara is cool as shit and I think she really helped Lacie see this was the best place for her.”
“I’ve meet
Sara a time or two. Don’t really remember much about her other than she is a hot little blonde. What about the douche ex-boyfriend? Anything we need to clean up there?” I knew what Force meant by clean up and I think he expected me to kill the fucker.
“No, we had a little talk, but no blood was shed.” A look of shock was on everyone’s face. They all knew me well enough to know I liked to talk with my fist not my mouth.
“You mean you didn’t touch him at all?” Logan was floored.
“Trust me I thought about it, but I wasn’t going to make a scene at the funeral. Then the fucking tool approached me later at the bar. We were outside alone, I could’ve hurt him real bad.”
“Why didn’t you? If he hurt Lace he deserves to have the fuck beat out of him.” Max said through clenched teeth.
“I couldn’t risk Lacie walking out and seeing me beating the shit out of someone she once loved. As much as I hate the fuckstick and want to hurt him, I couldn’t risk hurting her.” I looked at Force and prayed he didn’t realize my feelings for Lace. “I figured after everything Lacie had been through she would stay there for sure.”
“Smart move man. I’m glad you went instead of me. They would be looking for his body about now if I would’ve gone.” The more Force talked the more I felt like I was going to throw up.
“Other than that it was boring. What about the run? The cartel fuckers satisfied and going to ask us to get them some more guns?” I had to change the subject before I said something I could get shot for.
“The cartel was very satisfied. In fact they already put in an order for next month. Twice the guns we just delivered. We are talking half a mill easy.” All the guys cheered and howled as Force spoke
“Same drop or do I need to be making new maps?”
“You should know that much money comes with a catch.” Force smiled. “The drop is in Casper, Wyoming. We are looking at about a five day run. I’m going to call a chapter in Colorado and see if we can bunk there.”
“That’s a long way brother to be transporting that many guns. Plus what are we going to do with Lacie while we are gone for a week? We can’t leave her here and we sure as fuck can’t send her back to Oklahoma.” Just the thought of her going back to Oklahoma made me want to punch someone.
“I know what you mean and I am going to need all my men on this run. I’ll have to call in the Chiefs MC to keep an eye on the compound and Lace will have to stay with Bev and Karly. She isn’t going to like it, but she will get over it.” Force didn’t look thrilled about having to tell Lacie his plans.
Routine surgery was something I never wanted to hear again. Mr. Johnson came in this morning for an appendectomy and now he was dead on my table. I did these surgeries at least 3 times a week. I have been doing these surgeries for years with no issues at all.
I did everything by the book, so why was Mr. Johnson dead on my table? I stopped at the first sign of something being wrong. I did chest compressions and used the defibrillator. So why in the fuck is this man dead on my table?
“Dr. Perce do you want me to tell the family?” One of the nurses ask me as they were covering Mr. Johnson with a sheet.
I just killed a man! I took an oath to save lives and I just took one. I could feel the bile rising in my throat. I made it to the sink in the scrub station and emptied the content of my stomach.
“What went wrong?” I thought aloud as I slid down the wall till I was sitting on the floor holding my knees.
“Dr. Perce this is not your fault. You did everything right. Do not blame yourself for this. We will send him to autopsy and in a few days we will know what happened.” Renee was an older nurse and very good at her job. Any other time I would have taken her words straight to heart, but I couldn’t believe them right now.
“I’ll tell his family.” I stood up and washed my face. “He was my patient. They trusted me with his life, so I should be the one to tell them.”
I pulled myself together and walked out into the waiting room. His family was laughing and talking amongst themselves. A few kids which I assume are his grandkids are playing in the floor. I was the grim reaper coming to tell them I killed their beloved husband and father.
“Mrs. Johnson, may I speak with you for a moment?” I didn’t even recognize my own voice.
“Yes Dr. Perce. Is everything okay?” Mrs. Johnson must have known the haunted look on my face was going to bring bad news.
“Mrs. Johnson, I’m so” Keep it together Lace. “I am so sorry, but Mr. Johnson didn’t make it through the surgery.” I could feel my eyes filling with tears. One thing they teach you in med school is not to show emotion.
Easier said than done.
“We did everything we could do to save him, but nothing worked. We will be sending to autopsy to determine the cause of death.” It wasn’t comforting, but it was all I had.
