
Home > Romance > Rent-A-Stud > Page 4
Rent-A-Stud Page 4

by Lynn LaFleur

  The sudden thickening of his cock made him shift in his chair. He hadn’t been with a woman for three weeks, and the part of his anatomy with a mind of its own didn’t hesitate to remind him of that fact. But it wasn’t simply the lack of sex that made him react to Jade. In the past, he’d gone for several weeks without a woman when working on a house took up all his time and zapped his energy. He wanted Jade because of Jade and no other reason.

  She turned her head his direction. He dipped his chin to acknowledge her, and she gave him a small smile. Turning back to the people standing with her, she spoke for another moment before walking toward him.

  He had time to thoroughly admire her voluptuous body in the clinging emerald gown before she reached her chair. He stood and held the chair for her while she slipped into it, then returned to his own chair, pulling it a bit closer to hers.

  “Through schmoozing?” he asked.

  “For now.” She waved her hand in front of her face. “Is it warm in here, or is it just me?”

  “You’ve been busy.”

  “Unfortunately, yes. I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you.”

  “Don’t be. You have a job to do. I understand that. You told me you’d be with me in fifteen minutes.” He pushed back his left cuff and looked at his watch. “Right on time.”

  Jade chuckled. “Breanna would be proud of me. She’s always on my case about being late.”

  “She’s a lovely young lady.”

  “Thank you. I could brag about her for hours, but I don’t want to bore you.”

  “Listening to a mother talk about the daughter she loves would never be boring.”

  He watched Jade’s gaze travel over his face, as if trying to decide whether or not to believe him. “Do you always know the right thing to say?”

  Zach could pop off a practiced answer. He knew enough of them to spout them all evening. With Jade, he wanted only honesty. “No,” he said softly, “I don’t always know the right thing to say.”

  “You seem to.”

  “Is that a polite way of implying I have a dictionary of phrases in my head?”

  A couple slid into their chairs directly across the table before Jade said anything else. Zach muttered a curse at the interruption. It bothered him to think Jade might believe him to be nothing more than a professional charmer with a dick for hire.

  Isn’t that what you are, Cooper?

  Telling the voice in his head to mind its own business, Zach smiled politely at the couple just seated before facing Jade again. “Would you like another glass of wine?”

  She glanced at his iced tea. “Actually, I was thinking of stealing your tea.”

  Zach picked up his glass and presented it to Jade. “Help yourself. I’ll get another one when the waiter comes by.”

  She hesitated a moment, then accepted his glass. He watched her take a long sip.

  Directly on the spot where his lips had been.

  His cock surged to life. Any little sign, Breanna had said. Any little sign that showed him Jade wanted to be intimate. He could take that as a sign, or he could realize she didn’t know she’d drunk from the same spot as he.

  Her gaze met his as she drank again. She knows, Zach thought. She knows exactly what she’s doing.

  Zach smiled to himself. Why, you little temptress. Leaning back in his chair, he laid his left arm on the back of Jade’s chair. He touched the bare skin above her gown with his thumb. He watched her face as he circled his thumb over her satiny skin. She closed her eyes briefly before looking at him again. Desire clearly showed in her eyes.

  She wants me as much as I want her.

  He’d love to grab her hand, yank her from her chair, and drag her to some dark corner where no one would see them. He’d pull up her gown to her waist, free his aching cock, and drive inside that sweet pussy. Over and over, he’d pound into her while she clutched his shoulders and moaned into his ear. Once wouldn’t be enough. As soon as she came, he’d start fucking her again…and again…and again…

  “Hello again, Jade.”

  Doug Lassiter slid into the chair next to Jade, putting an end to Zach’s fantasy. Jade released a breath and turned to the man sitting at her left. “Hello.”

  Marianne joined her husband. “I do hope the food is good. I’m absolutely famished.”

  Zach sensed the tension in Jade’s body. She was in charge of this entire gala, which meant she’d decided on the menu. Marianne’s implication that the food might not be good had to be a direct dig to Jade. He started to say something to take up for her, but Jade beat him to it.

