Anne Sophia, Princess (Anne’s daughter): birth, 63, 89; Sarah Churchill made godmother to, 66; health concerns, 69; smallpox and death, 71–2
anti-Semitism, 458
Apsley, Sir Allen, 25
Apsley, Frances (later Lady Bathurst), 25–6, 32, 35, 38–9, 43, 47, 73
Arbuthnot, Dr John, 326, 332, 440–2, 500, 519, 523, 526, 532; The History of John Bull, 441
Argyll, John Campbell, 2nd Duke of, 282, 505, 508, 528
army: James II enlarges, 64–5; Tories vote to increase, 209
Arran, Dorothy, Countess of, 84
Asiento contract, 450, 478, 494, 519
Astell, Mary, 178
Atholl, John Murray, 1st Duke of, 264–5, 315
Atterbury, Francis, Bishop of Rochester, 496, 531
Aumont, Louis, Duc d’, 485, 488, 501
Austria: alliance against France in War of Spanish Succession, 168; refuses to agree to peace terms, 467, 480; gains from Treaty of Utrecht, 494
Banfill, John, 223
Bank of England: loans to government, 196; increases capital in war, 382; deputation to Anne protesting at disbanding ministry, 415; refuses new loan to Godolphin, 420; makes loan to Harley, 421–2
Bannister, Henrietta, 17
Barcelona, 284, 299, 510
Barrillon, Paul, 41, 43, 46, 62, 65–7, 73
Barry, Elizabeth, 23, 175
Bath, 87–8, 139, 246–7, 259–60
Bathurst, Sir Benjamin: attempts to defraud Anne, 17, 158–9; Anne orders to redecorate stairway, 100; incompetent money management, 120
Beaufort, Henry Somerset, 2nd Duke of, 247, 399, 416
Bellasyse, Anne, Lady (née Paulet), 97
Bellenden, John, 2nd Baron, 483
Benson, George, 541
Berkeley, Barbara see Fitzharding, Lady
Berkeley, Sir Charles, 4
Berkeley, George, 1st Earl of, 141, 218, 505, 524
Berkeley House, Piccadilly, 141–2, 151
Berkeley, Rear-Admiral John, 3rd Baron, 122
Berkeley, Colonel John, 58, 95, 99
Berry see St Amand, James
Bertie, Peregrine (1708), 351
Berwick, James FitzJames, Duke of, 299, 444, 490, 504, 507–8, 530
Betterton, Mrs Thomas, 23
Beverwort, Lady Charlotte, 139, 239
Blackall, Offspring, Bishop of Exeter, 319–20, 330, 336
Blandford, John Churchill, Marquess of (Marlborough’s son): Duke of Gloucester hero-worships as boy, 144; death from smallpox, 253–4
Blenheim, Battle of (1704), 271, 274, 539
Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, 233, 235, 278–9, 379, 430, 454, 487, 536
Bolingbroke, Henry St John, 1st Viscount: takes communion annually, 198; appointed Secretary at War, 267; character and qualities, 267; and Anne’s protection of Masham, 326; and mismanagement of war in Spain, 338; resigns on Harley’s dismissal, 341; succeeds Boyle in Harley’s government, 423; on setbacks in Spain, 430; hostility with Harley (Oxford), 439, 485, 496, 498, 516, 523; licentiousness and immorality, 439, 523; relations with Anne, 439, 501; and Guiscard’s knife attack on Harley, 440; ambitions for North American empire, 443–4, 456; on death of Emperor Joseph, 445; on elevation of Harley to Lords, 446; and peace negotiations with France, 452–3, 458, 479–80, 483, 485, 488, 539; criticises Maynwaring’s Bouchain, 455; derides Marlborough’s aim to march on Paris, 455; reassures Torcy over Marlborough’s move to Continent, 487; attacks Marlborough, 459; corrupt practices, 459; memorial from Elector denouncing peace, 461; in parliamentary debate on peace proposals, 462; attacks Barrier Treaty with Holland, 470; and succession to French throne, 472–4; and Anne’s Restraining Order to Ormonde, 474–5, 544; mission to France, 480–1; viscountcy, 480; objects to Dutch peace conditions, 482; bullies colleagues, 485; not awarded Garter, 485; retires to country, 485; on effect of Hanover memorial on Anne, 489; on Peace of Utrecht, 494; hopes for Tory dominance, 496–7; woos Abigail Masham, 499; exploits Oxford’s absence, 500; visits Anne during illness, 502; communicates with Pretender, 503, 506–8; on Pretender’s need to convert, 507; aims to weaken Whig domination of army, 508; and purge of Whigs in office, 509; and Hanover’s demands on Anne, 513, 516; claims Anne unwilling to settle arrears of Hanover soldiers’ pay, 514; friendship with Duchess of Somerset, 517; introduces Schism Bill, 517–18; agrees to proclamation against Pretender, 518; benefits from Spanish trade treaty, 520; rapprochement with Marlborough, 521–2; Anne’s doubts on character, 523; Oxford accuses of Jacobitism, 524; pleasure at Oxford’s dismissal, 525; on Anne’s final decline and death, 526, 529; expresses loyalty to new king, 529; hissed by crowd, 530; on peaceful transition to new reign, 531; drafts Declaration for Pretender, 534; flees to France and becomes Pretender’s Secretary of State, 534; found guilty of treason, 534; situation under George I, 534; pardoned and rehabilitated, 535; on Marlborough’s victories, 539
