Remember, It’s You I Love: Operation Pink Knight

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Remember, It’s You I Love: Operation Pink Knight Page 14

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “Ahem…, as you were, Cassidy.” The Commander suppressed a smile, “Now that we are clear on things, Montgomery and Williams, you are dismissed. Drill Sergeant, carry on.”

  Aidan allowed one last look at Vicky, then picked up her rifle, and began marching again. Vicky, however, could not look back, and as soon as she was out of sight of Aidan, she let the tears flow. Jerry put his arm around her shoulder, and offered what comfort he could. But there was no comfort for a heart that has just been locked up behind bars.

  Chapter 13

  As difficult as it was to be apart, Aidan found that her focus was growing sharper. Her total concentration on the duties of a Team Leader, and the mission set before them, kept her distracted from Vicky, rather than the reverse. With her mind so tightly focused, it left no room to think about anything the heart might need. Aidan had always been very adept at compartmentalizing, mostly as a survival technique when she was a teenager, and this mission fell into that category.

  For her part, Vicky couldn’t look at her lover. She simply listened and obeyed, without hesitation. And thanks to the advice from the Drill Sergeant, she hit the bulls-eye more than once. She found she was staying close to Jerry, as much for his moral support, as for his sense of humor. At the end of the day, when each woman lay in separate beds, in separate buildings, the only way that Vicky could sleep without Aidan by her side, was to cry herself to sleep, every night. She didn’t want to cry, she fought it hard. But the stress, exhaustion, and fear of the unknown, just built up too much.

  Aidan was now sharing a room with five other female trainees, so crying was out of the question for her, even if she would allow it. Her only release, was frustration and growing angry, and even that had to be controlled. To help her keep control, she spent most nights in the command center, and with the help of their experts, she made arrangements for the next leg of their journey.


  The training facility spared no expense in making sure their trainees were put through the grinder, whether it be physical training, or critical thinking or both of those, combined together. One test that Aidan had to pass as a team leader, and Vicky and Jerry had to pass in general, was the sandbox. As part of their curriculum, they were taught in class about the extreme differences between the dry heat and humidity in the desert, the climate changes and the sand storms. They learned about the power of the shamal, which can spew sand and dust for miles, and last for days. And the haboob, a more violent variation of the shamal, which comes up suddenly, and dumps sand so thick you can’t see your hand in front of your face. The plumes of sand have been known to reach as high as 15,000 feet, and as wide as 8,000 feet. In combat, they are the perfect camouflaged to hide the enemy’s movement.

  They were led into a building which was the size of a basketball court, but as wide as it was long, 84 feet by 84 feet. There were no windows, and only one way in or out. The room, including the ceiling, was painted the color of the sand that covered the floor, and once the door closed behind them, it blended into the wall, and disappeared. The sand shifted under their heavy boots, as they walked behind the Drill Sergeant, to the center of the room. Lining the walls of the room, were six, 42 inch blade fans. Each fan had a sand dune in front of it. They were not warned about this test beforehand, though from their classes, they had all the knowledge they needed to survive it. The Drill Sergeant told Aidan she was now Moses, and it was up to her to lead her people to safety.

  The instant he left the building, the fans came on, and the sand began to swirl, and lift up, growing thicker by the second. As the blades gained speed, the noise from the fans grew louder. Aidan turned to Vicky and Jerry and barked orders. Quickly pouring water on their bandana’s, they tied them across their nose and mouth. With that done, they put on their goggles, and then Aidan told them, though they were already doing it, to unroll their sleeves, so they could cover as much skin as possible, because sand blowing at 85 miles per hour, can feel like your skin is burning, when it hits it. Aidan turned back to where she last saw the door, and Vicky grabbed on to the back of Aidan’s belt on her ALICE gear. Each trainee wears the all-purpose lightweight individual carrying equipment, or ALICE, from the moment they arrived in camp. The gear holds a water canteen, entrenching tool, first aid dressing, small arms ammunition, and in this case, a field pack, weighted down, as part of the test.

