EDGE: I, Hero Quests: Demon Sea

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EDGE: I, Hero Quests: Demon Sea Page 2

by Steve Barlow


  You trust in the Ruby of Power to help you overcome the pirates if it comes to a fight, so you decide to stay on the ship.

  The ship leaves Yushan and you head up on deck to watch the land slowly disappear from view.

  Some time later, the pirate captain approaches you. The rest of the crew are standing behind him.

  “Sadly, you have reached your journey’s end,” he snarls and draws his cutlass. “I believe you have some very precious stones. My mistress wants them!”

  The crew begin to transform before your eyes! They are ghouls! You realise that you asked the Ruby of Seeing the wrong question. You asked, “Are these sailors pirates?” rather than, “Show me these men’s true nature…” If you had done so, you would know that they are the undead, and that they follow the Red Queen!

  To fight the undead pirates, go to 6.

  To hand over the rubies, go to 39.


  “Very well,” you reply. “I accept your offer. We will fight.”

  The Old Man of the Sea laughs. “You could never defeat me in battle — especially as I have the Ruby of Power. Instead, I will test your mental strength. I will set you a riddle. If you can answer it, then I will give you the Ruby of Magic.”

  “And what if I can’t?” you inquire.

  “Perhaps we won’t have to worry if you answer correctly.” The Old Man begins:

  “The Moon is my father,

  the Sea is my mother;

  I have hundreds of brothers and sisters,

  I die when I reach land.

  What am I?”

  You remember the vision you had after diving overboard into the sea. You smile. “The answer is, a wave.” You hold out your hand. “I am correct. I claim my prize.”

  The Old Man of the Sea is surprised, but he hands you the Ruby of Magic as he promised.

  “And the other two…” you add.

  He shakes his head. “Ah, I did not say that I would give you the other two rubies. You lost them to me. They are mine to keep, and you will never get them back!”

  If you wish to attack the Old Man of the Sea, go to 28.

  If you wish to grab the Ruby of Power that is balanced on the throne, go to 41.

  If you wish to use the Ruby of Magic, go to 35.


  In one movement you spin away from your enemy’s attack and pull your sword from its sheath. The magic of the Ruby of Power surges through your body and you expertly duck under the were-rat’s claws. In one clean action you swing your sword up and slice off the beast’s head. It rolls into the gutter.

  Yushan is a dangerous place! You decide to head to the inn quickly, before anything else tries to attack you.

  Go to 33.


  You realise that Narwul is too powerful for you.

  “As you wish,” you reply.

  He leads the way through corridors. Above you, stingrays swim across the glass ceiling. Eventually you arrive at a chamber. Ahead of you is an old man sitting on a throne made of huge shells. He has a crab-claw hand and a seabird foot. Sea creatures of many shapes and sizes surround him. Most of them are armed.

  Narwul hands the man the leather pouch containing the rubies. He takes them out and places them on the side of the throne. Then his eyes turn on you.

  “Who are you?” he asks.

  You tell him your name. “Are you the Old Man of the Sea?” you continue.

  The man smiles. “That is one of the many names I have been called through the ages. I understand that my people rescued you from the wolf sharks. What brings you to the Sea of Oblivion?”

  If you wish to tell him the truth, go to 2.

  If you don’t think you should, go to 48.


  “My business here is not for you to know,” you reply. “Now, leave me alone.”

  The man shakes his head. “I don’t think so. We don’t want your sort around here.” He turns to the crowd. “Why don’t you get back on your bird and go back to where you came from?”

  The crowd murmur in agreement. The man pulls out his sword and points it at you.

  If you wish to apologise, go to 4.

  If you wish to fight the man, go to 47.


  You leap towards the Old Man of the Sea, but he was expecting your attack.

  His crab arm grabs you as the other one transforms into a long tentacle, and you are engulfed in his grasp. He pulls you towards him as his head changes to look like a shark’s. His mouth opens revealing rows and rows of razorsharp teeth.

