Bargain With the Enemy

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Bargain With the Enemy Page 7


‘No one you need to meet.’

  She gasped, the cold rebuff slicing painfully into her heart. His next words were like nails hammering into a coffin.

  ‘Remain in my quarters. Do not take the youngling from this room.’ Without another glance in her direction, he marched across the room to finish dressing. Thirty seconds later, he stalked from the room, leaving Stephanie glaring at the now empty doorway.

  So much for her daydream of happy families.

  He’s completely impossible!

  If he thinks a bit of hanky panky gives him the right to issue orders to me, he can think again. Arrogant sod. Submission in the bedroom DOES NOT spill over elsewhere.

  Still fuming, she concentrated on Mia. Once the baby had been fed, bathed and changed, she took a quick wash in the cleansing tube. Fresh and fired with a fierce determination not to kow-tow to any of Ice Man’s hoity-toity demands, she checked her reflection one last time. There wasn’t a great deal she could do about her clothes. With only two flight outfits and one sleeping tunic there was limited scope for wowing any visitors let alone one annoying Darkon warrior. But I’m clean and with my hair down and mascara and lippy this is as good as I’m going to get for some time.

  She winked at Mia who lay on the bunk watching her.

  ‘What do you think, sweetie? Shall we go and show Ice Man exactly who is boss?’

  Mia, dressed in a sunshine yellow jumpsuit and wrapped in a bright orange baby blanket, gurgled.

  ‘Exactly what I was thinking.’

  Scooping Mia up into her arms, Stephanie, her head held high, sailed out the door.

  After a few minutes of examining the ship’s intel from a screen imbedded in the passage wall, she located Ivo. Her eyebrows rose when his whereabouts was confirmed; in the state room which was reserved for discussions of significance with his officers or meetings with high ranking dignitaries. These people must be important. Her finger punched the panel and she brought up a map of the location.

  The next level down and third doorway on the right.

  She caught a chute down and upon emerging, headed for the state room. As soon as the door slid open, she took a deep breath and entered.

  The occupants glanced over as she sauntered into the room, Mia held up against her shoulder with one hand and the other patting the baby’s back. A quick scowl creased Ivo’s face when he caught sight of her, then vanished as he waved her over.

  A friendly smile pasted on her face, she assumed the persona of a social hostess and crossed the tiled floor. Three men, all Darkons she assumed by their dark-complexioned countenances and Traditionalists, apparent by their closely clipped hair. They lounged, relaxed on upright sofas and although they turned their heads towards her at her entrance, stayed seated. Her gaze swept past them and she faltered.

  On the chair closest to Ivo sat a Darkon female, young and beautiful like a classical painting with cheekbones you could cut paper with and an imperious regal bearing. She stared fixedly at Mia and although her face looked composed and dead-pane, Stephanie was certain the temperature in the room dropped by fifty degrees.

  The Darkon males revealed their distaste by the shifting of their bodies away from Steph.

  One even went so far as to sniff.

  I can smell something too, pal, and it stinks like intrigue. What was going on?

  Whether it was the rigid posture of the other woman or her companions’ obvious dislike, Steph couldn’t say, but some inner imp prodded her into perching on the sofa next to Ivo and shimmering over until she was snug against his side. He sent her a hunted look. He looks like a rabbit caught in headlights.

  Steph stifled her laughter and instead, uttered a long sigh, fluttered her lashes and cooed, ‘How lovely, guests. Why don’t you introduce us, Ivo darling.’

  His body became as rigid as reinforced steel and in a voice artic cold, Ivo said, ‘They are not your guests but mine. Ensign Ronal will escort you back to your cabin.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t think so, not until I’ve said hello.’ The Ensign who until that moment had been seated some distance away with several other officers rose and bounded forward.

  But Steph didn’t move. Instead she wriggled Mia round so the baby was positioned in her lap and facing the strangers. With her right arm anchoring Mia in place, this left her other arm free. Steph promptly placed her hand on Ivo’s thigh.

  His muscles bunched under her palm. Tension pulsed like lightning strikes from him.

  This’ll teach him to treat me like I’m not good enough for his present company. Bunch of stuck up snobs anyway.

  ‘I’m Stephanie Roberts and this is Ivo’s niece, Mia.’ She quirked her brows at the startled faces staring back at her.

