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Remember, It’s You I Love: Operation Pink Knight

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by Mairsile Leabhair

  Remember, It’s You I Love


  Remember, It’s You I Love

  © 2014 by Mairsile. All Rights Reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, without written permission from the author.

  Cover Design: Mairsile

  Like Mairsile on Facebook


  This is the second in the Aidan and Vicky series. There will be plenty more adventures for the two lovers. Visit me on Facebook for the latest, or you can find me on

  A million thanks to my friend, Brenda ‘Poo’, who not only loaned me her midwife expertise, but supports me unconditionally.

  As always, thank you to Joyce, my best friend and supporter extraordinaire.

  A great, big thank you to all the men and women serving in the American military. You are my heroes.

  And last but never least, may the glory go to God.


  Chapter 1

  Thirteen Months Ago, Somewhere in Syria…

  Fear was all she felt, and all she needed, to make her run faster, dig her feet in deeper, in order to propel herself further. Her chest was on fire, her legs were rubber, but she kept running. Even at night, the desert was a blazing inferno, creating a sweltering heat under the hijab. She feared taking it off, in case someone saw her. It was a sin for a woman to be out in public, without her face covered. So she ran, as the sweat stung her eyes and blurred her vision. Frantically, she searched for an answer along the way. The desert was vast, scorching hot and barren. The sand, deep and unrelenting. That was not the answer she was looking for. She knew she couldn’t keep going on like this, but there was nothing, and no one on the horizon to help her. Her mind ran ahead of her, twisted in a helter-skelter burst of chaos, that left her confused and disillusioned. She was completely alone, in a country where she didn’t speak the language, and they didn’t care, or understand, that she was an American.

  How did she come to be there? All she remembered was waking up with a terrific headache, her hands tied behind her back, and shackles on her legs. She sensed that she wasn’t in Iraq any more. But before she could get her bearings, armed men came in and put a thick, woolen hood over her head. She choked from the stench of the dirty rag, and fought to escape, but to no avail. When the hood finally came off a day later, along with the shackles, she realized she was in a small house, in the middle of a barren desert. She opened her mouth to protest, but was immediately beat into submission. She learned quickly that the only way to survive was to cook and clean for the two men that lived there. One was older, and she thought most likely the father of the household. But it was the younger man who caused her to run away at every chance she got, in spite of the beatings she knew she would receive if caught.

  She veered off the road, and hid behind some shrubs, her lungs screaming for air, her face sweating profusely. She was only going to rest for a moment, but, it was a moment too long.

  She heard his heavy breathing, before she saw him. Pulling herself backwards across the sand, she tried to crawl away from him, but her legs couldn’t move fast enough, and he was to close for her to stand up. He raised his leg up, his heavy boot lingered for a moment above her head. She put her hands up to stave off his assault, as he slammed his boot into her shoulder. The sickening sound of bones breaking, reached his ears, and he stopped, satisfied that he had her attention now.

  He barked at her in a language she didn’t understand, but he had made his point, just the same. He would have Samantha’s obedience, or else.

  The pain was too intense, and she lost consciousness in mid scream. But the nightmare followed her into her unconscious, causing Samantha to cry out in agony, “Oh, Aidan. Where are you?”


  Today in Little Rock, Arkansas

  The room was dark, save for the luminous particles of light, dancing on the waft of a soft breeze, inviting its self in through the opened window. Incandescent light that the full moon bestowed upon the darkness, revealing its secrets. And as the silver disc became fuller, its beacon of light swathed the soft white linen, encircling the slumbering, nude figure, that lay upon it.

  In the shadows, beyond the reach of the moonbeams, stood another figure, whose eyes pierced the darkness. Eyes that caressed the shapely legs, and the soft thighs of the sleeping form. Eyes that grew as large as the moon its self, when those legs parted, to reveal curls of blonde hair, nested between them. Lingering for a moment longer, those same eyes then dipped over the pelvis, and up to the muscular abs, running vertically along the abdomen, admiring their tautness and strength. But those eyes, hiding behind that gleam of moonlight, glazed over with hunger, when the breath of a cool breeze, sighed across the round orbs of velvety flesh, causing the rose tips to harden erect, searching for warmth. Those eyes, those intense, green eyes, that lingered yet again, to watch the alluring mounds, rhythmically, rise and fall with each breath, finally continued on, past the milk soft shoulders, to the curve of the jawline, up to the lips, that puckered with each respire. But it wasn’t until those eyes traveled along the ridge of the soft-edged nose, that they were brought into the light, and revealed.

  “Are you just going to stand there, ogling me with those big, beautiful green eyes of yours? Or are you going to join me here in bed?” Vicky grinned, and patted the mattress.

  Aidan, her emerald eyes dancing with a mixture of lust and love, came out of the shadows, and jumped into bed, beside her lover. Rubbing her fingers up Vicky’s forearm, and across the hollow of her collar bone, she asked, “I thought you were asleep?”

  “I was. I was dreaming about today, and how perfect it was. You proposed to me today.”

  Aidan grinned, and slid her hand under Vicky’s breast. Using her thumb to warm the cold, puckered tip, she replied, “And you said yes.”


