Mystical Love

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Mystical Love Page 34

by Rachel James



  Devlin drew back into the shadows, relieved that Brianna hadn’t spotted him lurking behind the fountain rocks. He watched her enter the washroom and exhaled. She was preparing to pull herself together for the wedding ceremony. And he should be doing the same—but first he had to talk to Tommy. His gaze drifted to the hallway. What was keeping the man? It wasn’t as if he knew his way around the building, or the commune. Had Brianna given him instructions to stay put until she returned? No, he didn’t think Brianna would feel comfortable leaving him on his own. He was simply dawdling in the office, trying to think of a way to short-circuit the marriage. Damn him, he was smart. He might think of a way.

  A minute later, Devlin caught sight of his stout figure, and stepped out of the shadows. He crossed the room and pulled Tommy out the front door, and down the sidewalk—to a shady area alongside the building.

  “Have you lost your mind coming here?” he asked.

  “Me? I’m not the one keeping secrets and telling lies,” Tommy accused. “Nor am I pretending to be someone I’m not.” He stepped forward. “It’s clear that Brianna has no idea that you own D.J. Corp, or that we’ve met once before.”

  Devlin returned his scowl.

  “No. And you’re not to tell her.”

  Tommy shook his head in disbelief.

  “Man-o-man, you are a bastard.”

  Devlin’s hands raked his hair in exasperation.

  “I’m not being a bastard on purpose. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re in the middle of a crisis here.”

  “Well, it’s nothing compared to the one you’ll be facing when Brianna learns who you really are, and that you’ve bought her company.”

  Devlin swung about, focusing his gaze on the park gazebo in the distance.

  “You think I haven’t thought of that?”

  He felt a shadow at his back.

  “If I thought that, I wouldn’t be bullying you now. Christ, man, she wanted to get on a plane to Texas after I returned with your refusal. She wanted to plead her case to you.”

  Devlin raked his hands through his hair again.

  “I’m stuck between two rocks here, both of them unappetizing. Do I tear her professional life apart? Or do I tear her personal one?”

  “If you’re that torn, then why the hell did you just agree to marry her?”

  “To buy some time,” Devlin snarled. “You saw her in there. She was nothing short of a she-bear defending her cubs. The word ‘no’ was not an option.”

  “You should’ve put your foot down more forcibly, right from the start. And why the hell did you buy her company, when, one, you don’t need it, and two, you’ve already torn her life apart once. Do you have some kind of perverted revenge wish against her?”

  Devlin fired up, his fists clenching.

  “You’re lucky I like you, Tommy. Otherwise, you’d be flat on the ground by now.”

  Tommy fired up as well.

  “Screw you! I call a spade a spade when I see it. And this spade reeks of deceit.”

  A fierce scowl returned to Devlin’s face.

  “You’re really pushing it, Tommy.”

  “Of course I am!” His tone changed and Devlin knew what was coming. “Now, I’m warning you. Unless you can prove to me that getting married and going into a damaged circle will positively save this commune, I will do everything in my power to stop you and Brianna from attempting it.”

  Devlin felt his anger rising again.

  “That sounded a lot like an ultimatum.”

  “I don’t care if it did.” He began scuffing his shoe tip across a clump of grass.

  “As Brianna’s business partner, I’m advising you to think long and carefully about putting her in harm’s way.”

  Devlin’s tone hardened.

  “You needn’t worry. Neither of us is going into the circle. And for your information, there is a way out of this farce.”

  Tommy’s face split into a grin.

  “I’m listening.”

  “There can be no marriage if a credible witness objects to the marriage. You need to speak up and offer an objection.”

  Tommy’s voice rose in surprise.

  “Are you saying you aren’t going to marry Brianna?”

  Devlin ripped out his words, impatiently.

  “I don’t intend to marry and divorce, all in a space of a few days. If I can’t have Brianna’s love for a lifetime, I don’t want to have it at all. If you help me by objecting to this marriage, the Council will have to delay the wedding ceremony—until the objection can be sorted out. Brianna will have no option then, but to let me enter the circle alone.”

