20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 17

by Demelza Carlton

  If he could, he’d have a bloody steak for breakfast. Fortunately, that wouldn’t give away what he was. A human’s friend’s father had taken them to dinner and ordered his steak “walking.”

  He looked at himself in the mirror one more time before exiting the bathroom. His image convinced himself he could continue playing the role that would keep Samantha at his side. She had gathered his clothing and placed them on the bed. Barry quickly dressed and they were ready for breakfast.

  What makeup Samantha wore last night had worn off. She looked beautiful without it. Her cheeks were rosy and her lips a bit swollen from last night and this morning’s activities.

  Barry placed the keycard in his wallet and shoved it in his back pocket. Ordinarily, he would have checked out of the hotel, but he wanted to keep his options open. There was a chance Samantha would be willing to join him before she headed home. If he was really lucky, she’d be able to spend another night. He’d make up some excuse to tell his parents.

  They walked hand-in-hand to the diner and were immediately seated. He reviewed the menu and was relieved they had steak and eggs, although he was going to have them hold the eggs. Samantha was still looking at her choices when the waitress came to take their order. She poured coffee in both their cups.

  “I’ll have the steak and eggs,” they both ordered at the same time. Their eyes met in humor.

  “Hold the eggs,” Barry added.

  Samantha nodded in response. “Same for me. I’d like my steak rare.”

  The waitress didn’t seem surprised. She must have waited on shifters before without knowing it. “You want yours prepared the same way, honey?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Barry answered. He handed her the menu.

  Once the waitress left, he and Samantha stared at each other. He wondered what was going through her mind. Was she focused on ways for them to be together, as his was?

  “I want to see you again,” he blurted out. His delivery wasn’t poetic, but honest.

  She shook her head. “Last night was incredible, but you are too young for me.”

  He sighed. It was the answer he was expecting. “It’s because of last night, I need to see you again. You may have had sex that intense before, but I haven’t.”

  Samantha licked her lower lip. It seemed like an eternity before she responded. “Same place next Saturday night.”

  “I want to see you before then,” he responded. This town was a ninety-minute drive from Eclipse. It was doable. He’d come up with some excuse for his absence. “Wednesday night and then again on Saturday.”

  Rather than answering him immediately, Samantha pulled out her phone. She checked her calendar to see if she was available. It was a good sign.

  “Fine,” she said. “We can meet here for dinner at seven. What is your cell phone number in case something comes up?”

  Barry gave her his number. He needed to make sure he changed the message on his voice mail. It would be little things that would bring to light who he really was. Unfortunately, there were a lot of little things he needed to guard against in order not to be discovered.

  Chapter 6

  Samantha parked her car in front of Simpson’s Hardware store. It was unusual to get a spot so close. She usually had to park in the overflow lot the few times she’d been there. The city planners should have allowed for wider streets and angled parking, rather than parallel. But then again, they never expected the small town to grow as it had.

  The tree lined street looked like many small towns throughout the United States. Hordes of tourists who came every year had no clue the city was populated with a variety of shifter clans. Normalcy was the best disguise of all.

  After locking her car, Samantha entered Nancy’s family’s store. It had been years since she’d been there. After all, she saw Nancy every Friday for their bridge game.

  She was surprised at how the store had broadened their merchandise since the last time she’d been in. They were already setting up for Christmas, which seemed premature since Labor Day was two weeks away. There were several items on sale. Dave marked down last year’s unsold goods before he shelved the new inventory.

  There was a slight scent of paint. The store sold one of America’s best selling brands and mixed hundreds of available shades. When she had the interior of her house repainted several years ago, her contractor purchased everything he needed at Nancy’s store.

  A man in the hardware store’s branded vest was talking to a customer toward the rear of the store. Her eyes soaked in his broad shoulders and his tight fitting jeans. He must have been one of the new hires. Neither Nate or Marc were built that way. For an uncomfortable moment, he reminded her of Michael.

  When the customer walked away, the employee turned and Samantha was able to see his face. Her stomach dropped to her knees. It was Michael. Her body immediately reacted to his presence. What was he doing here?

  Samantha charged forward wanting an explanation. He never told her he worked in Eclipse. But then again, she never mentioned she lived in this town. They shared very little personal information about themselves last night. She didn’t like coincidences.

  Michael’s face lost its coloring when he saw her approach. He looked as uncomfortable as she felt. His eyes scanned everywhere around, but rarely fell on her.

  “What are you doing here?” Samantha asked when she was close enough not to be overheard.

  Michael’s eyes grew large. It was clear he was in a panic. His overreaction surprised her. She should be the one freaking out, not Michael.

  “Samantha,” a familiar voice called from behind. She turned to see Nancy approaching. “I’m thrilled you’ve come in the store and was able to see Barry before he left.”

  Nancy embraced her and then kissed her son on the cheek. Now it was Samantha’s turn to lose her healthy coloring. She had slept with her best friend’s son.

  She should have immediately recognized the warm brown eyes he shared with his mother. Something nagged at her about his appearance, but her lover being Barry Simpson never entered her mind. It was clear he had recognized her, otherwise he would have introduced himself using his real name.

