Burning (PAVAD: FBI Romantic Suspense Book 11)

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Burning (PAVAD: FBI Romantic Suspense Book 11) Page 11

by Calle J. Brookes

“How did that happen, anyway?” He led her to his Durango and she climbed in.

  “Luc took it on himself to crack a human trafficking ring. Lucy was one of the victims. He brought her to me, and I adopted her, Sin. He’s taken it upon himself to provide everything she could possibly need or want. And that means cars and houses and toys. I do draw the line when it’s needed. But if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have her. I’ll always be grateful. There was some question with the legalities, but he smoothed them out. I wouldn’t have her, if it wasn’t for him. And when we decided to change her name to protect her, I picked Lucy. Because he’d saved both of us.”

  “But you don’t like it when he does things like this?”

  “I’m still ambivalent. It’s convenient and he does it because he cares. If he didn’t, it would be different. But he cares. Lucy needs people in her life who care about her. And if anything ever happens to me, she’ll have Luc and Payton.” Like if she hadn’t been as lucky tonight. She started to shake as shock set in again. As she remembered what it had looked like when she’d rammed into the ground. She hadn’t closed her eyes, had she closed her eyes? She couldn’t remember. “She won’t be alone.”

  “She wouldn’t be, regardless. You know that right? You have built her a real family here. You should be proud of that. And if anything ever happened to you there are people here who love her and would do what they had to do to take care of her. You know that, right? It’s one of the reasons why I brought Tyler here. Even if it’s just for a little while. He needs to know his family.”

  “Yes, he does.”

  They pulled in to her driveway and he parked. Cody stayed where she was. Her legs were starting to feel a little shaky and she wasn't quite sure she could get out of the vehicle by herself. But she wasn’t about to tell him that. He opened the door for her and that surprised her. And then he had her hand and was pulling her from the front seat. He kept her close, comforting. So unlike Sin that she shot another look at him. Just to be sure her mind wasn't playing tricks on her. To make sure he hadn't morphed into one of his brothers. No, it was definitely Sin in front of her, wasn't it? Sin, taking care of her. Being there when she needed him.

  She led the way to the front door then fumbled through unlocking it. Luc's system required a palm read, a security code, and a manual key. It took her a few tries, but then she was leading him inside. “I'm home. Thank you, Sin.”

  ”I'll stay with you for a while. Until you settle. I know this had to be terrifying, on so many levels.”

  Terrifying didn’t even begin to cover it. “It was. But I'll cope.”

  His hands were around her waist, then she was cuddled against a hard chest and resisting the urge to just cling like a great big baby. "But you don't have to cope alone.” When he swooped down and kissed her, Cody gasped. And then she wrapped her arms around him and held on for dear life. She needed someone to hold on to her so she didn't remember how the car had felt as it had spun out. Didn't remember how her shoulder had wrenched when the seatbelt had snapped her back in place on impact. She kissed him and just held on. Finally he pulled away. "Hang on. Just a minute.” It was then that she heard the phone ringing.

  Her phone. Still in her pocket where she'd shoved it after she'd called him.

  "Hold on.” She looked at the screen.

  Sebastian. How was that for ice water dropping on your head?

  “We need to stop.” She pulled away from him and pulled in several deep breaths. “I don’t think this is anything that either of us want.”

  “I don’t know about that. I’m pretty certain what I want.”

  “Well, it’s crazy. This isn’t us. And your brother’s on the phone. Remember him? My ex-husband? The one you look almost exactly like?”

  His face tightened. “I’m not Sebastian.”

  “I know that. Believe me, I do.” She answered her phone. “Hello?”

  “I wanted to make certain you made it home alright.”

  “I had a fender bender, but I’m fine. The car will need some work.” She’d always love this man, but in truth it felt no different from the love she felt for Luc. Or Seth. And she really didn’t want to talk to him right now.

  Ok, slightly different than how she felt for Luc or Seth. But not much. Not after all this time.