  By the time Jerry took hold of Vicky’s belt, visibility was almost zero. The three kept their heads down, trying to shield their face from the blowing sand, which had now engulfed the entire room. As the torrent of the storm churned the sand in all directions, the ground beneath them moved as if it were water. And lurking in the sand, were rubber speed bumps secured to the floor. Aidan was unaware of the bump, having step between it, but Vicky, whose stride was half that of Aidan’s, lost her footing because of it, and fell on her butt, breaking her hold on Aidan. Jerry almost tripped over Vicky, but caught himself in time. He and Aidan helped her back up, and after being assured she was all right, they continued on. But now, much to Aidan’s frustration, she was not as confident as she had been, that she knew where the door was. She had gotten turned around when Vicky tripped. And though they thought they understood the hazards now, walking became more difficult, and each step had to be taken carefully, cautiously, because of the shifting sand over speed bumps.

  Jerry saw a light off to the right of him, that was square, like a door, and he yelled for Aidan to turn around. Aidan stopped, and looked at what he was talking about, but after the trick with the speed bump, she thought this was just another one. She knew they did not have a set time to finish the course, so there was no reason for them to open the door. She shouted above the roar of the fans to keep moving. Jerry did as he was told, but suddenly they heard gun fire. Aidan immediately squatted, and Vicky was pulled down with her, as was Jerry. Again Jerry shouted at Aidan. This time he saw a shadowy figure in the sand, and he pointed his rifle toward it, ready to fire. But Aidan shouted to ignore it, it was another diversion.

  Though she could take her time, and find her way out, Aidan knew that prolonged exposure to breathing in the dust and sand, could be very dangerous to their lungs, causing respiratory inflammation, blocking their air passageway. So even though her first instinct was to stay low, and avoid stray plastic bullets, which could sting like hell if they hit a sensitive area, she stood up and quicken her pace, pulling the other two along with her. They kept their heads down, trying to avoid the sand, but when Aidan lifted her head again, the shadowy figure Jerry had referred to earlier, stood before her. Wearing a kefijeh wrapped around his face, so only his eyes were showing, and carrying a rifle, he had no identification markings that Aidan could see, but she didn’t take the time to look closely. She tackled him by the knees, knocking him to the ground, just as Jerry fired his rifle at him. As Vicky and Jerry pointed their weapons at the man, Aidan pulled his head gear off, not surprised to learn that it was the Drill Sergeant.

  He brought his portable radio to his mouth, and shouted over the roar of the fans, for the power to be cut. The sand dropped to the floor instantly, dousing them one last time, as the dust slowly dissipated. “Well done Team Cassidy. You worked cohesively to accomplish your mission, and that’s what we wanted to see. I’ve seen teams go off in every direction, tripping over each other, because they weren’t disciplined, and didn’t follow orders. Hell, some of the idiots were even shooting at each other. But Team Cassidy took out the hostile without injury,” The Drill Sergeant raised an eyebrow at Jerry, who lowered his head, knowing what he was going to say next, “considering you didn’t know if he were friend of foe. You all pass the test on your first try, well done, Team Cassidy, well done.”


  Ruth had only been working at the hospital for a couple of weeks, but she had already befriended many of her coworkers, though none of them knew who her niece was, except for Kate, whom she had sworn to secrecy, at least she hoped she had.

  She had no misconceptions about the kind o
f woman Kate was. A kindhearted woman, to be sure, but she was also a bisexual nymphet, who loved to gossip. But Ruth knew, though Kate oozed sex from every pore, she was not a whore. Kate truly believed that she was sharing her God given gifts with the world. She was nothing, if not benevolent with her gifts.

  Ruth made it her business to become familiar with all areas of the hospital, in case a visitor became lost. She figured it wouldn’t do either of them any good, if they both ended up in the bowels of the hospital, when the visitor was looking for the ortho unit, on the fourth floor.

  As she walked the halls, she remembered when Vicky had first become the CEO. It was a different time then, where the previous leadership, according to Vicky, was a micromanager. He had his finger in everything the employees did, and when something didn’t work, he blamed them for it, but when it did work, and especially if it gained notoriety, he took the credit for it. Vicky told Ruth that he thought it was the only way to advance to the top of his career ladder. Ruth chuckled to herself, remembering that he had actually advanced himself right out the front door.

