20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 37

by Demelza Carlton

  Yeah, Bart had done very well for himself, she surmised, eyeing the brick home. She’d known him since grade school and they had been high school sweethearts. They went their separate ways for college but remained very close. Bart had been president of the debate club and their graduating class’s valedictorian, so Liv wasn’t surprised when Bart pursued a political career.

  What did shock her, and a lot of other people, was Bart’s appointment as governor to their state. He was the youngest man to be sworn into the position, and it was plastered all over the news last year.

  Looking around at the grand estate, Liv couldn’t imagine how her life might’ve turned out if they’d stayed together. A Governor’s wife was a far cry from her life of coupons and discount stores. Thankfully, Bart never patronized her or acted superior in any way. That wasn’t his style. He was down to earth and very caring.

  Reaching to knock on the intricate leaded glass door, she startled when the door flew open, and Bart swept her in a tight hug. He was several inches taller than her five-eight frame, so her feet left the ground as he pulled her close.

  “Damn, TKO, where you been the past month? I’ve missed your ass,” he admitted, squeezing tighter. If he didn’t release his grip, she might end up with a cracked spine.

  “Hey, BS,” she squeaked out, pushing against his chest until he loosened his hold.

  He slowly put her down, and she didn’t miss the hardness between his legs when she slid past his groin. Liv wasn’t quite sure what to make of that. Bart was, by far, the most eligible bachelor of the city and she had heard the rumors that his bed was never cold. Around her, he was just a good friend.

  If Bart still carried a torch for her, he never said or acted on it. They were close friends and she could always count on him, but that’s where it ended. Then again, he was a man, and Mr. Happy between his legs probably didn’t need much encouragement.

  “Don’t let anyone around here hear you call me that. That would spread like wildfire,” Bart joked, grabbing Liv’s hand and leading her towards the kitchen.

  “You don’t have to be Einstein to figure it out. It’s your initials, dumbass,” she teased.

  Their nicknames for each other started in high school. TKO was hers because he said she was a total knockout. Bart’s was BS which happened to be his initials but stood for bullshit because she never knew when he was pulling her leg or being truthful. Again, great makings of a politician.

  “Ha ha, very funny, smartass. You hungry? I had Patricia make some lunch. I hope you can stay a while. I freed my schedule for the afternoon,” Bart informed her as they stepped into the large gourmet kitchen.

  “Yes, I’m starving. I can stay a bit. I would’ve brought a swimsuit if I’d known you had the day off,” she answered as the two of them sat on stools around a large island. Again, didn’t need a pool, just a friend with a pool.

  Patricia walked over and set down two platters, one filled with assorted meats and cheeses, and the other had crackers and a vine of the largest grapes Liv had ever seen. They looked like plums they were so big, and her stomach growled at the sight.

  “Hello, Miss Olivia. Sweet tea, I presume?” she asked, grabbing two glasses from a nearby cabinet.

  “Yes, please. This looks delicious, Patricia. Thank you,” Liv answered then accepted a tall glass of iced tea from the tall, lean woman.

  The cold beverage was precisely what she needed on this scorching summer day, and she took a healthy swig, enjoying the icy blast. Bart grabbed a small square of cheese and a cracker then popped it in his mouth. Liv took that as her cue and did the same.

  “I didn’t even think about swimming. I think I’ve used it twice since moving in. You know you can use it anytime, whether I’m available or not. Mi casa es su casa,” he uttered as he stuffed a grape in his mouth.

  Patricia placed two plates down on the countertop before sashaying her way out of the kitchen.

  Patricia had an elegance about her that demanded respect. She carried the title of chef in Bart’s home but she could easily be the lady of the house with her grace and poise. And her flare for style was impressive. Each time Liv had been to the home Patricia dressed as if she was attending a fancy party. Today’s choice was an emerald green pantsuit with a pale pink blouse, which made her eyes look even greener.

