Thrilling Ethan

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Thrilling Ethan Page 16

by Anna Paige

  “Um, no. I did not know that.”

  “Yep. He snores something fierce.”

  I laughed and scratched behind his ears. “He and Lennox definitely need to be introduced. They have a lot in common. Both kind of crazy, both snore like lumberjacks, and I’m pretty sure given the right circumstances, Lennox could also be a biter.”

  She giggled. “Yeah, but at least Dammit doesn’t hump everything he sees.”

  “Speaking of humping…” I trailed my hand up and cupped her breast.

  “Not in front of the pup. Unless you want another set of teeth marks on your butt.”

  “We have an understanding.” Dammit stood and tried to climb across my chest to get to Emily, his nails digging into my abs. “But why don’t we make him wait outside, just in case.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee,” Emily muttered as she trudged into the kitchen. Her hair was a mess, her tank top hung crooked across her full breasts, and she had a serious case of squinty eyes.

  “Damn, you’re gorgeous in the morning.”

  “Very funny, smartass.”

  I stepped into her path, gripping her hips as I dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “I’m not being facetious. You’re seriously giving me wood right now.”

  She groaned and tweaked my nipple. “Facetious? Really? That’s twice. How can your brain spit out words like that when you’re half asleep?”

  “I’ve been up for an hour, and it’s your word. You called me that the first day we met. Maybe you’ll remember when you’re fully awake. Coffee is brewed and waiting.”

  “I take it back. You’re not a smartass, you’re a god.”

  “Sex god, right? The coffee didn’t require any special skills.”

  She leaned her head on my chest, and I wondered for a minute if she was falling asleep standing up.



  “Shall I pour you a cup of coffee or do you want to continue drooling on my chest?”

  She jerked her head back and studied my bare—dry—chest. “See? Now you’re back to smartass.”

  “And you’re still giving me wood.”

  “I’ll tend to it later. Right now, I need liquid energy, STAT.”

  I left her leaning sleepily against the refrigerator and poured her a steaming mug of coffee. “Cream and sugar, right?”


  I added a little of each and brought it over to her. “Here you go, beautiful.”

  She took a sip and moaned low and deep, which make my dick jump. “So good…” She took another sip even as I stood there recalling those same words spilling from her lips when I was licking her the night before.

  Focus on something else, E. Damn, she at least deserves to drink her coffee in peace before you jump her again.

  “What’s your day look like?”

  “The way you’re eyeing me, I’d say it’s gonna start with a trip back to the bedroom.” She smirked and continued sipping her coffee. “Unless you want to utilize the counter again.”

  I laughed, adjusting myself so my erection was less obvious. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m not complaining one bit.”

  “In my defense, I wasn’t propositioning you when I asked about your plans. I thought maybe you’d like to come to the loft this afternoon and hang out while we practice.” I thought of her painting, which should be dry by now. “And there’s something I want to show you in the studio.”

  “Of course, I’ll come.”

  Dammit scurried into the kitchen, apparently just realizing we’d left him alone in the bed.

  Emily looked down at him and frowned. “Shit. I forgot about him. Sundays are our lazy day. A couple of walks and vegging out on the couch.”

  “Bring him with you. The guys love dogs. None of us have pets anymore since touring and travel and recording makes our schedules so crazy. Seriously, they’ll love him.” I reached down and picked him up. “And we have a deal about Lennox getting his ass chewed—literally—don’t we, Dammit?”

  He licked my face, and his tail swept across the counter as it wagged.

  Emily laughed and moved to refill her mug. “Fine. But I’m not walking him alone in a strange neighborhood.”

  “Someone will go with you. Probably Aubrey, if we’re playing. Be prepared for a million questions, though.”

  “Okay, but the interviewer gets to carry the baggie.”

  I laughed softly. “That won’t scare her off, trust me.”

  “I figured it wouldn’t. Anyone who’s brave enough to take on Kade Edenfield is going to be hard to intimidate.”

