20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 305

by Demelza Carlton

  After an exhausting time that even had the instructor looking weary, she stood for a solid twenty seconds. When she came crashing down this time, she was all smiles.

  “I did it!”

  “You did,” Gideon said, pulling her onto his board. “Look,” he added pointing toward the shore.

  A member of the hotel was standing holding Cornelius’s leash as her dog looked on and barked.

  “Cornelius saw me!”

  “He did, he was suitably impressed.”

  “Now what?”

  “I think we’ve had enough fun for the day. Let’s shower, nap, then eat on the deck and watch the sunset.”

  “You mean like we have every night?”

  “Is it getting old?”

  “Not at all.”

  Gideon was glad to hear that.

  Faye would have thought that she would be bored with Hawaii. What more could one see after the beach, the palm trees, the indescribable sunsets? But every day, Gideon found something new that took her breath away. She saw sea turtles and volcanoes, both equally impressive. Gideon took her through the air and skimming along the water with the ease that most people visit a store.

  Her surfing lessons had continued and she found that she was a surfer after all. Once she found her feet, she felt an amazing freedom cutting through the water. She’d never be a pro, but she could see herself craving the release of being part of something bigger.

  There were just a few days left until Christmas and Gideon had arranged a shopping outing like he promised. She was given two bodyguards to follow her around as she used her new black credit card. Gideon assured her it had no limit, but she really couldn’t fathom such a thing.

  She ran into a few photographers that were polite and kept their distance. Taking their pictures but never causing her any concern. Not having any idea of how to give something to someone that has everything, she went from shop to shop looking at expensive trinkets. They weren’t right. He had a watch, a pen, they were just gilded items of no real value.

  When she was about to lose hope, one of her Hawaiian security guards offered to take her just off the beaten path to find something more suitable.

  After she made her purchases, she handed them off to her bodyguard and met Gideon, who was looking all too smug.

  That day had her quizzing him on just what he bought her. He, of course, said it was a surprise and she’d have to wait. But to keep her occupied, he told her they were going to hike to heaven.

  Chapter 33

  Gideon was keeping his pace slow as they made their way up the winding path into the dense forest. Anson was ahead, scouting the path. Behind them, two more guards were making sure that no one was following them or at least that they were keeping their distance.

  He was trying to fill her days with things that showed her the extravagance of her new life, but also to show her that the little things could mean just as much. The waterfall he was taking her to almost always had a rainbow showing through the mist as it crashed down the rocky cliff.

  His mate was keeping up, her health back to normal. She seemed to have endless energy these days. Her fervor for him matched his own. He couldn’t get enough of her and she didn’t seem to mind. He knew that it wouldn’t be long before they were expecting cubs. He’d tried to bring it up the previous night, and she laughed that they had plenty of time.

  She wasn’t demanding that they stop how they were making love, so he could only assume she might not be so surprised when the time came.

  “Not much farther,” he said, looking back to Faye. Her sunglasses reflected the green around her as she looked at the scenery. They did find a need to do some clothes shopping as Sabrina only packed heels and sandals. A quick trip for a pair of hiking shoes and a few pairs of shorts that weren’t made for lying on the beach and they were ready to go.

  “Please tell me there’s a picnic lunch at the top of this? I’m starving.”

  “Well, that’ s because you distracted me during lunch. We’ll eat at an amazing chicken stand just off the highway. The hike back down is always faster.”

  “Gideon of Clan Othala eating on the side of the road?” she said in disbelieving tone.

  “You’ll thank me, and I’m not that snobby.”

  “No, you’re not,” she admitted.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I can be. But that’s only when I don’t like someone.”

  Faye laughed at him. “I bet.”

  They reached their destination and found Anson at the top of the trail and nodded at him. Anson joined the other bodyguards a little way down the trail to give them some privacy.

  Gideon reached for her hand and found her already slipping hers into his. That feeling he loved so much trailed over his heart and across his mate mark just like it did every time.

  “This is heaven,” he said, bringing her to the edge of the trail.

  Faye gasped and pulled off her glasses. In front of her was a three-story drop below. But straight ahead was a rushing waterfall that was putting on a spectacular display. The rainbow he had promised her was glistening in the mist that was kicking up from where the falls met the pools below.

  “This is amazing,” she said in awe.

  “Money can be fun, but the Great Mother provides the most amazing riches. Experiences like this are what makes our lifestyle worth living.”

  Faye was nodding as she looked around. “This will be our place. Can it be?” she asked, turning to him.

  “Whatever you desire, beautiful. I would give you the world if I could. The Island of Maui won’t actually sell me this waterfall but we’ll just claim it as our own anyway.”

  “Fine by me,” Faye said. She took a seat at the edge of the cliff, not caring that she was dirtying her clothes. He loved that she wasn’t afraid of living.

  Gideon sat next to her and they just breathed in the beauty.

  Waiting for Faye to have her fill, he could feel his security moving up and down the path, checking and rechecking. He knew that there was a chance they would be intruded on. The men were probably happily handing out Gideon’s money to give them some privacy.

