The In-Between Girl

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The In-Between Girl Page 13

by Michelle Maris

  "Interesting, I wish I could fly."

  "What do you think it meant?" He didn't allow time for Erica to answer. "My interpretation, you are out of my reach, unattainable. What do you think?" He asked again.

  "I think you needed to stretch further. You would've caught me."

  "Hm, so what you are saying is I need to do more yoga with you." A smile stretched across Derrick's face.

  "That's exactly what I'm saying."

  He studied her. "Erica, I realized something just now."

  "What's that?" She asked.

  "I've never told you I love you."

  "Correct, you've never told me you love me." Erica swallowed back her tears.

  "Erica Grant, I love you."

  "Derrick Anderson, I love you."

  Derrick walked to the limo, looked back one more time, stepped in and closed the door.

  Erica stood outside her building watching Derrick drive away.

  Chapter 10

  Happy New Year

  At nine o'clock, Teddy's limo arrived in front of Erica's apartment building. Erica waited outside unaffected by the frigid temperatures thanks to her mink coat.

  Teddy opened the back door and teasingly yelled out, "Well, don't keep an old man waiting."

  Erica laughed as she tiptoed in her heels towards the limo. Teddy waited with open arms.

  "Give me the first peek before everyone else gets a piece of you."

  Erica giggled and opened her coat. Teddy placed his hand on his chest faking a heart attack. "Julie will have a fit." He gestured for Erica to step in. "Derrick will have a constant hard on."

  "Teddy, you shock me sometimes." Erica slapped his arm in jest as Teddy slid onto the seat next to her.

  "I may be an old man, but my dear, you are a pleasure to look at. And even at my age, I appreciate beautiful women."

  "Awe, Teddy thank you for everything. I'm nervous about tonight. I'm glad we are going together." Erica looked out the window then back at Teddy. "To be honest, Julie scares me."

  Teddy roared. "Me too. I think she scares Derrick as well."

  The limo pulled in front of Derrick's Central Park East apartment building. A stunning art déco building with a white limestone exterior, it's one of the most expensive buildings in the area. With its stunning view of the Central Park's boat pond, its prime real estate.

  Derrick's apartment compromised of fourteen rooms was more space than a single man needed. Besides the obvious rooms - kitchen, butler pantry, living room, dining room, master bedroom- the living room had a library next to it and on the sub-floor a full-size gym equipped with everything a person needed to do a full work out.

  Erica noticed nothing on her first visit to Derrick's apartment. Shocked by her bravado to show up alone, she looked around. The visual she had of Derrick standing in her tiny minimalist apartment compared in no way to his life here. Her apartment consisted of one large room, a bathroom, and a closet. Now she laughed when she thought of her one large room, not large at all, not compared to Derrick's abode.

  The white glove door service was a nice touch. Erica's doormen, though she loved them all, never got out of their seats. Teddy and Erica walked in, and the concierge escorted them to the elevators. He pushed the button for the eleventh floor of a twelve -floor building.

  "Do you think I pay him too much?"

  Erica responded by bringing her thumb and index finger close but not touching.

  A butler waited in the hallway outside Derrick's doors. He smiled and opened the double doors for them to enter. Another butler waited on the inside to take their coats. Teddy helped Erica remove her mink. The packed room turned their attention towards Erica. Their voices lowered to a hush. When Teddy freed himself from his coat, he turned and took an appropriate long look at Erica. "My dear, breathtaking."

  Erica wore a short one shoulder silver beaded dress. She had her hair blown out, and a makeup artist did a smoky eye making her jade green eyes intensified.

  Unlike the last party, Derrick came by Erica's side in seconds. As he approached, he tried to contain himself. Erica looked incredible, and his need for her grew more intense than ever before. Derrick kissed her mouth. He then embraced her and whispered in her ear. "Can you feel me?" He was hard.

  He moved away only inches. Erica smiled. "Yes."

  Derrick turned to Mr. Adler. "I'm glad you are here. Happy New Year."

  "I bet you are more pleased to see her than me." Mr. Adler grabbed Derrick's shoulders and gave them a heavy- handed pat.