  “Truer words have never been spoken,” I agreed, turning to leave the kitchen. “Now, finish your coffee and get that sweet ass on the counter while I lock the dog in the bedroom.”

  “You’re probably not going to get bitten anymore. He’s used to you now.”

  I kept walking. “Maybe so. But I intend to make you scream, so I’m not taking any chances.”

  A second later, I heard the distinct sound of coffee being poured down the sink.

  Miss Emily was ready for me.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Calm, be calm.

  But not aloof.

  You want them to know you’re a fan without falling at their feet.

  It’s all about balance.

  You’re adaptable, so adapt.

  I was only mildly nauseated at the prospect of meeting the rest of the band. Plus Aubrey, who Ethan assured me was extremely cool, if a little overly curious.

  “Jared’s the only one you won’t meet today. He’ll be here in time for the concert Thursday night, though. You’ll like him. Out of everyone, he’s the one I’m closest to. Not to say that we aren’t all close, but he’s been my best friend since grade school.”

  The way Ethan was chattering on about things I already knew, I wondered if he was nervous, too.

  I put a hand on his knee as he drove and gave it a little squeeze. “You okay? You seem, I don’t know, erratic.”

  He glanced over at me and smiled, blowing out a big breath. “Sorry. I’m just realizing that this may have been asking too much of you, bringing you here to meet everyone.”

  My face fell a little before I could get my reaction in check. “If you don’t want me to…”

  “No, no. That’s not what I meant.” He covered my hand with his. “I want you there. I just don’t want them to scare you off. They’re kind of wide open. Especially Lennox, who never shuts up and makes pretty much everything awkward with his lack of filter. It’s scary how often he puts his foot in his mouth.”

  “I’m not easily offended. Trust me, after growing up in the same house as Mother, I can shrug off anything those guys throw at me.”

  “You say that now…” He shook his head.

  “And I mean it. I’ll be fine.” I glanced over my shoulder at Dammit’s travel kennel, safely strapped into the back seat while he sulked inside. “I’m more worried that Dammit will get into something while I’m distracted.”

  Ethan’s gaze flicked to the rear-view mirror as he too looked in on our furry passenger. “He’ll do fine. And if not, it’ll still be okay. I’m not worried as long as he doesn’t lift his leg on one of my canvases. Everything else can be replaced.”

  I nodded, laughing. “I was already planning to block the stairs to the studio, just in case. He’s not much of a leg-lifter, though. He’s more of a thief than anything else.”

  “Steals your food, does he?”

  “Not just food. He also drinks coffee right out of your mug if you don’t watch him, but mostly he steals…um…undergarments.”

  “Come again?” Ethan snorted, laughing already.

  “He’s a thong eater,” I clarified, recalling just how many times I’d had to wrestle my panties from his slobbery clutches. “And bikinis, and hip-huggers. He doesn’t discriminate. He likes them all.”
r />   “Good thing I keep my thongs at my place in Cali. They’re better for the beach, anyway.”

  I play-slapped his leg, giggling. “Such a smartass.”

  “Such a beautiful laugh,” he replied, lifting my hand from his leg so he could kiss my palm. “All jokes and possible craziness from my bandmates aside, I want to thank you for agreeing to come today. I probably would have cancelled if you declined.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because it would have been a choice between another practice session or being with you, and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. Not by a long shot.”

  But you will. Eventually, you’ll have to get back to your life, and I’ll be left behind.

  I smiled at his sweet comment and refused to acknowledge the nagging voice in my head that was telling me I was getting too invested. “Thank you for the invitation. I’m not sure what I’m more excited about: the music, meeting your friends, or whatever it is you want to show me.”

  “Hopefully, you’ll thoroughly enjoy all three,” he said as we waited for a traffic light.

  I took the opportunity to lean over and kiss his cheek. “I know I will, as long as I’m with you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  The rest of the band—sans Jared, of course—arrived less than five minutes after Ethan and I reached his loft. I barely had time to block the stairs and let Dammit out of his carrier before they were there, a cluster of voices and noise as they poured through the door.