  Devlin saw the jerk of Tommy’s shoulders. His penetrating gaze bespoke a raw anger.

  “You’re in love with her—probably always have been,” he remarked.

  “And always will be,” Devlin answered. “So what’s your point?”

  “I might have to marry Brianna to spite you.”

  Devlin’s growl was ear-splitting.

  “You do, and you’ll regret it before the vows are even concluded. Brianna needs a husband who can withstand her strong will and viperous tongue. You don’t fit that bill.”

  “Well, she’ll certainly get a bastard if she marries you,” Tommy scoffed.

  “Right, so there’s no use in staying silent, is there? Object to the marriage.”

  Tommy shook his head.

  “I won’t do it. Suddenly, I like the marriage.” He stepped off the grass onto the curbing and away from Devlin, who followed with a vehement growl.

  “Dammit, Tommy! The longer you stay here, the sooner Brianna will figure out that we’ve met before.”

  “And how is that my problem?” he asked, striding down the sidewalk.

  Devlin ground his teeth. It was clear he would have to marry Brianna and hope they didn’t kill each other before the sun rose in the morning. He pulled alongside Tommy as they approached the front entrance of the Healing Center. Climbing the steps, he issued a stern warning.

  “You have to play by coven rules while you’re here. The health of this community depends on it.”

  A triumphant laugh greeted Devlin.

  “You’ll marry Brianna?”

  “I’ll marry her.”

  “You could make that sound a little less like ‘I’ll kill her,’” Tommy chided.

  “You’re pushing again, Tommy.”

  “Good. Now, do you or do you not suspect foul play in Mrs. Sage’s collapse?”

  “We won’t know the answer to that until we examine the circle.”

  “Why wait until sunrise, by the way?” Tommy asked.

  Devlin lifted his face to study the night sky.

  “First impressions are everything, and since energy consists of nothing more than shades of light and dark, it will be to our benefit to judge the energy as the earth shifts from night to day. Until then, you and I need to make an alteration to the marriage certificate—a codicil that will circumvent the Coven Dowry Law.”

  “Dowry Law?”

  “As archaic as it sounds, a High Priestess cannot own property of any kind. She belongs to the earth, dedicating herself to all living things.”

  “You mean plants, and animals, and shit?”


  Devlin heard a familiar chuckle.

  “Does that mean the man she chooses as her husband loses his property, too?”

  “On the contrary, her property becomes his.”

  A gleeful laugh emanated.

  ”And to think, you could’ve had Sage Industries for free—if only you had just waited one more day.”

  “You’re pushing again, Tommy.”

  “I certainly hope so.”

  Unable to resist his grinning features, Devlin clapped Tommy on the back and pushed him towards the Healing Center door. “Now then, what say we make ourselves presentable for a wedding?”

  “You first. You smell like . . . well, let’
s just say, it’s impolite to marry a woman smelling like a garbage truck.”

  “She pushed this marriage, not me.”

  Tommy’s lips curled derisively.

  “Don’t pretend that you aren’t thrilled by the turn of events.”

  “Go to hell, Tommy.”

  “Not quite yet. I’ve a wedding to witness.”

  • • •

  Brianna swung her legs over the bed and sat up. It was useless trying to sleep. All she was doing was staring at the ceiling and cursing herself for being the biggest fool in wedding history. She glanced down at the gold wedding band on her finger and shivered. Mrs. Devlin Janus. The words chilled her as nothing else could. And yet, a small part of her insides jangled with excitement.

  Her gaze lifted from the ring to the open window across the way. It had been a no-frills wedding, complete with a "you may now kiss the bride" moment that lacked heart or substance. A brief brush along her cheek had been the extent of the kiss, and even Tommy’s congratulatory peck had lacked warmth.

  The walk to her parent’s cottage had been even more ghastly, the trio splitting up as soon as they entered the house. Devlin had hustled Tommy upstairs, into a guest bedroom, while she took refuge in her old room, hoping to catnap until the time came to consummate the marriage.

