Can't get enough

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Can't get enough Page 14

by K. Hunter

  “I love you.”

  She kissed his lips, “I love you too.”


  Leon sat in his office looking at his daughter and wife’s pictures. He looked at the calendar and saw his first anniversary was coming up. He called Olivia

  “I want to throw a baby shower/anniversary party for Natalie.”

  “Leon, how much are you willing to spend?” said Olivia writing a list

  “Olivia, I do not want to be broke.” he said laughing, “Just a nice party.”

  “This will cost you.” she said

  “Cost me what?”

  “I will send you my bill.” she laughed, “Do you have people you want to invite?”

  He told her a few people that he would like to invite. “Make sure they are sent out by Friday. I want to make sure they can come.”

  “I got it. I will talk to you later.” she said

  “Thanks sis.”

  Olivia smiled, “No problem.” she said hanging up

  Leon smiled as he went about his day. A messenger came with a package three hours later. He opened it up and it was invitations with directions on the back. He found a note, ‘I already had the baby shower planned, I just needed a bigger bank roll. Olivia’

  Leon laughed and handed them out to his employees. He made a trip to the other store and gave them their invitations. He left the store and walked to his car.


  Leon saw Mercedes standing there. She was standing before him looking tired.

  “Hi Mercedes, how have you been?”

  “I am fine. Jaylen is keeping me on my toes.” she said wanting to touch him, “I saw you leaving the store. I thought I would stop and say hello.”

  Leon smiled at her, “It was nice seeing you again.” he said as he opened his car door

  “Julian, how is your wife?”

  Leon looked at her, “She is fine just enjoying being pregnant.”

  Mercedes face went white, “She is having a baby?”

  “Yes, next month to be exact.” he said leaning on the door

  Mercedes felt a knife pierce her heart. She leaned on his car and looked at the ground.

  “What are you having?”

  “A girl.” he said as he put his jacket in the car

  “Julian, I am happy for you.” she said as she walked away

  “Mercedes, what is wrong?” he said

  She smiled, “You always were observant.” she said looking at him

  Leon saw the café. He took his jacket out of the car. He walked towards her.

  “I will buy you lunch.” he said as he pointed to the café

  She followed him. They took a seat by the window and ordered their food.

  “Now tell me what is wrong.”

  “Julian, I found Marcus. I had him to do a blood test and he is the father of Jaylen. I took your advice and put him on child support. He became a jerk. He did not want to see the baby and he kept threaten to quit his job. The child support agency told him if he quit his job he would go to jail.” she said sipping her tea, “Then he came up with an idea of moving in with me and Jaylen. I told him no. I am making money but it is not enough. I do not know what to do. Jaylen is growing faster than I can keep up.”

  “Mercedes, you can not focus on what Marcus does. You have to keep your focus on Jaylen. He needs you and you have to protect and provide for him.”

  “I know. When I look at him, I keep seeing you.”

  Leon looked at her, “Mercedes, what we had is over? You have to move on.”

  Mercedes touched his hand, “I still love you.” she said caressing his hand

  Leon moved his hands off the table. He looked for the waitress for the check. He looked back at Mercedes.

  “Is this why you stopped me, because you want me back.” he said paying the bill

  “Julian, I miss you and I want us to be a family.” she said looking at him

  “I have a family, Natalie and my daughter. You made your choice when you decided to sleep around.” he said as he walked out

  She followed behind him then she ran in front of him. Leon looked at her with irritation.

  “You can not tell me I have not crossed your mind.” she said touching his chest, “You can not tell me that you do not miss how I made you feel.” she said touching his dreads

  Leon grabbed her hands, “I have not thought of you nor do I miss you. I am in love with my wife. Now go home to your son and leave me alone.” he said as he went to his car

  Leon got in the car. Before he could close the door she stood there and kissed him. Leon pushed her away from him and closed his door. He drove off wiping his lips. He made it back to his office and called Natalie and told her what happened.

  “I will kick that woman’s ass.” she said walking back and forth

  “No, you are not. I will not have my child born in jail.” he said calmly

  “I could not believe she used her son to get to you, which is low even for her.” said Natalie as she sat down

  “Enough about her, my barber is sick and I need a trim. Can you pencil me in?” he said smiling

  “I am booked until we close.” she said looking at his picture, “Come by then and I will do you.” she said

  “Really?” he said smiling, “I will be there so you can do me.”

  She laughed and kissed the phone as she hung up. Natalie finished her salad and went to her next appointment. The day went by fast and soon the salon was empty. Natalie were cleaning up and putting the dirty towels in the laundry bag. She began her paper work. She heard the door opened. Leon walked through the door way. She looked up at him and smiled.

  “I am ready for you to do me.” he said

  Natalie pulled him into her chair. She put the drape around him and pulled his dreads back. She pulled them a little tighter which made him smile. She stood in front of him and began to trim his beard and mustache. She finished cutting his beard and mustache. She took the drape off him. He looked at it in the mirror then looked at her in the mirror. She smiled.

