Syphon: Guardians of the Fractured Realms

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Syphon: Guardians of the Fractured Realms Page 5

by Kunego, Chad

  “Oh… Clumsy me. Always running into stuff…” Frank replied as he bumped the bed again.

  “Damn it!”

  “What’d you say your name was again?” Cora repeated as she pulled out her notebook.

  “Fine, my name’s Kyle… Now would you tell your partner to stop bumping into the bed? That shit hurts.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” she said as she cast a glance at Frank.

  “So tell me Kyle… What exactly happened in the alley tonight?”

  “We got jumped, that’s what happened.”

  “Really…? From what I heard, you and your buddies decided to hassle a homeless guy and wound up getting your shit broken off…”

  “Man, that’s bull… Where’d you hear that crap from?”

  “Frank, who was it that told you that?”

  Frank made a big production out of pulling out his notebook and flipping to the right page.

  “Hmmm… Oh yeah, looks like it was your pal, Pete. Seems he was the only one to get away from the ‘brawl’ without getting a scratch on him. How do you suppose that happened, with your group getting jumped and all…?”

  “Sonofa…” Kyle trailed off, mumbling a bunch of curses.

  Frank leaned in close to Kyle, bouncing his hip off the side of the bed again.

  Kyle sucked air through his clenched teeth, his face starting to go pale.

  “So how is it that he got away if you got jumped? Seems a lot more likely that you started a fight that went against ya, based off the evidence we’ve recovered from the alleyway.”

  Cora watched Kyle’s face as her partner grilled him. She noticed that his tough expression was starting to falter.

  “Listen. Tell you what,” Cora said, appearing lost in thought.

  “You tell us what we wanna know, and we won’t run you down to booking tonight. If it’s good enough, we might even be inclined to put in a good word with the D.A.… maybe have them try and toss out the charges…” she finished, arching an eyebrow as she glanced back at Kyle.

  She watched his expression closely as she said it, waiting to see if he’d rise to the bait. After a moment, she could tell he was wavering.

  “This is a one time offer Kyle. If we walk out this door with nothing, then you’re going to get booked on aggravated assault charges, possibly attempted murder. Tell us what happened, and it might all go away… Minus the broken ankle and all.”

  Cora waited another few seconds before looking over at Frank.

  “Hmmm… Looks like it’s gonna be option number two…” she said as she started to turn toward the door.

  “Okay, wait… wait… Fine, I’ll tell ya, but remember you promised ta get rid of the charges.”

  “If it’s good, then sure, we’ll talk to the D.A.,” she said as she flipped to a blank page and got ready to write.

  “Fine, this is what happened. We saw a bum…”


  “So whatcha think…? Think he was telling the truth?”

  Frank scratched his chin absently.

  “If he was, then this guy continues to impress. To break a man’s ankle one handed? I sure as hell couldn’t do it. Dislocate, maybe… assuming I could get in the correct position and apply the right leverage. But to flat out break it? That amount of torque is well outside of what an average person can generate.”

  “Yeah, I’ve only seen that happen once when someone landed wrong in aikido class. So, our guy is significantly stronger than he let on when he was cooped up here. I’m guessing he stood a good chance of being able to break that cuff we left him in, but then the question remains. Was he alone when he did it, or did he have help. If he had help, did either of them have anything to do with Russo’s death? And how does Sybil play into all of this?”

  “More questions without answers. God, this is turning into one big cluster…”

  “Yeah, no shit. Let’s say we call it a night since the other two won’t be able to talk until sometime later this morning.”

  “That’s about the only good thing I’ve heard so far today…”

  Chapter 7

  Samuel slowly woke to the smell of food cooking. Eyes snapping open, he sat up quickly and looked around, trying to determine where he was. Seeing no immediate threat, he took another, slower look around. He noticed several disheveled people standing in what appeared to be a cafeteria line. As he watched, he saw a few more people in mismatched clothes come in through what he assumed was the front door, before heading over to stand in line.

  “Better head on up before all the grits is gone.”

  Turning around, he saw an older gentleman approaching him, or more specifically, toward him on his way to the food line.

  “Where am I?” he asked as he stood, joints popping randomly as he stretched.

  “You’s at the Main Street homeless shelter. I was here last night when they brought you in. Seems you was unconscious jes’ around the corner, so a couple people hep’d carry you in. Was right nice of ‘em ta do it too, seeing as how it got below freezing last night and all. Based off what you was wearin’, you probably woulda froze ta death if they’d hadn’t found ya. Now if ya’ll excuse me, I’m gonna get some grits and bacon before they’s gone.”

  As the man wandered over to the food line, Samuel took stock of his situation. He was wearing a pair of boots that were too big for his feet, a pair of worn but durable jeans, and a shirt and jacket that were a bit too small. Considering his options, his stomach reminded him that it’d been quite a while since the last time he’d eaten anything.

  Come to think of it, when was the last time I’d eaten anything? I hadn’t really been hungry when I first woke up at the hospital, and seeing as how I took an impromptu flying lessons shortly thereafter, food hadn’t really been at the top of my list up until now.