  You are helpless as you are pulled into the mouth and consumed.

  You have failed in your quest, go back to 1.


  You reach for your bow, but are too slow. The creature slashes your cheek with its claws.

  You scream in pain as the were-rat plunges its teeth into your neck. The Ruby of Power fills you with strength and you grab the creature’s jaw and prise it apart. The bones break with a crunch. The were-rat drops to the ground. You draw your sword and slice off its head.

  But your own wound is mortal. The power of the rubies cannot help you any more. You drop to the floor in a half death, because you know that when the hour is right, you’ll wake again — as a were-rat!

  To restart your adventure, return to 1.


  As the Umibozu continues its attack, you head for your cabin. But as you do, a figure steps into your path.

  “Going somewhere?”

  Before you can react, you feel a sharp pain rip through your body. You look down and see the captain’s sword sticking into your gut! You drop to the deck.

  The captain grins. “I’ll be having those precious stones,” he growls. It is the last thing you hear as you pass into oblivion.

  You’ve been skewered! To begin your quest again, go to 1.


  You make your way out of the inn. Few people are up at this hour, and you head into a small square between the houses.

  Calling on the power of the Ruby of Seeing, you see Hergal lying outside the port, sleeping. You give a whistle and the gryphon awakes. She quickly takes to the air.

  Minutes later Hergal lands in the square and you are soon flying on her back, heading across the blackness of the sea.

  As the sun begins to rise in the east, you hear a great roaring noise ahead. The wind gains strength and blasts your body. This is not a normal storm!

  Go to 44.


  You leap at Narwul. However, he reacts with lightning speed and smashes you away with the trident. You fly across the room, hit the glass wall and crash to the floor. You do not have the Ruby of Power, and he is too strong for you.

  Narwul stands over you. “Do not be so foolish, human. I ask you again to come with me…”

  If you wish to do as he says, go to 26.

  If you wish to continue the fight, go to 45.


  You arrive at the inn and open the door. Inside, the noisy chatter of voices goes quiet as the occupants stare at you. You grip the hilt of your sword, but the conversation soon strikes up again. You are just another face in a port full of strangers.

  You walk over to the innkeeper, who is behind the bar. He is a grobblin — a cross between a troll and a goblin. “Good evening. I’m looking for food and lodgings for the night.”

  The innkeeper nods. “That’ll be two silver coins. In advance, of course.”

  You pay and glance around the room. Sailors from many nations are standing, drinking and retelling tales of past voyages they have made. You turn back to the innkeeper. “Do you know of any ship that might give me passage across the Sea of Oblivion? I am searching for the Old Man of the Sea.”

  The grobblin’s eyes narrow. “I know of no such person,” he replies. “And I have no time to answer any more of your foolish questions.”

  If you wish to talk to the sailors, go to 16.

  If you wish to head to your room to sleep, go to 42.

  If you
decide to ask the innkeeper more questions, go to 49.


  “Stepping onto a boat full of strangers, is not for me,” you say, turning away.

  “Then I’ll have to make you,” says the dwarf. There is a blur of movement and you feel your legs being pulled from under you as he strikes with his weapon. You crash to the floor causing the leather pouch holding the rubies to spill open. The dwarf’s eyes light up at the sight of the precious stones.

  He leaps at you and smashes your head with his club. You pass into blackness.

  Go to 12.


  The Old Man of the Sea grins. “In fact, I think I will keep all three rubies after all.” He gestures to Narwul, who moves towards you with his trident pointing at your chest.

  Holding the Ruby of Magic, you close your eyes and whisper, “By the power of this ruby, I ask for aid.”

  At that moment a great shadow is cast across the room. Everyone looks up to see the Umibozu outside the dome. The creature hammers at the glass with his powerful pincers.

  A crack begins to split along the glass. Water trickles in through the roof. Screams echo inside the dome.

