Craved by the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 11)

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Craved by the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 11) Page 19

by Jessie Donovan

  He moved a hand into her hair. "I know enough about you to realize that anyone who doesn't fight for you is a fool."

  Not giving her a chance to protest, Killian pressed his lips to hers.

  At the contact, she forgot every reason and excuse as to why they wouldn't work and simply kissed him back. Each nibble, lick, and caress sent fire racing through her body. Attraction had never been an issue between them, but for the first time, Brenna was starting to think there was more than mere lust involved.

  There might be feelings, too.

  Not wanting to bog down the moment, she jumped and wrapped her legs around his body. Killian's hands instantly went to her bum, lightly slapping one cheek.

  Her dragon hissed. I want to feel his hands on our skin.

  As she wiggled against Killian's chest, the friction made her wetter.

  With a groan, Killian moved his lips to her neck, making his way down to where her neck met her shoulder.

  One of his hands moved to the hem of her shirt and slid it up to expose one cup of her bra. Her nipple ached at his gaze.

  Killian's pupils flashed and he growled, "Black is going to distract Blue for a few minutes."

  At the reminder of the young dragon, guilt filled her body. However, Killian pulled down the cup of her bra and took her hard nipple into his mouth, banishing everything but the feel of his warm, wet tongue as it licked and swirled around her tight bud.

  Threading her fingers through his hair, she moaned and tugged lightly. As if reading her cues were second nature, he lightly bit her nipple, sending more wetness between her thighs.

  What she wouldn't give to have his talented tongue move further south.

  He released her and leaned back to stare at her jutting nipple and small breast. For a second, she held her breath. Maybe his dragon had had enough and they would have to stop. She understood needing to be patient.

  However, as he lightly traced the sensitive skin on the underside of her breast, he murmured, "I would worship this breast for hours if I had the time." He met her gaze again. "But I don't. I want to taste you, Brenna. Will you let me?"

  She didn't miss a beat. "Yes."

  Killian gave an animalistic growl, and he maneuvered her to the bed and laid her down. His hands went instantly to her trousers. As he fumbled to undo them, she wished for the first time in her life she favored skirts over trousers.

  But Killian was determined and soon the trousers were down around her ankles. Instead of ripping off her panties, he lightly caressed her slit through the thin material. She should restrain herself, but Brenna couldn't help but squirm, trying to get his finger to brush her clit.

  Killian ran his finger up, to the hem of her underwear. He inched them down slowly. Once they joined her trousers, he ran his rough, warm hands up her legs to her inner thighs.

  Just watching Killian touch her made her heart pound and her pussy pulse. Maybe it was because she wanted an orgasm, but she had a feeling it was more watching Killian take his time and truly treasure her body that made her hot.

  His eyes met hers, and the desire there made her breath hitch. "This is going to be about you and not me, Brenna. It's time you learn what a real male is like."

  Her dragon hummed. Yessssss. About time.

  As Killian lightly teased her opening, all thoughts fled from her brain.

  His voice was rough as he said, "I knew you'd be nice and wet for me."

  He pushed his finger into her slowly, and retreated far too soon. He put the finger in his mouth and groaned. "So fucking sweet."

  Before she could do more than blush, Killian leaned forward and licked her slit, stopping at her clit to lightly flick her sensitive bundle of nerves.

  Her legs dropped open in invitation. She wanted, no needed, Killian's touch.

  He gently spread her core open. He murmured, "So beautiful," before moving his face and plunging his tongue into her pussy.

  Brenna arched her back at the sensation. Cedric had never bothered tasting her with his tongue.

  No. She wouldn't let her time with Killian be tainted by that arsehole.

  Gripping his hair with her fingers, she couldn't look away from the strong man as he licked, thrust, and twirled her most sensitive spots. She wondered if he would feel the same when she took his cock into her mouth.

  Killian lightly bit her clit and murmured, "Stop thinking or you'll never come."

  He zeroed in his attention to her clit, lightly nibbling and swirling the tight bud. Heat built in her body, but when he added a finger and then two to her pussy, her breath quickened.

