Talon & Claree: Rebel Guardians Next Generation

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Talon & Claree: Rebel Guardians Next Generation Page 14

by Liberty Parker

  “Fuck no! I’m getting too old for this shit and have two more girls here at home to survive.”

  “What do you mean ‘survive’?” Trinity asks.

  “Let’s see, Shelby is dating, Cora is nearly nine going on thirty and then there’s you, woman,” he replies.

  “Me?” she questions.

  “Yep. You’re still keeping me on my toes all these years later.”

  Fuck. He better not be talking about anything other than her shopping or I may puke.

  “Someone has to keep you on your toes, Turk Dennison,” she says.

  “Glad it’s you, sweetness,” he states, leaning in and kissing her. And... now I need bleach.

  “Grampy! Why is you kissing Grammy like that?” Steel asks.

  “Don’t worry about it, Steel, they do that all the time,” Cora responds.

  “So does Mama and Daddy! Is disgusting. I am never kissing a girl,” he informs her.

  “Thinking he’ll change his mind in about twelve or so years,” Chief mutters. “Fuck, then I gotta worry about becoming a great-grandparent!”

  “Stop pushing time away, Turk! You act like you’ve got one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel for heaven’s sakes!”

  “Woman, my kids keep going the way they are, and these two,” he says pointing at me and Claree, “keep giving me grandkids, I might as well have one foot in the grave.”

  “I’ve got a way to resuscitate you,” she replies, grinning up at him. Fuck, now she’s trying to make me puke!

  “Can y’all um, I don’t know, cool it?” Claree asks. “The kids are too young for your nonsense.”

  Chief looks pointedly at her small baby bump and says, “And how did that one come along? Immaculate conception or something?”

  At his comment, Trinity and Claree burst into laughter. “I’ve been saying that very thing all along, honey,” she states. “No one’s buying it from me, but you’re a badass biker so maybe you’ll be more successful.”

  “What are you going on about now?” he asks her, so we then explain about lunch and Claree tells him all about their trip to the beauty salon.

  “You did not tell our president she deflated your hard-on, right?” the last part Chief growls out at me.

  “Maybe?” I say, shrugging my shoulders. “Don’t think I used those exact words, though.”

  “Fuck. You know you’re gonna catch hell at the next church, right? Especially if Smokey and Bandit hear the story.”

  I groan because those two, despite being older, love to cause havoc and play practical jokes. I can just see it now, they’ll have one of those ‘supplements’ sent to me or some shit. “You better not let them send me any shit,” I growl out in return. “Don’t need anything but your daughter to get my motor running.”

  “Oh, now it’s on! I’m going to tell everyone I see about your lack of use,” Chief rubs his hands together and has a sinister smile on his face. I narrow my eyes on him and give him my best death glare, which doesn't faze him at all.

  “Can we find another subject? Please?” Claree questions, her face beet red.

  “Turk! You’re embarrassing your daughter! Knock it off right now. I’m sure everything works just fine,” Trinity says, blushing.

  “Oh, that it does,” I say rubbing Claree’s belly. “Works just fine, and your daughter enjoys every minute of it.”

  “You sure don’t mind taking your life in your own hands, do you, boy?”

  “I’ve got your boy right here,” I tell him, cocking my hips in his direction.

  “I’m cursing you to a girl, I am going to pray to the gods that you have nothing but girls from here on out. I’ll call my parents and grandmother and have them curse you as well,” he proudly states.

  “Mom, do you wanna go to the cabin?” Claree asks.

  “What? Why?” I question.

  “Because,” she angrily states, “your manhood won’t be working anyways if you keep running your damn mouth!” I cover my junk at her statement. Women should not threaten to take away our dick and its prowess. That’s just rude and not right.

  “C’mon, baby, you ready to go?” I ask.

  “Been ready, Talon,” she responds. Great, now I’ve gotta improve her mood if I want a snowball’s chance in hell of getting inside her this weekend.

  We pass off Steel and all of his belongings then I escort her out to the truck and help her up. She still suffers from stiffness from time to time and has a hard time climbing up on her own. When I get her up, I pinch her ass causing her to squeal out from the suddenness of the act.