  “Do you like it?” she said standing next to him

  “I love it. How much do I owe you?” he said turning towards her

  She smiled, “My price is expensive.”

  “I do not care.”

  She moved in closer as she unbuttoned his shirt and began touching his chest. She licked her lips.

  “If you can make me scream your name in hot throws of passion, it will be a start.” she said pulling on his belt

  He smiled at her, “You are naughty, I can pay that price.” he said taking off her shirt

  He sat her in the chair and turned her around to look in the mirror. He stood in front of her and did things to her body that brought on a fire that needed to be put out. He leaned the chair back and took his time as he made her body rise to new heights. She screamed his name as his own fire was quenched. She smiled at him.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too Natalie.

  He helped her up as she went into the bathroom to wash up. She came out pulling up her pants. He kissed her and went into the bathroom. She was cleaning the chair and sweep up the hair on the floor. She heard a knock at the door. She went to the door and saw Marcus.

  “We are closed.” she yelled

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “I have nothing to say to you.” she said as she walked away from the door

  Leon came out of the bathroom when a piece of concrete flew through the door and hit Natalie on her leg. She fell into one of the chairs. Leon ran to her. He looked at Marcus as he came in the doorway. Leon saw red as he charged Marcus. Leon smashed Marcus against the other glass as they fell onto the sidewalk. Marcus kicked Leon in the stomach. Leon seemed to not notice the pain; all he saw was his wife as she fell. Marcus started to swing on him but Leon blocked and threw his own punch. They were still fighting when the cops came up. They pulled the two men apart and put them in different cars. Natalie sat in a chair crying for Leon.
The police heard her. They came in the broken door. Natalie was holding her stomach. The police stood in front of her.

  “Ma’am, are you okay?”

  Natalie shook her head no as she showed him the blood on her hands.

  “Please get me my husband.”

  The officer looked at her as he called for the paramedic.

  “Tell me what happened?”

  Natalie told him what happened as his partner grabbed towels to help stop the bleeding. She grabbed his hand and continued to cry.

  “Please get me my husband, he is the one with the dreads.” she said leaning over in pain

  The officer ran to the car and opened the door. Leon saw the blood. He ran into the salon. Natalie was bent over in the chair. The ambulance came up and Natalie screamed as the pain became worst. Leon knelt before her as she looked at him. The pain in her eyes crushed his soul. He picked her up and carried her to the ambulance. She held onto her stomach as the blood seemed to pour from her side. Leon sat besides her holding her hand as the color seemed to drain from her face. They made it to the hospital when Natalie lost consciousness. They rushed her into the emergency room. He sat in a chair and felt his world crashing. His phone began to ring.

  “Leon, where are you the police just called me? What happened?” said Olivia as fear crept into her mind

  “We are at the hospital. She was bleeding badly.” he said in a far away voice

  Olivia screamed, “No!”

  Leon held his head as he wanted to scream. Leon heard the phone fall then it was picked up again.

  “Which hospital?” asked Quincy

  “Tampa General.”

  “We are on the way.” he said hanging up the phone

  Leon became nervous and scared. They could not tell him anything. He paced the lobby. Quincy and Olivia ran into the lobby.

  “Did they tell you anything?” asked Quincy

  Leon shook his head no.

  “Olivia, I need for you to stay calm. Wait here and I will see what is going on.” said Quincy as he disappeared into the back

  Olivia hugged Leon. Leon could feel his strength leaving him. He tried to hold on but his heart was slipping away. The doors opened and Quincy came back with a nurse. Leon stood in front of him and looked into his eyes.

  “What is going on?”

  Quincy pulled him to the corner away from the door, “What the doctor told me is that whatever she hit had a sharp edge and had pierced her side. It punctured the womb causing her to go into labor.” he said as Leon fell into the chair, “She lost a lot of blood. Her blood pressure was very low. She almost died. Luckily they made it here as quickly as they did.”

  Leon felt the blow that made his heart crumble. He put his head in his hands and cried. Quincy knelt down and took his hands away and looked at him. Olivia sat next to him rubbing his shoulders.

  “Natalie is a fighter and so is your daughter. They put Natalie in a coma to help her body to calm down. Your daughter is in the nursery. I will take you to her.”

  Leon looked at him and nodded. Quincy took Leon and Olivia to the nursery. They gave them scrubs to put on. They walked to the bassinet that held his daughter. Leon looked at his daughter and began to cry. She was small. She was lighter than Leon. He touched her fingers and she grabbed his finger and held on. He smiled. The nurse picked her up and handed her to him. He held her close. He took off her cap and she had little hair. She started to cry as he put the cap back on and held her. Olivia looked at her and began to cry.

  “She is so beautiful.”

  “Just like her mother” said Leon turning to Quincy, “Can I see her?”

  “Not right now. They have to get her stable, probably in the morning.”

  The nurse brought him a chair as he sat down. He looked at her as she began to open her eyes. She looked at the lights and Leon saw his sister in those eyes. He smiled as she closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

  “Leon, we are going to the shop and clean up.” said Olivia, “Let me know when we can see Nat.”

