Murder on a Ghost Ship (High Seas Mystery Series Book 2)

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Murder on a Ghost Ship (High Seas Mystery Series Book 2) Page 10

by Diane Rapp

  “Publicity?” Both men turned to see Paula approach. “We don’t want paparazzi chasing us all over.”

  Dressed in a billowing floral sundress and floppy hat, Paula’s shadow covered Vincent’s face. “You forgot your pills, darling.” She rattled a bottle over his head and scowled at Buster. “It’s important to keep a vigilant watch over his habits.”

  Vincent snatched the pill bottle. “I can take care of myself!”

  Paula’s petulant voice sounded shrill. “I thought last night’s temper tantrum would disappear into an alcoholic fog by now. It usually does.”

  “No! I’m finished with you!” He drained the contents of his cocktail glass and gestured to the waiter.

  Paula’s hand fluttered. She touched her lips, her hat, and then smoothed the flowery fabric of her dress as she glanced around the crowded deck. “Surely you don’t plan to discuss this in public. Think of your reputation.”

  Frowning, Vincent hefted his bulk from the creaking lounge chair. “Please excuse us, Buster.” He grabbed Paula’s elbow and guided her down the stairs.

  Kayla, Steven, and Emily moved to the railing that overlooked the aft deck. They saw the couple argue but their words scattered in the wind. Emily rummaged through her bag and extracted a pair of binoculars.

  “If they don’t turn, I can see what they’re saying.”

  Steven arched an eyebrow and Kayla whispered, “Emily can read lips. It’s a valuable asset for investigations.”

  “Indeed. Can you make out anything?”

  Emily nodded. “He says, ‘Watch out, Paula, I won’t submit to extortion any longer! You’ll see! I can be dangerous when I’m pushed.’” Emily shifted the binoculars. “Paula says, ‘You forget, I can damage your precious career. I’ll call my lawyer today. He has the—’ Blast! She turned away and I can’t see her lips.” The binoculars swung to Vincent. “He says, ‘You know I never really loved you! Scandal can actually help a career these days. I’ll use it to promote my career as a character actor.’ He stormed away and Paula’s face is white as a sheet.”

  Emily lowered the binoculars. He’s not afraid of her but he was still upset by Paula’s threats. His expression looked murderous!”

  “We may need to protect Paula.” Kayla peered at the thin woman standing at the railing. She understood Paula’s despair, having been betrayed by a lover herself. Would Paula recognize the danger she faced with Vincent?

  As if Kayla’s thoughts spurred her to move, Paula wiped her eyes with trembling fingers and walked away from the railing. Vincent stomped up to the bar, demanded a drink, and gulped a shot of liquor like taking a dose of medicine. The tension in his shoulders eased as he sipped a second drink but the set of his jaw remained rigid. Vincent plopped onto the lounge chair next to Buster and stared at the cloudless sky while the producer outlined a photo schedule. Kayla saw Vincent’s manicured fingers clench the cocktail glass.

  Is he imagining squeezing Paula’s throat? Kayla said, “This situation could explode. We must prevent a second murder.”

  Steven guided them back to Emily’s suite where Natalia sipped a cup of steaming coffee. Her dark eyes narrowed.

  “You guys look like you’ve been to a funeral.”

  “Not yet,” Kayla said. She described the events and her concern about the potential danger to Paula.

  Natalia blew into her cup and steam billowed in front of her face. “So, what do we do?”

  Their gazes turned to Steven.

  “In the end it’s the copper who organizes the stakeout,” Steven said with a sigh. “We take shifts watching Vincent.”

  “Shouldn’t we warn Paula to stay away from him?” Kayla asked.

  “Could do, but we’ve got no proof. Paula might blow our cover and Vincent could kill her off the ship. This way we have an advantage, since Vincent doesn’t know we’re on to him. He won’t be nearly as careful. A murderer gets cocky if he believes he can get away with it a second time. We watch Vincent, foil his attempt to kill Paula, and the police can investigate the first murder seriously.”

  “So Paula is bait?” Kayla asked.

  Steven shrugged. “How much can we do without proof?”

  “I don’t like it,” Natalia said. “If he’s so dangerous, how do we protect Paula and ourselves?”

  “We work in pairs. Emily, does the ship have walkie-talkies we could use?”

