20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 238

by Demelza Carlton

  “She’s also cut off trade and negotiations with neighboring kingdoms, and is taxing the people to starvation in preparation for the conquest she’s planning.” Kelsie shook her head. “You have no idea what is going on in the kingdom, or how its people—your people—have suffered since the day she took the throne.”

  “I don’t believe you. She would never.”

  “Never what, Amelia? Condemn her own sister to a fate worse than death?”

  Amelia met Kelsie’s gaze and found her denial faltered. Instead of offering protests, she shook her head. “I don’t know what you came here seeking, but I am not the answer.”

  “I came seeking help from the only person who can.”

  “I can’t help you.”

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  Amelia’s focus moved from Kelsie to Chris, attempting reason. “She’s my sister, and my queen. No matter what she’s done, nothing can change those two facts.”

  “No, it won’t,” Chris agreed. “However, sometimes the worst trespasses are committed by those we love the most. It makes the betrayal far worse than any a stranger could hope to commit.”

  “And what would I be, if I betray her?”

  “After what she’s done to you?” Kelsie spat. “How can you even ask such a thing?”

  “My sister cast me out, but her actions do not dictate I must do the same. Can’t you understand?” Internally, Amelia’s dragon rose, the shadow of her scales transforming to a vivid blue, skin itching where they appeared. Struggling for control, she stepped back, moving toward the rail until she touched the wooden barrier. “I am not going to do this! Don’t ask it of me!”

  Conner grabbed her, pulling her close. “Breathe, Amelia.”

  She did as he instructed, not realizing her breaths came in wheezing gasps.

  “I’ve got you.” Lifting her into his arms, Conner walked past the other two women, who had fallen to silence as they witnessed panic overwhelm the broken princess.

  Cradling her, Conner laid her down upon the bed, covering her with multiple layers of pelts before tucking himself in beside her.

  Sheltered by the safety of his embrace, Amelia gave herself to grief.

  Chapter 40

  The first awake, Amelia untangled herself from the warm pelts, and slipped from Conner’s embrace. After pulling on a chemise worn to perfect softness, she wrapped a shawl around her shoulders then walked back to the porch. Tranquil, the sounds of birds in the thicket and the rushing stream soothed her troubled heart. Familiar and comforting, the scene reminded her why she didn’t want to return.

  She had never desired to be queen, not even as a child. She had always preferred flight, nature, and adventure to the mundane requirements of running a kingdom. Challenging her sister, even if such a task were not surely a lethal venture, held no appeal.

  Conflict filled her when the door opened. “Go away.”

  The footsteps paused, but did not recede.

  “Please understand, I can’t help you. I don’t want the throne, and no matter what she’s done, to me or others, I love my sister. There’s only one way to dethrone a dragon queen.”

  The intruder remained silent as Amelia stared into the horizon.

  “You’re not asking me to dethrone her. You’re asking me to kill her.” She shook her head. “Ask another.”

  Chris’ voice broke through her sorrow, “There are no others.”

  “Dozens of nobles can challenge her.”

  “At the initial coronation, yes. But not after she claimed the throne. Now, only those of royal blood may do so.”

  “Nothing she has done can be enough to justify taking her life.”


  “I am not killing my sister. Even if I had reason, and the heart to do it, which I don’t, who’s to say I would win? Have you seen her in dragon form? I have. She gained the throne uncontested for a reason, and it had nothing to do with her charming personality.”

  “My lady…”

  “No.” She finally turned to face the older woman. “I won’t do it. Find another.”

  “Go see for yourself.”

  “See what?”

  “The consequences of your sister’s rule. If you fly, you’ll get there quickly. No need to go near the castle; any of the outskirt villages will do. See with your own eyes what your sister has done to the land you love. To the people you were born to protect.”

  “Kaliyah was born to protect them. Not me.”