  “The chefs here are excellent, Marianne. I’m sure you’ll find the food delicious.”

  “It isn’t chicken, is it? Every time we attend one of these things, they serve us chicken.”

  “No, it isn’t chicken. We’re having prime rib.”

  “Oh. Oh! Well, that does sound delicious, and a welcome change.”

  Zach cleared his throat to hide his chuckle. He wondered if Marianne Lassiter always emphasized every other word she spoke.

  His little temptress had claws. He liked that.

  Jade leaned toward him. Zach moved closer and lowered his head so she could speak without being heard. “Stop that,” she whispered into his ear.

  “Stop what?” he whispered back.

  “Stop touching me.”

  He tilted his head so he could see her face, a mere six inches from his own. “Why?”

  “Because it makes me crazy.”

  Zach grinned. “Good crazy or bad crazy?”

  “All right, you two, knock it off,” Doug said playfully. “No flirting at the table.”

  “I think it’s sweet,” Marianne said. She propped her elbows on the table and laced her fingers together beneath her chin. “Although I can’t help wondering why we haven’t met you before tonight, Zach. Where has Jade been hiding you?”

  Not exactly subtle, are you, Mrs. Lassiter? Zach leaned back in his chair again. That eager look in Marianne’s eyes told him she wanted all the dirt on Jade’s new beau. He could tell her the truth, without telling her the whole truth. “We haven’t known each other very long.”

  “What do you do for a living?”

  “I build houses.”

  If he hadn’t still been touching Jade, he wouldn’t have noticed her slight jump of surprise. She knew nothing of his other job for he hadn’t had the chance to tell her yet.

  “You’re in construction?” Doug asked.

  Zach nodded. “My uncle owns a construction firm here in Fort Worth. I help him off and on, whenever he’s short a worker. Right now, I’m working on my own, building my house.”

  “You’re very…young to be building a house all by yourself.”

  Marianne didn’t fool him for a moment. He knew she meant he was too young for Jade. Her implication made Zach see red. Outwardly, he remained calm and polite. “Age has nothing to do with talent, don’t you agree?”

  He purposely wrapped his hand around Jade’s nape so Marianne could see it. Her eyes narrowed as she followed the track of his fingers caressing Jade’s neck.

  “Well, yes,” she said. “I suppose you’re right. Still—”

  “Marianne, leave them alone.” Doug’s voice sounded controlled, yet Zach heard the steel beneath the words. He faced them and smiled. “My wife has to know everything about everyone she meets.”

  “I’m only being friendly, Doug.”

  “You’re being nosy, as usual.”

  Marianne huffed and picked up her glass of water. Zach exchanged a look with Jade. She managed to keep a straight face, but he could see the humor in her eyes.

  He also saw her eyes cross when he slid his thumb up to her ear and caressed the lobe.

  Other couples began to filter to their table, as did the waiters. Zach gave Jade’s nape a gentle squeeze before he released it. Later, he mouthed.

  He saw her throat work as she swallowed.

  Chapter Six

  Jade clapped when Dr. Jennings, the
hospital’s administrator, finished his speech, even though it had to be the most boring speech she’d ever heard. The man ran the hospital beautifully, but he had zero personality.

  “A bit of a dud, huh?” Zach whispered in her ear.

  His warm breath sent a shiver racing down her spine. Shivers had been racing up and down her spine all evening. A simple look from Zach’s incredible blue eyes made her stomach quiver and her nipples bead.

  She didn’t want to want him.

  Jade could fight her own body’s desires and she would. Having sex with Zach would probably feel good. Even mechanical sex would feel good after two years of celibacy.

  Somehow, she knew nothing about sex with Zach would be the least bit mechanical.

  Even though her body wanted to, it would be incredibly stupid. There could be no future for them. If she had sex with him, it would be nothing more than a one-night stand.

  So what’s wrong with that?

  That little voice in her head sounded suspiciously like Breanna.

  “Now that I’ve completely bored all of you,” the administrator said, grinning when he received several chuckles and light applause, “it’s time for some fun. Dancing in the next room.”