  Looking around now, Ruth marveled at the changes she had seen in the staff, just since the last time she visited, a few years ago. They are happier now. They weren’t afraid to show who they were, because Vicky allowed them to come out of the closet with her. Some of the old timers, like Ruth would have been, were afraid. Same sex marriages was shouted down by the churches, and used for career advancement by the legislation, so much so, that the voting was like watching a ping pong ball, bounce back and forth. But what they couldn’t do, was convince the public that St. Frances wasn’t a caring place, where people were treated like family. That’s because the staff felt valued. And when they felt valued, they valued their patients even more. It didn’t happen overnight, to be sure, but it did happen, and the patients did come. All that was needed, was someone like Vicky, unassuming, but confident, professional, but compassionate, practiced, but personable, to value them for who they were. If only this could have happened when I was in my twenties. How different I would have become.


  By the end of week six, Aidan was barking at everyone, more so at Vicky. Not because she was mad at her, but because with each passing day, her resolve was chipping away. Realistically, she knew it wasn’t anything that Vicky had done, but emotionally, she blamed her for being there. She hadn’t wanted her to come, in the first place. But she hadn’t been strong enough to refuse her, and that made her angry with herself.

  Vicky, on the other hand, had to remind herself several times a day, that this was not Aidan. Not the caring, over protective, giving woman she loved. This was an android without feelings. But emotionally, she blamed Aidan for putting her through all this, just to rescue her ex-girlfriend, when the government should be doing that. She hadn’t been strong enough to tell Aidan not to go, and she was angry at herself for that. Both women knew this was not who they were inside, but the stress and frustration had taken its toll.

  Aidan barked, “Montgomery, front and center!”

  Vicky walked up to the firing line.

  “Your weapon of choice?”

  “Pistol, ma’am.” Though she stared straight ahead, Vicky could see in her peripheral vision, that Aidan was pale, her face was haggard, and Vicky’s anger instantly turned to worry.

  Aidan instructed that the target be moved in to pistol range, and yelled, “The range is hot!”

  Then Vicky put on her ear muffs, drew her pistol, and took aim. She hit the target, but missed the bulls-eye.

  “Try again, Montgomery.”

  She took a breath, squeezed the trigger, and hit the bulls-eye. She grinned from ear to ear, and looked at Aidan for approval. Aidan’s eyes showed what she couldn’t say, pride.

  “Good job, Montgomery. You passed.”

  Vicky wanted so badly, to hug her best friend, and tell her all about it, like when they were in grade school, and couldn’t wait to show each other their blue ribbon. But instead, she had no alternative, but to rush over to Jerry, and hugged him.

  Aidan watched the two laughing, and felt the loneliest she had ever felt in her entire life. I am so proud of her, I wish… Focus, damn it! This is what you wanted, remember?

  For those last two weeks, Aidan ate her meals with the Drill Sergeant, who sat away from everyone else. This made it easier on her, but harder on Vicky. Nevertheless, Vicky used it as an opportunity to get to know Jerry better. He was actually a sensitive young man, full of big dreams and high hopes. It was Jerry who joked that Aidan was like a boiling tea pot. Meant as a wisecrack, it frightened Vicky, so much so, that she immediately regretted any pressure she may have unknowingly put on Aidan.

  For Aidan, though, the loneliness was becoming too great. Her frozen attitude toward Vicky was beginning to crack. The further she retreated inside of herself, and away from Vicky, the more she ached to be near her, and the harder it became to stave off her emotions. That’s why she started eating with the Drill Sergeant. To keep her emotions in check. But she was becoming more concerned about what this mission was doing to their relationship, and she regretted now, not coming up with a better way of rescuing Sam, even though she knew, deep down, that there was no other way. Could she turn back, should she? Just on the brink of deciding to quit, she found a note pinned to her pillow from Vicky. Aidan, you can do this. We can do this! Don’t give up now. I love you! Aidan buried her head in her pillow, and released the stress and tension inside, with her tears.

