Craved by the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 11)

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Craved by the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 11) Page 12

by Jessie Donovan

  "Well, if there was more intermingling and inter-mating between the clans, I think there would be less bias and hatred."

  "I agree." He glanced to her suitcases in the hallway. "Do those mean you're ready to move in with me?"

  She allowed the change of topic. After all, she had the rest of her life to convince Lorcan to open up to her clan. "You said tonight would be the earliest we could mate, so I'm ready."

  He studied her a second before reaching out a hand and lightly caressing her jaw with his finger. "Are you truly ready, Caity?"

  As he continued to stroke her skin, her dragon spoke up. Kiss him.

  Lorcan's whisper filled her ear. "For the moment, talk to me and not your dragon. I can't take care of you if you don't speak your mind."

  His words made her want the mating to work even more. Her daughter might make a quip about being taken care of, even if her mate did so sometimes now, but Caitlin missed having someone look after her.

  She cleared her throat and replied, "Yes, I'm ready to move in with you. Kiss me again and maybe you'll believe me."

  Lorcan's pupils flashed. His voice was gravelly when he answered, "Kissing you alone, in private, is dangerous, love."


  "Because I'm not sure I can stop at kissing your lips."

  Her heart thundered in her chest. She could easily tell him they could go outside for a quick kiss and play it safe.

  But that wasn't what she wanted.

  It was time for Caitlin to live a little, so she leaned against him and looped her arms around his neck. She smiled at Lorcan's intake of breath. "This might be the best way to discover if we suit, I think."

  Nuzzling her cheek, he murmured, "I like the way you think, woman."

  Before she could do more than open her mouth, Lorcan pressed his lips to hers and slipped his tongue inside. She groaned as each stroke wiped away any lingering hesitation.

  She wanted Lorcan Todd, and for once, she was going to think of her own needs over anyone else's.

  He ran a hand down her back to cup her arse cheek. The second he pulled her even tighter against him, she groaned at the feel of his hardness against her.

  She'd been a fool to wait so long to have sex again.

  Lorcan soon had both his hands on her bum and lifted. She wrapped her legs around his waist without hesitation, almost desperate to feel his hard muscles under her thighs.

  She barely noticed the wall against her back when Lorcan moved one hand around to cup the side of her face and then slid it into her hair.

  Just as she was about to guide his hand to her breasts, a mobile phone rang. She'd barely noted that it wasn't hers before Lorcan ended the kiss and cursed. "That's Adrian's ringtone. I need to take it."

  Since the news could be about her son, Caitlin nodded and allowed Lorcan to release her to the ground.

  Pulling out his phone, Lorcan asked, "What?" He glanced at Caitlin. The worry in his eyes sent a thread of fear through her heart.

  Still, she'd worked with enough clan leaders to know waiting was the quickest way to get information. As soon as he clicked off the phone, Lorcan said without preamble, "Killian's kiss stirred Brenna's dragon to a frenzy."

  She blinked. "Wait, what? They've kissed before in front of all Glenlough without that happening."

  "I don't know. Adrian thinks it might be because Killian wasn't a whole person without an inner dragon. And as soon as the dragon came back, Brenna's beast recognized him."

  "Did Killian agree to it?"

  Shaking his head, Lorcan headed toward the door. "No, she's sedated and Adrian is keeping them apart." He paused and faced her. "I need to try contacting Stonefire's leader." He leaned over and kissed her quickly. "We'll have to finish this later."

  "Of course."

  He put out a hand. "But you can come with me, if you like, and see how things work."

  "I thought I was to stay out of sight?"

  "There shouldn't be many people out and about at this time of day and my Protectors are loyal."

  Placing her hand in his, she said, "Then let's go. If for some reason Stonefire won't take your call, then I can call Teagan and contact them that way."

  He kissed the top of her hand. "And the grand alliance begins."

  They made their way toward the Protectors' central command building. While she was disappointed about the interruption, she quickly brushed it aside. Brenna had done so much for Killian after his memory had vanished. Caitlin would do whatever it took to help her, even if it meant taking Killian back and keeping him away from Brenna forever if she didn't want the frenzy.