  “Have you had enough?”

  Faye turned to him, her eyes soft. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this.”

  “Then we should plan our next trip after the new year.”

  “So soon?”

  “I think I deserve a break from the rat race. Besides, whatever my mate wants, she gets.”

  That earned him another smile. Standing, he helped her up. Gideon could see down the path far enough to see two men with their backs turned. Their stance to the casual eye might look stiff, but he could see that they weren’t on high alert.

  Starting to walk towards them, he smelled something change in the air. Turning, he sensed there was someone other than Kindred at the end of the trail. He heard a roar in the distance that didn’t match the scenery. Gideon stopped and pushed Faye behind him as he turned to track the sound. His security had told him that they were going to a public place and they would cover them the best they could. There would still be a chance that there would be reporters. Gideon decided that it was worth the risk to show Faye the waterfall.

  The two guards from below came rushing up to take up a guard. “Figure out where that came from,” he ordered and both men took off. Gideon kept moving them farther down the path towards the waiting SUV. His mate would be safer behind glass and metal.

  There was another roar that was distinctly bear sounding. That meant one of his guards had shifted. A Kindred wouldn’t shift if they didn’t think they needed to.

  Continuing to walk at a fast pace, Gideon heard feet racing behind them. Spinning around to keep Faye behind him, he saw two men running towards them. One looked terrified, his hands holding a camera. The other man was looking behind him and trying to keep ahead of the giant grizzly bear that was coming up on them fast.

  Gideon could see the bear wasn’t trying to catch them, just scare them off. They just chose to run
in the wrong direction. Hearing the other guards coming as well, he tried to sidestep and keep Faye away from the men, but the path was narrow. She fell back as the second man plowed into them. Gideon fell back and the first man starting taking pictures.

  He was a fool if he thought that Gideon was going to allow those photos to be seen. Pulling the Clan knife he kept at his back at all times, he made quick cuts through his clothes and forced his shift. His body stretched and he felt every bone and muscle giving way to allow the sleek leopard to push through his skin until he was on all fours and roaring in the face of the man with the camera.

  The sweaty man screamed and started to run. But he was running towards the cliff. They were further down the trail than before but still too high for a human to survive. Gideon had to choose if he wanted the scandal, and then whether Faye would somehow blame herself if the human were harmed.

  Running after the man, Gideon was able to grip the man’s belt and fling him backwards just as the man’s boots started to slip out from under him. Unfortunately, the photographer didn’t realize Gideon was trying to help and resisted. The extra inertia flung Gideon off the edge of the path and sent him tumbling down the embankment. If it had been a straight fall, there was a good chance he would have landed on his feet. As it was, he figured he had hit every branch and rock outcropping on the way down. He knew the landing was going to hurt, and the last thing he heard was his mate’s scream of terror.

  Chapter 34

  Faye felt her heart stop. Everything had been going so well. She was happy and surrounded by beauty and love. Nothing could have changed that except for the unexpected. That was always the way of it. Too much happy and the world decided to bring you down a peg or two.

  She hadn’t realized how urgent the situation was. Nor was she prepared for the moment that Gideon pulled the knife she’d seen him carry and cut away his clothes. Never having seen his leopard, she was taken aback. He was a gorgeous creature, beautiful and terrifying at the same time. He was bigger than she had expected, his length stretching between her and the very scared-looking photographer.

  She wondered if Gideon saw the moment the man was about to fall as she did. What she didn’t know was that Gideon was going to stop him. The moment he twisted with the panicking man, she knew that Gideon was not going to be able to keep his footing.

  But Kindred didn’t fall. Certainly not big cats. Yet that is what she watched in slow motion. She scrambled on her hands and knees towards the edge only to be dragged back by Tucker’s thick arm.

  “Don’t,” he warned. “We’ll see to him.”

  Faye knew he was talking but the words weren’t sinking in. Gideon was gone and there was nothing but empty air where she had seen the leopard twisting in the air.

  “Find him,” she heard herself screaming as her fingers clawed at the dirt. Not that it was doing any good to pull her from Tucker’s arms.

  She felt herself being picked up and carried like a sack of potatoes as Tucker ran down the rest of the path. He practically tossed her in the SUV. “Don’t move. If you want me to help Gideon, I need you to stay here.”

  Faye didn’t want to stay. She wanted to be with him. But she knew she wasn’t going to be able to climb down a mountain to do it. Nodding, she sucked in a breath as he slammed the door and took off running.

  Bringing her hand up to her mate mark she rested her hand against it. She knew what it felt like when Gideon touched his. She hoped against hope that he could feel her too. Waiting seemed like an eternity, she itched to reach for the door handle.

  Just when she didn’t think she could take it anymore, she saw Tucker and Anson followed by the other guard. They were carrying Gideon in leopard form. One man holding the front, the other the end. They were carrying him gently but quickly.