  That had been her plan, but she had been unable to relax. And now here she was, standing in front of her closet, searching for an appropriate item to wear for the Joining. She could go with the sexy trapeze tunic, using it as camouflage for her rattled nerves. Or, she could wear the flannel pajama top plastered with Barbie figurines and endure Devlin's snide remarks when he saw it.

  Sighing, she pulled out the tunic. There really was only one choice. She tossed the mini-dress to the lounge chair alongside the closet. She was not going to consummate the marriage while totally naked, and if she could keep the lighting low in the room, she was sure she could maneuver Devlin so that he only saw her figure through vague shadows. His fingers will be searching for pleasure points, though, her inner voice chided. The tunic will be absolutely perfect for that.

  Brianna blushed at the inference. You needn't worry about that, she scolded herself. Our one and only sexual encounter was a disaster, remember? And there's no reason to expect this one will be any different. Frigid—isn’t that what Martin called her when they had said their abrupt goodbyes? She had never seen him again; yet the label had shaken her confidence so much, she gave up dating altogether. This time, she'd make sure the sex would be brief—to save both her and Devlin embarrassment.

  Her gaze shifted back to the chair. Should she forego wearing panties with the tunic? She blushed again, deciding that the fewer items Devlin had to take off, the better. In seconds, she had shed her blouse, jeans, and underwear and donned the tunic. Letting the fabric slide over her hips, she took a quick peek at her reflection in the door mirror. A quick gasp greeted her. She looked like a lamb being led to slaughter. Her eyes were ringed with dark circles, and her cheeks boasted a pale-white hue.

  Pinching her cheeks, she attempted to bring some color back into the skin. How long would she have to wait before Devlin arrived? That would depend on Tommy. He had no idea of the coven's Sanctity law and all it entailed. It was cowardly of her to leave Devlin to settle Tommy down for the night, but she couldn't face her friend—or his pointed questions. And she certainly couldn't face his disappointment if he learned about the Joining ritual.

  She glanced at the bed, biting her lower lip. Consummating a loveless marriage to satisfy a Sanctity law was just plain idiotic. Once the deed was done, what would it have accomplished? Nothing. So what was the point? The answer came at once. Without the Joining, her mother's essence would remain trapped between worlds, and the commune would suffer the results of it. It was up to her to get on with the Joining, no matter how humiliating. After all, hadn’t she vowed to love Devlin “till death do us part”?

  Brianna shivered at the remembrance. How soon would “death do us part” be? She twisted around and studied the open doorway. It might be sooner rather than later—if she couldn’t keep a lid on her temper. And of course, once they arrived in the clearing, if they found it was the Guardians trapped in the circle, they would be on the receiving end of a very powerful dose of the Guardians' wrath. She put a brake on that thought, too. She didn’t want to think about the power a pissed off elemental could conjure up when provoked.

  Brianna heard the floorboards creak above her head, and scurried to the bed. She dove under the covers, tossing the sheet over her bare legs and hoping to God that her body wouldn't betray her during the upcoming Joining. Though the wedding had caused her blood to course through her veins like an awakened river, she didn't know how long that would last.

  Was her Invocation the culprit? Her mother had once alluded that a marriage between witches often resulted in a spirit transference during the wedding ceremony—a mating for life that could never be broken. Had that occurred? No, her memories of the ceremony were clear. Devlin's voice was hollow as he recited his vows, a sure sign that no bond was being forged between them.

  Scooting back on the bed, she plumped the pillow and then heard the patter of bare feet hitting the wood floor. Angling around, she studied the doorway. A moment later, Devlin appeared in the room barefoot, closed the door, and began unbuttoning his shirt.

  Rattled, Brianna bit her lip.

  "Tommy's not . . ." She couldn't finish the sentence. An amused chuckle came her way.

  "Relax, Snow White. The dwarves are all fast asleep in their beds, some snoring much louder than others."

  His shirt was tossed to the top of the dresser and Brianna grimaced.