  ‘Who is this…this creature?’ The oldest Darkon heaved to his feet and stabbed a bejewelled finger at her.

  Ensign Ronal hovered near the sofa, obviously unsure of how hard to press the issue of Stephanie refusing to leave.

  ‘You need not concern yourself with her,’ clipped Ivo in terse tones.

  Undeterred, the Darkon blustered on. ‘I see. You, like your brother, have succumbed to the weakness of the flesh. I trust this is a momentary aberration on your part, El Boeka. The alignment of our two families must be conducted under strict Traditionalist law.’

  ‘Alignment! What! You’re getting married?’ Steph gaped at the woman who allowed herself the tiniest curve of smugness to mar her perfectly sculptured lips.

  Her gaze shot back to Ivo who refused to meet her eyes.


  ‘Ensign, remove this creature. Use force if you have to,’ barked the older Darkon.

  ‘Ronal, stay where you are,’ ordered Ivo in a quiet flat voice that sent shivers down Stephanie’s spine. ‘You have forgotten, Gordo, this is my ship and my crew.’

  ‘I will not have the family of Gordo contaminated by filth such as these,’ spat the other.

  ‘Filth! Mia is worth a hundred of all of you.’

  ‘Stephanie, be quiet and take Mia back to our compartment.’

  The Darkon woman said sharply, ‘Our compartment? Then it is true, you have taken an outworlder as your mate?’

  Fuelled by anger and disappointment, Stephanie put her two creds worth in. ‘I don’t mind sharing, if it doesn’t bother you. Let me give you a little bit of advice first though. He likes his sex hot, hard and lots of it.’

  The older male Darkon called Gordo gasped, fell back into his chair, his hand pressed theatrically against his chest.

  Mouth grim and tight, Ivo plucked Mia from Stephanie’s hold and stalked to the door. He snarled as his gaze snared hers, ‘Out.’

  ‘I’ll see you all at dinner.’ Giving them a cheerful smile, and desperately hiding the pain tearing her glimmer of hope into shreds, she strolled to Ivo’s side.

  Without saying another word, he handed Mia over and ushered Stephanie through the door.

  With Ensign Ronal hot on her heels, Steph fled down the passageway to the chute where she choked out, ‘No need to follow me any further, I can find my way from here. Thanks.’

  Busy fuming and plotting dire retributions, Stephanie accomplished the return to Ivo’s quarters in record time. She stumbled inside as soon as the door slid open and hid her face in Mia’s hair. He’s getting married. And what a perfect match. She’s like an ice cube to his frozen tundra. I hope he has a life of absolute misery, the bastard.

  ‘Don’t worry, sweetie. I won’t let Miss Prim and Perfect get her hands on you,’ she whispered, fearing that at any moment she would burst into tears.

  Stephanie collapsed onto the sofa. Supporting Mia’s back, Stephanie propped the baby into a sitting position in her lap, and stared into her sweet face for several minutes.

  ‘Oh, Mia, what am I going to do? I’ve been a fool, beginning to believe in my silly fantasy.’ Her mouth trembled as her anger fled leaving her feeling as if someone had snatched her lifeline and left her floundering in an ocean far from land.

  Oblivious to Stephanie’s dis
tress, Mia pursed her lips and blew a raspberry.

  ‘That’s a clever girl.’ Stephanie smiled then woefully muttered, ‘I have only myself to blame. No one forced me into his bed. Or the cleansing tube.’

  She sighed. ‘Or over the back of the sofa. If only his stupid words didn’t hurt so much. But at least it’s made me see exactly where I fit into his future plans. Nowhere. Let him marry that inhuman witch. See if I care. And there is no way you are going to live with them either.’

  Mia waved a chubby fist in the air.

  ‘Yes, I agree. Girl power is definitely called for in this situation. And we are starting right here and now. First off?’ Steph directed a mock frown at the baby. ‘No more down and dirty with Ice Man. Next, we are so out of here.’

  After giving a decisive nod, she gathered Mia close and rose from the sofa. Fired with a furious determination not to reveal how much Ivo’s treatment had hurt, Stephanie hurried into the other room, where after laying the baby onto the bed, she raced around stuffing Mia’s clothes and a few soft toys into a holdall. ‘Just as well we didn’t get too comfortable here,’ she said ramming her sleep tunic inside her backpack and snapping shut the zipper with a fierce yank.