  I scooped up Dammit before he could charge in to greet them and hung back behind Ethan.

  “I’m telling you, that cleaning lady violated me.” The spiky, blond head of Lennox Reid appeared first, as he argued over his shoulder with one of the twins, his dark eyes flashing in annoyance.

  Kade and Kane were identical in every way, including their dirty blond hair, which hung to their shoulders. Still, the smirk and humor on his face made me think this twin was Kane, the one who had kicked Lennox out of their shared suite.

  “She poked you with the broom handle to make sure you were breathing, dumbass. You were passed out in the hall; you’re lucky she didn’t call security.”

  “She jabbed me in the ass, Kane.” Ha! I was right. “Goosed me so hard I hit my head on the wall.”

  “Will you two shut the fuck up already? I’m sick of hearing it. Kane, at least make sure he has his wallet next time you toss him out.” The other twin, Kade, stepped into the room, stormy gray eyes glaring at the back of his brother’s head. “And Lennox, spring for your own room instead of bringing the fuck squad to a shared suite, you uncouth jackass. No one wants to listen to you moaning while three chicks fake orgasms all damn night.”

  Ethan’s shoulders shook as he stood in front of me, and Kane made no attempt to hide his laughter.

  “Fuck you, Kade.” Lennox bit out then swept his gaze over the room. “Fuck all of you.”

  Aubrey finally stepped around Kade, shaking her head at them. She was gorgeous, with long dark hair and gray-blue eyes. She had a casual style I could totally relate to—distressed jeans and a long sweater with ankle boots. “Can we all take it down a notch, please? All’s well that ends well, right? Kade and I had a great night alone. Kane, you got a good night’s sleep. And Lennox…” She smirked. “You got your prostate massaged. See? We’re all winners.”

  “A prostate massage usually consists of a finger in the ass, not a goddamn broom handle,” Lennox grumbled.

  “Ahem.” Ethan pointedly cleared his throat and stepped aside so everyone would realize I was there.

  Dammit chuffed and started to squirm in my arms, wanting down.

  All three men froze, and I could almost see them taking mental inventory of their exchange, probably wondering exactly how offended I was going to be.

  Aubrey’s expression went from surprise to elation in a heartbeat, and she hurried across the room toward me. “Emily! I’m so glad you’re here!”

  She pulled me into a hug as Dammit wiggled between us, wanting kisses. I looked over her shoulder at the guys and had to laugh. They looked like a bunch of deer caught in headlights.

  Ethan took a moment to make the introductions even as Kade’s bride squeezed the breath out of me. “Emily, meet Kade, Kane, and Lennox. Aubrey, you already sort of know.”

  When Aubrey stepped back and stole Dammit from my arms, I smiled over at them. “Nice to meet you. From what I just heard, it sounds like it was a bad night for asses. Just ask Ethan what happened to his.” I looked at him, smirking. “Or you could just show them the teeth marks.”

  All three men—even stone-faced Kade—cracked up and turned to Ethan.

  Lennox was nodding, shooting looks my way as he spoke. “She’s a biter, huh? That’s hot.”

  “Not her, idiot. The dog.” Ethan pointed at Dammit, who was too intent on licking Aubrey’s face to notice the stares he was getting. Thank goodness her shiny brown hair was pulled back, or he probably would have tried to chew on it, another of his odd habits. “He thought I was…attacking Emily.”

  “You probably were,” Lennox tossed out.

  “He really was.” I confirmed, laughing when Ethan gave me an indignant look.

  Kane crossed his arms over his chest, feigning disappointment in his friend. “Serves you right then, you animal.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Ethan groused.

  Aubrey decided her face bath was over and put Dammit down on the floor. He took off like a shot, heading straight for the guys. Lennox and Kane both crouched, immediately ready to pet him. Kade was more reserved but still regarded Dammit with a soft smile as the pup made a beeline for his twin.