  Chapter Ten

  The ferry ride to Liverpool had been the longest hours of his life.

  Or, so Killian believed, considering he couldn't remember anything beyond a few weeks ago.

  Adrian and Cal had taken turns watching Brenna. Several times Killian had gone to the car to see her, but he'd been turned away every time. No one wanted to risk the frenzy erupting inside him, too.

  Not that the baby dragon seemed in danger of doing so. He was more concerned with the boat sinking and them having to swim to England than any need to strip Brenna naked and take her.

  Still, they didn't have a choice but for everyone to ride in the same car to exit the ferry and meet with the Stonefire humans. Adrian had made Killian sit in the front passenger's seat, but he still gazed over his shoulder at Brenna's unconscious form, leaning against Cal in the backseat. Killian frowned. "It should be me back there."

  Adrian replied, "And risk your scent waking her beast? I think not. Besides, we're nearly to the meeting point. Then we can divide you two between this car and theirs, making the journey easier for everyone."

  His dragon growled. I don't want to leave her with strangers.

  Ignoring his beast, he looked over at Adrian in the driver's seat. "By law, I should have the final say in her care as her mate."

  The Northcastle Protector grunted. "Fuck the law. You can't remember how dragon-shifters function. You could harm her without even knowing it."

  Killian hated that the tall bastard was right.

  Rather than admit it, he looked out the window. Maybe the Stonefire teacher Brenna had mentioned, Tristan MacLeod, would give him a quick course on dragon-shifter basics. Then he'd be able to make decisions and fulfill his duty to take care of Brenna.

  His dragon spoke up again. I know more than you, but you never ask.

  You're young.

  So? I woke up with knowledge, much like you. I could've told you that your scent could wake her dragon.

  What else?

  That depends. Will you listen to me?

  The car disembarked from the ferry. Think of everything you can and tell me when we have a moment. I can't be distracted when sizing up the Stonefire humans.

  You need to stop thinking that everyone is the enemy.

  It's a precaution. Besides, a weak first impression will probably hurt us later with the English dragon clan.

  His beast flapped his wings and rearranged them on his back. How? We aren't fighting them.

  It may come to a fight over Brenna, if they don't let us talk with her and send us away. Whether we stay or go should be Brenna's decision. Now, hush until after we meet the humans.

  Whether because of Killian's tone or his dragon's curiosity at the upcoming meeting, he didn't know, but the little one fell quiet.

  Adrian turned down a street and then another, until they reached a car park garage. Jane and Rafe Hartley should be waiting for them on the top floor.

  Brenna stirred in the back seat, but she settled before he could even look at her again. Rationally, he'd always known she was younger than him by a good ten years, but with her face slack in unconsciousness, she looked more innocent and softer than he'd ever seen her before. She took on a lot for someone her age.

  He hoped to be the one to help her slow down.

  Provided they could find a way around the frenzy. He imagined maybe having a child someday, but his
life was too unpredictable to add worrying about a defenseless person to the mix. Or, worse, his condition ended up killing him and Brenna would be left to raise the child on her own.

  And she definitely didn't need that, as it would probably force her to give up her place as a Protector.

  If only Killian could care for someone and not hurt them, he would be a happy male.

  Adrian's voice filled the car. "There they are."

  A dark-haired male leaned casually against an SUV while a dark-haired female stood not far from him, looking down at her phone. The male spoke and the woman looked up.

  As Adrian pulled into the spot next to them, Killian could see the resemblance between the two—dark hair, taller than most humans, and similar shaped eyes, although the female's were blue and the male's green.

  Killian moved to open the door when Adrian's voice rang out. "Try to behave. Remember, they're here to help you both."

  Grunting, he exited the car. Jane was the first to speak, complete with a smile. "So you're Brenna's mysterious mate."

  He frowned. "How do you know it's me?"

  "Tall, black hair, green eyes. You're the only one in the car who fits the description," Jane pointed out. "And the accent cinches it."