  Whirling round to grab her hairbrush from the counter, she cannoned into a solid wall of chest.

  ‘Oomph!’ Air left her lungs momentarily.

  Hard hands gripped her upper arms, giving her a little shake.

  Stephanie glared up through her now tangled hair into Ivo’s grim face.

  ‘What is all this mess?’ he said.

  ‘What does it looks like?’ She tossed her head to emphasise her words. ‘Mia and I are moving back into my cabin.’

  ‘Unacceptable.’ He made it sound as if he’d squeezed the word out through gritted teeth.

  ‘That’s just too bad.’ She pulled away and punched her finger on a panel on the wall. The robe door slid open. Reaching inside she grabbed her insulated flight jacket then noticed the tiny cyno armour suit hanging next to it. The jacket fell from her slack hands onto the floor.

  ‘Oh man,’ she said, her chest tightening on a rush of emotion. ‘What is this?’

  Behind her, Ivo cleared his throat. ‘It is for Mia.’

  Stephanie released the suit from its clips and held it up. ‘It’s wonderful. When did you order this suit to be made?’ Turning round, she stared at him.

  ‘It matters not.’

  ‘You’re wrong, it matters a lot. She’ll grow out of it fast though.’

  He reached out a long arm and opened the next robe. Wordless, Stephanie stared at the row of three cyno suits, each one a size bigger than the last. Her eyes stung.

  ‘Why do you weep?’ Frowning, he tilted his head and considered her. ‘Are you unwell?’ He took Mia’s protective suit from her and tossed it onto the bed. His hands closed around her wrists and he tugged her closer. ‘Remain still, while I check your vitals.’

  ‘Leave it.’ She pulled his hand away from the shayote attached to his belt. ‘I’m fine. Arranging for all these suits to be made for Mia makes me wonder whether you do care for her.’

  Eyes veiled as he lowered his glance, he said coolly, ‘It is my duty to ensure all members of my family are protected at all times, even the unwelcome additions.’

  ‘You’re such an arse.’ Positive steam gushing from her ears, Stephanie wrenched her hands from his grasp.

  ‘That does not sound like a compliment.’

  ‘Trust me, I definitely was not singing your praises. I was being derogatory.’

  He laughed. No sarcasm resonating in the tones, just pure amusement and the sound rocked Stephanie down to her toes.

  ‘I admire your spirit,’ he said.

  Heat flushed over her face. Ducking her head, she poked the floor with the toe of her boot. ‘Yeah, well.’

  He walked to the bed and shook out the contents of the holdall. A book fell onto the bed and fluttered open. Ivo reached down and picked it up.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Rushing over, she snatched the paperback out of his hands. Trembling, she clutched it to her breast.

  ‘I am curious. What is it?’ Ivo raised his eyebrows.

  ‘It’s a book, a story. The only one I have left from home.’

  ‘This…’ Ivo waved a hand, ‘this book is important to you.’

  ‘Yes.’ Stephanie took a deep breath. ‘My husband gave it to me. Husband means —’

  ‘I am familiar with that meaning,’ Ivo interjected sharply. The expression on his face could have rivalled the devil any day he looked so furious. He grabbed her shoulders, his fingers digging into her. ‘Again, you practice deceit with me. Never would I have lain with you had I known you were taken.’

  She blurted, ‘He’s dead. He died of a heart attack long before I left Earth. There’s been no one else since.’

  His burning stare searched hers. ‘You cared for this man?’

  Stephanie nodded, her eyes filling with tears and spilling over. ‘He was a good man, a lot older than me. He was a professor at my college and we married once I completed my degree.’

  Ivo’s touch turned gentle, his thumbs rubbing over her cold skin. Whether it was the way his features had softened or whether she just wanted him to know, she added, ‘We had no children. I wanted to work, to continue my career. I always thought we would have plenty of time for a family later.’ She shrugged.

  ‘For your loss, I am grieved, Stephanie.’ Ivo sighed and pulled her into his arms, laying his forehead against hers. ‘But I am not sorry this led you to my world.’

  Sniffing, she mumbled, ‘If I’d known you were getting married I would never have slept with you. You’re the one lying here, pal.’