  "If you only knew."

  "I think I have a good idea." Teddy looked around. "And where is that lovely girl of yours?" His voice dripped with sarcasm.

  "She's standing right her." Derrick reached for Erica's hand. "Come both of you. I'd like to introduce you to my family and friends."

  "You take Erica, I see a someone I need to speak with." Erica watched as Teddy waved to an eloquent older woman standing off to his right, his assistant Jane.

  "Awe, Teddy, you go tiger." Erica pecked Teddy's cheek, and he walked off.

  Derrick pulled Erica in the opposite direction. "Derrick, where is Julie?" Erica confused by his outward attention towards her.

  "She's not here yet."

  That explained Derrick's easy behavior. Erica loved this Derrick. Around Julia, his shoulders shot back in a tense line, his jaw ticked, his lips froze in a thin line across his face, and his eyebrows shadowed his beautiful warm eyes.

  Derrick sans Julia held Erica's hand as he maneuvered around the crowds of people introducing her to friends and family as they passed. His smile came easily, his eyes warm and sparkly. Seeing the severe contrast, Erica's concern for him peaked. She couldn't fathom why he dated these girls, the Jennifer's and Julie's of the world. They made him miserable. They turned him into someone he never wanted to be.

  Erica's mind drifted to that night when the bush captured him in its clenches as he rolled around fighting it, and their week together when he stood in naked triangle pose his large penis hanging haphazardly between his legs ruining the perfect line his body made creating the pose.

  "What are you smiling about?" Derrick closed in on Erica, their faces only a few inches apart.

  "Naked yoga." She winked and to her surprise, he stole a kiss. "Derrick, she's not here, but other people are here."

  "I don't care anymore. Come, I want to show you our apartment." He pulled her a few feet.

  Erica pulled back. "I thought you didn't live together."

  With his finger, Derrick pointed at Erica than himself. "Our apartment."

  "Derrick, that's a little premature." Erica corrected him.

  "Premature yes, Inevitable, definitely." He turned and headed down a long hallway.

  Erica's eyes grew wide as they moved through each room. Erica drooled over apartments like this as she flipped through fancy magazines showcasing the wealthiest New York living spaces. "I'm sorry Derrick what do you do for a living?" She teased him. "You must have mafia ties on the side."

  "No, just partner at one of the most prestigious law firms in New York City."

  "Just partner! You made partner."

  "Teddy didn't tell you. They keep it under wraps until the middle of January, but I thought for sure he'd tell you." He opened double French doors. "This is our master bedroom."

  Erica's mouth dropped open as she took in the expansive space. Her mind stuttered, but she remained on course. "He never mentioned it." Erica hesitated,

  "Does Julie know?"


  "Derrick, why does she think you're proposing?"

  "I don't know." Derrick moved closer to Erica and swept her long hair back off her shoulder. He pressed a kiss on her exposed skin. It was more warm breath than lips. The gesture felt like a bolt of lightning through her body.

  "She thinks it's tonight."

  His lips trailed warm, sweet breath along her clavicle. "I already told you it's not true."

  "She found a receipt for a ring."

; Derrick shot up. "A receipt?" His eyebrows knitted together for a full breath than he continued where he left off - his lips on Erica's skin.

  Erica tilted her head to the side offering more of her skin to him. Her body betrayed her. Her breath quickened and the pulse she felt between her thighs was like a ticking time bomb. She needed him.

  Derrick pushed his rock hard erection into her leaving her untethered.

  "Derrick, I need this, but I don't think we should do this here tonight."

  Derrick dropped his hands releasing her. "I know." Derrick dropped onto the edge of the bed and Erica joined him. "I need a minute to compose myself then we'll go back out."

  "Is there anything I can do to help?" Erica heard what she asked. "Besides Fellatio."

  Derrick laughed and dropped his hand on her thigh. "Talk about Julie, that always makes me soft."

  "Derrick!" She scolded him.

  Derrick changed the subject. "She said she found a receipt. The only ring receipt I have is from Jennifer's ring."