  “Ah, finally,” Zach said. “Ready to step on my foot?”

  “You’re a glutton for punishment, aren’t you?”

  Jade allowed Zach to take her hand and help her from her chair. He didn’t release her hand once they stood, but held it all the way to the dance floor. His palm felt warm and slightly rough against hers. She assumed the roughness came from calluses since he worked in construction.

  A five-piece band played “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart”. Zach drew her into his arms. Jade laid her left hand on his shoulder, her fingers inches from his hair. He tugged her a bit closer to him, until her breasts brushed his chest. It felt so good in his arms, so right, as if they’d danced together before tonight.

  Zach smiled at her. “So far, so good. My feet are unbruised.”

  “It’s only our first dance.”

  “I like to live dangerously.”

  He did a fast spin and dipped her. Jade laughed at his silliness. Feeling a bit lightheaded after he raised her upright again, she clutched his shoulder tighter. “Making me dizzy isn’t a good idea. Your feet will suffer.”

  “I think you’re teasing me about stepping on my feet. You’re very graceful.”

  His gaze swept over her face, her hair. It dipped briefly to her cleavage, making her catch her breath. When he looked at her face again, she could clearly see the heat in his eyes.

  Her heart fluttered in her chest.

  He’d been with dozens of women, perhaps even scores. He knew all the moves, all the right things to say. She had trouble believing, even with all his experience, that he could fake desire.

  “Are you having a good time?” he asked.

  “Yes. You’re a wonderful dancer.”

  “This is nothing. You should see my moves during a fast song.”

  He bobbled his eyebrows and grinned devilishly. Jade laughed again. She could grow to like him a lot in a very short time.

  Unable to resist the temptation, she moved her hand on his shoulder until she could touch his hair. It felt as soft as it looked. She curled her finger around a thick tendril.

  His arm tightened around her waist. “Now you’re making me crazy, just like when you drank from my glass.”

  Jade hoped the dim lighting would keep him from seeing her blush. “Your glass?”

  “Don’t pull that innocent act on me. You knew exactly what you were doing when you drank from the same spot I did.”

  She didn’t think he’d notice that. It had been daring on her part, something she wouldn’t normally do. But she’d wanted that intimacy, that moment of being one with him.

  “I don’t come on to my dates, Jade, no matter what you might think. I’ve never pushed a woman for sex.”

  “With your looks and charm, you wouldn’t have to push.”

  “I appreciate the compliment, but I’m not looking for compliments. I’m being honest with you. I want very much to make love to you. But it has to be your decision. If you choose to say goodnight to me at your front door, I’ll accept that.”

  The band flowed from the Bee Gees’ song into “Always”. Zach pulled her closer to him, so close she could feel how much he wanted her. Jade had to bite her lower lip to keep from moaning aloud. It’d been much too long since she’d had a man’s hard cock inside her…

  He nuzzled her neck, her earlobe. “You smell incredible,” he rasped in her ear.

  She’d turn into one big puddle of mush if he kept whispering to her. Jade tried to pull back, to put some distance between them. Zach didn’t budge.

  “Let me hold you like this. No pressure, I promise. Just let me hold you while we dance.”

  “May I cut in?”

  Jade turned her head to see Doug Lassiter smiling at her. He wanted to dance with her? They’d been to many functions together, but he’d never asked her to dance. The man barely acknowledged her existence.

  Zach released her and stepped back. He didn’t look happy to hand her over to another man. “Certainly. I’ll get us something to drink. Wine or tea, Jade?”

  “Tea will be fine.”

  She watched him wind his way through the crowd until Doug stepped in front of her, blocking her view. Summoning a smile, she stepped into his arms.


  I’m gonna shove his nose up his ass if that bastard doesn’t get it out of Jade’s cleavage.

  Zach silently fumed as he watched Doug Lassiter dance with Jade. Dance, hell. The man was trying to dry-fuck her right there on the dance floor. He admired the way Jade kept tugging away from him, despite Lassiter’s attempts to keep her close.

