20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 196

by Demelza Carlton

  He felt the need ta voice his opinion. “I’ll put up with nae arguments over this. We stay together here or in the States. That was part of our mating agreement, ye ken?”

  She ran her her hands up his chest and smiled. “Yes, man of mine, I ken. You keep talking about our wedding as if it’ll happen soon. I’d like to wait a few months until Moonie will be able to make the trip.”

  He crossed his arms and glared. “How long are ye talking about?”

  Dinna fight with our mate over this. She’s staying. ′Tis the important thing.

  “May or April.” She cast those midnight blue eyes at him. Hope shone in them. How could he deny her?

  “Will ye stay with Bear and me until then?”

  “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I was Moonie’s maid-of-honor. I’d like for my twin to be my matron-of-honor. I’d also get to hold my niece and kiss her to pieces.”

  He cupped her face. “How can I deny ye something that’s so important when I love ye so much? I’ll agree to wait until the first weekend of May.” He shook his finger at her to retain his masterful position. “And nae one day longer.”

  She leaped into his arms. “Oh, man of mine, I love you with all my heart. You and my sweet Bear.”

  Alastair had his SUV warmed up by the time they hurried down the ridge. Gunner carried a suitcase, still complaining because Star had only fixed him four eggs and toast. He’d wanted bacon, too, but she said his stomach mightna be up to the grease for a day or two. She didna ken how starved he was.

  Isla sat up front with her husband, both giving each other secret passionate glances. Love seemed in the air. The roads were barely passable, but Alastair ken how to handle his vehicle. Isla talked about the long shopping list she had fer the rest of the women. Good thing Gunner and Star werena riding back with them. Petrol cans lined the back of the vehicle. Where would Isla put all the groceries and other supplies she had to buy?

  “We settled on a wedding date this morning,” Gunner announced. “I canna say I’m happy with it. I’d like a New Years Eve ceremony, but me luv wants her sister and brother-in-law here. I ken how important family is. So we’ve agreed on the first Saturday of May. By then her sister’s bairn ought to be four months old and able to make the trip.”

  Alastair laughed. “Aye, and Star might be four months pregnant by then, too.”

  The rest of the ride was fairly quiet, especially in the back seat.

  Chapter 15

  At last Alastair pulled in front of the Cliff Hotel. Isla pointed to a petro station at the corner of the street where one could rent a car for a few days or a month.

  “Alastair, would ye mind taking us over there? If we have transportation, it’ll make life easier fer us while we’re here.”

  “Nae problem, I’ll help ye pick a good one.”

  Isla shifted in her seat and grinned at Star. “Men and their toys.”

  “Ye didna mind being me toy last night.” Alastair laughed as he parked his SUV at the rental lot. Isla slapped his arm, her face beet red.

  Gunner chose a silver SUV, signed the forms, and handed over his credit card as payment. He retrieved their suitcase from Alastair’s vehicle and put it in theirs. The two men had their heads together for a few minutes and it looked as if the older man was giving directions. The four said their good-byes and drove off in different directions.

  As Gunner zoomed past the hotel, she pointed. “You missed where we’re staying.”

  “Just taking the car fer a spin, luv. Getting the feel fer how she handles. I want to see if she can make it to a jewelry store.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss. “I have a fiancée who needs a ring.”

  Once inside Wick’s Gem Store, the bald owner straightened his cardigan and welcomed them. “Let me take a wild guess. Would ye be shopping fer an engagement ring?”

  “Aye, sir, we are. So this may take a while.” She tried on many she liked and some Gunner preferred. In the end, she fell in love with a special ring—a square diamond with a round yellow citrine stone on either side.

  Gunner took the ring from her and waved it back and forth at the jeweler. “Do ye have this with a bigger diamond? I want a larger one fer her.”

  Star leaned against the glass counter and looked at the jeweler. “How big is this diamond? My fiancé acts as if it’s a pebble.”

  He examined the stone and referred to his receipt from when he’d bought it. “The stone is 1.1 carats. Square, ideal cut, Vs2 clarity which is higher than average. Do ye want the jewel value of the citrines?” His gaze swept from her to Gunner.

