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HOT as F*CK Page 151

by Scott Hildreth

  “Not exactly,” I said as the bathroom door opened.

  “Hey,” Sloan said as she walked by.

  “How’s it going, Sloan?” I responded over my shoulder, somewhat shocked she was at the apartment.

  She was dressed in sweats that were too small and a tee shirt that did a half-assed job of covering her torso. Her stomach was exposed, and it was apparent she couldn’t pull the shirt down any further. I’d seen a lot of women in my days around the fellas who had big tits, but sitting this close to Sloan and actually seeing her, I would have to admit her tits were the biggest I had ever seen. Half embarrassed by her appearance, I quickly turned toward Avery.

  “So, what the fuck?” Avery shrugged.

  I sat silently and looked around the room. I hadn’t planned on Sloan being at Avery’s house and she certainly wasn’t part of the equation. I’ve never been a paranoid man, and I wouldn’t consider myself a nervous person, but I was always safe; erring on the side of caution. I reached down, pulled the rubber band to the point of breaking it, and released it.


  I stared blankly at my wrist as I snapped it three more times equally as hard. Now feeling as if I could sense my heart beating in my inflamed wrist, I looked up at Avery.

  “You got any glasses? Like sunglasses?” I asked.

  God damn it Axton.

  She looked confused. “Yeah, why?”

  “Grab ‘em. We’re going for a ride,” I said as I stood.

  It’s just a ride Axton, nothing more.

  You’re using her for a mouthpiece on a gun deal, that’s it.

  “Seriously?” she squealed as she bounced up from the couch.

  I looked around the apartment. Sloan stood in the doorway of the bedroom, looking in the mirror. She was all of ten feet away.

  I tilted my head toward the door. “Yeah, grab ‘em. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Sloan, I’m going with Axton on his bike,” Avery hollered across the tiny apartment.

  Sloan responded, stretching the word along for a good five seconds. “Okay,”

  Sloan peered around the frame of the door and gave a half-assed grin. As Avery grabbed her purse, she pulled out her glasses and put them on. She was wearing jean shorts that barely cupped the bottom of her ass cheeks and a tight tee shirt. I glanced down at her feet.


  I smiled and reached for the door handle. “Ready?”

  “Uh huh,” she smiled.

  “Alright, listen up. There’s a few rules you’ll have to follow,” I said as I opened the door.

  As she stepped into the doorway, she stopped, pulled off the sunglasses, and stared into my eyes. Now sharing the space in the opening of the door, she stood mere inches from me. For the first time, I realized just how tall she was. Our noses not more than an inch apart, we stood in the doorway, our eyes locked. As a light breeze blew, I caught the faint smell of her perfume; a very light floral scent.

  God damn she smells good.

  “You tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. It’s that simple,” she said without expression.

  I pursed my lips and narrowed my gaze. “That’s a bold statement, you better be careful, little girl.”

  She stood with her sunglasses dangling from her fingertips, still shoehorned into the small opening of the doorway. I stood with my back against the frame of the door, refusing to be the one who moved out of the way first. She blinked her eyes and tilted her head slightly.

  She smiled a shitty little flirtatious smile. “Think about that. Whatever you say, I’ll do it. Use your imagination, Axton. I sure am.”

  I stood and continued to stare at her. Thoughts of shoving her against the wall, pulling her shorts down around her ankles, and fucking her long-legged little ass while she still wore her sneakers began to fill my mind. I sensed my cock beginning to swell at the thought of her doing whatever I told her. The fellas from the poker run in Wichita were spot on. She was a little firecracker, and she seemed to know exactly what to do to push my buttons. I had no business with this cute little bitch on the back of my bike, but I had no other alternative. For the sake of the club, this gun deal had to happen. As I felt the fabric of my jeans beginning to stretch from my overly active imagination, I shook my head and stepped out of the doorway.

  As I turned and walked to the stairs, she immediately followed behind me. I pressed my hand against my jeans, attempting to force my cock to relax and become a little less noticeable before we got to the motorcycle. As we reached the bottom landing, I turned toward the bike and pushed against my still rigid dick with the heel of my palm and kept my back to Avery.