Bolton, Charles Paulet, 2nd Duke of, 521
Bonet, Friedrich, 159, 165, 168
Bonrepos, François de, 62, 66
Book of Common Prayer, 19
Bothmer, Major General Hans Kaspar, Baron, 441, 461, 487, 489, 515, 523, 524, 526, 528–9, 531
Bouchain, siege of (1711), 453
Boufflers, Maréchal Louis François, Duc de, 154
Bourgogne, Louis of France, Duke of, 472
Boyer, Abel, 11–12, 325, 537, 543–4
Boyle, Henry (later Baron Carleton), 207, 349, 414, 416, 418
Boyne, Battle of the (1690), 120
Bridgewater, Elizabeth, Countess of (née Churchill), 259
Bridgewater, Scrope Egerton, 4th Earl of, 259
Brihuega, Battle of (1710), 429–30
Britain: rise to power, 537; increase in trade, 539; see also England; Scotland
Bromley, William, 498, 518
Bruges, 357, 376, 479
Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of, 348
Buckingham, Mary, Duchess of, 30
Buckingham and Normanby, Catherine, Duchess of, 437
Buckingham and Normanby, John Sheffield, 1st Duke of (earlier 3rd Earl of Mulgrave and Earl of Normanby): banished from court, 37–40, 48; proposes crown pass to Prince George, 165; as Lord Privy Seal, 204; in Anne’s favour, 205; Sarah Marlborough accuses of not welcoming Blenheim victory, 272; dismissed, 279–80; Marlborough suspects of intrigues, 279; supports bringing Sophia of Hanover to England, 291; supports Anne in resisting dismissal of Abigail, 399; appointed Lord Steward, 423; Gaultier reports on, 429; succeeds Rochester as Lord President, 446; and peace negotiations (1711), 453; silence in debate on 1711 peace proposals, 462; letter to Middleton on Pretender, 491–2; and Parliamentary demand to expel Pretender from Lorraine, 498; on George’s accession at Anne’s death, 529
Burnet, Elizabeth, 271, 342
Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury: on Anne Duchess of York’s death, 13; on Anne’s marriage to George, 42; on George of Denmark, 46; on Anne’s finances, 61; on Mary Beatrice’s Catholic fanaticism, 65; on Anne’s favouring Sarah Churchill, 66; and appointment of Lady Anne Spencer as Lady of Bedchamber, 67; and Mary Beatrice’s pregnancy, 84, 86; accompanies William from Holland, 105; and Mary’s deferring to William, 107; as preceptor to Duke of Gloucester, 157, 162; on George’s naval appointment, 184–5; on political party differences, 198; reports William’s death to Anne, 215; on Archbishop Sharp, 224; on Anne’s absence from court, 228; and Sarah Marlborough’s reliance on cousin Abigail, 241; on Scots support for Prince of Wales, 264; on Jacobite threat to Anne, 273, 447; on attempted 1708 Jacobite invasion, 344, 346; on Anne’s supposed sympathy for Pretender, 425, 540; on Marlborough’s meeting with Anne on ending war, 458; Anne speaks with on peace settlement, 460; attacks Treaty of Utrecht, 511; reports Anne’s death, 541; praises Anne’s patience in infirmity, 545; on Tory attempt to persuade Anne of succession plot, 1700
Bust, Eleanor, 126
Buys, Paul, 222, 457
Byng, Admiral Sir George (later Viscount Torrington), 343, 345, 393
/> Cadiz, 249
Cadogan, General William, 1st Earl, 487, 514, 517, 522
Cambrai, 455
Cambridge, Prince Charles, Duke of (son of Duke and Duchess of York), 5, 7, 9
Cambridge, Prince Edgar, Duke of: birth, 10, 16
Cambridge University: and James II’s Catholic measures, 76; Anne visits, 280
Campden House, Kensington, 121
Canada: expedition to (1711), 443–4, 456
Cardonnel, Adam de, 431
Carlos II, King of Spain, 33, 166, 168, 192
Carmarthen, Peregrine Osborne, Marquis of, 447; see also Leeds, Duke of
Carnarvon, Charles Dormer, 2nd Earl of, 151
Caroline, Princess of Wales (later Queen of George II), 536