  “We can come over if you need us to.”

  “I’m ok. I called Sin and he gave me a ride home. I’m ok, Seb. I promise. And Luc had some of his men get the car and take it to their garage. You know they have all the good toys out there.”

  “Truth. Are you ok?”

  “Truth. I’m fine. It was scary, but I’m ok now.” Because Sin was there.

  But there was no way in hell she was telling her ex-husband that. However, it took some convincing to get Sebastian to agree not to come by.

  When she disconnected something had changed in Sin. He’d hardened. Become like the man she was accustomed to. Cody was sorry to see the change. “Sin? We shouldn’t do this again. It’s not something I ever want to explain to Seb. Nothing will ever come of it, and I don’t do casual. I never have.”

  His face tightened. Sin pulled himself away from her. “Neither do I.”

  She studied him for a moment, struggling to pull herself together, just a bit more. “Why are you even here, Sin? Anyone could find the tampering in my department. Marianna could find it herself. Or Mick or any other agent from Internal Affairs. Why you?”


  “I’m not here permanently.” No. Once he found what he was after, he and Tyler would either go on to his next assignment or back to their apartment in D.C.

  That really wasn’t something he wanted to think about right now, though. What he wanted to do was take that shirt off of her and check for himself that she was all right. Wanted to hold her until the tremors he still saw running through her dissipated.

  Wanted to hold her and tell that she was fine, safe. That nothing bad would ever happen to her again.

  Because he would be there to keep her safe. Always.

  And that was as crazy as anything he had ever felt, wasn’t it?

  “Then how long and why are you here?”

  “It’s not just the evidence tampering. There’s a traitor in PAVAD. One who has been after Ed Dennis for a very long time. Since before PAVAD was even thought about. And I’m here to stop him. When I do, I’ll be leaving.”

  “I see. I don’t think you should.”

  What was she saying? That she wanted him to stay? If she asked him to, he wasn’t sure that he’d ever be able to tell her no.

  “I think it would be a mistake. For your sake. For Tyler’s. You have family here. And you belong.”

  “Do I belong with you, Merrick? Because it’s sure as hell starting to feel like it.”

  Chapter 35

  He got stupid and he knew it. Terry should have stayed away from that last scene. If the neighbor hadn’t been a cop he wouldn’t be sitting there now. And if he hadn’t crossed the river for that project six months ago, he wouldn’t be right there in front of an FBI agent ready to hear what was going to go down.

  He couldn’t go to prison forever—but no one had mentioned the murders or the rapes. Maybe they hadn’t connected him to the woman or the old guy? Maybe just the structural arson?

  He could do a few years—it was where he’d learned some of his most valuable skills to begin with.

  Terry had gotten collared when he was nineteen the first time. He’d met a friend or two inside who’d been more than willing to teach him some new skills, in exchange for things he didn’t want to think about.

  But he’d survived. And he would again.

  “Terry York, we’re going to talk. I think we can help each other, you and I.”

  Terry listened, almost unbelieving.

  Until he was able to walk out of the St. Louis branch of the FBI a completely free man.

  With a little side deal going on as soon as night fell.

  But first he had some business of his own to
clean up.


  Terry had fallen into paradise, hadn’t he? If the old FBI bastard was legit then he had gotten lucky. But there were still a few things he needed to clean up. The guy had mentioned the fires, but not the murders. It was clear they hadn’t connected them, yet. If they did, this sweet deal may just end. He wasn’t ready for that.

  He needed to check, just one more time to make sure he hadn’t left any sign of what he’d done. And then he’d go to the address the FBI guy had given him. Keep the woman on edge, so her FBI boyfriend would be distracted. Simple. He’d enjoy it, for sure. He liked stalking women. Knowing they were afraid of him, but didn’t know who he was. And he knew powerful types were just as into the illegal as those like him.

  Still, he’d made a few mistakes with burning that old guy lately. Mistakes he needed to take care of.