  Outside, merpeople try to fight off the sea spirit, but it is too powerful for them. The Umibozu continues its attack. The dome breaks open more and sea water rushes in, sweeping away Narwul and the other guards.

  Taking this opportunity, you pounce on the Old Man of the Sea, grabbing the two rubies from his throne.

  As you do so, the Old Man transforms before your eyes. His arms turn into dozens of tentacles and engulf you in a deadly grasp.

  “I will have the rubies,” he hisses. His mouth opens, revealing rows of razorsharp teeth. He pulls you towards them.

  If you wish to use the Ruby of Power, go to 8.

  If you wish to use the Ruby of Magic, go to 19.


  You decide that it will be best to land. You direct Hergal towards Yushan and land near the harbour.

  Your arrival creates a stir, and soon a crowd of people gather around to stare at you and the gryphon. Some mutter angrily about witchcraft, others cast envious eyes at Hergal. You realise that you cannot leave her with these people.

  By using the power of the Ruby of Seeing, you communicate with the gryphon. You tell Hergal to fly out of the port and be ready for your return. She obeys, and heads off.

  One of the crowd steps forward. “Hey, you there. What brings you to Yushan on the back of that beast?” he asks.

  If you wish to tell this stranger the truth, go to 14.

  If you don’t want to tell him anything, go to 27.


  You thrash at the water as you try to swim away from the wolf sharks, but the creatures are too fast.

  They twist and turn in the water in excitement. You let out a scream as one of the wolf sharks bites into your leg.

  Your blood pours out, sending the sharks into a feeding frenzy. They move in for the kill, and the dark water turns to red foam.

  You’ve become dinner for the wolf sharks! To start your quest again, go to 1.


  You don’t need the Ruby of Seeing to know that he is lying! “So where is the food?” you ask.

  With a snarl, the grobblin rushes at you but you are too quick for him. Your sword pierces his body and he falls to the floor.

  “You will never find the Old Man of the Sea. The Red Queen will stop you,” he gasps with his last breath.

  You look around to check that no one has heard the scuffle, and then drag the body of the innkeeper into your room.

  You decide to leave the inn immediately!

  If you spoke to the sailors in the inn, go to 20.

  If you didn’t speak to the sailors, but wish to search for a ship, go to 3.

  If you want to fly across the sea on Hergal, go to 31.


  “I will give you the rubies, if you let me live…” you say.

  The captain laughs and shakes his head. “You are in no position to negotiate. And, to be honest, I was only being polite. We’ll just take them!”

  In an instant, the undead crew charge towards you. There are just too many to fight, and you are quickly overcome. You feel several bites on your arms before you pass out.

  Hours later you awake and look at your body. You are dressed in pirate clothes! You have become one of the undead crew, destined to sail the Sea of Oblivion forever.

  The Red Queen’s minions have defeated you. Put a stop to her evil plans and get back to 1.


  “I am on a quest for the Queen of Alba in her fight against the Red Queen and her husband, Mortha.”

  At the mention of their names the crowd look worried and begin to move away. The man sheathes his sword. “Then I have found someone who is crazier than most adventurers. Luck be with you! But if I were you, I’d find a bed for the night. There are strange creatures that walk the streets of Yushan after dark. If you head to the square, there is an inn. Stay there until daybreak…” Before you can ask any more questions, he hurries away.

  If you wish to head to the inn, go to 33.

  If you wish to find a ship, go to 3.


  “I don’t think so!” you cry out. You dive for the Ruby of Power that is balanced on the side of the throne. You know it will give you a chance. Narwul knocks you down before you get close. You grab hold of his trident — taking him by surprise — and wrestle it from his grasp. He responds by diving at you and piercing you with his tusks. You cry out in pain as the sharp ivory points tear through your skin.

  You kick at him, sending him sprawling. The other sea creatures move in as you try to reach for the Ruby of Power, but you are too slow.