  Jerry, dressed in his formal, Army blues uniform, lifted the flap on his right side coat pocket, and pulled out a small item. He held it out for Aidan, also dressed in her formal Army blues, and she put both of her gloved hands over his, and accepted the item.

  She brought it close to her coat, and commanded in an even tone, “You are relieved.”

  “I stand relieved.” Jerry replied. He took three steps backwards, and stopped.

  Aidan pivoted, on the ball of her left foot, and knelt down on one knee. She opened the lid on the small box, revealing a diamond ring.

  She held it up, and with a large smile, asked, “Will you marry me?”

  “Oh, yes, darling, I will marry—”

  “What? Wait, no…, you’re not Vicky? You’re…, you’re Sam!”

  “Of course I’m Sam, and just who the hell is Vicky?”


  Aidan woke with a jolt. “Fuck me!”

  Vicky mumbled groggily, “Oh, honey, you’re insatiable. Maybe later, okay?” Then she rolled over on her side, and went back to sleep.

  “Shh, it’s okay kid, go back to sleep.” Aidan whispered nervously, combing her tangled auburn hair from her eyes. She checked Vicky’s finger, just to make sure that the engagement ring was still there, and the bad dream was over with. Then she laid back down, and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, trying to discern what the dream meant. Finally she fell asleep, her face still creased with worry.

  The next morning, found the two l
overs, sated, revitalized, still in bed, and deep in conversation.

  “Oh, Aidan. You’re not serious?”

  “Yes ma’am, I am.”

  “My engagement ring was your mother’s?”

  “Yep. And not just any ring, either. It’s an eighteen caret, three stone, Celtic diamond ring, with trinity knot mounts on white gold. At least that’s what an old Army buddy of mine, told me. I just thought it looked special. That’s why I knew it was meant for you.”

  “You say the sweetest things, thank you. I’m surprised Mr. Cassidy even let you touch it.”

  “He didn’t. When I was very young, even before I met you in grade school, my father caught me playing with that ring and went ballistic. He told me it was my mother’s ring, and had been in her family a long time. I was never to touch it again, or else. According to him, it meant a lot to her, and she had rather die, than take it off. So I thought it odd that when she did died, giving birth to me, he kept the ring, instead of burying it with her.”

  Vicky shivered at the mere mention of Aidan’s father. A vile man, with cruel intentions, of which she had been deeply afraid of, even before she was raped by him, at age thirteen. She would say it had no effect on her decision making as an adult, but she was only misleading herself.

  She glanced over at Aidan, trying to find any traits she might have inherited from her father. Aidan was tall, muscularly thin, with strong facial features and soft emerald eyes, enhanced by her untamed auburn hair. She also had that edge of unrestraint, that Vicky appreciated, both in the bed, and out of . To those that didn’t know her, Aidan was skittish, on guard, aloof. But what they couldn’t know, but Vicky cherished, was that Aidan was just protecting, not only herself, but those she loved, which was Vicky. In contrast, Aidan’s father, who died years ago, was of medium height, stocky, pasty looking, and callous. And he was always angry, usually at Aidan. It was well known that the only thing he cared about was money. Vicky came to the same conclusion, that she always does. Aidan was nothing like her father, physically or mentally.

  “Oh, sweetheart! How did you end up with it?”

  “I stole it when the bastard wasn’t looking. Don’t worry, he never even noticed. I’ve kept it hidden all these years, knowing I wanted to slide it on your finger, one day.”

  “So why do you suppose he kept it? I mean, it sounds like it didn’t matter to him that much.”

  “I’m not really sure. He sold everything else of hers. Stuff that wasn’t nearly as valuable.”

  “Maybe he really did love her, and just wanted a keepsake.”

  “Nah, he never loved her, but I did, and now, what meant the most to my mother, is on your finger, because you are what means the most to me.”

  Vicky leaned in and kissed Aidan deeply, “I love you, Aidan.”

  Aidan looked at Vicky, and froze in mid breath. She always had to remind herself to breathe, when she looked at her lover, for Vicky took her breath away. Luscious blond hair, that she delighted in sliding her fingers through. Twinkling blue eyes, that lit up the night sky, and just the hint of freckles, that Aidan knew, lay hidden under her makeup. Vicky was a business woman to be sure, running a multi-million dollar healthcare system, but to Aidan, she was the best friend next door, who begged to be pushed higher on the swing. But with all that beauty, the thing Aidan loved most about Vicky, was her huge, benevolent heart.

  “I love you too baby, please don’t ever doubt that” Aidan shifted nervously, and asked, “Can you get off work early this afternoon? I…, uh, need to show you something.”

  “Um…, sure, I guess so.” That was not what she thought would happen next, so with as much innuendo as she could imply, she asked, “Can’t you show me now?”

  “No, sorry. I have an appointment with Dr. Kline that I’d better keep. Dib’s on the shower.”