  Generally speaking, I was able to keep my mind focused and prevent my cock from swelling without my approval. Actually, in the last fifteen years, I have had quite the opposite problem; focusing enough to get hard was proving to be difficult. Standing with my back to Avery and pressing down on my slowly rising cock was further proof I had very little control over my mind and what subconscious inner thoughts I had of fucking her. I had no business being in a relationship with a woman, and doing so was still the furthest thing from my mind, but bending her over and fucking her senseless was becoming more and more of a full-fledged desire than in inner thought. I felt like I was a pubescent teen again.

  “Is there a problem?” she asked.

  Fuck it, just hop on the bike Slice. She won’t notice.

  I turned, threw my leg over the bike, and looked down at my rigid but not quite as noticeable cock. I propped my feet up on the pegs and bend my knees a little to provide some relief.

  I turned slightly and pointed to the rear passenger pegs. “Nope. Get on, and put your feet on those pegs.”

  “Keep your bare legs away from the exhaust. It’ll burn you to the bone,” I said as I motioned toward the two exhaust pipes.

  “Just relax, and don’t flop around. Wrap your arms around my waist and hold on until you’re comfortable. And leave the glasses on, it’s a requirement and it’ll keep bugs out of your eyes. And when you get on, don’t drag your shoe over the fender. It ain’t scratched now, and I don’t want the motherfucker any different when we’re done,” I said over my shoulder.

  “Easy schmeezy,” she said as she stretched one of her long legs over the bike.

  As she wrapped her arms around me and pressed her inner thighs against the sides of my ass, the heart beat in my pants provided me a little reminder of the fact my outward intentions and my inner mind were worlds apart.

  Worlds apart.

  Chapter Eleven


  I had no idea why Axton really came by and picked me up, and I didn’t care. Sloan was right; being on the bike was like riding a huge vibrator. I was in some strange state of ecstatic heaven, and we were flying down the road toward who knows where. Nothing I had done to date could compare to riding on the motorcycle. The fact I was on it with Axton made it immeasurably better.

  “You alright” he asked over his shoulder as we slowed down for a stop sign.

  I rested my chin on his shoulder and breathed into his ear. “Yeah, I’m perfect.”

  “So where’s your favorite place to relax” he asked.

  I wondered why he would ask such a thing. Maybe he wanted to talk or get to know me a little more. I really didn’t want him to stop riding the motorcycle. Not ever. I was feeling a strange sense of freedom as we rolled down the road; it was as if absolutely nothing else mattered. There were no worries of graduation, no inconsiderate parents, and no feelings of inadequacy about my boyish body. As the road rushed upon us, there was nothing between me and the entire earth except the wind which hadn’t hit my face yet. Since I was a child, I’ve dreamed of flying like a bird, and now I knew what it was like; because I was doing it. I wanted to throw my hands in the air and scream, but I didn’t dare.

  “The park where you come into town,” I responded.

  He nodded his head slightly and twisted the throttle. I pressed my thighs into his, holding on tighter as he
accelerated. I would absolutely love being a biker bitch. I closed my eyes and smiled.

  What a rush.

  As he slowed down and turned into the park, I exhaled. I felt as if I’d been holding my breath for the entire ride, but I knew I hadn’t. Excited for what had happened, and disappointed we were stopping, I began to feel excited about sitting with Axton in my favorite place. Without a doubt, at minimum, he’d have to give me a ride home; so this wasn’t over yet. He pulled into a parking spot beside a picnic table, turned the bike to face outward, and stopped. He switched off the engine and told me to get off. I carefully lifted my leg over the rear fender, being careful not to drag my foot over it. I didn’t want to give him any reason not to want to do this again. As I stood beside motorcycle, I saw it and Axton in an entirely different light. Rightfully so or not, I felt as if I had become a part of it all.

  The experience.

  Being a biker.

  Ten minutes, and I was transformed.