  Her brother Rafe rolled his eyes. "Don't start going on about accents or I may have to mention it to Kai."

  She shrugged. "Kai won't care. He knows I only have eyes and ears for him."

  Ignoring his sister, Rafe sized up Killian, but Adrian joined them before the human male could say anything. "You'll have plenty of time to get cozy later on." Adrian motioned toward the car. "Brenna's in there."

  Jane tilted her head. "I see the rumors I heard about you being charming are unfounded."

  Shrugging, Adrian smiled. "You're mated, so why waste the effort? Especially when your mate is Kai Sutherland. I haven't met him, but he has a solid reputation."

  "And then some." Jane tucked her phone into a pocket and clapped her hands. "Right, then let's get down to business. Rafe will ride with you lot and Killian will ride with me."

  Killian glanced inside the car, at Brenna leaning against Cal. "I'd much rather she ride with you and your brother."

  "Because my brother's mated, am I right?" Jane asked with amusement dancing in her eyes. Killian didn't have a chance to reply before she continued, "They'll be fine. A dragon in the midst of a frenzy pull is not someone you want to piss off. Her dragon wants you and will probably castrate any of them if they try something."

  "Good," Killian stated.

  Jane studied him a second before opening the driver's side door of the SUV. "Let's get a move on. We have a two-hour drive ahead of us. The sooner we get Brenna to Stonefire, the sooner we can figure what the hell to do next."

  He looked back at Brenna's face again and his dragon spoke up. Jane's right. The sooner we get her to Stonefire, the sooner they can help her.

  Killian spoke aloud. "But what if I fall unconscious again? That's what Cal's supposed to be here for."

  Jane tapped a finger against the car door. "Too bad Holly's pregnant, or I would've had her flown down and accompany us. She could've looked after you instead of Cal. Even though she’s a midwife, she’s also a nurse."

  He scowled. "Who? And what are you talking about?"

  Shaking her head, Jane answered, "I don't want to overwhelm you with too many names, as you'll have loads to memorize on Stonefire. Cal can ride in our car, but in the back seat. I want to talk to you during the ride."

  Rafe chimed in. "Be careful, Killian. She's notorious for questioning and ferreting out people's secrets."

  Jane shrugged. "I'm a reporter. That's what I do."

  Bloody fantastic. He was going to spend the next two hours being interrogated.

  Wanting to get the ride over with, he moved to the passenger side door but paused to meet Adrian's eyes again. "Call us if anything happens."

  "Of course," Adrian answered without missing a beat.

  He had no reason to trust the dragonman after such a short time, but his gut said the male would follow through.

  Sliding into the car, he quickly buckled his seat belt. Jane and Cal did the same, and they were soon on their way.

  Jane didn't waste any time. "So you lost your dragon, but have it again, right?" He grunted. "You're going to have to start giving me more detail than that. Trust me, I can question incessantly until you eventually give in anyway. You've nowhere to run for the next two hours."

  He looked at the tall female. "You're fairly demanding for a human."

  "Oh, you should meet my mate. He's the head Protector and quite growly. Compared to Kai, you're easy."

  Since cooperating would put him in a positive light and give him a better chance of seeing Brenna on Stonefire, he sighed. "Fine, what do you want to know?"

  As Jane began her line of questioning, Killian watched the clock. It was going to be a long car ride.


  Adrian Conroy was grateful he hadn't been saddled with the reporter. Her brother had studied him from time to time during the journey to Stonefire, but had said little.

  Which made sense. Stonefire no doubt had already pulled every file they could find on him and Cal.

  It gave him time to prepare for their arrival. While traveling from one part of the UK to the other was allowed, the DDA often sent inspectors to monitor the interactions. Particularly between two clans who had been at odds, like his and Stonefire. He needed to pull out all his charm and convince the inspector that he wasn't looking for a fight or to cause any trouble.

  His dragon spoke up. Your charm may not work. The ones back in Northern Ireland have always been resistant to our charms.