  It seemed to Vicky, that Aidan was in an unusual hurry to get to the hospital. She didn’t even want to play in the shower together, which left Vicky completely dissatisfied with this new day. Mumbling to herself, Vicky entered the hospital just as the Priest began praying over the loud speaker. Every day at 8 a.m., Chaplaincy Services says a prayer of blessing for the patients and staff. And every morning at that time, Vicky stops what she’s doing, which is usually getting a cup of coffee, and bows her head in prayer. But this morning, she was so distracted by Aidan sudden rush to get to work, that she didn’t hear the prayer until the Priest said amen.

  After dropping Vicky off at the front door, Aidan drove around back and parked her car. Walking back to the hospital, her mind was as revved up as her Mustang gets, except her mind was going in every direction.

  “Doc, the girl I was in love with, when I was in the Army, but thought was dead, may still be alive, and held captive in Iraq or Afghanistan, and—”

  “Whoa, slow down.”

  Chief Hospital Psychologist, Dr. Richard Kline, was having trouble keeping up with her rapid fire exchange. Aidan had been his patient, since she returned home, when the Army asked him to continue her medical treatment after being wounded in Iraq. Aidan was suffering from amnesia, and while most of her memories had returned, she still had some lapses, especially regarding the war. So even though she had since been discharged from the military, she continues to see him for his advice, and his friendship.

  He waved his arm at the chair, “Let me close the door while you take a seat.”

  Aidan sat down where she always sat, and took a deep breath. Then she told him about regaining her memories of a woman she thought had been killed in the insurgent attack, the same attack that wounded her. But now she believes that she was captured instead, and still alive.

  “Well, that is quite a development. So you’re not sure of what?” He deliberately left the question open, so that she could tell it in her own words.

  “I love Vicky, Doc, don’t get me wrong. I meant it when I put my mother’s ring on her finger.”

  He waited, knowing that something was bothering her, to the point of distraction, because she had never sat there, with such a panic look in her eyes before.

  Finally, she just blurted it out. “Doc, my gut is telling me to go and find Sam, that’s her name, Staff Sergeant Samantha Jane Vincent, and bring her home. You see, I’m sort of, uh… engaged to Sam…, also.”

  Though Dr. Kline had trained himself not to show emotion during a patients session, he could not contain his surprise this time. He had been there, when Aidan proposed to Vicky. He knew the struggles they both went through to be together. “So, um…, is this out of love for her, Aidan, or a since of duty, or both?”

  She thought for a moment and replied, “Both I guess. I’m not sure how I feel about the love part, not anymore. It’s all suddenly, very confusing, but I do know I left her behind, and that is unacceptable to me.”

  “You say you just got your memory of her back, Aidan, of course it’s confusing. The last thing you remembered about her, was how much you loved her. You need to take some time to figure out what exactly, it is you feel for her.”

  Aidan pulled out a blurred picture of Samantha, from her back pocket, and showed it to him, “I don’t have time Doc, she’s being held captive in a war zone.”

  Looking at the picture closely, he asked, “Are you sure she’s even alive, Aidan?”

  “Yes, I’m pretty sure she is.”

  He pointed to the picture, “Do you realize how much she resembles Victoria?”

  She looked down at the photo, “What? No, I hadn’t notice.”

  “Tell me what was it about Samantha that you loved?”

  Aidan thought for a moment and said, “Well, her personality, for one thing. She’s outgoing, very professional, and very generous, not just to me, but to others. She’s brave, and—”

  Dr. Kline was a trusted friend of Victoria’s, and he believe that the person Aidan was describing was exactly how he would describe Vicky. “Aidan, here’s something for you to consider, you fell in love with Samantha, because she was
so much like Victoria.”

  She stared at him skeptically. “Do you really think that’s what happened Doc? That’s just weird.” She darted her eyes back and forth, trying to grasp the significance of what he was saying.

  “Just hear me out. You were completely cut off from Victoria, when you both were teenagers, so your subconscious worked around that, by finding someone just like her. It’s the same concept of a son, unconsciously seeking out a woman like his mother. There’s just one thing that puzzles me though, Aidan.”

  “Yeah Doc, just one thing?”

  “You say you were engaged to marry Samantha but yet, you put your mother’s engagement ring on Victoria’s finger. I find that very significant.”

  “How so?”

  “Why didn’t you give the ring to Samantha, when you proposed to her?”

  She looked at him, confused, “What?”

  “Let me spell it out for you. You joined the Army, and a few years later, you fell in love with Samantha. As I understand it, in all that time, you had no contact with Victoria. And in fact, you proposed to Samantha before the attack that cost you your memories of Victoria. So…, why isn’t Samantha wearing that ring, right now, instead of Victoria?”

  Aidan couldn’t answer him. She didn’t honestly know for sure. “Uh, I don’t guess I know, Doc. I hadn’t really thought about it.” But he’s right. Why didn’t I?

  Dr. Kline did not try to hide the fact that he didn’t believe her, as he went on to his next point, “So, what are you afraid of, Aidan, that you will find Samantha, or that you won’t?”

  She didn’t see that coming, and her face showed a mirror of emotions, until she finally said, “Oh, I’ll find her doc, but I’m afraid of losing Vicky.”

  “Because you love Samantha?”

  “No! That’s bullshit! Why do you keep saying that? I don’t think that’s it at all. Certainly not after all Vicky and I have been through together.”


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