  She couldn't help but push his face closer. She knew she was close to something she'd only ever felt by her own hand. Maybe she would finally have her first orgasm from a male.

  Killian increased the rhythm of his fingers, each thrust building the pressure inside her.

  She might be breathing hard and moaning, but Brenna didn't care. Nothing had ever felt as good as Killian's strong fingers moving inside her in tandem with his tongue and teeth on her sensitive clit.

  He finally sucked the little bud between his teeth and spots danced before Brenna's eyes before pleasure crashed through her body. The combination of Killian's fingers still moving and her inner spasms made her forget about everything but the sensations coursing through her body.

  When she finally slumped to the bed, Killian removed his fingers and gently kissed each inner thigh before moving to her belly.

  She must've closed her eyes, but she felt his rumbling voice against her abdomen. "Look at me, Brenna."

  Unable to resist, she blinked open her eyes to find Killian's heated gaze. As she idly ran her fingers through his hair, he stated, "If there's ever anything you wish for me to do differently, say it. One of the foundations of a stable mating is open communication, no matter what it's about."

  "Our mating isn't—"

  "Don't say it." He crawled up her body until his face hovered over hers. "It's real to me." He nuzzled her cheek. "I want to give it a chance, Brenna. Tell me honestly you don't, and I'll back away. But I'm eager to know you, love. Will you give me the opportunity?"

  This was it, the point in her relationship with Killian where she either committed or retreated.

  He was a good male. However, her greatest fear was that she would slowly morph to fit his needs and would lose herself again.

  Her dragon growled. Stop it. He just gave us carte blanche to make suggestions with sex. How many males would do that?

  It's not him I'm worried about, but me.

  Killian whispered into her ear, "Tell me why you're hesitating, Brenna."

  A coward would make excuses and not answer. However, Brenna wasn't a coward. "I don't want the same thing to happen to me as it did with Cedric."

  Killian met her gaze again, his expression fierce. "The last thing I want is a sycophant, following me around with big eyes. Mates make compromises, but you will always be your own person, Brenna. Even if I have to leave for a few weeks or months at your request for a break, I can do that. But I will always come back. If there's one thing you need to know about the O'Sheas, it's that we're a loyal lot."

  Some males would say anything just to keep a female close. Yet, with Killian, she didn't think he was spouting rubbish to keep her in his bed.

  Raising her arms, she wrapped them around his neck. "Let's give it a go, then."

  Just as Killian lowered his head to kiss her, Dr. Sid's voice echoed in the room. "I'll give you a moment to right yourselves, but we need to talk."

  Chapter Seventeen

  Killian's joy at Brenna agreeing to give him a chance was short-lived. He'd barely tasted her lips when the blasted Stonefire doctor gave her order.

  Black and Blue had ended whatever game they'd been playing at the back of his mind, and Blue spoke up. Dr. Sid has been helping us. Be nice to her.

  Not replying to his beast, Killian helped Brenna pull up her underwear and trousers. He gave one last lingering kiss before sitting beside Brenna on th
e bed and asking, "What's so bloody important, Dr. Sid?"

  Sid turned around, her brows raised. "If you don't want my help, I can leave."

  Brenna placed a hand on Killian's thigh. "No, no, we want you to stay, Sid. Did you find something new?"

  The doctor glanced between them. "First, tell me what's happened with your dragons, Killian."

  He shrugged a shoulder. "They mostly behave when Brenna's around. We've been testing boundaries."


  He gave the doctor credit—she didn't scold him for his experiment, but rather just wanted to know the results. "Brenna has worked miracles with them. I'm hoping we can chance shifting soon, to prove they can be trusted outside this cell."

  "And that's why I'm here," Sid replied. She walked up to the bars, only stopping to pick up the key Brenna had thrown earlier. "Bram had to tell the DDA Inspector what's going on, and she wants to interview you."

  Being angry at Bram for doing his job would accomplish nothing. His sister would've done the same if the situations were reversed. "Do you know what for?"