  Getting up, he headed over to the stack of trays and grabbed utensils before making his way through the line. By the time he’d hit the end of the line, his tray was almost overflowing with food. Heading over to the tables, he noticed the gentleman that had talked to him earlier sitting at the far corner of the room. Since he hadn’t talked to anyone else, he headed over to sit with a vaguely friendly face.

  “Did ya get some grits?”

  Samuel smiled back at him, pointing to a spot on his tray.

  “Yes. I also got some oatmeal as well.”

  As he put his tray down, the other guy whistled.

  “If you wasn’t a guy, I’d ask if you was expectin’.”

  “Yeah, I might a gone a bit overboard, but I don’t really remember the last time I ate, either.”

  “Well, then. Let’s save the chit-chat for after the vittles. Oh… Almost forgot. Name’s Hank. Hank Iam… The Great.”

  Hank waved his hand around theatrically as he said it. Then he held his hand out to shake hands. Samuel smiled as he let the other man’s hand go.

  “I’m Samuel, or at least I think it’s Samuel.”

  As he took a bite of food, Hank raised an eyebrow.

  “Well, yesterday I woke up in the hospital with no memory. Now I’m here with no real memory of how I got here, either. Had a stranger that might have known me call me Samuel, so that’s about all I got going for me at the moment.”

  “Well, ain’t that somethin’.”

  Hank chuckled before stuffing some grits in his mouth.

  “That’s an understatement. So what’s the ‘The Great’ in reference to?”

  “Oh, used to be a performer. Like Houdini, only greater. People’s used ta called me the Great Iam”

  As he said it, Hank made a grand gesture, a plastic flower appearing in his outstretched hand. Samuel thought he saw a slight sparkle in the other man’s eyes, but it vanished too quickly for him to be sure.

  Must be my imagination acting up again.

  “So what happened…?”

  A sad look washed across the other man’s face.

  “People’s lost interest ‘n me. How’s ‘bout we pick dis u
p after we’ve eatin’?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  With that, Samuel dug into his food.


  Samuel looked back up at the chow line, debating whether to go back up for seconds. Glancing back at Hank, he saw him yank his hand behind him. Cocking his head slightly, Hank chuckled.

  “Was just gettin’ ‘em outta sight before you think about eating ‘em too… I ain’t never seen someone put food away like that before.”

  “Yeah, honestly, I’m not sure where I’m putting it all either. Maybe they added a stomach while I was at the hospital or something.”

  He’d said it jokingly, but by the sudden change in Hank’s expression, something wasn’t right.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Samuel noticed Hank had started edging away from him.

  “I was just kidding. I don’t have a second stomach.”

  Hank stared at him for a few more minutes before color started returning to his face.

  “I’ve heard the government does experiments like that on people all the time. They help out the grays with their agendas and stuff.”


  “Yeah, the grays. From Andromeda…? Don’t tell me you’ve never hear of ‘em… They liked ta take cattle afore they decided humans was more interestin’. Got the man involved with their secret projects an’ stuff. That’s how the government gets new technology. They let the aliens do things to peoples in exchange fer flying saucer technology an’ stuff.”

  “Well, I’m pretty sure I haven’t run into any aliens, or at least none that I can remember over the past couple days that I actually can remember.”

  It’s kinda funny, but that actually makes more sense with what I’ve gone through since waking up in the hospital. Aliens came back to continue their experiments on me. Can see it now. Alien hybrid… Film at eleven.

  Samuel smiled to himself. As he did, he realized Hank took the expression wrong.

  “Mark my words. Them aliens are around, and if you’re not careful, they might get ya.”

  With that, Hank got up and hurried toward the front door. Samuel started to head after him, but decided not to.

  It might be better if I let him go. As it is, he’s suspicious of me. Last thing I want to do is make him terrified of me. Besides which, they’re still serving breakfast.

  Grabbing his tray, Samuel headed back up to the food line.


  Samuel eyed the food line again. For some reason, even though he was full, he still felt hungry. As if to add emphasis to the thought, his stomach growled at him.

  I know I can’t eat any more right now, but for some reason, I’m still starving. I ate enough food to feed at least four or five other people. Maybe the aliens did stick a second stomach in me or something…

  He smiled at the thought.

  “Hello there. Glad to see you have a, uh, healthy appetite, especially after the condition you were in when they found you.”

  Snapping out of his reverie, Samuel glanced up at the newcomer. Judging from the way he was dressed, he assumed it was one of the people who ran the place. Deciding it was probably better not to make another food run, Samuel pushed his tray slightly away as he turned on the bench seat.


  “Mind if I sit down?”

  “Uh… Sure, no problem.”

  Samuel gestured awkwardly at a spot next to him.

  “Thank you. My name’s Carl and I’m one of the people who help run this place. I was here last night when you came in. Considering how cold it was last night and your condition when you arrived, I just wanted to check in on you, make sure you’re alright.”

  Samuel paused to consider what he was going to say before responding.

  “I’m doing okay, I guess. Don’t really remember a lot from last night. I remember getting jumped and escaping somehow. Next thing I remember, I’m waking up here, starving.”

  A quick look of concern flashed over Carl’s face.