  Emily nodded. “I’ll get Billie to round some up.”

  “Good. If he follows his MO, he’ll attack late in the evening when the decks are deserted. We’ll work on four-hour shifts, watch from a distance, and report in hourly. We need a room near his.”

  Emily said, “When he asked for a new room, the only available quarters were in the unfinished corridor. Workmen are staying in that section while completing the refit, so he shouldn’t notice a few extra people.”

  “Spot on! Natalia and Emily will take the first shift. Kayla and I will relieve you at,” he glanced at his watch, “two a.m. You could get a nap this afternoon, and be fresh for tonight’s vigil.”

  “You’re scheduled to perform tonight,” Natalia said.

  “Vincent might attend the performance. If not, you three keep watch, and I’ll join you after my show.”

  Emily flagged down the steward, Billie, who quickly secured two radio sets. They all returned to the pool deck and found Vincent ensconced in discussions with Buster and Angela Hearns. Emily and Natalia settled in behind dark glasses and paperback books to watch from a distance.

  Back in Emily’s suite Steven worked a crossword puzzle to clear his mind. Kayla felt agitated. Her skin itched and her stomach churned. The air in the room felt hot and stale and she wanted to escape.

  “I’m going for a walk,” she said.

  Steven shrugged. “Suit yourself but you’ll be dead tired later on.”

  “I’ll be okay. You listen for the girls.”

  Steven patted the radio lying on the table and waved as she left. Kayla nearly ran down the stairs. Outside, she inhaled and relished the scent of salt air. Should she check on the girls? No. Her appearance might tip off Vincent to the surveillance. She headed to the bow of the ship, sneakers squeaking on the highly polished wooden decking.

  The ship plowed through waves, spraying jets of water like filmy white birds’ wings that dissolved into the churning blue water. Lifeboats lashed firmly under the roof were tightly covered, except for one. A single lifeboat nearest the stairs looked uncovered.

  Kayla climbed the steps and peered into the open cavity. Buckets of paint were neatly stacked between wooden seats, brush handles sticking out of white plastic pails, and paint-splattered canvas hid the signs of touchup work to the ship’s exterior. Kayla peered over the side. Stripes of blue paint remained unfinished in a section just below the lifeboat. No doubt the work would progress when they landed in the Azores.

  Kayla continued to the forward deck. The breezy deck was empty except for a lonely figure, Paula Bollard. Kayla nearly turned on her heels then reconsidered. As Kayla’s footsteps signaled her approach, Paula reacted like a startled deer ready to bolt. No longer dressed in a frilly print, Paula wore tight jeans and a baggy beige sweater that engulfed her thin frame. Pale blue eyes rimmed in red, looked puffy from crying. There was a flicker of recognition and her bloodless lips attempted a smile.

  “I’m sorry to intrude, Paula.”

  Delicate eyelashes fluttered. “It’s okay. Everybody on the ship probably knows by now. Reporters will be hounding me on shore.”

  “I should leave you alone.” Kayla bit her lip, wondering how she could tempt Paula into talking.

  “No.” Paula sighed. “He was so gallant, so handsome when we met. I was a novice makeup artist on Roman Courtship and he behaved surprisingly normal—not like a famous actor. It wasn’t hard to fall in love.”

  “Did you know his first wife?”

  Paula shook her head. “She stayed away from the set and on ship she kept to herself, aloof. She acted like she was royal
ty or something and the way she treated Vincent—well he wasn’t happy.”

  “So you two became involved?”

  “We didn’t sleep together! Not until after his wife died.” Paula’s eerie blue eyes peered intently at Kayla, making her neck hairs prickle. “I worked as Vincent’s personal makeup artist on his next film and we fell in love. He never loved Celeste, married her for money and felt lonely all the time. Imagine someone so dreamy feeling lonely!”

  A breath of cold air swept across the deck. Paula shivered. She tugged at the sleeve of her sweater, pulling the fabric over her fingers. “We got married a year later.”

  “What happened to your relationship?”

  Paula’s lips tightened. “Everything was just fine. Sure, we’d have little spats like any couple, but nothing serious until the tickets for this cruise arrived. He got depressed. I told him to forget the cruise but he needs this film. He inherited all that money, but he’s still obsessed with his career! The doctor put him on pills, some kind of anti-depressant, but he forgets to take them. He says there’s a great weight pushing him down, drowning him. You know. This boat makes me feel weird too, like I’m heavy and sluggish. I wish we’d never come onboard.”