  "You still have it."

  Derrick pointed to a mirror on his bedroom wall. "The ring is in a safe behind that mirror, and the receipt is in my desk in the library. I'm kept the receipt for when I go to sell the ring."

  There was a beat of silence.

  "Poor Julie."

  "Not poor Julie, Julie is not a nice person." Derrick corrected her.

  "Derrick, how do you end up with girls like that?"

  "I have a theory; it's a universe thing... the universe presses repeat until you learn from your mistakes."

  Erica couldn't believe Derrick thought that. He was smart, charming, and deep but that was Erica deep. She couldn't resist, she planted a big kiss on his mouth. "I love you, Derrick Anderson."

  He smiled. "And I love you, Erica Grant but if you keep this up, I'll have to stay in this room all night."

  Erica looked down at the bulge in Derrick's pants. She stood and walked towards the double doors and locked them. She turned and walked back to Derrick, the expression on his face looked like he thought it was Christmas all over again.

  Erica kneeled between his legs in front of him. He leaned back resting on his hands. She looked up at him with those smoky jade eyes as she unzipped his pants. "We need to make this quick."

  Derrick fell back onto the bed and anticipated Erica’s lips around his cock. When she finished, Derrick tried to pull her on the bed with him, but she pushed back. "Derrick, too risky. You better get dressed and go out there before she comes looking for us."

  Erica sat in his room alone waiting an appropriate amount of time before she went back out to the party. She looked around his room. She only knew Derrick in her space; it was nice to see how he lived on his own.

  His bedroom handsomely decorated with dark wood furniture. It was masculine but had a lighter feel thanks to the creamy silk comforter and matching pillow shams. A large armoire stood against one wall and a long dresser on the adjacent wall. The furniture had clean lines, and the distressed wood created a cozy feel. Erica stood and opened the closet. It was massive, and Derrick's clothes took over half the space. She examined the clothes. She saw no traces of female clothing. She stepped out of the closet and stood at the end of his bed. Large windows flanked both sides of the bed giving him a view of Central Park.

  Erica's breath shuddered. Could she imagine herself living here with Derrick? Could this be her home one-day? The thought exhilarated her at the same time it terrified her? Is this how she saw her life? Derrick's life was big, and now as partner, it would only get bigger. Just as panic crept up to her chest, there was a knock on the door.

  Without thinking she called out, "Come in."

  The white-haired man with rosy cheeks peeked his head around the door. "My dear, Derrick sent me to retrieve you."

  Santa Clause. "Teddy, I'm so glad it's you."

  Teddy saw the exasperated expression on Erica's face. "My dear, what's wrong?"

  A tear rolled down Erica's cheek and landed on her full lip. "I love him, Teddy, but I'm terrified."

  Teddy walked closer with his arms extended. Erica went in for a hug. "His life terrifies me. Maybe the sweater set with pearls type of girl is what he needs. Perhaps, that's why he ends up in relationships with those girls. I'm afraid he'll want to change me. He'll expect me to dress like them, to be like them so I can fit into his world."

  "Erica, my dear, what he needs is you. One day my dear, I will tell you something, but for now, you need to trust."

  "Why hasn't he ended things with her?" She asked.

  "Derrick is in a delicate situation right now. Julie is a miserable girl and the announcement of him becoming partner isn't for another two weeks. Once things become solidified, you'll see that this was all worth it."

  Erica's shoulders sagged from the weight of her heavy thoughts. She understood the delicacies that played out in Derrick's life, but that didn't mean she had to like it.

  "My dear, I will let no one hurt you, neither will Derrick, you'll see. You and he will be together soon. Now, you and that dress need to go back out to that party and turn more heads." Teddy stood, and Erica followed. "His wretched girlfriend arrived, and you should see her ensemble."

  "Awful." Erica cringed.

  "Awful actually does it justice. Julie can't pull off sexy, at all. It's a train wreck."

  Erica giggled. "Teddy, I love you."

  "Right back at you, darling."

