20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 193

by Demelza Carlton

  Her hands were fisted on her hips when Gunner stood in front of her in naked, human form. “You used him! You took my affection for that sweet bear to convince me to agree to your traveling to the States with me and then my coming back here with you. As a result, I ended up hurting his feelings.”

  Gunner backed her against the wall, his forearms next to her head. “Sweetheart, ye need to calm the fook down. Bear and I both love ye.” His brown eyes bore into hers. “Do ye ken what I’m telling ye?” He leaned his body against hers. “I dinna care how quickly me emotions have evolved. They’re real. I’ve fallen in love with ye. The thought of ye walking out of our lives when ye need us scares me.”

  She laughed. “Scared? From the moment that tin can of an airplane took off, I’ve been nothing but terrified. So don’t talk to me about being afraid. Of course, I appreciate your offer to stay with me during the upcoming tests.” She sighed and pushed her hair back with both hands. “I love your generous heart, but you can’t run my life. Nor can you use my affection for Bear to convince me to agree to our traveling together or to return back to you if I go home alone. It’s too much to ask of you and I’m not doing it.”

  “You dinna have to ask me. I’ve already offered. Me mind is made up. I’ll be at the medical center or hospital, wherever you’ll have the tests done. I dinna want ye ta be alone.”

  The power of his emotions scared her. They’d known each other only a few days and he was already offering—insisting, really—that he be an important part of her life back home, like a fiancé or…or…a husband. No, this was all happening too fast. She had enough to worry about with this damnable lump. The closer the time came, the worse her nerves got. She needed time alone to gather her thoughts and, in his words, calm the fook down.

  She poked his naked chest with her finger. “You are the most stubborn man I’ve ever met. I’m going for a walk. I need some ‘me time.’” She jammed her arms into her coat and jerked on her hat and gloves.

  “Ye canna go hiking on yer own. Ye’ll get lost.” Gunner hopped out of the bedroom one leg in a pair of jeans. “Give me a minute to get dressed.”

  Oh, he was a real piece of work. One minute sweet and loving and another pushing her to act out in front of bear. “If you feel the need to follow me, you better stay ten feet behind me. Don’t talk. Don’t make any sound. I’m so mad at you right now I could punch you in the throat. I adore Bear and you made me hurt his feelings.”

  “You did that on your own.” His jaw was set with stubbornness. “And what about me feelings? Do ye think I have none?”

  His remark sent her temper to the stratosphere. Of course she knew he had feelings; she wasn’t stupid. She snatched open the front door. “Do you think I enjoy hurting anyone; especially you?”

  There was no holding hands on this walk. Gunner followed Star as she stomped through the footprints Bear made earlier in the snow on his morning run. He’d gone across the ridge and down the other side to play in the stream and eat some fish. That’s when he’d found those heart-shaped stones. He thought of Star right away.

  Bear loved it here. As Gunner took in the beautiful scenery, he hadta admit he did too. Could he handle a simpler life a place like this would bring? What about a job? He’d need an income. His savings wouldna last forever.

  His attention bounced from the mountain vistas to how Star continually gave him her back. The more she ignored him, the hotter his temper grew. He’d just bared his heart to her and she hadna said a thing. Nae so much as a blinking of her eyes. What did she feckin’ do? She laughed in his face.

  He ground his back molars together. Her reaction bloody well hurt.

  She was so pissed, she didna give any thought to walking back to the cabin once she got tired enough to turn around. Her pace slowed and she staggered. Finally he couldna stand watching her stumble anymore. He ran to her and scooped her into his arms.

  “Dinna say one feckin’ word. I ken yer mad as hell. But I’ll nae have ye hurt yerself just to prove a bloody point. Once I get ye back to the cabin, I’ll feed ye and put ye to bed fer a nap like the obstinate child ye pretend ta be.”

  He glared at her open mouth and narrowed eyes. “And I doona want to hear one word about it. Ye are me mate. I take care of what’s mine. Even if ye’ve made it clear ye doona care a rat’s arse fer me.”

  “You can’t meet a woman and decide on the spot, she’s the one for you. Feelings need time to grow. Love at first sight is just a myth.”