  Sid unlocked the door. "To probably determine if you're stable, and to make a note of your situation. Ms. Day won't say whether there are other cases like yours or not. However, I almost guarantee that if you lash out at her, you'll be carried away to a DDA research facility somewhere and may never be released."

  Wrapping an arm around Brenna's shoulders, he hugged her close. "I'm not going anywhere."

  Sid rolled her eyes. "You can growl and protest as much as you like, but if you truly want to stay at Brenna's side, then you'd bloody well better cooperate and prove that you're not a threat. You can practice with me and allow me to talk with your dragons."

  Brenna jumped in. "Before you do that, can you tell us if you've learned anything about similar cases from Alice?"

  "No, she's still tracking down the ship's logs and trying to discover what the 16th-century dragon may have eaten."

  Not wanting to dwell on the disappointment in his belly, Killian spoke to his beasts. Can you handle talking with Dr. Sid alone?

  Black growled. I'm more than capable. It's the other one you have to worry about.

  Blue grunted. I'm the good one, but I have a feeling he won't share and allow me to talk with the doctor.

  Nodding, Black replied, Bloody right I don't want to share. You're young and immature. We have a better chance of passing any sort of test if I take charge.

  If being young and immature is such a bad thing, then why were you playing with me just a few minutes ago?

  Killian cut in. You two need to put aside your differences. If we fuck up with the DDA Inspector, we may never see Brenna again. Do you want that?

  No, they both murmured.

  He continued, Good. Then start working together. That's our only chance for the future we want.

  Sid's voice interrupted his conversation. "I see you talking with your dragons, Killian. What do they say?"

  Taking a deep breath, he removed his arm from Brenna's shoulders and stood. "They're up for trying to talk with you."

  "Right, then it's probably best if Brenna leaves." He opened his mouth, but Sid cut him off. "You're not always going to have your mate by your side. This is the only way to see if you can be trusted with the DDA Inspector."

  Brenna chimed in. "But what about you, Sid?"

  Sid never took her gaze from his. "I doubt even his dragons would hurt a pregnant female since they don't appear to be rogue. Besides, I have a few tricks to protect myself, if need be."

  Blue spoke up. Of course I wouldn't hurt her. I want to play with her baby when it's old enough.

  Hopefully by then, you'll be mature enough not to want to do that, Black said. But she's right, I'd never hurt a pregnant female.

  Killian asked, "Since pregnancy is a sort of protection, shouldn't we try it with your mate instead? After all, the DDA Inspector isn't pregnant and won't have that to protect her."

  Sid shook her head. "No, let's start with me first. If you do well, then we'll try it with Gregor or even one of the Protectors." She moved to the side and motioned toward the exit. "To test this, I need you to leave, Brenna."

  Brenna stood at his side. "Tell me as soon as you're done, Sid, so I can come back."

  "You can work that out with Bram and Kai. They have a job for you and you're to report to Bram's cottage straight away."

  He could sense Brenna's hesitation. Placing a hand on her lower back, he murmured, "Go. Your work is important to you. Besides, how are you supposed to charm Bram into letting me out of here if you don't see him?"

  She smiled. "It will be easier to charm him without you growling all the time…"

  Lightly swatting her bum, he said, "I like this cheeky side. She should come out more."

  Brenna grinned and everything vanished but her smile.

  With hard work and a little luck, he hoped to see that smile every day for the rest of his life.

  Rather than think on how right that future sounded, he kissed her gently and stepped away. "Go, love. I'm sure that Sid will take care of me."

  Before the doctor could open her mouth, Brenna winked and exited the room.

  Sid turned her stare on him. "All right then, let's not waste any more time. I want to talk with your dragons."

  He warned, Remember, behave. If you attack each other and make me go into another seizure, we'll never get out of here.

  Once both his beasts grunted their agreement, Killian slowly retreated to the back of his mind. As seemed to be the norm, Black spoke first. "This is Black. I'm perfectly in control and stable."

  Sid crossed her arms over her chest. "Is that so? What if you were in midflight, and something came up? Would you work together or simply make the decision?"