  This stuff kept spiraling, didn’t it?

  He parked half a mile up the road in front of a house that was for sale half a mile away. He didn’t want his car seen near the ruins. The rain was going to help him in his purpose, and he hoped it would keep everyone inside.

  He’d check the gas lines leading into the house, make sure he hadn’t dropped his grandfather’s ring in the gravel at the back of the house, and then he’d get his ass out of there.

  Terry slipped beneath the crime scene tape and into the backyard.

  There were a few cars on the street, but none in front of the scene. So he should be safe.

  He rounded the side of the house, and there she was.

  The girlfriend he was supposed to fuck with to distract her boyfriend.

  The hot brunette from the Messer building. Tits and ass and all. The woman he was supposed to fucking follow, scare, distract.

  She had a badge clipped to her shirt, FBI. And she had a gun on her hip. So the boyfriend was the nail-eating bastard, then? That could complicate things.

  Terry didn’t think to run. He tackled her before she’d pulled the gun free of the holster. He was quick, it came from being the youngest boy of four. His brothers had beaten the shit out of him time and time again until he’d learned to outrun them.

  The gun slammed into the ground and he kicked it away quickly.

  He took her down to the ground, so hard he heard her head slam into the edge of the sidewalk. She yelled.

  For help. She wasn’t alone? She kicked. He grabbed her shirt and jerked. She’d seen his face. If he could get her gun, he’d take care of that in a heartbeat.

  She kept yelling, screaming.

  Like there were other people there somewhere.

  He rolled, reaching for the gun. She followed his move. And was just a second faster.

  She had her hands on the gun and he kept going.

  Chapter 36

  Cody had always known there would come a day when she may have to use her weapon on the job. Every agent prepared for that, and she was no exception.

  He had blue eyes. Cold, hateful, but they were still blue. They were still human.

  And he was still coming after her.

  Cody fired, three quick shots. Just as he dove at her. They both went down the rest of the way to the ground.

  His blood was everywhere.

  Kelly was there and Marianna. They’d been with her, hadn’t they? Because the lab was so short they’d needed extra bodies in the field.

  His body was on top of hers. His blood covered her.

  As he died.

  Someone’s hands were there, pulling her free.

  She looked into the green eyes of her friend. Kelly. Thank God. Kelly was there.

  Cody wasn’t alone.

  And the man who’d attacked her was dead.

  It was over almost in seconds.


  Sin felt they were making true progress for once. “We’ll make certain sometime this week, I think. We have a few more lines to follow and then we’ll have what we need. We’ll know for certain who’s behind the tampering.”

  “That was quick work.”

  “It was. Whomever is responsible isn’t hiding his tracks very well. After we have him, we’ll be one step closer to the traitor.” Because Hernandez had made it very clear that someone else was pulling his strings. And that there were more than just one or two weak links in the PAVAD chain.

  Sin was determined to find every one.

  Dennis’s assistant Agent Len barged in without knocking. Dennis immediately tensed and half rose out of his seat.

  “Sir. I’m sorry for interrupting. But there was an agent-involved shooting on scene this afternoon.”

  “Which team?”

  She hesitated. “Forensics. And Marianna was there, as well. She is fine. But Agent Cody fought with and shot an attacker. She’s on her way to the hospital now. Marianna is with her. Dr. Kelly Reynolds stayed on the scene, waiting for our people to arrive.”

  Sin was out of his chair before she’d finished speaking. He looked at Dennis. “You’re driving. Let’s go.”

  Dear God, how badly was Merrick hurt?

  Dennis kept pace with him, and that was a good thing. Dennis had a parking space close to the entrance—a perk of the job—and they were in his car in moments.

  Sin tried to keep himself composed on the drive over when what he wanted to do was yell at the man to drive faster.

  “Fuck.” Dennis cursed at the slowing traffic. He looked at Sin. “You care about her.”