  “I didna pick ye, Bear did. But he chose true. He ken who my heart needed. And I believe I told ye nae to utter one word.”

  “Well, dinna think ye can tell me to shut-up. Because it’ll never work, ye bloody geck.”

  “Ye dare make fun of me burr?” His temper was on a slow Scottish burn and damn his tadger, it was heavy and hard fer her sassy mouth. Sometimes arguing with her could be such a turn on.

  Once they reached the cabin, he took off her outer garments and set her on one of the bar stools. “Dinna move!” He dropped bars of chocolate into a pan of milk to heat and broke eggs into a bowl to whip for fried egg sandwiches. While the eggs cooked, he sliced brown bread and buttered it.

  He silently set a mug of hot chocolate in front of her.

  She stared into its steamy richness. “I do care for you, Gunner.”

  “Aye, enough to fook me, but nae enough ta be happy that I want to travel with ye and give me support during yer tests.” He leaned across the breakfast bar and pinned her with his dark eyes. “Or ta promise ta return ta me if ye go home alone, ta marry, or ta have me bairns.” He spun away to flip the fried eggs onto the bread and sprinkle them with grated cheese before placing the top slice onto the sandwich.

  He slapped the saucer on the bar.“Here, ye need something hot to warm ye on the inside.”

  She stared at the food. “My sister has all the strength, all the evenness of temper. My moods go up and down. I’m prone to overreact, especially if I’m thrown off balance or scared. I hated hurting Bear’s feelings.” Her gaze rose and locked on his. “Now it seems I’ve hurt yours, too. I’m sorry. The way I feel about you scares me. Makes me act out.”

  “How do ye feel about me?” Say the words, woman.

  “There’s this strong affection I’ve never felt before.” She took a bite of her sandwich. “I don’t know what to do about it. There should be a label for it, but it’s beyond my reach.”

  She stared off, something she did from time-to-time.

  “Do you believe in ESP between twins?” She turned her gaze on him.

  Her question surprised him. “There are scientific tests that prove twins often have it, although they give it a different name. Why? Do ye and Moonie communicate or feel each other’s pain?”

  “We communicate. We don’t share the physical pain, only each other’s serious shifts in emotions. She just told me what I was feeling. Pretty bad when you don’t know yourself and your sister has to tell you.”

  “I ken yer meaning. Bear rages at me over my emotions. Do ye want ta share what she said?”

  “No. Not yet. I need to think it through.” As soon as they both consumed their lunch, he carried her to bed.

  “Take yer clothes off while I clean up this corner from the fish fight.” He tossed the fish outside and washed the floor. Within a few minutes, he stripped down and crawled in bed behind her, pulling her back to the warmth of his chest. She was already breathing deeply. The hike through deep snow had worn her out. The bright sun’s reflection on the pristine snow might have aggravated her concussion. She needed a good nap.

  Last night, he’d slept fitfully. Even though he’d been sexually sated, his mind kept pondering this situation he’d suddenly been thrown into—the head of the sleuth who practically worshipped him.

  What was the best thing for him to do as a Scot, a bear-shifter, an astronomer? And as a man? Bloody hell, he didna ken these shifters or what they were like. There were so many angles from which to approach this problem. The easies
t would be to walk away. Would his conscience give him a moment’s peace if he did? The bastard who Bear killed had terrified these shifters. Most had nae children because of his murdering ways. Gunner’s heart was troubled over how they’d all suffered.

  His arm banded tighter around his midnight Star. He hoped wherever she decided to live no one ever hurt her like the unmentioned one had this sleuth. If she truly wanted to return to her hometown alone, he’d help her get there. A man didna love and be selfish with it. Oh, he’d fight other men for her, but he’d never force his wishes on her. In his mind, love didna work that way.

  Nae matter how Bear was reacting. He’d been moaning ever since the shift earlier when Gunner had come to the forefront. In his frustration, Bear was beating him up inside.

  In Gunner’s heart, he wanted to tie her to his side, to sleep curled around her every night for the rest of his life, and to rub her abdomen swollen with his child. Simply put, he wanted, needed, and desired her. When Bear had told him he’d chosen Star for his mate, Gunner had rebelled against the thought. Now he reveled in it.