  “Are you hurt? We have some EMTs on staff that volunteer here. If you’d like, I can see if one of them can look you over and make sure everything’s okay, make sure there’s no serious injuries or anything.”

  “Thanks, but I think I got away before they did anything permanent. I’m just glad I woke up somewhere warm.”

  “And with food, based off what I saw you inhale. Did you at least get a chance to taste it?” he asked, a big smile on his face.

  “Nah, I figured I’d taste it later,” he said, smiling back.

  “Well, I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but if you need anything, either myself or one of the staff would be more than happy to help you however we can. Also, if you’re interested, we have some connections with various work programs to help you get back on your feet…?”

  Samuel could hear the question in the other man’s voice. Looking down at himself, he realized that he looked like any of the other homeless people that he’d seen here.

  Now that I think about it, I actually am homeless. I have no clue who I am and no source of income. I also doubt I’d be able to sell this thing on my arm, even if I wanted to. It might be a good idea to take him up on the offer.

  Reaching a decision, Samuel stretched his hand out. As the other man returned the gesture, Samuel responded.

  “I might just take you up on that offer later. I don’t suppose you have anywhere I can get cleaned up, do you? And maybe directions to the nearest library after that?”

  Carl raised an eyebrow.

  “Sure, we have showering facilities. I think we might also have some clothes that might fit you better as well, along with laundry facilities. If you plan on coming back tonight, I’m sure we can clean what you have by the time you come back from the, uh, library.”

  Nodding his gratitude, Samuel stood up while grabbing his tray. Motioning for Carl, he replied with a grin.

  “Lead the way, if you wouldn’t mind.”

  Chapter 8

  Samuel felt significantly better after getting cleaned up and putting on clean clothes that fit better. Doubling up on the socks let the boots fit better as well. Thankfully, nobody had asked him about the strange jewelry he had on his left arm. Trying to explain why he had it while being homeless would have lead to his amnesia problem, a problem that might expose his desire to hide from the police while he tried figuring out what what going on and who he was.

  Up ahead, he could make out the sentinel statues Carl had told him to look for at the top step of the library. He stomach was still feeling distended from breakfast, yet he was still hungry. He couldn’t figure out what his body was craving even after the huge amount of food he’d eaten earlier.

  As he approached the steps, a weird feeling, almost like ants crawling across his skin, played across the back of his neck. After a few seconds, the sensation went away, but not before he realized it had slowly shifted, like it was coming from a specific direction or object that was moving. It had only lasted a few seconds, only long enough to determined the general direction the sensation had come from. He leaned against the side of the steps for a few minutes to see if the feeling came back, but after a few minutes, he shrugged his shoulders and went inside.

  As he stepped inside, he got déjà vu, along with another weird tingling feeling as he crossed the threshold. Looking around, he tried to figure out what had triggered the feeling again. Had he been here before? Or was it just a general impression from going into a library in general? Either way, he had a reason for being here. Hopefully, it might jog his memory, assuming he’d been here in the past. Heading toward the front counter, he noticed the librarian had her back to him. From the look of it, she was in the process of sorting the returned books on a cart. Samuel cleared his throat.

  “Excuse me… miss?”

  The woman held up her hand, signaling him to wait a moment as she finished shuffling some books before she turned around. For a split-second, her eyes widened. Samuel thought
it looked like she recognized him, but she adjusted her glasses before smiling.

  “Yes? How may I assist you today?”

  “Uh, yes. I was hoping you’d be able to point me to where you keep recent copies of the local newspaper?”

  Adjusting her glasses again, she gestured off to a corner of the library.

  “The periodicals section is over in that direction. You’ll find that we have the previous week’s copies of several local periodicals there, along with other regional and national papers as well. If you need something further back, we also keep the past five years worth on computer. If you need any assistance, don’t be afraid to ask myself or one of the other librarians here. Is there anything further I can assist you with at this moment?”

  “No thank you. I, uh, think that will be good for now.”

  Samuel started to walk toward the periodical section, but decided to ask her if she knew him. As he turned back, he noticed she was staring at him but quickly looked back down at the cart of books, accidentally knocking several books off. He quickly turned and strode away.

  Smooth… real smooth, now she’s probably embarrassed. Maybe she thought I was cute or something. Now it’ll probably be awkward to talk to her. It probably wasn’t a look of recognition anyway. Maybe once I figure out who I am and what’s going on, I’ll come back and ask her out on a date. Kinda hard to do that right now, being homeless and all.

  Samuel took a couple steps before another thought occurred to him.

  Wait a sec, do I already have a girlfriend? Or what if I’m married? I suppose either’s a possibility at this point. Just gotta keep my mind on the task at hand.

  Shaking his head, he made his way over to the periodicals section, looking for the local papers from the past several days. After a few minutes of searching, he found what he was looking for. Grabbing the stack, he wandered over to a table and sat down. He spent the next half hour pouring over the previous week, trying to find any mention of the incident he was supposedly a part of. A couple days back, he noticed a small blurb about a disturbance in a warehouse that police were called to, but not much else. Yesterday had a small article about a murdered police officer at the local hospital, along with a mention that one of the patients was missing and wanted for questioning.


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