A Sweet Deal for Karen [Hardwick Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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A Sweet Deal for Karen [Hardwick Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 16

by Morgan Henry

  Allan watched her closely, bringing her almost to the brink of orgasm as he stretched her anus open. She was able to accept three fingers without difficulty and she was taking his cock tonight. Now.

  She was theirs. She was the one for them to love until the end of time. In his mind, taking her between the two of them would cement their bond.

  Oh, he knew it wasn’t some magical ceremony that would make her theirs forever, but it was an act that was more than intimate. It was Karen giving them her trust and the two men respecting that gift and making her fly.

  She was so close to coming now. Allan slid his fingers out of her ass and pressed his well-lubed cock against her opening. He pushed forward a few millimeters. Karen popped off Zander’s cock.

  “Allan,” she whimpered.

  “You can do this,” he murmured, stroking her back soothingly.

  “It’s okay.” Zander shimmied down to play with her breasts more and Allan could feel him slide a finger over her clit.

  Thank god Zander was there. It was all Allan could do to make his entry gentle and slow. She felt so damn tight around his cock, a part of him wanted to slam home and ride her until he came so hard he passed out. But that would hurt their beautiful woman and ensure she would never trust them to take her together again.

  He rocked slowly instead. Gaining a little more entry with each thrust and allowing Karen to focus on the pleasure of Zander’s play with her body and the awakening of nerves in her ass. Finally he was all the way in.

  He groaned. “I’m all the way in, Zander.”

  Zander slide down even further until his cock was near Karen’s pussy. “Lower her down onto me.”

  Allan guided Karen onto Zander’s cock. Allan could feel him pushing inside, the tissue separating them thin and stretched. They both held Karen still as she squirmed while trying to adjust to both of their cocks.

  “Ah, it’s too much!” she cried.

  “It’s all right, you’ve got us,” Allan soothed again. “Give your body a minute.”

  Moaning, Karen complied. As she relaxed a little, he eased out, then when he slowly re-entered, Zander pulled out. They continued the slow push-pull that she was used to with the plugs and Karen quickly responded. Soon she was nearing the brink of orgasm again. He adjusted his angle to push her pubis down onto Zander with each thrust, giving her clit maximum stimulation between them.

  That was enough to send her over. She came with a harsh cry, bucking between them and destroying their careful rhythm. He and Zander abandoned their careful timing and thrust hard into her, reaching their own climaxes.

  The spasms of Karen’s anus around his cock helped rocket Allan into an intense orgasm. The pressure in his balls boiled over and shot through his cock, exploding the tip and sending shockwaves of bliss through his spine and body. The edges of his vision grayed a little with the force of the pleasure and he had to remember to breathe.

  Karen collapsed onto Zander and it was all Allan could do not to collapse, too, and crush the two of them beneath him. He carefully eased out of his love and rolled over to the side. Karen was limp on top of Zander.

  With a groan, Allan made himself get up and fetch a cloth to wipe the stickiness from Karen. She was too sleepy to protest as he cleaned her then patted her dry with a towel. Zander eased her to his side, grinning at her sleepy grumble.

  Allan crawled into bed after cleaning himself up a bit. He curled around Karen while Zander slipped out to clean up. When he returned, Zander spoke. “I feel like this is too good to be true.”

  “I knew you’d say that.” Allan gave an explosive sigh. “Karen’s not into jerking us around for fun. If she says she’s willing to be with us, she is.”

  The tightness in Allan’s chest eased a bit. It was as if Zander voiced his own feelings, and in reassuring Zander, he reassured himself.

  Chapter 24

  Karen woke feeling much better than she had the day before. She was snuggled between her men and they had cleared up all the ugly misunderstandings. She knew that it would take a little time for all of them to get past the hurt they had caused each other, but they would.

  She was actually looking forward to going to work. There should be enough supplies delivered to start making some ice cream, and maybe even chocolate if the cocoa was delivered today. The security system should be ready, so the apartment would be ready for habitation again.

