Unleashed (Devil's Reach Book 3)

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Unleashed (Devil's Reach Book 3) Page 9

by J. L. Drake

  It was instinct to lie, but I found myself stuck in a parallel moment where I wanted to spare him the details, yet I couldn’t. Instead, I sucked in my bottom lip and hoped to someone they’d steer him in a different direction.

  His head almost did a tick, like a glitch in a robot, before his system powered down and he kissed my lips.

  “Trigger,” was all I could muster.

  “I’m sorry my demons collided with you.”

  I froze. He had never said anything that deep before. Come to think of it, I didn’t think anyone had ever spoken to me like that before.

  I wasn’t entirely sure how to respond. “Sometimes it’s okay to let me help you fight them.”

  His hand clasped my chin and tilted my head higher. He smiled oddly before he stepped back and closed the stall door, leaving me stunned.

  Sweet hell, he was a man of few words, and to come out with something like that left me reeling.

  “Fuck this!” The door swung open and banged loudly against the stall wall. I shrieked as he grabbed my waist and pushed me back, locking the door.

  His hand was down my pants and inside me before I could even think.

  “I’ve been stuck with men for too long.” He pumped his fingers while I let the cloud of lust build. He licked the length of my neck, then he pulled down my pants and kicked them aside, and he dropped his, leaving them at his ankles.

  I turned and leaned over the toilet. He didn’t waste any time and drove himself inside me. His hands held my shoulders as he fought to slow his pace. He’d pull almost all the way out then furiously shoot back in.

  I screamed at the sensation. It was exactly what I needed after our time apart. Rough sex with Trigger always grounded me. It was fucked up, but it made me feel beautiful inside.

  His hand moved to stroke my spine. He inched his way up each vertebra then slid his hands around my neck with a slight squeeze.

  My blood rushed around my body with excitement. I loved the way he fucked. Like a wild animal, and I was the only one who could tame him.

  He pinched my nipple, and I felt him shift. He was about to come but needed me to first.

  “Come.” He slapped my ass hard, and I let go. My nerves shot off in all directions as he pounded out a few more thrusts and joined me in my bliss.

  “Shit,” he panted as he pulled me up and sucked his spot on my neck.

  “Yeah.” I smiled, my hair stuck to my sweaty forehead.

  The door swung open, and I heard someone yell at the band. A flash of red hair could be seen through the crack in the door. I heard a giggle as Trigger grabbed the top of the stall and thrust one last time.

  “I smell sex and candy,” she sang.

  We hurried to dress and let ourselves out of the stall and headed toward the door. I heard her chuckle again and call out something that sounded like, “Lucky girl.”

  “Double Oban with a dropper for my water.” I plopped down on a bar stool, and the bartender reached under the counter and pulled out a wooden box. He removed a glass from its red velvet casing.

  “Rough day?” He poured the dark amber slowly to let the liquid open. He was clearly impressed with my drink of choice.

  “Fancy.” My fingers explored the grooves etched in the glass.

  “Fancy glass for a fancy drink.”

  “Rough week.” Huh. I held the glass up and twisted it in my palm to watch the light play over its curves.


  I looked over to question him.

  “That’s the pattern name.” He pointed to the other glass in the box. “It’s made in Nova Scotia, Canada.”

  I held it up to my eye. “You’re long away from home.”

  “I am.” He tapped a sign that read, “Once a Maritimer, always a Maritimer.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  He laughed and poured me another. “It means the glasses come from a humble place.”

  My back hit the chair, and I relaxed a little. “I like that.”

  “Me too.” He smiled warmly as he went back to polishing his glasses.

  Bartenders. We all had a way of letting the other know we got this.

  “A double Fireball, please.” The redhead from the bathroom slipped into the chair next to me, and I tried to hide my smile. She pulled out a lipstick and lined her bottom lip before she looked over. “You here to see the band?”

  I looked over at the stage and saw three men doing a sound check. “The guitarist is hot.”

  She grinned. “That’s Ben Carey. He used to be the guitarist for Lifehouse, and that’s,” she pointed at a guy with a sleek mohawk, “the lead singer, Bryan Hopkins. He used to be with Paperback Hero.”

  “You know your music.”

  “I do.”

  “So, who are they? Country?” I guessed by their boots.

  “Elvis Monro. They play country rock.”

  Huh. I hadn’t heard of them before, but I was interested. I loved all music.

  “Nice tat.” She pointed at Trigger’s artwork on my forearm then hauled up her shirt and showed me her angel tat. It wrapped around her midsection and up to the halo that incorporated her breasts.

  “Wow.” Impressive.

  “Yeah, I got it right after my divorce. Ex hated them.”

  “Why the angel?”

  “My favorite song of theirs.” She nodded to the band. “Plus, they call me their little angel since I’m anything but.”

  I laughed. She did look like trouble. She carried an excitement about her, and that fiery red hair of hers seemed to vibrate with energy. She reminded me of someone else. I turned to look for Minnie and caught Trigger fixated on me.

  “Name’s Rose.” She offered her hand, so I peeled my eyes from his. “I take it you’re with them?” She nodded toward the guys.

  “Tess.” I ordered another drink and examined the glass again. It was almost hypnotic. “Yeah, motorcycle club.”