  “Still as sexy as ever,” I say to her.

  “Flattery will get you everywhere,” she winks at me. And just like that, her good mood is back, and I can’t wait to play and flirt on our two-hour journey to the cabin.


  I must’ve fallen asleep in the truck on the way up here. I wake up when I hear the door open and Talon leans over me and unbuckles my seat belt. “Shh, sleep baby, I’ve got you,” he says, pulling me into his arms and out of the truck. I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my head against his shoulder. I feel him open the front door and carry me inside.

  I come awake long enough to say, “Talon, you need to be careful,” I say as he gets us inside the cabin and walks over to the couch, where he gently sits me down.

  “Baby, you’ll never be too heavy for me to carry,” he states, leaning in for a quick but hot kiss. “Let me get our bags and then we can check this place out together, okay?”

  Now, I find that I’m wide awake and anticipating some much-needed bedroom time with my man. It’s been so fucking long and while we’re still working through stuff, we’ve gotten a lot of the harder things out of the way. I kinda like our current bedtime routine once we get Steel down for the night. We curl up on the couch and talk about our days and anything that we want to deal with before we head to bed. As he told me when I asked why we didn’t just do that in bed, he wanted to make sure the air was clear before we hit the sheets. Even though nothing’s been happening between those sheets, I like how we’re dealing with stuff now.

  I lay my head back on the couch and watch the front door like a hawk with my eyes trained on my prey. My man is usually the one who makes the first move, but a girl has needs, and tonight, he’ll barely make it through that door before I’m on him like white on rice! I’m sure, knowing Talon, he has some kind of game plan for the weekend, and I’m all for him taking charge in the bedroom, but this weekend, I’m gonna be directing a few of those plays. That’s for damn sure. If he only knew what I had on underneath my clothes he’d be speechless. An idea comes to my head and I rush around the cabin to find the bathroom.

  I do love surprising my man! Hehehehe, I laugh inside of my head at where my devious thoughts have gone. I can’t wait for his tongue to hang out of his mouth as his jaw drops to the ground. We’ll see who is keeping who on their toes. I look at myself in the mirror, seems like Deja Vu, I’ve been here before, a long time ago on prom night. I quickly strip out of my clothing and fluff up my hair to give it back some life since I fell asleep on the right side of my head and it’s smashed to the side of my face some. Is that drool on the side of my face? How flipping embarrassing! I turn on the sink and wash my face so that it’s clean of all make up and, uck...drool.

  I hear him calling my name, I take one last look in the mirror and am impressed with what I’ve been able to accomplish without the normal tools I use.



  I walk back into the cabin loaded down with luggage. I don’t see my woman on the couch where I left her so I call out her name. I see the door open up down the hall and when I get a good look at what she’s wearing, I drop all the luggage right there and then, I close the front door with my boot and lock the door. I prowl over to her and take my finger, running it up and down the strap over the shoulder of her lacy camisole.

  “You take my breath away,” I say to her.

  “I take it you like it?
” she breathlessly questions.

  “I do, very much. You know what I’d like better?” I ask.

  “No, what?”

  “I’d like to take you to the bedroom and strip you out of this teasing outfit you’ve decided to wear. Then, I want to spend the next few days worshipping your body,” he replies.


  His words send a pool of desire coursing through my body, I can feel my nipples harden, as my panties dampen. He can say he’s not romantic all day long, but his words alone can get me going. Add in what I know he’s capable of with his mouth, hands, and dick, I feel like I’m on the verge of coming already. Before I can reply, he scoops me up bridal style and stalks down the hallway to the master bedroom, where he gently tosses me onto the bed. I no sooner start to look around before he’s joining me in the middle and the look in his eyes has me melting. Oh yeah, my choice of attire was on point.

  “God, I love you so fucking much, Claree,” he whispers, looking down at me. I never really lost my boobs after Steel and now that I’m pregnant again, they are nearly overflowing the camisole top. Sometimes, I feel like I’ve got the mom body going on but right now, the heat in his gaze has me forgetting the stretch marks, the baby bump and the slightly larger ass. I feel like I’m seventeen again instead of twenty-one with a second child on the way. “Where’d you go, baby?” he asks.