  Hmm, she should check with the guys to make sure they still wanted her living with them.

  “What was that little frown about?” Allan’s deep voice rumbled in her ear.

  She jerked and gasped. “I didn’t realize you were awake,” she scolded.

  Zander gave a sleepy chuckle. “He’s been watching you sleep for at least twenty minutes. So what’s up?”

  “Um, I just thought I’d better ask if you still wanted me living here, because the security system will be done today and—“

  “Yes.” Allan torso loomed over hers, a happy spark in his eyes.

  “Yes?” Karen’s voice had a little squeak to it.

  “Yes, move all your stuff in. Especially the funny panties. And since you’ve woken me up…” Zander swiftly slid down her body and opened her thighs.

  Now Karen stood in the shower, cleaning up after both men had fucked her. They wouldn’t let her come until she had promised to start moving her stuff in that day.

  She snorted. It took her all of two seconds to cave. Moving in today was hardly a sacrifice. There wasn’t much to move anyway, just her clothes and personal items. She was leaving the rest for Mary to use for as long as she needed it. And the men had done such a nice job of decorating the house they didn’t need much.

  Maybe just a little color. Here and there.

  She and Mary headed to the store after the boys had set out for work. Hawk and Grumpy went over the security system with them. Now that Mary had really met them, she wasn’t hiding behind Karen anymore. They questioned both women more closely about the break-in.

  After going over the operation of the system one more time, they sat down at one of the tables in the store together.

  Colin politely accepted a cup of coffee from Karen. Declining cream and sugar with a small shake of his head, he started questioning her. “So everything the day before about the store was normal? No unusual people? No one acting oddly?”

  “Not that I can think of. The police seem to think this was just a random thing. They said they checked out Bob and he couldn’t have done it.” Karen was getting a little tired of talking about the break-in. She just wanted to put it behind her.

  “Bob was apparently at a party, along with your parents and a number of other people.” Marcus’ perpetual frown deepened. “Somehow, he just seemed a bit too smug about the fact that he had an alibi.”

  “What? You were questioning him?”

  “Of course we were.” Marcus took a sip of his coffee.

  “I hired you to install a security system. I can’t afford additional investigation.” Karen paled at the thought of what they might charge. “I just want to get on with fixing the store and put this all away.”

  “We will not stand by and allow any woman in this town to be hurt or victimized. Period.” Colin’s voice took on a hardness that Karen rarely had heard, and that frightened her a little.

  Mary’s eyes had widened again. She clutched her coffee cup as if she could use it as a weapon if the security boys snapped.

  Marcus noted her reaction to Colin’s statement. “What has Bob said to you? And don’t deny he’s contacted you, Mary.”

  “Mary!” exclaimed Karen, surprised her sister hadn’t said anything.

  “He just. He um.” Mary floundered then took a breath. “He’s left a few messages detailing how much of a mess I’m making of my life, how I should go back to him. Stuff like that.”

  She wilted under Marcus’s stare. “And how Karen shouldn’t be helping me.”

  Marcus held out his hand.

  “What?” Mary asked.
  “He wants your phone and the password.” Colin’s smile was almost amused, but there was a hardness that required obedience.

  She handed it over and whispered the password.

  They were all quiet for a few moments while Marcus listened and made notes.

  Finally, Karen couldn’t take the silence any more.

  “I just can’t see Bob putting out the effort to make this much trouble. He’s not exactly the vengeful retribution type. And I don’t see him being that physical.” Karen just did not believe Bob was the culprit.

  “Well, your parents aren’t impressed with the situation either,” Marcus noted, handing the phone back to Mary.

  “What? Have they left messages for you, too?” Karen blurted.

  “Too?” Colin’s gaze fastened on Karen’s face firmly.

  She blushed. It was really hard to keep anything to herself with their odd blend of intensity, caring and complete conviction that no one would ever disobey the two men.