  Chris eyed her critically. “We both know that’s a lie, my lady. You are also of the ancient, royal line. It is the sacred duty of each family member to protect those in their care. This, your sister has forgotten, or perhaps, never knew.”

  “I’ll fly with her,” Conner’s voice entered the conversation as he moved onto the deck, the wooden planks creaking at his steps.

  Chris offered a weary smile to her son. “Thank you for—”

  “Don’t thank me. I’m not agreeing with you, Mother. What you’re asking her to do is horrendous.” He moved his gaze to the dragon princess. “I will fly with you, Amelia, but only if your desire is to go. No one is going to force you, and I’ll support any decision you make.”

  Amelia wanted nothing more than to deny their claims with all the vigor she possessed. To return to the solitary life she had come to appreciate, with all the simplistic pleasures and protection it brought. But her inquisitive mind had already decided otherwise, even as her heart rebelled against her next words. “Fine, we’ll go. But we’ll fly at night, and only just past the border.”

  She noted Chris’ hopeful expression. “Don’t expect me to change my mind. No matter what she’s done, Kaliyah is my sister…and queen.”

  Chapter 41

  Together, the two dragons flew through night skies, expansive wings carrying them with ease toward their destination. With the lightening sky, the dragons landed, transforming back to their human forms. They’d each packed one set of clothes in a small leather duffle, which Conner had carried in his rear claws.

  Comfortably dressed in a pair of black slacks with an emerald shirt, Amelia added a gray woolen cloak, which featured a hood to hide her golden tresses and most of her face, though nothing could be done to disguise her reptilian eyes.

  “Probably for the best,” Kelsie had said. “They won’t be able to mistake you for a non-shifter.”

  The pair walked an additional two hours, finally reaching a village on the outskirts of the Kalleen Mountains. A simple town, rows of plain wooden huts lined a clearing with sparse marketing stands offering food and clothing for sale or trade.

  Entering the village center, she found the town eerily quiet, people walking by with heads down, avoiding contact with each other. No chatting housewives, or playing children. In the market, Conner and Amelia observed the quick bustle of those few who did engage in trade, purchasing their goods with minimum conversation before hurrying on their way.

  Spying a tavern, the princess walked forward, Conner shadowing her steps. A similar dynamic inside, only a few small groups of men, whispering to not be overheard by unwanted ears. Eyes surveyed the newcomers warily.

  Pushing past the stares, Amelia took a seat at the closest table with her back to the room, keeping her eyes down in hopes of attracting less attention. Conner sat opposite her, at an angle where he could observe both the room and the door.

  An older man, with hair more silver than brown, approached. “May I fetch you anything?”

  “Wine,” Conner replied, producing a piece of silver. “One for the lady as well.”

  “Right away,” the man answered gruffly, taking the silver before turning to fetch the requested beverage.

  The wine he delivered was surprisingly good, a deep red blend of blackberry, with a hint of vanilla, the blended flavors playing across Amelia’s tongue as she considered her surroundings.

  Her plotting on how to speak with the locals derailed when two men entered the room. Dressed in gray robes similar to her own, they
distinguished themselves from the rest of the villagers with the long, silver blades at their sides, gleaming hilts protruding from black leather sheaths.

  Taking a seat at a table closest to the bar, one man barked, “Ale. The good stuff, none of the cheap drivel you keep attempting to pass off as a proper drink.”

  “Right away, sir.”

  From across the room, Amelia detected the inn keeper’s frantic tone, and watched as he scrambled to fulfill the order as quick as he could.

  “How long does it take to get a bloody drink?”

  “Coming, sir!” the innkeeper exclaimed, rushing around the bar to hand him a foaming tankard. “Apologies.”

  “As there should be. I don’t like waiting. Makes me want to find something to do to occupy the time.” His eyes moved to where a young woman, perhaps nineteen, poured water for a pair of men seated at a nearby table. “Perhaps I should visit with your pretty daughter? I’m sure she could keep me entertained.”

  Heat crept up the man’s features. “Please, sir. She’s only a girl.”