  Leon looked at her and nodded. Quincy and Olivia left Leon alone with his daughter. Leon did not say a word for his heart was breaking.


  Natalie slowly began to wake up. She looked around the room. There were flowers and balloons everywhere. She looked around looking for Leon. She slowly sat up and looked down at her stomach. It felt empty. She touched her stomach and felt where the baby should have been. She began to cry. The last thing she remembered was Leon face turning white as she closed her eyes. She got out of bed and walked to the door. She opened it as he stood there surprised at her being out of bed. She reached for him. He picked her up and put her back in bed.

  “Where were you going?” he said sitting on the bed

  “Where is my baby?” she asked concerned

  “Oh, she is your baby now, I thought I had a hand in it.” he said smiling

  “Is she okay?”

  “She is more than okay, she is beautiful.”

  Natalie covered her eyes as tears fell. Leon pulled her to him as she cried.

  “I thought I lost her.” she said as she held him

  He caressed her head, “I almost lost you.” he said as she looked at him


  Leon told her what happened and how she almost died.

  “You mean to tell me I have been in an induce coma for two days.”

  “Yes, those have been the hardest days of my life.” he said touching her face

  He kissed her lips, “You need to brush your teeth, you smell like medicine.” he said wrinkling his nose

  She hit his arm, “You should talk. You do not smell like roses when you wake up.” she said

  He held her as he began to kiss her, “I love you no matter what.” he said as he continued kissing her

  The door opened as the nurse brought the baby. Natalie smiled when the nurse handed the baby to her. She held her and looked at her. The baby was looking around. Natalie looked at her daughter and smiled.

  “Leon, she looks like.” she said looking at him

  “Claire. I know I thought that too.” he said looking at her light brown eyes and sandy brown hair, “We have not picked out a name for her.”

  Natalie held her daughter’s hand, “Claire Renee De Leon.” she said looking at him

  Leon felt a tear come to his eyes; “It is perfect.” he smiled as he kissed her

  Claire screams were heard throughout the house. Leon got up and went to her. He picked her up taking her to the changing table and checked her diaper. He changed her diaper and took her in the kitchen. He heated her bottle. He sat in the recliner and fed her. She looked at her father as she drunk her milk. Leon fed her until she fell asleep. He put her on his shoulder and patted her back. She belched and went back to sleep. He took her back to her room and put her in the bed. He walked back to his room and fell on the bed and looked at the clock as it said two in the morning. He drifted off to sleep. He heard her again. He looked at the clock it said four. He got up but Natalie had her. He fell back on the bed and went back to sleep. The sun hit his eyes as he put the pillow over his face. He jumped up when Claire screamed. He went to her as she was mad. Her little face was red and her screams were loud. He picked her up and checked her. He changed her diaper and took her for her feeding. Natalie was heating up the bottle as she fixed breakfast. She gave Leon the bottle as he sat at the table feeding her. Natalie put the food on the table.

  “She is a handful.” said Natalie as she drunk her juice

  “It is amazing a person so small can have grown people running.” he said as she watched him

  “I think she has you wrapped around her finger and she is not even three weeks old.”

  Leon looked at Natalie and smiled. They enjoyed the quietness. Claire belched and went to sleep. Leon put her in her chair and ate his food. The phone ranged and Natalie answered it.


  “Natalie, how are you?” said Olivia

p; “I am tired but good. What is up?”

  “I need to talk to brother-in-law.” she said

  Natalie hand the phone to him as she took Claire.


  “She is kicking your ass.” laughed Olivia

  Leon laughed, “How do you know?”

  “I hear it in your voice.” she said, “The reason I called, do you still want the party.”

  “Yes.” he said as Natalie sat down looking at him

  He watched her as he answered Olivia, “Is she sitting next to you?”


  “Everything is set and I receive all the responses back saying they will be here.”


  Olivia decided to have a little fun with him, “The whole thing cost fifteen thousand.”

  “What!” he said choking on his food

  Olivia laughed, “Just kidding.”

  “You and your sister have a habit of doing that to me.” he said looking at Natalie

  “That is why you love us.” she said as she hung up

  Leon laughed as he put the phone down.

  “What is that about?” asked Natalie as she touched his hand

  “I am not telling.”

  “I can make you talk.” she said

  “Not now, wait until you have had your check up then I will spill everything.” he said as he kissed her and went to the sink

  “Why are you being an ass?” she said following him to the sink

  He turned and held her close to him, “You will see soon. Now I am going to take a nap before she wakes up again.”

  He kissed her and went to the room to sleep.

  Natalie was not in the best of moods when Olivia came and got her. She was upset and did not know why. Leon left that morning to run errands and did not come back. Claire was also cranky and would not stop crying. Natalie got in the car after buckling the car seat in the back. She put on her seat belt and closed her eyes as Claire cried. Olivia looked at her big sister and started the car. She drove slowly while Claire began to wind down. Natalie began to cry. Olivia pulled tissue from her armrest and gave to Natalie. Natalie smiled and wiped her eyes.


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