  "Make the decision. I have more experience."

  Sid didn't miss a beat. "Let me talk to Blue."

  Mentally muttering, Black allowed Blue to say, "Hello, Dr. Sid. I don't think you're that scary."

  Sid smiled. "I'm not, really, as long as people follow orders. But charm won't work with me, Blue. Same question: would you work with Black to make a split-second decision? Or, would you make it on your own?"

  "I don't know. It depends. I know some things better, and so does he."

  "You're the more level-headed one, then." Sid uncrossed her arms and took a step closer. "Being civil in a controlled environment is all well and good. However, we need to purposefully test you. I'll see what I can arrange."

  Killian took control again. "And what do I do until then?"

  "You stay here and train your dragons." She motioned toward a stack of books. "Tristan gave you those volumes for a reason."

  "I know most of that information already," he grumbled.

  "If I were you, I wouldn't take all this help for granted, Killian O'Shea. Read them. I guarantee there are things inside those books that you don't remember. Take in as much information as you can. After all, cockiness will only cause trouble for you later on."

  With that, Sid exited the cell, locked it, and left the room.

  Sighing, Killian picked up one of the books and glanced at the title: Learning to Live with your Inner Dragon: A Beginner's Guide.

  Opening it, he began to read. Assuming he knew everything wouldn't do him any good with the Department of Dragon Affairs. After all, if they deemed him a threat, Killian would be locked away, possibly for life. He doubted Bram could stall the interview with the DDA inspector for more than a few days, so he'd have to make the most of the time he had.

  Blue piped up. Remember, this is all for Brenna.

  Yes, Black added. So don't fuck it up.

  He resisted a sigh. I'm not the problem. You two maybe killing each other is.

  Black huffed. We'll see. Maybe I can learn to live with him. Not because you asked me, but for Brenna.

  Yes, for Brenna, Blue stated. The rest is up to you.

  Rather than think on how his dragons had turned the situation around to him being the problem and not t
hem, he blocked their muttering and began to study.


  On her way to Bram's cottage, Brenna tried her best to pack away her worries. Sid would never willingly put herself and her unborn child in danger, meaning she never would have suggested being alone with Killian unless her gut said it would be all right.

  Her dragon spoke up. Stop fussing. I think Killian's dragons hated each other for simply existing. But after the recent episode, I think they're learning to work together.

  I hope so.

  Besides, you should be happy. Killian is everything Cedric wasn't. He actually cares and thinks about us, without a secondary agenda.

  She agreed, but rather than allowing hope to bloom, Brenna slowly forced all emotion from her face and mind. If her future ended up being on Stonefire, she needed to show she was still levelheaded and capable to Bram and Kai. Otherwise, she may spend the rest of her life behind a desk.

  Just the thought of spending ten hours a day sitting inside made her shudder. She'd much rather stand watch in five feet of snow each day than endure that existence for forty-plus years.

  She arrived at Bram's cottage, but she'd barely rapped a few times before Nikki Gray's smiling face greeted her. "Brenna!" The black-haired, brown-eyed female engulfed her in a hug. "It's good to see you home. There are so few of us female Protectors and I could use you at my side."

  Nikki released her and Brenna answered, "More females are in training and should return home from the army before you know it. Much like with me, you're to thank for that."

  Shaking her head, Nikki motioned inside. "Don't thank me. If not for Charlie, I never would have thought of signing up. She's the one we owe for the slowly growing female Protector numbers on Stonefire."

  Charlie Wells had been Stonefire's first female Protector in decades. She'd died at the hands of dragon hunters, during her assignment to protect Evie Marshall.

  Brenna bobbed her head. "She was a fantastic role model, and we need to keep her memory alive. Maybe the Protectors should host an annual seminar in her name, to encourage more females to join up in the future?"

  Nikki guided her down the hall. "That's a brilliant idea. If there's ever enough of a lull in attacks or threats to the clan, maybe we can plan the event together. After all, as second-in-command of the Protectors, I have some sway with Kai."


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