  The same thing had happened the first time she’d danced with the head of surgery. Zach had taken Jade back in his arms, only to be interrupted again by Dr. Jennings. After that, it’d been a man Zach hadn’t met, followed by some guy who worked in the lab. Now Lassiter led Jade around the dance floor again, although it looked like he’d rather lead her to a bed.

  Zach had only danced one song with Jade. That did not make him happy.

  As soon as the song ended, she pulled completely away from the doctor. He saw Lassiter’s mouth move, then Jade shake her head firmly before turning away from him. Her mouth thinned and her eyes narrowed in anger. Her strides carried her quickly toward Zach.

  He met her halfway. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. I don’t… I can’t believe…” She huffed out a breath. “He’s never done anything like that to me! He’s the head of surgery and we’re in public!”

  “He’s never come on to you?”

  “No! Neither has anyone else at the hospital. What is wrong with the men tonight?”

  Zach couldn’t help chuckling at her confusion. She honestly had no idea why the men were drooling at her feet. Or rather, at her cleavage. “Men have been staring at you all night, Jade.”

  She blinked. “They have?”

  “Look at yourself. You’re hot. You look like you were poured into that dress.”

  Jade placed one hand over her breasts. “The dress is too much, isn’t it? I told Breanna I should’ve worn something else.”

  “No, the dress isn’t too much. You look beautiful in it.”

  Biting her lower lip, she rubbed her forehead. “I could get into such trouble. I never should’ve listened to my daughter.”

  Zach frowned, not understanding why she was so upset. “Why would you get in trouble? You have an incredible body. There’s no crime in dressing to show it off.”

  “Zach, you don’t understand. I represent the hospital. I have to be professional. Wearing a dress that shows so much of my breasts is not professional. The board could fire me over this.”

  “Over a dress? That’s crazy.”

  “You don’t understand how the board thinks. They expect their officers and representatives t
o be above reproach.”

  “You’ve done nothing that should cause your board any embarrassment. If anyone should be reprimanded, it’s Doug Lassiter for humping you on the dance floor.”

  She clasped her hand over her mouth, but not before Zach heard her snort of laughter. He grinned. “Want me to rough him up a bit?”

  “I wouldn’t want you to hurt your hands.”

  “He looks pretty soft. One punch would be enough.”

  Jade laughed out loud. Zach pushed a curl behind her ear, then lightly caressed her jaw with his thumb. “Would you like to dance with me now?”

  He saw a young man approaching them over Jade’s shoulder. Zach tensed. Damn it, Jade was his date. He’d barely had two minutes with her in his arms. He could’ve said no when all those men cut in, but courtesy wouldn’t let him. Besides, he didn’t want to be rude to Jade’s coworkers.

  “I’d rather go home.”

  Her comment stunned him. Surely their evening wouldn’t end yet. He wanted more time with her, more of a chance to get to know her better. “So soon?”

  “Actually, it’s not that soon. It’s after eleven.”

  “Hi, Jade,” the young man said once he’d reached them.

  Jade turned and smiled. “Hi, Danny.”

  The kid tugged at his collar. His gaze darted to Zach before he looked at Jade again. “Would-would you like to dance?” he asked in a nervous, high-pitched voice.

  “I’d love to, but Zach and I are leaving. Another time?”

  His face fell with disappointment. “Oh, sure. No problem. Another time.”

  Jade touched his arm. “Thank you for asking, Danny.”

  Danny looked at her hand on his arm. Zach could actually see the kid’s skinny chest puff out at that simple touch. He had to be eighteen, nineteen at the most, and obviously suffering from a huge crush on Jade.

  Zach watched the kid shuffle away before he offered his arm to Jade. “Shall we go?”

  Jade took his arm. “We shall.”

  Zach led her toward the exit, stopping only long enough to gather up her purse and wrap. She remained silent on the walk to the garage, and after they’d slipped into the car. He glanced at her before backing out of the parking space. She sat still in her seat, looking out the passenger window.


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