  “It’s nice to see you again.” Samantha managed to utter.

  The room was spinning and she had problems with her balance. She reached out for one of the display shelves to steady herself.

  “Are you all right, dear?” Nancy asked.

  A lie immediately popped into her mind. “It’s just vertigo. The paint fumes are a little too strong. I’ll be fine in a minute.”

  Her best friend knew she suffered from the infliction and wouldn’t suspect anything. Barry ran to the back of the store and returned with a chair for her to sit in. His gallantry was lost on her.

  After she sat, Barry placed his two fingers on her wrist to take her pulse. Her racing heart only increased with his touch. All she wanted to do was flee, but she was afraid she’d end up face down on the floor if she left now. Besides, Nancy’s concerned eyes were glued on her.

  “Should I call an ambulance?” Nancy asked.

  “No, Mom,” Barry replied. “She’ll be fine. Why don’t you get Samantha a glass of water?”

  Nancy left them and Samantha was afraid to say anything to Barry. A small crowd had gathered around them. Barry squatted in front of her surveying her with his dreamy eyes. His forehead was wrinkled with concerned.

  “I’m fine,” Samantha said in a low growl. “See if you can help the people mulling around.”

  Barry nodded and proceeded to break up the crowd. There was nothing to see, after all. The customers weren’t going to be entertained with her having a meltdown just yet.

  Nancy handed her a cup of water. “Here you go, dear. You scared me to death. I never remember seeing one of your attacks nearly bring you to your knees.”

  Samantha sipped the water and concentrated on reducing her heart rate. She was having a waking nightmare. It was unfortunate it wasn’t going to end with merely waking. This was real life
, like it or not.

  Her friend closely examined her. “I still don’t like your coloring. Barry, please take Samantha home. My other boys will drop your car at the house later this afternoon.”

  She had to admit, she was in no condition to drive. Besides, she wanted to talk to Barry alone. Why hadn’t he properly introduced himself last night. There was no way she would have had sex with him had she known. She figured that was why he did it. He clearly knew who she was.

  “I’d appreciate it,” Samantha communicated to Nancy. “I’m still a little shaky.” She lifted her quaking hand to prove she was still not in control of her body. It wasn’t an act. She was a mental mess.

  Barry stared at her for a moment. “I’ll get the van’s keys and be right back.”

  “He’s such a sweet boy,” his mother said. “Things didn’t work out as I hoped with Lara, but I’ve got another girl coming to dinner tonight. There is nothing I want more than to have Barry home and starting a family.”

  Nancy’s news only darkened her mood. She felt a possessiveness where Barry was concerned, which she had no business feeling. Her internal cougar roared with outrage.

  When Barry returned with the keys, he helped Samantha from the chair. Her skin burned where his fingers made contact. Her knees shook. All she had to do was make it out of the store and then she could breakdown in the van.

  Barry felt Samantha tremble, but it wasn’t the good kind. It wasn’t how her body reacted when they made love last night. She had every reason to be angry and react as she had. He had been the one who lied.

  Samantha sat quietly next to him. He had expected her to erupt as soon as they were alone. But she remained mute, looking out the window.

  “Go ahead and let me have it.” He couldn’t stand her silence any longer. “Scream like you did last night.”

  It would be a very different scream, but he deserved everything she threw at him. He could deal with her anger, not the quiet woman beside him. Had he hurt her so deeply?

  He mechanically stopped at stop signs and red lights, but his mind wasn’t focused on driving. Images of them together last night plagued him. The perfection they created would never be achieved again with another woman. He had lost her and she was never truly his.

  Trees breezed by in his peripheral vision, as he got closer to her home. The roads outside of town were steep, unpaved, and treacherous. When he was a kid, he had ridden his dirt bike past her house thousands of times hoping to catch a glimpse of her.

  He pulled into the left side of her driveway, keeping the other side open for her car. When he turned off the van’s motor, she didn’t immediately get out. She just stared at what was in front of her. He got out and ran around the vehicle to open her door.

  Samantha got out of the car without acknowledging his presence. A blank expression painted her face. It was as if she were sleepwalking. She fished out her keys, but her hand shook so badly, she couldn’t get it into the lock. He grabbed her keys and opened the door. After she entered, she didn’t close it behind her. He didn’t know if it was an invitation or if she was totally out of it. Either way, he couldn’t leave her in this condition.

  “I’m sorry I lied to you last night,” Barry admitted. “But if I told you who I was, our evening would have ended right then and there. Well, maybe you would have bought me a hamburger.”

  He saw a small grin crack her face. She was beyond beautiful. It had been years since he’d been in her house, but he only had eyes for her.

  Samantha lifted her head and looked at him. “I think we can both use a drink.”

  She left the foyer and walked farther into her home. The house had beautiful hardwood floors. He slipped off his shoes and tossed them on the rug near the door.

  As he passed the living room, he noted the furniture sat on Persian rugs. There was nothing out of place. The room was immaculate, like Samantha. It looked like one of the photos from an interior design magazine.