  The scent of lavender drifted on the breeze. Bracing herself for a time shift, Kayla’s vision blurred. Paula’s face contorted. Her short black hair lengthened, curling into an auburn pageboy, blood-red lips, and eyes drooping under false eyelashes and heavy blue eyeliner. She looked bizarre.

  “I can’t understand why I feel so cold!” Paula complained. “Maybe I’d better go inside. Thanks for listening but please don’t say anything. When Vince snaps out of this, we’ll be happy as clams.”

  Kayla’s stomach lurched and her vision cleared. “You shouldn’t spend the evening alone. Why not come with me to the magic show? My boyfriend’s performing and I don’t like to sit alone.”

  Paula hesitated. “Sure. Why not have some fun?”

  “Meet me at the theater door after dinner. We can have a girl’s night out.”

  “Yeah!” Paula’s thin lips curled into a genuine smile. “I haven’t had a friend in a long time. Thanks. I’ll see you there.”

  Back in their room, Kayla tried to explain her reasoning to Steven. “What better way to keep Paula safe than act as her companion? He won’t try anything in front of a witness.”

  “If he doesn’t try to kill her, we can’t nail him. Don’t you see? By giving her a companion, we lose the chance to catch him in the act.”

  “She’s so vulnerable. I hate to see her used as bait. Can’t we ask her to cooperate in the investigation? If she knows Vincent murdered his first wife, she might help us.”

  Steven sighed. “She won’t believe it. We could compromise the entire investigation if she told him our theory.”

  Kayla nodded. “Okay. I’ll make an excuse and leave her alone after the show. We’ll see what happens tonight. I’d rather wait until you’re available to help if anything happens.”

  “Good thought. If I’m on stage, she’d be in greater danger.” Steven smiled. “Perhaps your interference will prove beneficial.”

  Kayla bristled. “I thought it was a good idea!” The door banged open, interrupting further argument. Emily and Natalia entered like storm troupers reporting to their commanders.

  “Vincent can’t kill anyone this afternoon,” Natalia said. “Buster’s arranged for a photo shoot at the pool that will take all afternoon. Crowds gather as we speak to watch the spectacle.”

  Steven grinned. “Kayla made a date with Paula to keep her safe tonight.”

  “Really?” Natalia frowned. “Is that wise?”

  Kayla frowned at Steven. “It’s a good idea. He won’t try anything while she’s with me and Steven can take over after the show.”

  Emily slumped on the sofa. “Well, I’m ready for a nap. Sitting in the sun pretending to read is exhausting! I had so many fruit drinks and appetizers I’m stuffed. I’ll skip lunch since I have a date with John tonight.”

  “John?” Natalia asked with a smirk.

  “Yes. You know I’m seeing Captain John Swenson. I’m no longer willing to pretend it’s not a date.”

  Natalia laughed. “You should have seen us out there! Vincent headed for the men’s room every hour so we took turns loitering outside the door. We nearly had security on our case.”

  Emily nodded. “A very distinguished gentleman thinks I’m trying to attract his attention. I sprinted down the hall to get away.” Emily’s eyes sparkled with mischief.

  Kayla said, “We’ll get out of here and let you two rest.”

  “Don’t bother watching Vincent,” Natalia said. “I’m sure Paula’s safe.”

  Steven shook his head. “It’s when you think you’re covered that you get into trouble. We’ll join the crowd and see if there’s a way Vincent could use the commotion to set up an alibi.”

  Natalia’s eyes widened. “I never thought of that! Last time he arranged an unbreakable alibi.”

  Steven escorted Kayla out the door.

  Kayla wondered whether Steven’s bad experience with the smugglers was making him jumpy. “You think Vincent will try something?” she asked.

  “No, but I don’t want Natalia and Emily dismissing danger too quickly. A clever criminal uses obvious situations to his own advantage.”

  The idea of being clever and Vincent didn’t mesh in Kayla’s mind. Perhaps his accomplice was intelligent. Angela? She decided to watch everyone. The upper deck surrounding the pool area was crowded with spectators. In the pool area photographic equipment and microphones replaced sunbathers.