  “Well, they may have left some messages that said I was a terrible daughter for aiding in Mary’s, ah, delusion. And that the store wouldn’t support both of us. And that they weren’t going to help either of us financially when we came crawling back. And the usual stuff about how disappointing I am as a human being.”

  Marcus’ brow went surprisingly high on his forehead. “That’s it?”

  “Um, yeah.” Karen really was telling the truth. “I erased them.”

  “Nothing from Bob?” asked Colin.

  “No. But he never called me when he and Mary were together.”

  Marcus looked at Colin. “We’ll need to speak with Bob again, I think.” He snapped his notebook shut.

  After they had gone, Logan Murray came by to put together the displays and Mary was his happy little helper. He couldn’t possibly have put them together at his workshop, Karen thought sarcastically. She overheard him extending an invitation to dinner with him and Derek. It would be interesting to see where that went.

  At the end of the day, Karen had a few tubs of ice cream made and the base for some chocolates done. Most of what she wanted to take with her to Allan and Zander’s was packed in a few boxes.

  “So, are you coming home with us again, or do you want to stay here?” Karen asked her sister.

  “I’m staying here. I love your little place upstairs and I miss Sammy. I’m going to grab some takeout, so I’m all good. Go home and behave.” She winked at her sister.

  “Should I say ‘you, too’? Are Logan and Derek coming over?”

  “I am not getting into any relationship and I’ve told them that. I want to be on my own for a while, get settled, you know?”

  “Okay. Are you sure about Bob? I really don’t like that’s he’s been leaving crazy messages on your cell.” Karen didn’t like the way Mary’s eyes slid sideways when she talked about Bob.

  “Bob’s a weenie and I won’t waste anymore of my mental energy on him.” Mary tossed her hair, giving a good impression that she didn’t care.

  Karen frowned. “Set the alarm,” she said sternly. “And do NOT eat the chocolate.”

  Mary giggled. “Spoilsport. Let me help tomorrow again?”

  “I can’t do it without you.”

  * * * *

  The next week and a half went by quickly. Karen was able to restock the shelves of the packaged candy. She taught Marg how to make ice cream and Mary to make some of the chocolate fillings. They were relatively easy recipes to follow so Karen could concentrate on making chocolate and chocolates, which required a little more expertise. Mary continued to work alongside Marg stocking shelves and creating displays.

  The insurance company covered about ninety percent of her losses when she included the inventory, wages, supplies, and everything else. Karen was pleasantly surprised. She didn’t feel like she was going to be mired in debt because of it. Yes, she lost income and had to shell out for the expensive security system, but it was manageable.

  The police weren’t any further ahead in figuring out who broke in and why. Neither were Colin and Marcus. It seemed to be one of those random crappy things that happen. Karen resigned herself to never knowing. She figured it must be some visitor to the area and resolved not to worry about it anymore.

  Allan and Zander helped her outlook, too. Going home to them every night was…wonderful. They would share about their days, laugh, make dinner, and have fun. The men were absolutely supportive of her store and even helped on the weekend, putting their skills they learned in the previous weeks to work.

  The grand reopening of the store was today, Friday. Karen was also celebrating that she had her splint off for good. Boy did that feel great! She still had exercises to do for mobility and flexibility, which still seemed silly to her, but she would do them.

  The store opened at ten a.m., and there was a steady stream of well-wishers all day. She, Mary, and Marg could barely keep ahead of everyone. Karen had wondered if she was overly optimistic, making tons of candy. She was glad she did. Even with all the extra, a few items still sold out.

  She kept the store open later than usual. Allan and Zander brought dinner for them, but she barely had time to eat it. They helped out, too, chatting with everyone who stopped in. Most people wanted to talk to Karen, so it helped to have others to amuse those who were waiting to speak with her.