  He kicked down the stand and got off the bike. He looked at me, and smiled his little smirk of a smile. “You enjoy it?”

  It was difficult to explain. I fucking loved it. I never wanted to ride in a car again. I assumed he knew and would completely understand, but I didn’t want to babble like my normal self. I inhaled a shallow breath, exhaled half of it, and responded as best I could, considering my level of excitement.

  “Saying I enjoyed it doesn’t do the experience any justice,” I said as I admired the motorcycle.

  “Good, it’d be disappointing if you hated it.”

  I shifted my eyes toward Axton and smiled. “So what’s up?”

  His bicep flexed as he reached for his rubber band and stretched it tight. “We need to talk.”

  I took the few steps to the picnic table and sat down. Standing and staring at Axton was nice, but standing in front of me, he was a little intimidating. Sitting down was better. I wondered what he wanted to talk about, or what I might have done to cause him to be disappointed with me. Certainly if he was disappointed, he wouldn’t have picked me up and taken me for a ride. As he walked around the bike and to the table, I watched his sexy stride as if hypnotized. He stopped a few feet in front of the table and looked down at me as he removed his sunglasses.

  “I’m gonna cut right to it. We need to have a serious talk. I need something from you. I’ll explain what I need, and then you can give me your thoughts. Sound good?” he asked.

  I nodded my head eagerly.

  As a little girl, whenever my parents said we needed to have a talk, I knew it was something serious. Whether or not it was serious to me, they always believed it to be. Those types of talks, as a kid, always seemed to make me feel uneasy. Immediately prior to the talk, and during, I felt as if my stomach was full of butterflies. I spent the entire time as I waited for the talk wondering what the subject was going to be, or what mistake I had made in trying to live my life. Feeling uneasy and nervous until the talk was over, my mind would become an overflowing mess of ideas on what the topic might be. As he stood over me, I felt as if I was a little girl again.

  He crossed his arms and studied me.

  “Do you speak Spanish?” he asked blankly.

  That’s weird.

  I nodded my head. “Yeah.”

  “Fluently?” he asked.

  Okay, that’s still weird.

  I looked up at him and narrowed my eyes. “Very.”

  “Alright. I’m going to tell you something. You may or may not be comfortable with what I say or what I ask of you, but no matter what, you can’t discuss this conversation with anyone. Ever. If you do…” He hesitated and reached toward my face.

  His hand gripped my jaw lightly. As he lifted my chin and turned my face to meet his, he continued. “Well, you just can’t. Is that understood?”

  Oh God, you just made me wet.

  I nodded my head and swallowed the lump which had risen in my throat. “Yes, I understand.”

  Having his hand on my face was exciting in itself. Hearing him tell me secrets made me immediately uncomfortable. The good kind of I’m excited uncomfortable. I crossed my legs, looked up, and smiled. For a short moment, he stared into my eyes.

  I mean it Axton, please believe me.

  He released my chin and began to pace back and forth. “Here’s what I’ve got. The club is selling a shipment of legal firearms to a group of Mexicans who can’t speak English very fucking good. Otis and I are doing the deal. I need you to be the interpreter. I may not need you to say anything at all, or I may. I have no way of knowing. But I’d rather have you there and not need you than be there, need you, and have nothing. And, nobody in the club speaks God damned Spanish. So, what do you say?”

  Holy shit. Seriously?

  A gun deal with a biker gang and a bunch of Mexicans who can’t speak English.

  Fuck yeah I want to do it.

  I stood from my seat. “Are they legal US citizens?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “How the fuck would I know? They’re fucking Mexicans, Avery. I doubt it”.

  I raised my hands to my cheeks and thought. I didn’t want to embarrass him or make him feel as if I was some smart-assed college girl. Quietly and calmly, I explained my understanding of the law. “Well, you put emphasis on the fact the firearms were legal. Selling legal firearms doesn’t make the transaction legal. If they’re not US citizens, it’s a Federal crime.”

  He wrinkled his brow and looked at me as if I were insane. “According to who?”