  “I love this ring and my heart is set on it.” She leaned against Gunner and whispered to him that the citrines were the color his eyes glowed when he was about to shift. They were Bear’s eyes.”

  Buy her the ring she wants. It reminds her of both of us. Dinna be so hardheaded. She loves it.

  “Looks like the lady has made up her mind. We’ll take it.”

  She chose a plain gold band for a wedding ring. He decided he wanted a matching one, only wider.

  Once payment was made, Gunner snatched the box holding the diamond and dropped to his knee to properly propose in front of the store’s owner. Star’s beautiful eyes grew misty as she clearly said, “Yes,” He kissed the ring and slipped it on her finger.

  “Now ye are well and truly me betrothed. I love ye more than life itself.” He stood and drew her near him for a kiss. Magic had happened the day she’d stepped onto the little airplane.

  Gunner exhaled a long sigh. “Good. ′Tis settled then. Our next step is to find a kirk. I used to ken of a small one near the cliffs. Old and full of charm.” He looked at the jewelry store owner. “Do ye ken of the one of which I speak? Is it still in use?”

  The bald head bobbed. “Aye. ′Tis. The Church O’Creag holds about fifty. Locals take pride in it because of its historical value. ′Tis centuries auld, ye ken.”

  “How do we get there from here? Our wedding will be small. The kirk will be large enough to hold our neighbors and maybe a dozen more.”

  The jeweler sketched a little map for them. “The clergy lives in a stone house nearby with red shutters.”

  Gunner wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked to their car. “Sounds great, doesna it, Star?”

  “Yes, it does. Small, intimate, near the place where your ancestors used to roam free. Perfect, in my opinion, depending on its condition.”

  The gray-stone Church O’Creag stood strong near the cliffs. Piles of large rocks were here and there. So were scrub pines and a couple old oaks. Waves crashed below. Briney ocean breezes blew over them as they spoke to the Reverend. He pulled his cell phone from his coat pocket and opened an app. “The church is free that day. Will ye want me to perform the ceremony?”

  The future groom glanced at Star. “Yes, please. We’d like that very much.”

  Reverend Ayson nodded as he tapped his screen. And the time? The entire day is free.”

  “One o’clock. That’s five minutes after our plane took off. I’d estimate it was the first time Gunner spoke to me. That’s how we met. On a small airplane.” She smiled at her future husband and his face beamed with happiness. They followed the Reverend inside the church and filled out the required papers. Star counted the pews. There were two rows of five pews each. Narrow windows let in sunlight. “We’ll need a pianist.”

  “Nae to worry. Me wife plays beautifully. Me son plays the guitar and me daughter the harp.” His barrel chest puffed out even more. “Yer guests will remember the musical part of yer ceremony.” She hoped they remembered it with fondness and not with sour faces.

  “We better check into the hotel. We have a late luncheon meeting with Dr. Matheson and his wife.”

  She kept glancing at her diamond while Gunner drove to the Cliff Hotel. “If ye keep staring at that ring, ye’ll wear off the shine.

  “Tell me, if I keep stroking your cock will I wear off the shine on it?” She flashed him a smile and he threw
his head back and laughed.

  “Ye brighten me soul, me midnight Star. The one who shines brighter than any woman I’ve ever met.”

  “While you check us in, I’m going to see if I can get enough reception to call my sister.” He kissed her forehead and sauntered for the receptionist’s desk.

  Moonie’s phone finally rang. “Star? You better tell me you’re okay. I’ve been so worried about you. Where in God’s name have you been?”

  “I’m fine. Really. How are you?” She examined her chipped manicure.

  “So big, I’m about to burst. If Emma Rose doesn’t come within the next week, the doctor will induce. Where have you been? Why haven’t you called?”

  “Well, a man and I jumped out of an airplane before it crashed. We fell in love and we’re getting married the first weekend in May here in Scotland.”

  “Funny, sis. Funny as hell. My back hurts. My feet are too swollen for shoes. I’m having Braxton Hicks and you want to tell me a flippin’ imaginary story about jumping out of airplanes— ” She paused. “Star?”