  They finally closed the doors at ten p.m. Marg had gone home long ago and Mary hugged Karen hard and whispered, “I’m so proud of you,” before she went upstairs. Karen had to wipe away a tear.

  Now it was just her, Allan, and Zander in the workroom.

  “Your opening was amazing! You must be exhausted.” Zander gave her a hug that enveloped her in security and caring.

  He passed her to Allan. “You worked so hard to make this great and you succeeded so well.” Allan’s hug was no less wonderful. “Everyone was happy to see you back.”

  “Stay there,” Karen asked her men. “I have something for you.”

  She left them standing at the worktable while she went to the cooler. Her hands were shaking a little and her nerves were jangling louder than the cowbell on the front door as she gathered the things she had hidden in the cooler.

  Not allowing them to see what she held, she grabbed the two sunflowers out of the vase on the side counter and went back to the worktable. She carefully placed a flower in front of each man. Allan and Zander looked confused.

  Then, she placed one flat box in front of each man and knelt in front of them.

  Zander looked at the flower, Karen kneeling, and the engagement-ring-shaped chocolate in front of him and was the first to get it. He threw back his head and laughed, pulled her to her feet, and gave her a giant bear hug.

  “Yes, we’ll marry you, silly woman!”

  The light went on in Allan’s face. “Fuck! Flowers, kneeling, ring… I should have got it.” He shook his head. “Yes, we’ll marry you on one condition.”

  Both Zander and Karen looked at him. “Oh?” Karen queried.

  “We go to pick out the ring together, and Zander and I get to propose, too. We don’t want to be deprived of all the fun.”

  “Yes, yes to all of it.” Karen reached over and pulled Allan into the embrace.

  Chapter 25

  Karen looked at the rings and pictures of rings in the Hardwick Jewelry display case. She shook her head.

  “These are all beautiful, but I don’t want a big ring with a big stone. It will get all messy at work, or I’ll have to take it off all the time and I worry I’ll lose it. Can we do a pendant instead, if you really have to get something for an engagement?”

  Allan frowned. “But we can get you a beautiful ring.”

  Karen tilted her head to one side. “Allan, honey, I know you can afford a big-ass ring. This isn’t about how well you can look after me.” She put her hand on his chest, knowing part of his issue was that, in his mind, having the money to buy a ring was part of taking care of a wife.

  She spoke slowly and gently. “This
is about having what I can wear all the time without having to fit gloves over it, or get it all messy. I can wear a pendant all the time and not worry about it. I can wear a beautiful wedding band and not worry about it. A rock is going to get in the way.”

  “Okay, I get it.” Allan took her hands in his and cradled them against his chest. “Let’s look at pendants.”

  They finally agreed on a simple teardrop-shaped diamond in a gold setting, with a matching simple chain. Karen made sure the clasp was strong and not likely to break.

  Colleen Killop, one of the members of the jewelry co-op, carefully wrapped the engagement gift up and set it aside. “So, are you wanting some custom wedding bands?” she asked.

  “I think so,” said Zander. “Do you do rings?”

  “Yeah, we do, but we have slightly different styles and we don’t all work in all metals. I can show you some rings done by each of us and you can pick what suits you. If it’s not my stuff, I can arrange an appointment with the other artist.”

  They looked at a variety of different rings and settled on gold for all of them. Colleen’s designs suited them. She had some great ideas and it didn’t take long to come up with a drawing of a beautiful set for the three of them.

  They left it with Colleen to make the rings and call them when they were ready to be picked up. Allan and Zander kept the pendant, saying they wanted to give it to her at a special time.

  “But we’re agreed that we’re not making a big fuss, right?” Karen asked anxiously at dinner later. “Just a Justice of the Peace and maybe our friends over for burgers or something?”

  “We’re okay with the JP thing, but shouldn’t we have a little bit of a celebration? It’s not every day we get to marry a gorgeous, intelligent, and sexy woman, ya know?” Zander nibbled on her ear.


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