  “Got lost in my head for a second is all. I’ve changed so much since our first time, Talon, and I have a hard time thinking that you want all of this,” I reply, my hand swiping down my body. If anything, the heat in his gaze intensifies.

  “Are you kidding me right now? You are, aren't you? Because damn, baby, I’ve gotta say, your body now as a woman, compared to that when you were a teenager, is hotter than it was. Look at these hips,” he says, grabbing them in his hands, “they’re no longer hard to grab a hold of while I pound into you from behind. And these,” he says, cupping my breasts, “they are voluptuous and fit my hands perfectly. You were made for me and the way I like to take you. There is no one more beautiful than you, baby. God, don’t you see it? Don’t you see the fire that ignites in my eyes every time I look at you? You are everything important and I’d love you if you were three-hundred pounds, because no matter what’s on the outside, you’re still you on the inside,” he says, placing his hand over my heart, where it beats rapidly in my chest.

  A tear slips out that he quickly wipes away. “Talon,” I murmur. “I just, I don’t want you to ever grow tired of me.”

  “That’ll never happen, baby. Even these past few months when things went to hell, I wanted you. There is proof of that with our child growing inside of you. So, know this, you’re my old lady and will be that until I draw my last breath. I promise.” He leans down, cups my face in one of his hands, and kisses me. So soft and sweet, it quickly morphs into a wicked, wet kiss and I find myself grabbing his shirt in both of my hands to pull him closer. “Patience, Claree,” he murmurs. I may go mad before he gets inside me at the rate he’s going. Leaning back, he quickly pulls his shirt over his head, toes his boots off and slides out of his jeans, leaving him in his boxers and socks. I giggle when I see he’s wearing the pair that Steel insisted I buy for him for Christmas. SpongeBob socks. Bright fucking yellow with that damn goofy face across his shins.

  “You don’t like my wardrobe?” he questions, chuckling a bit. “I mean, our son got them for me.”

  “Bet you don’t wear them to work,” I reply. I know he doesn't because those men are vicious when they see something that gets their hackles rising. Then it’s not just one of them picking on the individual, it’s all of them. I remember when Emma was in her Frozen phase and she got Law a pair of Elsa socks. The next thing we knew, every time he turned around, there was Elsa, Anna, or Olaf. Hell, they even took his truck and had someone do a ‘paint job’ with a scene from the movie. They gang up on each other, play practical jokes and pranks on each other, but they would also take a bullet and die for each other. That’s what makes them truly the men I’ve come to love and adore. My family.

  “Fuck no. A man’s got his pride and my brothers would never let me hear the end of it!” he exclaims. He lays back down and pulls me so we’re both on our sides. Right now, his glancing touches are starting a fire inside, one that only he can extinguish. “Enough talk, woman. Give me those lips of yours.” Ah, a request I’m happy to comply with as I lean closer and stroke his jaw before touching my lips to his.

  “Like this?” I whisper, a grin on my lips.

  “For starters,” he replies, before deepening the kiss. Soon, our tongues are tangling and dueling, as his hand reaches back, and pulls me flush against him. I can feel his hard dick against my stomach and the butterflies start reproducing. Pulling back slightly to catch my breath, I nip his jaw. It’s one of my favorite places to kiss, partly because I can reach there without standing on tiptoes. But also, because that’s one of his hot spots.

  I feel the strap of my camisole sliding down my arm and lift it so he can push it down. My breasts are always sensitive but when I’m pregnant, I can come from nipple play alone, something that freaked us both out when I was pregnant the first time, that’s for sure! Before I can say anything, his large hand is cupping one of my breasts and his lips leave mine and travel down until they engulf my nipple. “Talon,” I moan. “Fuck, you know how they are when I’m pregnant.”