  When he reached the kitchen, she had already pulled two wine glasses from the cabinet and was in the process of retrieving a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc from the refrigerator. Mechanically, she pulled out a corkscrew and uncorked the bottle. Samantha poured two healthy servings into each goblet.

  He took the glass that was offered. Normally, he didn’t drink wine, but he needed something to deal with the awkwardness between them. Instead of taking a sip, he gulped down half the glass.

  “You know, I’m not sorry after all,” he announced. “Last night was the most incredible night of my life. We are two uncommitted adults who enjoyed a perfect night together. I still want us to keep our date Wednesday night.”

  Barry finished his wine and pour himself another glass. His body was tight and his cock was as hard as a rock. He needed to relax. It was the only relief he was going to get.

  Samantha stared at him. He had no idea what was running through her mind. His future happiness was dependent on her answer. They had to take this liaison one step at a time. But there would be no relationship if she ended things here and now.

  Chapter 7

  Samantha had changed his diapers when he was a baby and she slept with him last night. She had to be out of her mind to even consider continuing any type of relationship with him. He was Nancy’s son, for goodness sake. But the sex had been incredible. Who would be harmed if they spent a couple more nights together in another town? No one would ever know.

  Barry poured himself a third glass of wine. It wasn’t a good sign how seriously he was taking this relationship. She should end things now. Nancy was setting him up again tonight with a possible mate. Her involvement with him would only complicate things.

  His warm brown eyes focused on her. She felt tingles, as if he was embracing her. No man had ever impacted her the way Barry did. Was it selfish to want to spend time with him?

  He moved with the grace of his wolf as he skirted the counter and took her into his arms. It felt so damn good. She let out a loud sigh. Where was her self-control?

  That question was answered when his lips fell upon hers. She had no control where he was concerned. Instead of pushing him away, she opened for him. When he deepened the kiss, she was truly lost.

  They moved in unison as she was pushed against the kitchen counter, his hands never staying in one place too long. Her fingers were tangled in his wavy hair. Their kisses had an urgency about them. She felt like she had never been kissed before.

  Barry grabbed the hem of her dress and pushed it toward her waist. “Let me make you feel incredible.”

  His nimble fingers found the cotton panties she wore and pulled them past her hips. She was wet and ready for him. All she could think about was having him inside her. For an odd second, she felt he belonged there. She shook off that ridiculous thought when he entered her with one finger.

  Samantha cried out as he rubbed against her clit. She hadn’t recovered from the sensations he created when a second fingered entered her passage. He increased the rate his digits moved within her. Her breathing became labored as he relentlessly brought her to the point of fracturing. She screamed when a powerful orgasm came upon her.

  A car’s horn sounded several times, ruining what had built between them. Barry swore at the interruption.

  “My damn brothers are outside,” he said. “I’ll wave them off. Nate and Marc would be able to smell you on me.”

  Barry left and Samantha retrieved her panties from the floor. Her unsteady hands put her underwear back on and she tried to act as if she hadn’t had sex in the kitchen for the first time. None of her other lovers had seen to her needs, they only wanted to get off themselves. She never realized what a caring act making love could be. Until Barry came along, she had not been made love to, only had sex. How sad was that?

  “They just dropped off your car and left,” Barry informed her. “My parents will be expecting me back at the hardware store. I need to take a quick shower first, if you don’t mind.”

  She knew his parents would be able to pick up her
scent even if he washed his hands. “I’ll launder your clothes.”

  He nodded, waiting for her to show him which shower to use. She couldn’t recall the last time Barry had been in her home, if at all. One thing was clear, she’d never be in this kitchen again without thinking about him.

  They headed upstairs. Rather than taking him to the master bath, she guided him to the guest bathroom. Her California King bed was too much of a temptation where being next to Barry was concerned. She turned her back as he discarded his clothing. It took all her mental fortitude not to turn and look at his magnificent body.

  Regret consumed her as she headed downstairs to wash his clothing. They had such little time together, but joining him in the shower would only defeat the purpose of why he was bathing in the first place.

  For some reason, Samantha had already decided to join him on their next date. She had already cleared any appointments she had Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Her body ached for him. In the short time they had been together, he had become an addiction.

  She leaned against the washer as it filled with water. When had her life fallen off the rails? But she had to admit, it was thrilling. Her life had become routine. Even new clients didn’t excite her any longer. Only Barry was able to cause her pulse to quicken.

  “I found this robe in your linen closet.” She turned to see Barry wearing an item she had purchased for Ian.

  Barry looked great in the caramel colored robe. He was towel drying his hair, which was darker since it was wet. It was such an intimate moment; her heart broke knowing this relationship was only temporary.

  “I have your clothes on the shortest cycle,” she informed him. “There is no detergent, only water. Your parents won’t be able to pick up a different scent in case I use a different brand. It will be an hour before everything is washed and dried. Can I get you something to eat?”

  He shook his head. “No, thanks. I’m good. My mom is planning another dinner tonight to introduce me to another girl. She shouldn’t bother, but what can I do? Anyway, if I don’t have an appetite, she’ll be hurt.”


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