  “A beautiful one.”

  A second knight stood and approached the girl. Grasping her arm, he led her to the one speaking, forcing her to sit on the man’s lap.

  “You should be honored I’d show interest.” He lewdly moved his hand to her stomach, spreading his fingers wide. “I could put a shifter in your belly. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? To become mother to a dragon? Probably be the best thing to happen to your pathetic bloodline.”

  Terrified, the girl attempted to rise, but was held fast by the man’s strong grip, keeping her securely in his lap.

  “Calm down now.” He wrapped a hand around her waist, and pressed his lips to the side of her neck. “Be plenty of time for squirming later.”

  “My lord, please don’t harm my daughter.”

  “Harm her? I’m going to love her! Queen says I can take anyone of lower status as I see fit. Now go fetch some bread and soup. Need energy if I’m going to have my way with this young thing.”

  The girl’s father stared miserably into his child’s terrified eyes, before turning to fetch the requested items, leaving his daughter struggling as the crude man ran his hands all over her, circling her narrow waist before squeezing her breast through her shabby green dress.

  Conner and Amelia exchanged a horrified glance as they witnessed the encounter, the girl’s struggles pulling at Amelia’s heart, her dragon rumbling in outrage at the man’s wanton behavior.

  While the man molested the younger woman, the others laughed at her occasional pleas, before boring of their game enough to glance around the room.

  Spying Amelia and Conner, one of the knights nodded in their direction before rising to approach.

  Exchanging another wary glance, both Amelia and Conner remained still, keeping their gaze upon each other.

  “I ain’t never seen you two before.”

  “Passing through,” Conner answered, casually maintaining a hand on his goblet.

  Keeping her eyes downcast, Amelia jumped as the man unexpectedly reached out and grasped her robe’s hood, tossing it back to reveal her face and golden hair.

  Seeing her profile, the knight let out a long whistle. “What have we here?” He turned back to his fellows. “Hey, Vinny! Look, this lass is even prettier than yours.”

  Amelia waited, hoping the man would have his verbal fun and leave.

  A scenario that became less likely when Conner entered the conversation. “I would ask you to step back from the lady.”

  “The lady?” The man laughed. “I’m a member of the elite guard, boy. I can have anyone I want from these miserable villages.”

  “As I have stated, we are passing through and thus, are not a member of the village over which you have domain.”

  “She your personal whore? Must be in order to maintain this level of beauty. Look at those lips. Made to be kissed.”

  “I’ll ask you again,” Conner said, his tone tightening. “Leave the lady alone.”

  Amelia’s skin crawled as the man stepped behind her and leaned over until his foul breath fanned the side of her face. Slipping his hand to her shoulder, his fingers crawled lower.

  The undesired caress proved too much for her sensibilities. She jerked away.

  He laughed, stepping in front of her. “Oh, she’s going to be fun,” he spoke cruelly, moving a hand to her chin, forcing her to at last meet his gaze.

  “I am going…” His words died as he stared into Amelia’s serpentine eyes. “You’re one of us.”

  “Yes.” Her voice deeper than normal as her dragon surfaced, stirred to full attention by the man’s threat.

  “I didn’t realize…”

  Conner stood up. “Remove yourself from the lady.”

  The other two knights rose in alarm at realizing another shifter was in the village.

  “Who are you?” the one identified as Vinny demanded.

  Deciding to play on a partial truth, Amelia answered, “How dare you speak in such disrespectful tones to the grandson of Lord Tyron.” Referring to Conner’s maternal grandfather, she had been surprised at first to hear he was descended from such a high line of nobility, but after recalling his mother’s story, the relation made sense. One of the few bloodlines in the kingdom pure enough to convince Stephen’s family to consider siring a child, even on a woman of non-shifter status. Additionally, Tyron had an abundance of grandchildren, and even more great-grandchildren. Enough none would question the claimed status of a man they’d never met.