  “The first weekend of May, I’ll be Star McDunn. And you’ll be my matron-of-honor. We’ll pay for your flights to Wick, Scotland. I’m sending you a picture of Gunner and another one of us together.” She flipped through her photos and hit Send. “He’s a geek. An astronomer at the Royal Astronomers’ Society. And I love him to death.” She took a pic of her engagement ring and mailed it to Moonie, as well.

  “But this is so sudden. You’ve just met.” Her sister was crying.

  “Don’t cry. Yes, things have moved quickly between us because we’ve been waiting all our lives for each other. He treats me so well, Moonie. Be happy for me just as I’ve always been happy for you and Dusty.”

  Her twin blew her nose. “I will. If you’re happy, I’m happy. But you’re still hiding something from me. I can tell.”

  “I’ll send you a long email, explaining everything. I promise. And I’ll include all the details about the wedding. What few we’ve got planned so far.”

  Her sister blew her nose and sniffed. “He is awfully good looking. A little on the wild side.” Oh, if Moonie only knew how wild Gunner could get.

  Gunner kissed the juncture of Star’s neck and shoulder and she shivered all over. “Are ye going to let me speak to me future sister, or nae?”

  “Moonie. Here’s Gunner.” She handed her cell to him.

  “This is Gunner McDunn and I realize I’ve made a terrible mistake. I should have asked your permission before I gave me midnight Star a diamond about an hour ago.” There was a pause. “Well, ye are her family and she loves ye dearly.” Another pause. “Now dinna cry, me future sister. I ken there will be times ye need to see each other. I promise I’ll never keep ye apart. Ye have me word, I’ll cherish her. Goodbye, Moonie.”

  He handed the phone back to Star. She mouthed “thank you” to him before she kissed his chin.

  “Do you feel better now, Moonie?” A woman standing in the entrance way between the sign-in area and the restaurant snagged Star’s attention. Good Lord, she wore pink pelican bedroom slippers, or baffies.

  “Yes, I got very good vibes from his voice. Don’t forget to send me that email. I need to know why I’m getting bad feelings about you. And don’t hold anything back. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, my wonderful twin.” The woman watching her wore a pink suit with a purple turtleneck. “I’ll keep in touch.” Her gaze continued up the woman and, hell’s bells, she had pink hair. Star slipped her phone in her purse and smiled at the woman out of politeness.

  She walked toward her. “Are you Star Delaney?” She took her hands in her cool ones. “I’m Effie Matheson.” Her glance flickered over Star. “You have a good aura. I read them, you know. Yours is green which contains the qualities of nature, growth, balance, and love. There is also a layer of pink which means when you love, you are faithful with strong morals and values.” Effie pursed her lips and ran her hands down Star’s arms. “There’s also a charcoal gray, almost a black small spot in your aura. We’ll see the doctor tomorrow. You’re under my protection now. I can’t heal you, but I can share my healthy aura with you.”

  Effie glanced at Gunner. “Your aura is mainly bright blue with a thick layer of red that makes you a fine, intelligent, caring man. Temperamental at times, but generally very eager to please those he loves. My husband is reading the newspaper and having coffee. Shall we join him?”

  She wrapped her arm around both Star’s and Gunner’s waist and led them into the restaurant where red tablecloths topped the tables and white candles sat in glass globes surrounded by sprigs of pine. Garland draped at the windows added to the festive air.

  Effie kept talking, “I have an appointment scheduled for you with Dr. Brebner tomorrow at eleven-fifteen at the radiology department of the hospital. Don’t worry. My husband, a retired physician, has checked him out completely. His credentials are top notch.

  “Earnan, this is Star Delaney and her fiancé Gunner McDunn.”

  Her husband stood, tall, broad shouldered. Earnan glanced at Gunner and smiled. “A fellow shifter. I’m honored to meet you.” He shook Gunner’s hand. Sit down and we’ll order something warm to drink while we talk or are you folks hungry now?

  “I’m starved. Bear hasna allowed me ta eat fer three days when he thought Star was leaving us. Now that I’ve convinced her to stay, me appetite is back like a bad itch.”