  But she had to want the relationship, too. So far all she seemed to like about him was the sex. And he needed so much more; like all facets of a mating—loyalty, respect, and a strong love.

  When he woke, he slipped out of bed, dressed, and added logs to the embers in the fireplace. There was a chill in the house. Mistletoe was curled on the slate hearth and opened an eye as if to tell him it was about time. He turned on the oven and washed a chicken one of the shifters had given them. After adding potatoes, carrots, and onions in a baking pan along with the bird, he put on the lid and set it in the oven.

  He made a pot of coffee and sat on one of the stools to open the presents brought last night. The sleuth’s generosity only placed more pressure on him to be the master of their sleuth.

  Meanwhile, Bear kept crying and begging him to cage Star so she couldna leave them.

  We want our mate ta be happy and content, Bear. She willna if we force her ta return after her medical procedure.

  But ye’ve mated her, human. She likes me. I canna go on without her.

  I ken how ye feel, Bear, but when ye love someone, their happiness comes first in yer life. Now, what are we going to do about this sleuth? Stay and help them? Or leave?

  Nothing matters without our Star. Who cares where we stay?

  Bear started his moaning again and Gunner closed the shield between them. He was struggling with his own sadness. Fighting the urge to insist he travel to the States with her. Then haul her back here and tie her to the bed and keep her here by his side forever. Bloody hell, she’d never forgive him for that.

  He’d grow to resent her, too. A man had his pride, after all. He wanted a mate who was crazy for him and didna want to be anywhere else but with him. He refilled his coffee mug and looked at the tributes from last night.

  There were two homemade bird houses, canned jars of honey, two needlepoint throw cushions, new towels and washcloths. A framed painting done in oils of mists shrouding the mountains. It would look nice hung above the mantle. Gunner studied the picture. He spied a bear peeking around a large tree and another peering over a pile of boulders. It was the place where Star had cared for Bear. He smiled. He would cherish this. After finding a hammer and nails in a kitchen drawer, he hung the painting.

  The sweet odor of flowers approached and he glanced over his shoulder as he gathered his tools. “How was yer nap? Did me hammering wake ye?”

  “No, not really. I was ready to get up.” She wore a pair of black leggings that showcased her slender legs and firm arse. The green turtleneck sweater looked great with her long blonde hair.

  Her eyes were red-rimmed as if she’d been crying. Alana, his sister, always looked like that after a good sob. He wasna so sure he wanted in on the feminine drama today. Dealing with Bear was enough. Besides, having yer heart handed back to ye was agonizing to a man’s ego, especially when he and Star were so perfect for each other.

  “There’s coffee in the pot if ye want some.” He carried the pillows decorated in leaf needlepoint over to the sofa. “If ye want to walk along, I’m going down to see the shifters tomorrow. ′Tis Boxing Day. People will still be visiting each other and I’ve a lot of questions to ask the men.”

  She poured a mug and added two spoonfuls of sugar. “What kind of questions?” She held the mug in both hands as she plopped on the sofa, curling her legs beneath her.

  “For one, are the main roads ta Wick plowed? Do planes fly in this kind of weather? Me guess is they doona. I’ll need to get ye there as quickly as I can so ye can be near the airport when it’s clear enough fer a plane to take off. I want ye staying nearby ta start yer journey back to the States, with or without me.” She sipped and nodded; a fissure began cracking his heart.

  “I used the two-way radio call ta home and explain to me parents why I didna make it there fer Christmas. Me mom cried as soon as she heard me voice. She’d been worried. Ye see, Angus was rescued thanks to your call the other day, so she ken about the plane wreck from the newspapers. He’s recuperating in Catherine’s General Hospital in Wick with a broken leg and exposure.

  “Me parents have been ta see him. They said he’s doing well. He claims a pink-haired woman ye ken has been in ta visit him. Says she makes him laugh.”

  “That’s great news! I’ve been worried about him. I think he’s talking about Effie Matheson. Her husband is the last man I have to give my presentation to and hope he decides to invest.” Star drank more coffee as Gunner bent to pet Mistletoe who’d bumped his leg.