  Vincent, dressed in a white linen suit and pastel yellow shirt, looked tanned and healthy—obviously a makeup artist’s masterpiece. Angela wore a white blouse with puffy sleeves tucked into a peach skirt that billowed in the breeze to reveal shapely legs and a delicate lace slip. She clutched a large sun hat to keep it from blowing away.

  The photographer posed the actors. Vincent’s hand squeezed Angela’s waist while she gazed lovingly into his eyes—snap. Angela, perched precariously on the arm of a chair, leaned into the crook of Vincent’s arm—snap. Smile—snap—kiss—snap. Time evaporated in the heat. The lights melted makeup, the photographer barked orders, the grips moved equipment, and the sightseers slowly disbursed. Steven and Kayla inched closer through the dwindling crowd.

  Leaning back in his chair, Buster smiled and waved at Kayla. “I hear you’re a writer,” he said as she drew near.

  Kayla nodded. “Travel writer mostly. I dabble with fiction but haven’t got a publisher yet.”

  Buster’s teeth gleamed. “I’ve got connections. Maybe we could do each other a favor.” His expression looked shifty.

  “What?” Kayla’s stomach lurched, wondering what kind of proposition was forthcoming.

  “Press releases. My secretary’s good but we could use a professional wordsmith. You don’t mind taking a look, eh?”

  “No problem.”

  “Great! I’ll have Sheila drop the stuff by your cabin.”

  “It’s number 405.”

  “Thanks ever so much. You’re a dear.”

  Kayla wandered back to Steven. “Guess I’ve got a job writing press releases.”

  “Never know where it will lead.” Steven grinned.

  Kayla twirled a strand of hair around her finger, wondering if she could pry information out of Buster or his secretary. It couldn’t hurt to insinuate herself into the inner circle. She cast a sideways glance at Steven, hoping he wouldn’t object to the idea. Maybe she’d see what she learned before telling him the idea.

  Waiting at the door of the theater, Paula looked sleek and sexy in a tight gold dress and dangling green earrings. Kayla’s surprise made Paula laugh. She said, “Maybe Vincent will think twice about a divorce when he sees me looking like this.”

  “You look . . . extremely fit,” Kayla said.

  “You think so! I work out in the gym with weights. A guy there said I should enter o
ne of those muscle-girl competitions but it sounded too butch. What do you think?”

  In the tight-fitting garment Paula’s thin body looked sculpted, her angular haircut and accented eyes looked like a fashion model. Kayla glanced into the theater and noticed Vincent’s intense stare. Perhaps Paula was right to change her dowdy appearance if Vincent’s startled expression revealed interest.

  “Sit across the room from him,” Paula whispered. “I want him to look at me all evening.”

  “Okay.” Kayla guided her companion to a front row table.

  “This is great! I’m glad you asked me to come. I’ll show that fat cow what a sexy lady should look like.”

  “You mean Angela?” Kayla asked.

  “Yeah, see how she makes a play for Vincent? Men are such idiots! Angela tried to seduce him on Roman Courtship but Vincent’s wife squelched the affair. I don’t think he realized what happened.”

  “Really? How did she do it?”

  Paula grinned and arched an eyebrow. “Celeste let the story slip to the press. They hounded Angela everywhere she went, so she couldn’t meet Vincent on the sly. Angela’s husband filed for divorce. After that Celeste showed up on the set every day, never letting Vincent out of her sight. When Angela found out who told the press, she was mad enough to kill! It was hilarious to see them shoot dirty looks at each other every time they met.”

  Kayla glanced at Angela, who sat next to Buster laughing at his jokes. Had Angela helped Vincent fake Celeste’s suicide? Kayla thought she’d better read the testimony about Angela again.

  Steven performed up-close magic on the tiny stage. He used card tricks, slight of hand, and disappearing scarves to astound the audience. Although she could see every move he made, Kayla failed to unravel Steven’s artifice. When her attention lapsed for a moment, Steven suddenly appeared at their table.

  Performing a card trick within inches of their eyes, Kayla wondered why Steven seemed intent on drawing attention to Paula. She felt a trifle jealous when Steven pulled a card from behind Paula’s ear. Moving to another table, Steven juggled an egg over his nimble fingers, turning the egg into an orange, and ending the trick by peeling the orange to reveal the egg inside. The audience applauded when he broke the egg into a glass.


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