  Effie smiled and elbowed Star. “Let’s order some Cock-a-Leekie soup. I figure any food with the word cock in it has to be good.” She spied Star’s ring. Holding her hand, the lady in pink tapped her husband’s arm, “Earnan, look at this lovely engagement ring and how it catches the light. It’s just beautiful. My Earnan bought me a pink diamond in Paris.” She flashed her pretty rock.

  Earnan folded his newspaper and set it aside. “How are ye feeling, Star? Ye look a mite pale and yer breathing is a little labored.”

  “It’s been an unbelievable week. So many bizarre things have happened that my body can’t seem to catch up. Plus, the last few days, when I thought I had to leave to get back to the States in time for my appointment for a second mammogram and a sonogram, have been emotionally hard. I really didn’t want to leave. Gunner said he’d come with me, but I didn’t want to saddle him with a sick woman if tests showed the lump was cancerous. Have you ever tried arguing with a Scot, especially a shifter, once he’s got his mind made up?”

  Earnan laughed. “Ye’d have to ask me wife.”

  The waitress came to take their orders, but her presence didn’t seem to bother Effie. “Oh, my darling Star, some things do blow his kilt up and he shows his Scottish ass.” She shook her head. “But it’s such a nice ass.” She winked at Earnan who winked back.

  “How long have you two been married?” They acted like newlyweds.

  Earnan drained his coffee cup and nodded for the waitress to refill it. “Eight months.”

  When it was Gunner’s turn to order, he asked for a double order of soup, a fish sandwich, and Highland toffee, which Star knew was his favorite.

  “Dr. Matheson—”

  “Earnan, please.” He stirred cream into his fresh cup of coffee.

  “Earnan, what is yer educated opinion of Catherine’s Hospital? If yer beloved Effie had a mass in her breast, would ye allow her to have tests and treatment here? Would ye permit Dr. Brebner to take care of yer wife, even if it meant surgery?” Gunner’s eyes glowed golden. So did Earnan’s.

  They must be communicating on a deeper level only shifters heard and understood. Both men’s claws were exposed against the red tablecloth while they stared at each other. Even the air around their table vibrated with a dense energy.

  Effie patted Star’s hand and mouthed, “It’s okay.”

  Dear God, it was as if the two were in some kind of trance. Finally, the gold dimmed in Gunner’s eyes and he moved his shoulders. “Thank ye, Earnan. I feel better now.”

  The waitress brought their food, thankf
ully missing the bizarre silent communication between the two men. Earnan asked Star about the business presentation she was going to give him. She told him she’d practically forgotten about it, especially since she was staying on here. He pressured her for information and she shared her opinions of BJ Goode’s handling of money.

  “I thank ye fer yer honesty.” Earnan smiled. “I’ll still look over the brochures if ye have any.”

  “I do. But my future husband is going to need some backers for the idea he wants to present to the Royal Astronomer’s Society.”

  Earnan leaned back in his chair. “Is that so?” From there the men took over the conversation, oblivious to everyone else.

  Chapter 16

  While the guys talked, Effie lowered her voice. “I’ll come to your hotel room at ten tomorrow morning. I have two healing chants I want to say over you before we leave for the hospital. I’ll be staying with you through all the tests, if you don’t mind. A friend nearby can be comforting. I’m a witch of a coven called ‘The Protectors.’ Ora belongs to the coven, too. She’ll also be in the testing rooms with you. Together, our positive power will be strong. You’ll be well taken care of.”

  “But you can’t heal. Isn’t that right?” She was more than a little overwhelmed by all this. She’d never had a friend with her when she had a mammogram.

  Effie nodded. “But we can make the mass more visible, easier for the machines to detect and analyze. And we can guide the doctor as he looks at the pictures. We’ll be like a pair of Spanx that helps a tight dress fit better. Relax. All will go well. Whatever the results, we’ll be here to help you deal with it.”

  Once their meal was over, Gunner rubbed his stomach. “I think I need a nap after all that food.” He stood and held Star’s chair for her. “Effie and Earnan, it’s been a pleasure meeting ye both. Please mark the first Saturday in May on yer calendar. We’d love for ye ta come ta our wedding. We’re having it in an auld kirk, along the cliffs—Church O’Creag.”


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