  “Unless ye change yer mind and agree to me coming along with ye, I’ll spend a couple days with me family. Then, I’ll return here. Try me best to start a new life.”

  “Gee, you have been busy thinking and planning.” She stood and moved to the coffee pot for a refill.

  He tried not to stare at her sweet arse in those tight pants. Bloody hell, he liked that they fit like a second skin and she wore thongs beneath them.

  “I’m surprised you’d really think of moving here. Why not go back to your old life and forget all about this?”

  “Forget about this place or forget about ye?” Gunner’s temper took on a fiery form even though he was more than half aroused from watching Star walk. How could he make her realize they belonged together? “I’m giving ye want ye want, aren’t I? I’d hoped it would be me, but I canna make ye love me. If going through another mammogram and sonogram alone is what ye want, I’ll see that ye get to Georgia in time for yer appointment. Nae matter how much it pains me to let ye go alone.” He took a couple steps toward her.

  “Because I’m a shifter, me emotions run on a different plane, often more intense. I have to understand ye are slower to develop deep feelings. Though God knows I want us to stay together. But I need to be loved and desired fer the man I am—shifter, scientist, and protector.”

  She pinned him with her blue eyes. “I don’t know what I feel for you. I’ve got an idea, but I’m not certain. We’ve been through a lot together in just a few days.” She raised open hands in a helpless gesture. “Maybe my physical reaction to you has just been some kind of psychological response to everything I’ve been through.”

  His anger boiled so hot, he couldna control it. “A reaction ′twas it?” his voice boomed as his feet made another stride and she backed up until she hit the counter. “The way ye shattered in me arms and screamed me name in climax was merely a psychological response?” He stalked another step closer. “Bloody hell, woman, next thing ye’ll be asking if we can just be friends.” His hands gripped the kitchen counter on either side of her. “And could ye add me to yer Christmas card list? And isna that a funny thought since this is Christmas Day?”

  Her mouth opened and closed while her vivid blue eyes couldna seem to look elsewhere but in his. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her onto the counter. A helpless whimper escaped her lips. His hands pushed her thighs open and he slid between them. “Why i
s it so feckin’ hard for ye to accept help from me? Have I ever once hurt ye or let ye down?”

  “No. It’s just men have commitment issues, so I’m better off never trusting one.”

  “Commitment issues? What kind of rat arses have ye been dating? Havena I tried to get ye to commit ta me for the last few days? Havena I laid me heart bare to ye?”

  Her eyes had gone so wide, midnight blue filled his vision field. “I…I…”

  His head leaned toward hers and his voiced deepened. “Ye’ve never been with the right man before. That’s yur fookin’ problem.” His fingers grabbed her hair and jerked her head back. “Look at me. Dinna ye see the affection in me eyes or ′tis it just ye dinna ken what true love is? By damn, I’ll show you if it takes until me dying breath, Star.” His lips covered hers hard and dominant.

  Her fingers coiled into his shirt and she moaned. When she opened her mouth for him and the tip of his tongue swept over hers, a passionate shock zapped every pore of his skin. Star trembled in his arms. “Did ye feel that, me midnight Star? That was our bodies responding to each other.”

  He sucked in her top lip and ran his tongue over hers, back and forth in a gentle oral seduction. Then the urge to kiss her harder overcame him and he leaned into her. Her hands frantically undid his kilt and it plopped to the floor. He banded his arm around her waist to lift her sweet ass and tugged down her tights and thong with his other hand. He was so out of control, he didn’t give a shite if he tore them from her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he plunged into her hot wetness.

  She gasped and cried his name. “Don’t stop, Gunner.”

  His hands clasped her arse and he pounded into her, his frustration and fear of losing her driving him to madness. Another woman could never take her place. She was it fer him. She was bloody well it.

  Her legs tightened around his hips and he delved deeper. “I love ye, Star. It will always be ye.” He bit her neck, loving the taste of her skin. Her inner walls began to spasm and a shock of heat surged down his spin. She screamed his name on a whimper and he roared hers as they came together. Yet, with the mind-blowing climax, sadness poked at his heart. She hadna said the words he longed to hear—that she loved him in return.


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