  Well, Teddy was spot on. The dress, the shoes, the hair, the whole look was a train wreck. Julie could not pull off sexy. She chose a fuchsia sequence dress that was ill fitting. The three inches too long length made her legs look like stubs, and her heels were too chunky for the dress. And let's talk about the hair, the hair pinned up, twisted and teased, a throwback from the eighties or nineties. It was a fashion mistake at every level. Erica didn't know if it was intentional or an oversight but Julie still had her customary pearls around her neck. Erica only hoped it was an oversight and not some weird fashion statement. That she was over an hour late for the party made her fashion statement that much sadder.

  Erica and Teddy walked arm and arm through the swarm of guests. Erica's eyes met Derrick's, he resumed his natural uptight posture as Julie stood by his side, but his eyes softened when he saw Erica and a small smile crept across his face. He gave Erica a subtle wink.

  Julie looked so proud. Whatever their relationship was or was not, she had her special version of what it was, and she owned it. Her chin jutted out as her neck craned upwards. She gripped his arm with unwavering tenacity as her lips moved rapidly.

  Observing her audience, one could see their body language spoke volumes. Contrived smiles and wandering eyes surrounded her as she continued moving her lips. Her audience looked bored.

  For most of the night, Mr. Adler stayed by Erica's side. Teddy attended to her every need. When he walked away to get her another glass of champagne, Erica caught Teddy's assistant staring at him. Erica had met her once before and mentioned to Teddy that he should ask her out. Teddy was too old to care about work relationship boundaries, so he took Erica's advice. Jane has worked for Teddy for thirty years. She was nine years younger than him but looked even younger because she took care of herself. Their first date was a success, and so were the many others that followed, yet, they still kept things hushed at work functions.

  Teddy came back with a glass of champagne for Erica. "Teddy, go to Jane. She hasn't stopped looking at you. Who cares what people think."

  "You're right. Who cares?" Teddy kissed Erica on her check before he sauntered over to Jane.

  Erica stood alone while Mr. Adler talked with Jane. Erica had a lovely time despite seeing Julie hanging on Derrick the entire party. If her arm wasn't looped through his, then she wrapped it around his waist, or her hand rested on his chest, she even kissed him much more than Erica had ever witnessed.

  Julie put on the show until one of her friends pulled her off Derrick's arm and dragged her across the room to talk with her gro
up of friends. Derrick felt instant relief when Julie finally stepped away. Derrick noticed that Julie always became clingy when she felt him withdrawing but tonight he felt suffocated.

  Finally, alone he could watch Erica standing across the room. Derrick loved watching her. He wished he had her in his bedroom right now. He'd drag that little dress off her sexy little body. He'd bet money she had nothing on underneath it. He'd lay her back on his bed, and he'd make sure she left those stilettos on so she could dig them into his shoulders as he'd cover her body with kisses until he lingered between her legs bringing her to a sweet orgasm with his tongue.

  Derrick enjoyed his fantasy up until the moment when Julie approached Erica.

  Julie and Erica stood shoulder-to-shoulder staring out at the gathering. Julie leaned in towards Erica. The closeness made Erica step away putting space between them. Derrick stood back watching their interaction with each other.

  "We haven't had a chance to talk." The way Julie spoke sounded calculating. It sent a chill down Erica's spine.

  "Well, you've had to play hostess." Erica wanted to regurgitate in her mouth.

  "Yes, Derrick loves the way I plan out these parties for him. If I didn't take charge, Derrick would be lost."

  "So you are his party planner?" Erica felt it was the time that she threw daggers.

  "I'm his girlfriend, soon to be his fiancé," the words ground through her clenched teeth, "and you, what do you think you are to him?" Julie turned to face Erica. Erica continued facing forward.

  "I was once his lover, his friend, his confidante."

  Julie laughed. "And that's all you'd ever be. He once told me he could never marry you because you weren't the marrying kind. You play more of the mistress role, and now it seems you're the old man's mistress... how cute."

  Erica faced Julie. "You're disgusting, and your jealousy makes you ugly."

  "Fortunately, Derrick doesn't think so. He wouldn't buy someone he thought disgusting a thirty thousand dollar ring."


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