  The only time Aidan and Vicky touched, during the last two weeks of boot camp, was at the end of the sixth week. The dreaded exercise of carrying, or dragging their flaccid teammate one hundred yards, would be the final test of strength, they had to possess in order to graduate. At the test, the Drill Sergeant changed the weight requirement for Vicky, because of her height. Now, while Jerry and Aidan had to carry each other, or in Aidan’s case, drag him, Vicky was told to get Aidan across the finish line. Grateful for the lesser amount to carry, Vicky wasn’t prepared for the feeling of her lovers breasts against her back.

  Aidan wrapped her arms around Vicky shoulder’s, and let her legs go limp. Vicky adjusted quickly to her weight, but not so quickly to her closeness. Aidan could feel the immediate heat, coming from Vicky’s body, and fought hard not to give into it.

  “Montgomery, concentrate. Think of me as a sack of lumpy potatoes, nothing else.”

  “But Team Leader,” Vicky quipped over her shoulder, “those lumps are all in the right place.” Vicky could feel Aidan chuckle, and that comforted her some. At least the robot still has a sense of humor.

  The Drill Sergeant, who watched the two lovers prepare, and instantly decided he had made a mistake, shouted, ‘ready, set, go!’.

  Vicky dug her feet into the ground, and pushed her head forward. The first twenty yards was relatively easy, because Vicky had been practicing, using Jerry’s weight. But even in practice, she was never able to drag him more than forty yards, maximum. It was the last forty yards, that Vicky strained for each step. Her legs jumped like rubber bands, her back ached, and her shoulders were going numb, under Aidan’s dead weight. She dug down deep, and found the energy she needed, each time she faltered. But the last ten yards might as well have been a mile away, for there was nothing left in her small body, to push her forward.

  “Montgomery, one step. Don’t look at the finish line, just take one more step.”

  Vicky panted to catch her breath, “I can’t Aidan, I’ve got nothing left.”

  Softening her approach, Aidan replied, “You’ve got your heart left baby. That’s stronger than anything else.”

  Vicky took in a shallow breath. Her brow was sweating, her knees were wobbling, and her calves were twitching painfully. But she let out a guttural scream, and took another five steps. Each time she faltered, Aidan whispered encouragement into her ear. Soon she was talking about their adventures as children, their lovemaking, and their future, and the final, biggest encouragement of all, she offered Vicky the
hottest French kiss she’d ever had, as soon as she crossed the finish line. It worked, Vicky made it to the end, and they both collapsed to the ground.

  “You did it, baby, you did it!” Aidan was so proud of her, that she forgot her position as Team Leader.

  The Drill Sergeant walked up to them, and said, “Good work, Montgomery. You passed.”

  “Permission to lay here until I catch my breath, Drill Sergeant?” Vicky asked, with an undertone of mischief, that the Drill Sergeant did not hear.

  “Permission granted.”

  As the Drill Sergeant walked back to the start line, Vicky grabbed Aidan, and collected on her promise. Aidan, feeling the scorch of Vicky’s tongue, daring her to fan the flames, forgot her staunch resolve, and eagerly sought it out. If not for the Drill Sergeant turning around and seeing them, they would still be there.


  Finally, after six grueling weeks, graduation day arrived. Aidan was more concerned with travel details, and spent her morning in the communications office, getting the latest information on Samantha’s movements in Syria. The topography looked to be mostly barren desert with few paved roads to access. The plan was to fly out that evening, and land in Iraq around noon the next day. With the help of the Base Commander, she made arrangements to stay in Baghdad, and have a four wheel drive truck, and other supplies, waiting for them. They would be driving into Syria, within two days.

  The graduation ceremonies began mid-morning. Out of the fifty trainees, only Aidan, Vicky and Jerry were graduating, because of the acceleration of their program. Still, all the trainees were assembled for the ceremony. The Base Commander called Aidan up first, and pinned several ribbons to her chest. She received every ribbon available. For the first time in days, Vicky allowed herself to look at Aidan with a lover’s eye, instead of a subordinate’s. She watched her lover come up on stage, and couldn’t help but feel proud of her. But there was something new about Aidan that was stirring a throbbing heat in her loins. It was the handsome new muscles Aidan had acquired. Her butt was tighter than ever, her arms strong, her shoulders broad, her body tanned. Wow, when did she become so firm, so ripped, so majestic?


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