  A delicious aroma grabbed Liv’s attention, and she looked over at the two plates. Grilled salmon atop a mixed field greens salad was the main course. It smelled divine. Liv loved coming to visit Bart because everything was top of the line. Spare no expense seemed to be the golden rule at the governor’s mansion. Pushing the platter of cheeses closer to Bart, she reached for her plate of fish and utensils.

  “I’ll remember that. Don’t be surprised when you walk outside and see Cassie and me downing cheap beer and blaring country music for all your neighbors to hear,” she teased, taking a bite of her fish.

  “Hey, long as you two are sporting sexy swimwear you can do whatever the hell you want. This place needs a little action. I’ve been so damn busy lately, I’ve forgotten what fun is,” he confessed, and Liv could see he meant every word even though their conversation was light and playful. She hadn’t considered the stress and pressure of his job.

  “That’s not what I hear, Mr. Playboy,” she teased with a wink.

  “What? Me, playboy? I think you’re reading those gossip papers again. I ain’t got time for that,” he parroted with a mocked expression of shock.

  Yeah, he was messing with her. Tabloids had nailed it as far as she could see. Bart was drop-dead gorgeous. Blond hair buzzed short with dark brown eyes against bronzed skin. He looked like a native Californian instead of an uppity politician.

  “Well, we’ll have to remedy this dull life you lead. Soon as you’re available let’s plan a pool party. You supply the food and drinks, and I’ll supply the hot women. Hope you’ve got some eligible friends in the Capitol,” she professed.

  Laughing, he replied, “You’ve got a deal. I’m sure I can round up a few willing victims. Anyway, not to change the subject, but you sounded pretty rattled on the phone when you called. What’s going on?” he asked curiously.

  Where to begin with that story? She didn’t know how much she should tell him. After all, he was the governor, and she didn’t want to put him in a compromising situation by telling him about the murder she witnessed. Considering her dilemma, she would need to select her words carefully.

  “What do you know about shifters?” she asked.

  Bart cocked his head. “Not much really. They tend to stick to their own kind. They’re not involved politically, so I don’t venture into their communities. There’s this taboo surrounding them, and the experts say they are violent and cause most of our crime. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, PRL is doing research on their bloodwork. Jim believes their enhanced ability to heal could hold the key to curing cancer,” she revealed, biting her lower lip as she watched his reaction.

  “Wow, that would be incredible! What a breakthrough for your company if that proves to be true. So, what’s the problem, Liv? When you start chewing on your lip, you’re worried or nervous. Spill.” He dipped his head to where she would have to make eye contact. His warm brown eyes searched hers and she could see his concern and care.

  Letting out a sigh she didn’t realize she’d been holding, she continued, “The problem is that we have a shifter in the lab. He’s being held against his will. Jim claims it’s because the man is a savage beast and he’s protecting his employees, but I’m not so sure. Something in my gut is telling me it goes a lot deeper than that,” she declared, putting her fork on her plate. Suddenly her appetite was gone, and she felt sick to her stomach.

  Bart leaned against the back of the barstool and crossed a leg over his knee, considering her words. After a few moments, he spoke, expression serious, “That’s a pretty strong accusation. Do you have any proof that Jim isn’t telling the truth because I’ll tell you this…Jim Jensen is highly regarded in
the community. Hell, in the entire state, for that matter.”

  “I know, I know. Jim’s also a piece of shit that would cheat on his wife at the drop of a female’s panties, so don’t go spouting how regarded he is. I’m telling you, Bart. I don’t have tangible proof but I have seen this shifter beaten. He’s chained to a wall, for God’s sake. Isn’t there anything you can do?” she implored.

  Her heart sped as her blood boiled when she thought about Lawson and the way he was treated. She was so furious it scared her. It was unlawful and inhumane, and after sitting with him, she’d realized she couldn’t sit back and do nothing.

  “Whoa, slow down a sec. I can’t start throwing around accusations without solid proof. You have to know there could be serious repercussions for me and my job if I were wrong. Need I remind you that the relationship between them and us isn’t the best? We don’t trust shifters and they don’t trust us. It’s that simple. We coexist and that’s about it,” he explained and Liv felt her one chance to save Lawson slipping through her fingers.