I stood there and waited for her anger. I waited for her to yell at me or hit me. I waited for her to cuss me out and tell me what a sorry fucking doctor I was. I would welcome whatever she threw at me because I deserved it all.
“Dr. Perce please do not blame yourself. Larry was old and had a bad heart. We knew the risk that came with the surgery, but he was in pain. He wanted to have the surgery no matter what the outcome was.” She reached up and wiped one of my tears away.
“I don’t remember reading anything in his chart referring to his heart. I would’ve never done the surgery had I known of a heart condition.”
“He knew that and that’s why he didn’t tell you. We drove two hours to this hospital because they didn’t have Larry on file.” I couldn’t believe what she was saying. “The pain pills they gave him for his appendix pain would make him tired and forgetful. He couldn’t work in his shop or play with the grandkids. This isn’t the ending I wanted, but I know he’s not in pain anymore.” She patted my hand and returned to her family.
I could see the pictures on the wall moving, but I couldn’t feel my legs walking. Did I kill Mr. Johnson or did Mr. Johnson kill himself? Someone was responsible, but who? This is why I never wanted to be a doctor. It was the same reason I never wanted kids. I didn’t want to be responsible for anyone else’s life, but my own.
The vans were pulled out of their normal spot and the guys were loading duffel bags into them. They were getting ready for the big run tomorrow. I didn’t know where they were going or why they were going there. I just knew it was important. Honestly if I felt like myself I would push Force until he told me something.
The past few weeks since I had been home things got back to normal. I cooked and cleaned while the guys drank and acted like Neanderthals. It was perfect. I understood why Titan thought we couldn’t be together. I didn’t like it, but I respected it.
I was finally happy…..until today.
“Lace you’re home early.” Force said as he stopped me coming in the door.
“A man died on my table today. It kind of killed my mood for operating on anyone else so I left.” I meant it to be funny, but it wasn’t.
“Damn Lace that sucks. From the look on your face I’m assuming this is the first time this has happened.” Force was trying to be sympathetic and was failing hard.
“Do I look like the angel of death to you? Yes this is the first time I killed someone.” I was yelling and didn’t know why. “I save people, it’s my job, it’s what I fucking do.”
I was about to unleash every feeling I had about my shitty day when out of nowhere someone came from behind me, turned me around, and put me over their shoulder like I was a small child.
“What the Fuck? Put me down now!” I shouted into someone’s butt.
“Titan, where are you taking her?” Force laughed.
“Shopping. Bitches love shopping.” Titan was dead serious.
Titan, it was Titan who was carrying me like a child. It was also Titan’s ass I was staring at and thinking about pinching. “Okay, you made yo
ur point. You can put me down now.” I expected him to argue, but instead he sat my feet on the concrete outside.
“Get on.” He nodded his head towards his bike.
“No thanks. I really don’t feel like going shopping.” I slowly began to back away.
“Good because neither do I. Now get on the bike Lace.” He grabbed my waist and pulled me to his chest.
He smelled masculine like oil and soap. It wasn’t something I would have ever thought of as a sexy smell, but on Titan it was like heaven. He took a deep breath and I thought my legs were going to fail me.
“Where are we going?” I meant for it to come out confident, but it was barely audible.
“Somewhere to make you forget about your shitty day.” He said as he got on the bike.
I gave up and got on behind him. I wasn’t sure where to put my hands, but when he took off my instincts kicked in and I threw them around his waist.
Texas had a no helmet law which at first I was against, but now that I was out on the open road with Titan, I was in full support of. It was liberating how free I felt. The wind was cooling and refreshing. It was the middle of the day so the streets weren’t that busy. We cruised along like we didn’t have a care in the world.
Titan pulled up to the nicest hotel in Athens and parked under the awning. I was disappointed to say the least. I was just starting to forget about my horrible day.
“Why the sad face?” Titan asked noticing the disappoint on my face.
“You stopped. I was enjoying the ride and you stopped.” It was my best attempted at pouting.
His face lit up with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. “I was enjoying it too, but I promise this will be better.” He cupped my face and kissed me. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
It wasn’t a long kiss, but left me craving more. More kissing, more riding, and definitely more Titan. The past month had been pure torture. I was living only two doors down from him and I saw him multiple times a day. Each time was like a punch to the stomach. I wanted to touch him or kiss him so bad, but it wasn’t worth whatever Force would do to him if he found out.