  “Whosagoodboy? Whosagoodboy? Did you bite him real good? Did ya?” Dammit’s back leg tapped on the floor as Kane scratched behind his ears.

  Lennox looked on with jealousy plastered all over his face. “What’s his name?”

  “Dammit,” Ethan answered.

  “No, really.”

  I shrugged, looking around at the four people waiting for me to dispute the answer. “Ethan’s serious. The dog’s name is Dammit. And after a few hours in the same house with him, you’ll see how well it fits.”

  “Nah. He’s a sweet little dog. Just protective, which is a good thing.” Ethan jokingly rubbed his bruised butt cheek adding, “Usually.”

  The next half an hour was spent watching the entire group fawn over my dog, which was adorable. Even Kade eventually reached down and picked him up—much to Dammit’s delight.

  The allegedly scary Kade Edenfield trying not to chuckle through the doggy kisses was the most hilarious thing ever.

  And Dammit totally won the battle.

  Grammys or no Grammys, that day my little brown pup was the star of the show.

  He even seemed to enjoy the music when the guys finally tore themselves away from him long enough to practice.

  He sat on Aubrey’s lap and watched as the guys made their way through several songs—all of them seeming unhappy with the sound because of their missing guitarist but making the best of it nonetheless.

  Lennox switched his bass for Jared’s rhythm a few times because they alternated a lot in concert, which I thought was cool. But I was hard-pressed to pay attention to anything except Ethan’s hands flying behind his drum kit.

  His expression was so intense, his movements so deliberate and entrancing, that I didn’t even realize Dammit had jumped down and was doing his ‘I need to go out’ dance at my feet.

  Ethan was all I could see.

  I wonder if he looks that intense with a paintbrush in his hand.

  Aubrey had to nudge me and gesture toward the door to alert me to Dammit’s needs. I nodded and waved for her to come along, which she seemed happy to do.

  She blew Kade a kiss on the way out, and he flicked his tongue in response, making me blush at having witnessed it. I caught Ethan’s eye and he winked, giving me a dazzling smile. His hands didn’t slow for a second.

  I stood there a momen
t longer, watching his hands, marveling how they could make such amazing music and create breathtaking works of art. So much talent in those hands.

  Dammit jumped up on my leg, hurrying me along, so I grabbed his leash and my stash of baggies and headed out as the slow beat of a popular TotC ballad played behind us.

  “I forgot how cold it is here in the winter,” Aubrey commented as Dammit led us at a leisurely ‘I’m gonna sniff allll the things’ pace.

  “The cold doesn’t bother me much anymore, but I’ve been here for a while now, so…”

  “Where are you from originally?”

  Shit, I should have known even a seemingly innocuous weather comment was leading question and answer period.

  “Tennessee. Just outside of Nashville.”

  “You a country music fan, then?” A standard question for anyone who’s ever lived within a hundred miles of Music Row.

  “I like everything. Country is what I grew up on, but I’m pretty well-rounded in my listening now.”

  Dammit stopped to sniff a particularly interesting patch of grass. Aubrey smiled down at him and asked, “What about TotC? Were you already a fan, or did our Ethan have to win you over?”

  I quirked a brow. “Isn’t everyone a fan of TotC?”

  “Everyone worth knowing.” She chuckled.

  I glanced over my shoulder and back at her. “Can I ask you something?”


  I gestured to the extremely large, menacing guy who was keeping within a few yards of us. “Do you have to keep a guard with you everywhere you go?”

  She blew out a breath and chuckled. “Nah. That’s Kade being overprotective. When all of us are together, we rarely have security. I mean, come on—who in their right mind would challenge either of the Edenfield twins? And the other three don’t have the same scary tall stature as Kade and Kane, but trust me, no one steps on them either.”

  “I can’t picture Ethan in a fist fight.” I shook my head.

  “Soul of an artist, fists of a prizefighter.” She shrugged. “Not that I know firsthand—just stories from back when they started out. They’re all pretty chill now, though. Except my husband, of course.”


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