  As you grasp for the throne, the Old Man of the Sea transforms before your eyes. His arms turn into dozens of tentacles and you are engulfed in his grasp. He squeezes you, forcing the breath out of your body and you pass out into blackness.

  Go to 15.


  You head up to your room and settle in for the night.

  Some hours later, you wake suddenly. You can hear someone on the other side of the bedroom door. Silently, you get out of bed and reach for your sword.

  You make your way to the door. Someone is trying to get into the room! You grab the handle and fling open the door.

  The innkeeper is in the hallway; he is holding a candle.

  You step forward. “What are you doing?” you demand.

  “I was bringing your food!” he growls. “You made me jump!”

  If you believe him, go to 49.

  If you don’t believe him, go to 38.


  As the Umibozu continues its attack, you run to the ship’s rail and are just about to dive overboard, when a hand grabs your shoulder.

  “Why are you in such a hurry to leave?”

  It’s the pirate captain!

  You try to twist out of his grasp, but it’s no good. Suddenly, one of the Umibozu’s pincer hands latches onto the captain and tugs him away. You quickly turn and dive overboard into the raging sea.

  As you swim away you hear a howling sound, coming from beneath the waves. You look down and see dozens of fins heading towards you. The howling gets louder. It is a pack of wolf sharks! Your blood turns cold; these creatures can strip the flesh from a body in seconds!

  The wolf sharks begin to circle around you.

  If you wish to try to swim away from the creatures, go to 37.

  If you wish to use the Ruby of Seeing, go to 13.


  You drive Hergal forward, but the gryphon makes little progress. The roaring gets louder and the spray from the sea drenches you.

  You suddenly realise why! Ahead of you are two giant waterspouts. They twist and turn, sucking up water from the sea hundreds of metres into the sky.

  You change course, but to your horror, you find that they follow you! You realise that these are no ordinary waterspouts, they are giant living water creatures! As they close in on yo
u, they open their huge gaping mouths and hundreds of decaying zombie sea birds fly out. They head towards you with their great beaks open!

  If you wish to turn back, go to 7.

  If you want to fight the creatures, go to 22.


  “I will have my rubies back,” you say as you leap up and grab hold of the trident. You try to force Narwul backwards, but he is too strong for you.

  He throws you to the floor and presses down with the trident across your chest. You struggle to free yourself but his tusks are at your throat. Slowly the ivory presses into your flesh.

  You let out a brief scream as your throat is punctured and you pass out in pain.

  Go to 15.


  You know that it is a risk to go on board, but you are sure that the Ruby of Power will help you overcome any attackers.

  You follow the dwarf up the gangplank and onto the ship. He takes you to the captain’s cabin. “Captain, this traveller wishes to come with us across the Sea of Oblivion.”

  The captain looks at you. “Very well. We can give you passage today. But it will cost you ten gold pieces.”

  You nod and give the captain the gold. “Welcome on board. Show our friend here around,” the captain tells the dwarf. “We cast off in an hour.”

  You head out onto the deck. There are about twelve members of the crew. They stare at you as you make your way to your quarters.

  The dwarf shows you a small cabin. “This is where you’ll sleep,” he says, and then leaves.

  You lock the door and take out the Ruby of Seeing. “Are these sailors pirates?” you ask it.

  Images of the crew attacking ships and stealing treasure flood into your mind. Your hunch was right — you are on a pirate ship!

  If you want to get off the ship immediately, go to 9.

  If you wish to stay on the ship, go to 23.


  You pull out your sword just as the man thrusts forwards. The crowd moves back as a fight begins; the clang of your sword blades echoes in the night. You feel the Ruby of Power glow, and you twist and hook the man’s sword from his grasp. It clatters onto the ground. The man scrambles for his weapon, but you are too quick for him. In an instant your sword is at his throat. “I said my business is none of yours. Do you agree?”

  The man nods his head.

  You turn to the crowd. “Does anyone else wish to disagree with me?”


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