  ‘Negative. You never asked.’ Ivo jerked away from her and frowned. ‘This discussion is closed. The issue here is, I distinctly told you to remain in these quarters.’

  ‘Ordered me, you mean.’ Stephanie folded her arms. ‘I do as I please.’

  ‘There are matters here you do not understand. Taking the youngling into Gordo’s presence was not a wise move.’

  ‘You’re telling me. Him and your frigid bride-to-be acted like we carried some hideous disease.’

  ‘Stephanie…’ warned Ivo, but his growl lacked bite.

  She saw how his lips twitched at the corners as if he held back a smile.

  ‘Perhaps you require a reminder of who is in charge,’ he continued. The murmured innuendo vibrated over her skin, firing to life every cell in her body. ‘I certainly need the reminder,’ he admitted wryly.

  Stephanie compressed her lips so her answering smile didn’t escape. Who would have thought Ice Man could be fun?

  Ivo nudged her chin higher and her eyes fluttered shut on a sigh as he lowered his head. It appeared he’d either forgotten about his anger over her behaviour earlier or shelved it for the moment.

  Not that she cared.

  Because as soon as his lips moved over hers in a soft caress, she was lost in a world of sensation.

  This is where I belong.

  Stephanie jerked backwards away from his tempting kiss. Struck dumb by the enormity of her internal admission, she stared up into his face watching as his features hardened and the fiery heat in his eyes cooled.

  Wake up, Steph! He’s marrying someone else. He thinks you can’t be trusted. Maybe he’s the one who can’t be trusted. She attempted to speak, to state her case, to wipe that bloody remote expression from his face for eternity, but the words tangled in her throat. Her emotions were too raw, too fresh, too damn frightening.

  Mia emitted a high pitched shriek which had both Stephanie and Ivo spinning round. A dimpled smile lighting up her sweet face, the baby thrashed her arms and legs.

  ‘Is she in pain?’ Ivo said, crossing the short space to the side of the bunk in record time.

  Shaken, Stephanie began picking up clothes and stuffing them back into the holdall. ‘She’s fine, just wanted a little attention.’

  Ice Man took the bag off her and shook
it. ‘You will both remain here.’

  Gathering her composure like armour, Stephanie said as coolly as she could muster, ‘No, I’ve told you, we’re moving house. Back to my original cabin.’

  He dropped the bag with a thud and glared, his good mood vapourising quick smart. ‘I forbid it.’ He stabbed towards the floor with his finger for emphasis.

  Fury, hurt, disappointment and hope lodged in her throat like a rock, almost choking her. ‘It’s going to be a bit crowded, don’t you think? What with you, me, Mia and Lady Icicle.’

  Ivo’s cheeks turned a ruddy bronze colour and Steph stared fascinated.

  Embarrassment? Shame?

  ‘You need not concern yourself with Fai El Gordo.’ His eyes were glacial. ‘The alignment of our two families is based on sound principles where all will benefit.’

  ‘Except Mia and me.’ Stephanie shook her head and swooped down to gather Mia to her breasts. Glaring at Ivo over the top of the baby’s head, she added, ‘We’re not going to be part of this so called “sound” arrangement. We’re going home.’

  Ivo snarled. ‘You have no home. You have no rights except what I choose to give you.’

  ‘Wake up, Ivo! The Traditionalist system is obsolete, outlawed even,’ shouted Stephanie. Mia began to cry. ‘You can’t tell me what to do or where to go.’

  ‘And you have no right to take my brother’s child from me.’

  ‘You’ll see, you’ll see.’ Her voice shaking, Stephanie whirled round and presented her back to Ivo. ‘Once we’re on Darkos, Lord Tarak’s wife will listen to me.’

  ‘If I have my way, you will never reach Darkos.’

  The hatch rammed shut behind him.

  I’ll return to Earth with Mia and never see him again. Stephanie closed her eyes on the burn of tears forming. If only it didn’t hurt so much.

  Chapter 8

  Her duffle bags packed, her backpack slung over her shoulder, Stephanie waited in the passenger zone of the ship’s departure dock, baby Mia held close in her arms. The cavernous area hummed with barely suppressed excitement as the Darkons carried out their tasks with brisk efficiency. It must have been some time since many of them had seen their home planet. In a matter of hours, they’d be on the surface of Darkos and then…what?


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