  "That isn't funny, you know. Tommy can't help snoring. He broke his nose a few years ago, and it’s affected his breathing."

  He whirled at her words, gawking at her.

  "And you know this, how?"

  "What do you mean, how?" Her confusion quickly turned to understanding, and then to outrage. "I have never slept with Tommy! How can you even think that? He's a trusted friend."

  "Relax, Goldilocks. I'm only trying to put you at ease."

  "Well, you're pissing me off," Brianna huffed, thumping her pillow.

  His chuckle came again, but he offered no other comment. Instead, he approached the bed, and then promptly presented his back to her. Sinking down, he shed his jeans and briefs and slid under the sheets. Unhinged by the sight of his naked torso, Brianna lost no time making the first move. She could get through this if she took control of the Joining. She placed her hand on Devlin's forearm before he had even settled himself, and bending over, she sought his lips. A second later, she was flat on her back, staring into his glittering eyes.

  "Slow down, Rapunzel," he cautioned. "I know you're used to always being in the driver's seat; however, this is one time you need to let me drive the car." Brianna colored furiously at his words. His grin surfaced and he chucked her chin. "Blushing becomes you, Mrs. Janus." She colored up again, looking anywhere but at his curved lips.

  A moment later, the ceiling was blocked out, and Devlin’s lips feathered hers—whisper light. The contact had Brianna trembling at the dreamy intimacy. Instinctively, she buried her hands in his hair, shocked to find her senses fluttering in response to his deepening kiss. He certainly knew how to kiss a girl, she realized. The gentle massage was sending currents of desire shooting through her lower limbs. And his hand? It was sweeping the satiny planes of her stomach with light swirls, sledding towards her breasts. How had his hand found its way beneath her tunic so fast? The answer was lost in the splay of his fingers across her left breast. An involuntary tremor began under the caress of his thumb, and Brianna jerked. His mouth lifted from hers.

  "Relax. We can get through this, if you just relax."

  Relax? How could she relax when he was making her blood pound through her heart, chest, and lungs, like a raging river?

  His mouth reclaimed hers, this time more demanding, and all coherent thought fled f
rom Brianna’s brain. Before she knew it, his knee had parted her thighs, and she was welcoming him into her body. An intoxicating, manly scent washed over her immediately, but the smell was soon forgotten under the rhythmic flexing of his stomach muscles against hers.

  When his thrusts deepened, Brianna moaned aloud, stunned by how pure and explosive raw pleasure could be. A ragged groan sliced her ears, and hearing it, her body melted against Devlin's. In seconds, the world was filled with only him and her quivering limbs. A mutual shudder soon ran along their length, and their bodies settled into a matching tempo of possession.

  Swept away, their ardor mounted fast, and Brianna abandoned herself to the whirl of sensations. There was nothing frigid about what she was feeling. There was only a roaring din in her ears and the earth falling away, leaving her belly flexing against Devlin's in persuasion. He brought them to the brink of climax quickly, suspended the moment, and then plunged them over the edge. Time suddenly shattered, exploding in a downpour of fiery sensations, and Brianna couldn't disguise her body's reaction. A moan of ecstasy slipped through her lips, followed by Devlin's hoarse whisper in her ear.

  “Te amo, Cernunnos!"

  His labored breathing fanned her cheek, and then he took her mouth again, this time with a savage intensity. The white-hot kiss had the real world careening on its axis and Brianna reveling in the tightening coil building again between her thighs. A moment later, she cried out for release, and he gave it, sending her to that place of rapture, utterly consumed.

  Somewhere between disbelief and enchantment, time re-started, and Brianna dropped back to earth, feeling like a bird drifting on shafts of air. She lay momentarily paralyzed beneath Devlin, marveling at how exhilarating the Joining had been, and how steamy the sex had become. Spellbound, she listened to Devlin's rapid heartbeat and uneven breathing. Martin had certainly been mistaken in calling her frigid. Devlin had just proved that she was more than capable of sustaining a sexual high.


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