  I closed my eyes and thought. I had done a paper on gun laws my junior year when we were studying law. I had always been fascinated by firearms, and having recently received my concealed carry permit, my fascination with firearms was rekindled. I inhaled a deep breath, opened my eyes, and explained.

  “Well, according to the Federal Government. The Gun Control Act makes it unlawful for certain categories of persons to ship, transport, receive, or possess firearms. Transfers of firearms to any such prohibited persons are also unlawful. Eighteen USC nine twenty-two ‘G’ is the law.”

  He stopped pacing. “Fucking Feds. You sure?”

  “Positive. I did a paper on it last year. But the law’s kind of thin in some respects. There’s case law to support a person’s knowledge and intent. If you sell the firearms knowing the recipient or recipients are illegal aliens, you’re fucked. If you sell them, and the recipient is an illegal alien, and you didn’t know it before hand, you’re fine. It’s stupid, but it’s the law,” I said.

  “So, as long as I don’t know, we’re alright?” he asked.

  “Yeah, it’s grey. But yeah,” I said.

  Holy shit, this is exciting. Illegal gun deals with Mexicans. If they’re the guys who wear the plaid shirts buttoned at the top, khaki pants, and have tattoos on their necks, that’d be even more exciting.

  He turned his palms up and shrugged his shoulders again. “Well, fuck. I didn’t know that. It’s good to know. I appreciate it. I guess I didn’t realize a Criminal Justice degree required you study law.”

  Pleased I could offer something, I simply stood and smiled.

  He pulled his knife from his pocket, flicked out the blade, and began picking at his fingernails. “Well, I don’t know shit about these fuckers. And I guess I don’t want to. Hell, they may all be US citizens, but I won’t ask. So, what do you think? You in or you out?”

  As he looked down at his hand and drug the blade of his knife under each fingernail, I studied him. Standing there with one knee slightly bent, wearing jeans, a white wife beater, boots, and his biker vest, he was hot as absolute fuck. The thought of him doing illicit gun deals only added to it, making him even more attractive to me. He was a true bad boy in all respects. Fuck yeah, I was in. I considered trying to make a deal with him; possibly negotiating a summer full of motorcycle rides, letting me suck his cock, or having him bend me over the park bench and giving me some biker cock in trade for my translation services. After a moment, I came back to reality. With Axton, doing this
for him with no expectation or type of agreed upon payment would go much further.

  With him, it was about earning respect.

  I decided maybe I’d split the difference and play with the words I’d used earlier, at my apartment. After all, I did win the stand-off in the doorway after I said it.

  I pushed my hands into the back pockets of my shorts, and twisted my hips. “You tell me what you want, Axton. I’ll do it. I told you that. It’s pretty simple. You want this? You need me to do it?”

  He folded his knife, clipped it into his jeans pocket, and stared at me. Without looking down, he reached for the rubber band, and snapped it twice really hard.

  Fuck yes. I knew it. Stand there and think about fucking me, you gorgeous bad boy biker.

  As he rubbed his thumb into his wrist, he responded. “Well, I wouldn’t have fucking asked ya if I didn’t.”

  “I’m in. Fuck yes, I am. Anything you need, Axton. And don’t think I’m saying that in a naïve schoolgirl kind of way. But if you need it, I’ll do it. I don’t know why, but I will. And what you said before about keeping this between us? Yeah, we don’t need to go over that again; I have your best interest at heart. So yeah, I’ll do it, and I’ll keep it quiet. When is this going to happen?”

  He smiled his shitty little smile. “Saturday. Nine o’clock at night, in the barrio in Wichita.”

  “Sounds good,” I said as I twisted my hips back and forth.

  He turned away from me, and began to walk away. After a few steps, he turned and looked over his shoulder. “You eat yet?”

  “Nope,” I lied.

  “You like Pho?’ he asked as he got on the bike.

  I had eaten Pho in Wichita with Sloan several times. According to her, it was the only cure for a hangover. There was nowhere to eat it in Winfield, however.

  “I Pho-king love it.” I chuckled. “But there’s nowhere in this town to get it.”


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