  Ah, but it should be an English female. I'm sure I can wax on poetically about our clan and she may fall for it. After all, the DDA is notorious for not sharing information between branches.

  I don't know. Ever since the new DDA director was installed, things have changed slowly.

  Not too long ago the former director of the DDA had been caught in a scandal that involved murder and imprisonment. Rosalind Abbott took over his place and had made sweeping changes in policy and staff. Most of it had made it to Northern Ireland later than in England, Wales, and Scotland.

  Adrian replied, Stop being so pessimistic. We'll do fine.

  If you don't hit some of the Stonefire dragons first.

  I'm not going to hit them.

  So you say.

  Ignoring his dragon, Adrian made the final turn. As they drove down the long, single carriageway, he had to admit the peaks and valleys were unlike those back near Northcastle. He loved his home, but the Lake District was beautiful in a different way.

  Since Jane Hartley's car was ahead of his, the gates opened automatically and Adrian followed. She pulled off to the side. Rafe finally spoke up. "Park next to her."

  It was on the tip of his tongue to make a quip, but Adrian resisted. His top concern was helping the female in the back seat, next to Rafe.

  He didn't know Brenna Rossi that well, but no one deserved to be drugged into unconsciousness to avoid a frenzy. Adrian knew that from experience.

  Not wanting to think on his past, he shut off the engine and exited the car. He moved to help Rafe, but the male was already out with Brenna in his arms.

  A pregnant, somewhat short for a dragon-shifter female with black hair rushed up to Rafe. "Is she all right? Sid's just inside."

  Rafe readjusted his grip on Brenna. "I don't know if fine is the right word, Nikki, but she's not in pain. Show me where Sid's waiting."

  Killian went to Rafe's side, but the female named Nikki pushed him further away. "I'm sorry, but you need to stay away for now. Our head Protector, Kai, will take you three to a safe location."

  Adrian was about to ask why Kai wasn't there when a familiar female voice filled his ears. "Adrian? Is that you?"

  Both man and beast perked up, albeit for different reasons.

  His dragon growled. It's her.

his beast was wrong, Adrian slowly turned around, only to find a short, curvy human female with brown hair and glasses over her brown eyes.

  It was Elsie Day.

  His dragon roared. She's ours.

  Not this again. It's been years. The pull should've faded.

  It's not as strong, but I still want her.

  No. I won't allow it.

  Not wanting to tempt his dragon, Adrian bolted in the opposite direction. He expected a reprimand and would happily take the consequences. What he couldn't risk was the mate-claim frenzy rekindling.

  He made it about twenty feet before a large, muscled form tackled him from behind. With his dragon banging on about going back to Elsie, his concentration slipped and the muscled person pinned him down. A Northern English accent filled his ears. "Where do you think you're going?"

  Jane's voice traveled on the wind. "Don't hurt him, Kai."

  Kai. That meant Stonefire's head Protector had pinned him.

  Since honesty was his best bet at this point, he turned his head and said, "That female, Elsie, stirred a mate-claim frenzy years ago. I can't risk it exploding again."

  Kai moved his face further down and frowned. "The DDA inspector?"

  He wanted to ask since when was Elsie a DDA inspector, but focused on what was important. "I just need to get away from her."

  He swore understanding dawned in Kai's eyes. The male stood, and Adrian jumped to his feet. Kai placed one hand on Adrian's shoulder and used the other to motion for Jane to join them. The second she was at their side, Kai ordered, "Take him to our home and watch him. I'll send Zain over to help as soon as I can." Kai pinned Adrian with a stare. "Lay a finger on my mate and I won't be as understanding next time."

  "I have no interest in harming anyone. Hence why I'm trying to get away from Elsie."

  Kai looked like he wanted to ask something, but turned back toward Elsie and Cal. Kai tossed over his shoulder, "We'll talk more later, but I'll make sure she stays away."

  Adrian chanced a glance at Elsie.

  She stared right at him. Her hair was longer and she had different glasses, but she looked as if she hadn't aged at all in the intervening years.


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