  “Counting on that, baby,” he murmurs before he begins lavishing several months’ worth of attention on my nipple. While he’s licking and sucking on one, his fingers are stroking and plucking at the other. God, I’m about to explode and we’re still clothed for fuck’s sake! As if he’s read my mind, he pulls back and says, “Clothes, off now!” I sit up and he rips my top off and over my head, then tosses it behind him. He lays me back with his hand to my chest and pulls my shorts down my legs, his lips kissing me as they descend. Before they’re off both legs, and dangling off one foot, he makes his way back to my center where he kisses me. My hips raise up in need, he takes his tongue and swipes me from bottom to clit and sparks ignite deep inside my belly.

  “Talon,” I gasp out, when the tingles begin to take place traveling throughout my entire body.

  “Only the beginning, baby,” he whispers against me. His hot breath against my clit has me writhing against his mouth, anxious for the release that only he can give me. “You need more?” he asks, right before plunging a finger inside. The combination of his earlier play at my breasts, combined with what he’s doing now sets me off and I arch my back as I keen out his name.

  “Good girl,” he praises, continuing to stroke me as my orgasm starts to wane.

  “Need you, Talon,” I moan. “I need you inside of me, now, it’s been so long.”

  “Your wish is my command, baby,” he replies, before he strips off his boxers, then slowly crawls up the bed and lays over me. With one thrust of his hips, he buries himself deep inside me. I swear it’s been so long that my pussy weeps in joy at his intrusion. “God, so tight and wet, you fit me like a glove,” he whispers in my ear as his hips thrust in and out.

  I’m not sure where I end, and he begins at this point. Our foreheads are touching, lips grazing each other, and he’s connected to me in the most primal way possible. “You feel so good,” I moan. Deciding to tease a little bit since he caused me to come within seconds after all he did earlier, I begin rhythmically squeezing him from the inside. His groans are music to my ears as I move restlessly beneath him, trying to coax him to move faster. Kegels are a good exercise to use in these times, it keeps my man on his toes and pleasure in his eyes.

  “Give me a second, baby,” he whispers. “And for fuck’s sake, don’t stop whatever it is that you’re doing. You’re tight as it is but with that move, my dick feels like it’s being squeezed over and over again.”

  I lean up and start kissing his jaw and neck while my hands roam across his body. We’ve both changed so much from what we were as kids, and I for one am grateful for the changes i
n him. Latching my legs around his hips, I continue to arch my back and lift my hips up as he goes down to make sure I get the deepest thrust possible. “Fuck, Talon, I’m going to come again,” I cry out. He lifts his hand that was pinching my nipple and lowers it down to my clit where he tugs it, rubs it and then slaps it causing me to see stars dancing behind my eyes. Oh my, when I come, it’s going to be soul shattering.

  “Good, got lots of time to make up for, baby.” His thrusts become more forceful, if that’s possible, and I find myself lost in a haze of bliss as my orgasm crashes over me.

  “Talon!” I moan out, my pussy clenching in waves around him.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chants before screaming, “Claree!” and this is the moment I feel him as he pours into me. He begins to lay on top of me then at the last moment he moves over to his side and brings me with him. I’m laying half on top of him when our baby begins dancing. I chuckle, guess she got woken up! I know, deep down inside of me we’re having a girl, so I’ll have to be there for Talon when he has his initial breakdown. Once he gets used to the idea, I have a feeling he’ll be ecstatic. He’ll be irrational and a little over the top, but in the end, he’ll be just as protective of her as he is me and all the other women in the family.

  “Did you wave hello when you were in there?” I ask, giggling. “You woke our daughter up.”

  “Our son knows better than to interrupt his old man when I’m loving on his mama,” he replies, kissing my forehead. Neanderthal.

  “We’ll see,” I murmur into his skin as I kiss his chest.

  “C’mon, baby, let me get something and get you cleaned up. Our boy doesn’t want his mother all sticky and shit.” I would laugh, but I’m deeply sated, and extremely tired from the busyness of the day. I lay there drowsily watching as he goes to the en suite bathroom and comes back with a wet cloth. He cleans me up then climbs back into bed and pulls me close. “Why don’t you get a nap, baby? You’re gonna need your strength.” A smile crosses my face as sleep claims me. I can’t wait to spend this alone time with him and enjoy my man and his body without any interruptions.


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