  “Yes.” Hell, yes. He did. More than he had wanted to admit to himself. Until now. Was she hurt? She had to be to have been taken to the hospital. Didn’t she? “Very much so.”

  “It’s not common knowledge.”

  “No. It isn’t. My brothers don’t even know. I don’t think she does, either.”

  His fault. It was always his fault, wasn’t it? And he knew it.

  “When we get there, don’t hesitate to tell her. Time is too precious to fuck around with. I got lucky. I got my second chance. I hope you can say the same.”


  Dennis’s wife waited in the lobby. She was pacing, and her face was pale. She had blood on her clothing. “Ed!”

  He hugged her quickly, then pulled back. “Sweetheart, where’s Agent Cody?”

  “She’s being examined now. He knocked her down and she hit her head.”

  “Is any of the blood hers?” Sin asked.

  “I don’t think so. He jumped her and she fought him off. Then her gun was there. They both went for it, but she got there first. He was jumping at her when she shot him. He just…attacked her. She was lucky. Kelly and I were too far away to help at first.”

  “It was a clean shoot?” Dennis asked his wife. “You and Kelly both witnessed the attack?”

  “Yes. Yes, of course. He jumped her, ripped her shirt. Tried to bang her head into the sidewalk. And then he tried to get to her weapon. She had no choice.”

  “Of course. Agent Lorcan, I think you can probably head on back. Her next of kin is your brother, so if someone were to look like Agent Sebastian Lorcan, I’m sure there wouldn’t be an issue.”

  No, Sin didn’t think there would be.

  And if there was?

  Too damned bad.


  Marianna had grabbed her spare bag out of the trunk and Cody would forever be grateful for the other woman’s ability to prepare for anything. She still needed to wash her hair, but at least she had her own clothes to put on after they took her others to be processed.

  She’d been cleared—no concussion and only a light sprain of her arm where it had hit the concrete. She was perfectly fine.

  Even though she’d killed a man.

  Someone pulled the curtain back without announcing themselves after she’d been sitting there for twenty minutes or so.

  Cody looked up.

  And there he was.

  There to handle her?

  “Sin? What are you doing here?”

  “I heard what happened and I knew you’d need someone. Are you ok?”

�I want to go home. I don’t want to talk to anyone right now. I want to go home.” She pulled in a deep breath, fearing for a moment that she was going to have an actual panic attack. Sin was there, and he could handle everything else. “I…need that more than anything.”

  “Then consider it done.”

  Chapter 37

  The house welcomed them when they stepped inside. It was a bit off-putting to be greeted by name when he entered, but he didn’t care. She’d held herself together somehow while he handled Dennis and the hospital and Mick Brockman. But he didn’t think she’d last much longer. “Raise temperature of house to 74.” He wanted it warm for her, not cold.

  He had to admit it was very convenient to have a house that was automatic in a lot of things. The damned billionaire was a technical genius, if nothing else. Or he had enough money to pay those technical geniuses to create what he wanted.

  Sin was just grateful the house was there for Merrick when she’d needed it. And the security upgrades were reassuring, to say the least.

  “I killed him.” She said it in a matter-of-fact tone, but Sin knew the truth. She was holding herself together with everything she had. So strong, but so vulnerable on the inside.

  “Yes, you did. But he was going to hurt you if you didn’t. You came home to Lucy, to the people who love you.”

  “Yes. I know the talks. I gave it to your brother ten times in less than six years, Sin. I know what to say. And I know I’ll be in the PAVAD psychiatrist’s office Monday, just like will be expected.” Her voice was shaking now, to match the movements of her body.

  Sin didn’t stop to think; he grabbed a blanket from the rocking chair that he recognized from her previous apartment. He wrapped it around her shoulders then scooped her into his arms. He sank onto the couch that had come with the smart house—and probably cost more than he and Merrick both made in a week—and snuggled her close. “You are safe and you did the right thing. He’ll never hurt anyone ever again. And you stopped him before he hurt you. You stopped a monster. Don’t ever forget that.”


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