  “But what about him being chained and beaten? That can’t be legal,” she snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. Bart was supposed to be on her side, not Jim’s, and it was pissing her off.

  His hands reached out and uncrossed her arms, taking her hands in his. “I agree, that sounds awful. No one should be treated that way. But hear me out. If there is even a smidge of possibility that Jim is onto something about shifter blood, you have to know he won’t stop until he gets his answers. Is it right to hold someone against their will? No. But what if the key to curing cancer is there? Wouldn’t it be worth it?” he asked, gently rubbing his thumbs across the tops of her hands.

  Bart knew her grandmother passed away from cancer. He also knew how passionate she was about finding a cure. Maybe he had a point.

  “Yes, I suppose,” Liv muttered then shook her head. “No, not at the cost of their lives. That’s my problem with this whole mess. What’s the real cost for the cure? Jim has assigned me to the case, and I’ll be working closely with Lawson. I will know if they mistreat him again,” she conveyed.

  Her words were all about the guilt train that was parked in the station and refused to leave. She now felt responsible for what was happening to Lawson, and she hated it with every fiber of her being.

  “You’re biting that lip again. You sure you’re okay?” Bart questioned, giving her hands a tight squeeze.

  “Yep, I’m good. Thanks for listening. I’m glad I came to you,” she admitted.

  Bart was her sounding board and protector. He had been her shoulder to cry on in college when she caught her boyfriend of two years cheating on her. Bart had stormed out of her apartment and tracked Joe down, beating the crap out of him for hurting her.

  He was her big brother when it came to defending her honor and she was the one that told him like it was, whether he wanted to hear it or not. They were good for each other and she valued his friendship.

  “I tell you what. I’ve got a few connections that are tight with the shifter community. Let me see if there’s any buzz about kidnappings or beatings against them from humans. I’ll call you in a few days to let you know if I hear anything, okay?” he asked, patting her knee.

  “Oh, that would be terrific,” she replied, relief swamping her. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, squeezing tightly. “You’re the best friend a girl could have!” she cried out.

  He pulled back and looked deep into her eyes, sharing a moment. She thought he might kiss her and panicked, quickly removing her arms from Bart’s neck. She sat back on her barstool.

  “That’s me. BGF, best guy friend,” he mocked with a grin, but she saw a flash of something else.

  Was he hurt that she pulled away?

  They hadn’t been a couple since they were kids and she didn’t feel that way towards him anymore. He was important to her as a friend, and she would never risk losing that for some quick romp in the sack.

  “Hey, don’t go changing your nickname, BS. It fits you perfectly,” she joked, trying to lighten the mood.

  A flicker sparked to life behind his brown eyes, and he beamed with a smile, showing perfect teeth.

  “BS it is. You’ll forever be my TKO,” he said and lightly kissed her forehead.

  Glancing down at her watch, Liv realized she needed to get going. “Ooo, I gotta bolt. Thank you for lunch. I’m serious about that pool party though. And, call me if you hear anything about PRL,” she said as she stood to leave.

  Bart walked her to the front door, and she hugged him goodbye.

  Thinking about work, Liv skipped to her Jeep. Actually skipped. Why was she so giddy about work?

  And, for some odd reason, she was thinking about what she was going to wear to tomorrow. What was up with her? Surely it didn’t have anything to do with the fact that she would see Lawson tomorrow.

  Well, maybe just a little.

  Chapter 6

  Lawson shut his eyes and covered his face with his arm, trying to block the frigid water from pounding his face. His weekly hose-down was always such a pleasurable experience. In fact, he would gladly choose an extra beating, or ten, to avoid this humiliation.

  It was bad enough stripping from his clothes while three to four men watched, but then to stand there as they sprayed him down with a hose was beyond degrading. Today’s ring leader seemed to enjoy blasting water against his balls. If he would step a few feet closer, Lawson could guarantee it would be his last performance as a firefighter.