  Ignoring Tucker’s orders she bolted out of the vehicle and ran to the back of the SUV. She raised the back and climbed in, pushing at the seats in a panic until they collapsed when she trigged the latch. Crawling to the front, she made room for the men who had reached the vehicle. They placed Gideon in the back and Faye immediately reached for the side of his face. She brushed past his whiskers and didn’t even mind that his fangs were sticking out as the big cat panted. Faye didn’t need any help imagining that this big cat and Gideon were one and the same.

  “Is he all right? Does he need a doctor? The hospital?”

  “He needs to heal. He’s shifted. Give him some time. We’re taking you both back to the villa. Have faith, Faye.”

  “How can I? He’s unconscious. Shouldn’t he be awake?”

  “We aren’t sure how much he’s hurt. It could take a while.”

  The men closed the doors and started driving. Faye was crouched over the big leopard. “Gideon? Can you hear me? Please don’t leave me. We haven’t had any time at all,” she whispered to him. She didn’t care that the men up front could hear her. “You said we had forever. This isn’t forever.”

  Faye kept one hand over her mate mark while the other hand stroked his head. She didn’t want to move from that spot in case she hurt him. There were no visible wounds aside from a gouge on his hind leg. It was bloody, but didn’t appear to be that deep.

  “Gideon, you are not going to leave me to go back to a life without love. I don’t think I’d survive it. I love you too much. My heart couldn’t take it. I love you, Gideon. Please be okay.”

  Faye rested her head against his. She had never felt so lost as she did in that moment. Until she saw he was awake, she’d never believe he was going to be okay.

  “I love you so much,” she whispered.

  Faye was crying against the big cat’s head when she felt him move under her. The fur disappeared and her head was resting against smooth skin.

  “I love you too, Faye. I have from that moment you put your hand in mine.”

  Gasping, she pushed back. Gideon in all his naked glory was lying in front of her. There were some dark bruises on his body that seemed to be moving from purple to green as she watched.

  “You’re okay?”

  “I will be. Don’t worry, I’m tough. Don’t you know cats have nine lives?”

  “Don’t you dare joke with me, Gideon. I thought you were dead. I saw you fall off a cliff!”

  “Well, I’m not dead. I’m here and we have forever.”

  Faye couldn’t stop herself from laughing as she cried. “I love you. Don’t you ever scare me like that again!”

  “I can’t make any promises, but I’ll do my best.”

  “My world changed when I met you,” she said.

  “Oh, beautiful, my world started when I met you.”

  Faye finally could believe him because it was true for her too. She was a beloved Kindred mate and she finally had a family of her own.

  Chapter 35

  Gideon was holding a tablet in his hand. It was Christmas morning and he had a plan in place. At least he did before his tablet started vibrating incessantly.

  He tried ignoring it until Anson stepped into the room and said his phone was ringing and it was King telling Gideon to answer his damn phone so Betty would stop calling him.

  Faye sat next to the tree on the floor, looking like a vision in a soft green dress that was made of a dozen different strips that wrapped around her body covering all the important bits while still leaving her body exposed to his gaze. She’d said she found it in the garment bag that Sabrina had packed from her closet. It was one of those dresses that didn’t look like much and cost a fortune because of it. Gideon didn’t care what it cost; he was going to get her one in every color when they returned home.

  She had doted on him; worried that his injuries would continue to bother him. He had to keep assuring her that Kindred healed quickly and his wounds weren’t life threatening. It didn’t mean she had let him get more than a foot from him since they’d returned to the villa.

  Now he had a tablet in his hand that was ringing an annoying tone. Hitting the accept button, a face appeared, way too close to the c


  “Yes, Betty. How can I help you?”

  “How can you help me? I’ve had no word about the state of things. You think that the Crone of your Clan doesn’t need to be kept up to date? Don’t you think I have better things to be doing on Christmas morning?”

  Faye was sipping a cup of tea to cover her smile. Gideon had told her all about the Crones and how they were respected meddlers in each Clan. That it didn’t matter how old you were or if you were the Head of a Clan, the Crone’s words were respected above all others.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were… concerned.”

  “Young man, do you think I like spending my time matchmaking?”

  Faye snorted into her tea and almost dropped the cup.

  “Well, honestly? Yes, I think you do.”

  “Cheeky. Well then, let me see her,” she demanded.

  Gideon turned the tablet around as he shook his head.

  Faye wasn’t prepared as she was laughing. “Hello,” she managed on a squeak.

  “Hmm, just like I saw in my vision. Although you don’t look plain to me, must have gotten that wrong. Well, show me the mark so I can cross you off my list. I don’t like paperwork hanging around right before the New Year.”

  Faye looked up to Gideon with her eyebrows raised. Gideon shrugged his shoulders as if he had no idea how to avoid it.

  Shifting her dress aside, she bared her mate mark. As she did, she brushed her fingertips over the edge just to see Gideon’s eyes flash silver at her.

  “Don’t think I didn’t see that, missy. Fine, fine, go ahead with your fun. I have other matters to attend to. I’ll be expecting an invitation to the presentation and don’t skimp on the invitations. I expect something nice; I like to keep them for my collection.”

  The call ended and Faye burst out into peals of laughter.


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