Carteret, John, 2nd Baron (later Earl Granville), 493
Catalans: abandoned by allies, 494; blockaded by British, 510; Whigs call for debate on, 510–11
Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II, 7
Catholics and Catholicism: English hostility to, 14–15; and Test Acts, 14; Anne’s antipathy to, 21, 62–4, 78, 83–4; peers exluded from Lords, 31; and Popish Plot, 31; James II appoints to Privy Council, 64, 66; James II promotes in England, 64, 73–6, 81, 88; excluded from succession to throne, 165
Chamberlen, Dr, 134
Chamillart, Michel de, 298
Charles I, King: executed, 1–2; seen as martyr, 19; Sarah Marlborough on, 275
Charles II, King: on birth of Anne, 1; Restoration, 3; and brother James’s marriage to Anne Hyde, 4–5; supports Anne (Hyde), 6; marriage, 7; and succession, 7, 9, 31–4, 40, 106; and nonconformists, 19; and Anne’s religious upbringing, 20; affairs and romances, 24, 38; sanctions Mary’s marriage to William of Orange, 27; and brother James’s exclusion crisis, 31–2, 35–6; dissolves Parliament (1679), 31; subsidies from Louis XIV, 35–6, 40; and Anne’s suitors, 40–1; plot against, 42, 53; and Anne’s marriage to George, 43; plans palace at Winchester, 44; view of George of Denmark, 45–6; interest in Mary Stuart’s pregnancy, 56; death, 57; converted to Catholicism on deathbed, 62; descendants excluded from succession, 164; fails to summon Parliament in late reign, 195; touches for ‘King’s evil’, 226
Charles II, King of Spain see Carlos II
Charles III, King of Spain see
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor (earlier Archduke of Austria; then Charles III of Spain): and Spanish inheritance, 166–7; accedes to Spanish throne, 257–8; visits Anne, 263–4; leaves for Portugal to claim Spanish throne, 264; proclaimed king in Barcelona, 284; loathes Peterborough, 299; British support for, 334, 337, 429; Dutch trade agreement with, 384; succeeds as Emperor, 445; and peace terms (1711), 457; sends Eugene to England, 467; refuses Treaty of Utrecht, 494; concludes Treaty of Radstadt, 495; accuses Britain of treachery, 539; evacuates Catalonia, 545
Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, 2nd Earl of, 101, 231
Cholmondeley, Hugh, 1st Earl, 496
Christian V, King of Denmark, 77, 99, 142; death, 160
Church of England; revival under monarchy, 19; Anne’s commitment to, 20–1, 208–9, 288; James II promises to protect, 57–8; James II’s aggression towards, 64; harshness towards dissenters, 76, 208, 245; William’s coolness towards, 118; Tory support for, 189, 197–8; threatened by dissenters, 197; Whigs’ hostility to, 199; preferments, 224–5, 318–20, 334, 336, 496; Parliamentary debate on (1705), 293–4; supposed threat from Union with Scotland, 298; see also Occasional Conformity
Churchill, Lady Anne (Marlborough’s daughter) see Sunderland, Countess of
Churchill, Arabella, 6, 47
Churchill, George (Marlborough’s brother), 185, 320, 333–5, 350, 353, 366
Churchill, John (Marlborough’s son) see Blandford, Marquess of
Churchill, Sarah, Lady see Marlborough, Duchess of
Churchill, Sir Winston S., 474
Cibber, Colley, 48
Civil List: debt, 497
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of: and daughter Anne’s marriage and children, 2–4, 7; barony, 5; fall from power and exile, 9–10; and daughter’s conversion to Catholicism, 13; idealises friendship, 55
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 3rd Earl of (earlier Viscount Cornbury), 95, 98, 522
Clarendon, Frances, Countess of, 9, 16, 47, 61, 66, 70
Clarendon, Henry Hyde, 2nd Earl of: inherits earldom, 10; made Lord Privy Seal, 58; loses position, 73; and popular doubts over Mary Beatrice’s pregnancy, 81; and Anne’s miscarriage, 86; and Anne’s visit to Bath, 88; and James’s response to William’s invasion plan, 95–6; and Anne’s scepticism over legitimacy of James Francis Edward, 97; and son’s defection to William, 98; and Anne’s reaction to James’s flight from country, 102; proposes enquiry into James Francis’s birth, 106; and Anne’s unwillingness to accept William’s accession, 108, 110; refuses to take abjuration oath, 201
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