  “Tyron?” Vinny questioned. “As in, high advisor to the queen?”

  “Yes,” Conner stated. “You can be sure he will hear of your abominable behavior upon my return to court, and your attempts to impede me from carrying out the crown’s orders.”

  “I’m sorry, my lord.” Vinny dropped to a bow. “If we had known—”

  “You assumed. You never bothered to inquire,” Conner cut him off. “Now, leave my sight and review your deplorable actions here. Next time the person you assault may not be as forgiving. And I assure you, should you ever touch my companion again, you shall lose more than your dignity.”

  “Tyron is not a forgiving man,” Amelia added. “Would hate to see your entire family destitute for insulting a member of his family.”

  “Forgive me, my lady. I…”

  “Leave,” Conner demanded, “and do not even think of harming the young woman either.”

  “The girl?”

  Conner nodded. “Your behavior does not merit you the reward of the young woman. She is now under my protection. If I find any of you have violated her, I shall be expressly displeased. Am I understood?”

  After a moment’s hesitation, the men nodded and left the room.

  When the thugs had departed, Amelia re-took her seat before asking, “Could we get a second glass of wine?”

  The innkeeper nodded, fetching the wine as the girl came forth to offer water. Hands shaking, her face was flushed with a mixture of fear and embarrassment, obviously unclear as to why the lord had sought to include her in his protections.

  “Don’t fear,” Conner assured her. “I won’t harm you.” He nodded toward Amelia. “This is Lady Elizabeth. As lovely as you are, she’s the only woman for me.” He offered a smile he hoped was comforting.

  The father appeared holding the requested goblets of wine as the girl moved aside.

  When Conner reached for another piece of silver, the older man shook his head. “No, my lord, please. Thank you for not letting them harm my Mandy.”

  “No need to thank me, but I would like some information.”

  Meeting Conner’s gaze the man nodded, caution in his eyes. “What would you like to know?”

  “If the knights’ behavior is typical? And if the queen truly sanctions their vile acts?”

  The man shifted uncomfortably, glancing from Conner to Amelia. He paused, entranced by her unnatural eyes.

  “What we ask sounds frightening,” Amelia spoke gently, “es
pecially coming from strangers. But I assure you, on my word as a daughter of Kamar, we mean you no ill will. If wrongs are being committed in this land, I wish to know.” She tilted her head, expression sad. “I can’t put wrongs to right, if I don’t know what is taking place.”

  Drawing a breath, the man nodded. “Come this way,” he instructed, motioning for Amelia to follow, leading both her and Conner to the left side of the inn. Tacked onto the wall was a long piece of parchment, and at the bottom of the page, her sister’s stark signature.

  Amelia pulled the proclamation down, and moved to a nearby window, in order to better read the contents.

  By order of her Royal Majesty, Queen Kaliyah Castel, and the High Priestess, new laws are henceforth implemented for all second-class, non-shifting members of the Kalleen Kingdom. These laws shall become effective immediately, and are issued for the welfare of the kingdom, and protection of both non-shifters and shifters alike.

  1. No further marriages shall be permitted between those of shifter and non-shifter lines.

  2. All non-shifters born into shifter families shall be assigned to another shifter family, in hopes of restoring the bloodline to full shifter status.

  3. Non-shifters shall hereby fully submit to those of shifter lines in all instances. No request of a shifter is to be refused by those of non-shifter status.

  4. Non-shifters between the ages of 18 and 26 shall report to their assigned shifter lord for work placement. Non-shifters of this age must consent to labor, in the field assigned by their given dragon lord.

  5. Any non-shifter who experiences dreams of being, or witnessing, a dragon must be brought immediately to the Temples of Kamar for assessment, and possible placement within the temples.

  6. Any refusal of these new rules shall be met with severe and immediate punishment, ranging from imprisonment, to the forfeit of said rebel’s life.

  HRM Queen Kaliyah Castel of Kalleen


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