  “Hey, shifter, turn around so we can clean your nasty backside,” the male taunted and turned to his friends who shared a round of laughter.

  “Yeah, we could smell you a mile away!” another male shouted above the loud noise of the hard water pressure.

  Was it ever going to end? Would he ever be free of this degradation? His resolve was faltering, and he was helpless to do anything about his hellish situation. Maybe he should shift for them. But then they would know it wasn’t his shifter blood they needed, and he had no idea if that would mean death for him.

  Unfortunately, what they needed was impossible for him to give. He could give them what they wanted but it required more than him shifting. A lot more. And that was information he would take to the grave because he’d be damned if he did that for anyone.

  Thinking about what that would entail had his mind traveling to the alluring scientist. Olivia was a mystery indeed. He wasn’t sure of her angle, but one thing he did know was that she seemed sincere about wanting to help him. In return, Lawson would have to help her, as well. Could he trust her not to use it against him?

  The water pelting against his flesh subsided, drawing him out of his musings. Cracking an eye, he watched the group of males file out of his room, leaving nothing behind but a tray of food. He didn’t have to look inside the bowl to know it was cold oatmeal. If he ever escaped this torture chamber, he would never touch another serving of the stuff.

  Walking as far as the chains allowed, he stretched his fingers to reach for his sweatpants. Underwear was a luxury he didn’t have in this facility. And the fucking pants were still filthy, so a lot of good his shower did him. As soon as he slid them on, the sourness of the garment had him gagging. He had half a mind to stay naked. At least then he would feel clean for a few hours.

  But what if Olivia came back. Not that he was ashamed of his body, but no doubt his cock would spring to life as soon as he caught the scent of her sweet fragrance. And her beautiful face and sexy body didn’t help matters.

  He had never found a human female attractive, but she was an exception. Her voice soothed his pain, and her green eyes summoned his wolf like no one before. Whether it was from lack of female company or Olivia specifically he had no clue, but she roused his beast and he liked it.

  Walking back to his mattress on the floor, he reached under and pulled out the earbuds and iPod she gave him before she left. He listened to it nonstop, and it had become his saving grace. Oddly enough, country mus
ic was his favorite, and she couldn’t have given him a better distraction. Unfamiliar with a lot of the songs on her playlist he wondered again how long he’d been in captivity.

  Sitting down, he leaned against the rough concrete wall and stuffed the small speakers in his ears before pushing the play button. He smiled as George Strait crooned a love ballad about a father’s love and Lawson shut his eyes, allowing the melody to take him to a happier place. With his family.

  They were the most important things in his life and he prayed every day they were safe from this cruel treatment. He wanted to see his brother and sisters more than anything. He hoped his mom wasn’t worried sick over his disappearance and that his father was protecting all of them.

  Lawson had been gone so long and was afraid of what had become of his family. He couldn’t allow negative thoughts to intrude. If he gave into the dark thoughts, he would die of despair. No, they had to be alive and safe. There was no other option.

  A shadow moved across his closed lids and Lawson went on alert, eyes popping open to see what had caused the movement. The door opened, and Olivia walked through the doorway, shutting it behind her. Fuck, she was a sight for sore eyes.

  Wearing tan slacks and a pale peach button-down blouse, she smiled when she saw him. Quickly removing the earbuds, he watched as she set down the red tote bag and sat in almost the same spot as last time. She wasn’t wearing her lab coat, and Lawson got a better view of her body.

  Legs for days, long red hair trailing halfway down her back, and a buxom bosom that was calling to his primal need. It had been eons since he’d had sex and his need for the delectable female had him squirming to hide his erection.

  “Hi, Lawson, how are you today? I see you’ve showered. It must feel good to be cleaner. Although, I see no one has washed those hideous pants. I’ll see what I can do about getting another pair,” she offered, reaching into her red tote.

  Should he tell her their definition of a shower in this place? She obviously had no idea and would probably find it appalling. If he believed for one second that she could do something about it, he’d mention it but since it would result in another beating, he kept his mouth shut. If she had access to some clean clothes, he was good with that.


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