  “I know who they are. I saw one of the members in here the other day.”

  I glanced over my shoulder to find Trigger’s eyes still locked on me. Damn, his gaze made my knees go weak.

  “Oh, yeah? Was it that man over there with the long beard?” I motioned to Morgan.

  She swiveled in her seat and focused on Morgan then looked around. “Nah, none of them. I’d remember him. He was all pissed off because couldn’t find someone.”

  “Huh. No clue.” It was probably Cooper diggin’ dirt on Allen to help Trigger and the guys get out.

  “I’ll be back.” I held up a finger and answered my phone but ducked next to the stage to get some privacy.

  “Hey, Tess.” Savi’s voice seemed a little worried. “You make it to Trigger okay?”

  “Yeah, we’re here together now.”

  “Good, good…” She trailed off. “Look, Tess, I should have mentioned this to you earlier, but I know you had to do what you needed to do, and of all people, I understand that. However, I’m safe on a mountaintop, and you’re exposed in the city.”

  I shook my head and tried to follow.

  “I just wanted to extend an invitation to come and stay here for a bit, you know, until the dust settles. You’ve been through a lot, and I thought maybe you could use a breather.”

  I loved that she cared enough to invite me. We weren’t exactly from the same world, but the truth was you couldn’t pay me enough to leave right now. I had just gotten Trigger back, and I was going to fight like hell right by his side until Allen was taken down.

  “Thanks, Savi. That really means a lot, probably more than you know, but right now I really need to be here.”

  She chuckled a little. “I figured, but just know there’s no expiration on the invite.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  “Call me once you get settled, and maybe we can set up a visit.”

  “I’d like that.”

  I slipped the phone back in my pocket and caught Trigger’s eyes on me again. I liked that he always watched me. I decided to joi
n him instead of heading back to the bar.

  Chapter Seven


  “She was found in this area.” Morgan pulled my attention from Tess as he placed an iPad in front of me. “She thinks she walked for about four hours.” He pulled his finger across the screen, which created a red line. “So, if we were to map her route, we’re thinking the house would be somewhere in this area.”

  “I’m sure they’re gone by now,” Rail huffed while he watched Tess at the bar. “Wish I’d seen the look on that devil’s face when Tess got away.”

  “Mm,” I muttered, curious as to what Allen might do next.

  “Oh, Tess,” Morgan said over my shoulder, “you think you can fill the guys in on what—” He paused. “You okay?”

  She slipped onto the chair next to me and smiled at the chick at the bar. I didn’t even need to speak to that redhead. She had “wild” written all over her.

  “Yeah.” She sounded tired, but she shook her shoulders and focused on what he had asked her. “Um, okay.”

  She told her version of what happened at the fight, and how they drew her out, and why Gus got tangled up with it.

  “They kept us separated for a few days. Allen told me that I now belonged to Zay.” She glanced at me, uneasy. “He wore that stupid fake priest collar the entire time and made us call him Father. The whole thing was just one big mind fuck.”

  “How was Gus when you last saw him?” Brick jumped in.

  She looked down at her hands and fiddled with a ring. “Bad. He took some beatings but handled it okay. At least he was still okay before I left. I hate to think what they did to him after they realized I was gone.”

  “You get a chance to talk to Jace?” Brick leaned forward on the table.

  “Yeah.” Her eyes moved to Morgan, who gave her a nod. “Um, turned out he has a sister, and Allen found out where she was and promised to tell Jace, but only if he helped them get to me. I know he feels bad for it—”

  “Club rules,” I interrupted to set her straight.

  “Yeah, but he—”

  “Doesn’t matter, he—”

  “He was the one who helped me to get you out of jail. Does that not count for anything?”

  “No,” we all said at once.

  “That’s fucked up.”

  It wasn’t, but I wasn’t about to fight with her.

  “He knew the rules, Tess.” Brick tried a softer approach. “And he chose not to follow them.”

  “He was thinking of his family.”

  “And so am I.” I held her wildfire glare. I loved the fight in her, but she also needed to know an MC is black and white. There is no room for gray.

  “Then what?” Rail tried to move the conversation along.

  She waited a beat before she spoke. “They always fed us corn, and I realized it was because we were surrounded by acres of it. I also realized the fields were fertilized with dead bodies. I was able to escape because I hid under them, so the drone couldn’t find me.”

  “God damn, girl,” Rail hooted, impressed. “Fucking fearless.”

  “Damn straight.” She looked me in the eye. Shit, I could take her right here and now.

  Morgan helped her along with her story. There were still some spots I was unsure about, but I could address them later.

  “How was Mike involved in all of this?”

  She looked away from me and hesitated, and I wondered why.

  “Ah, I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t have my phone, so I couldn’t remember anyone’s damn number. All I could think of was who helped Savannah, and you were in pri…I mean, you couldn’t come.” She looked at me. “When Mike realized the extent of what was on the flash drive, he flew down with Dell and Quinn to make sure it didn’t go south.” She rubbed her hands together uneasily. “I know it was a big risk involving him, and I tried to protest, but he insisted. Later, he gave me his card and told me that since I was yours, I would always have his help.”


  I will return the favor.

  Not long afterward, we headed for home. I needed to get back to my club.

  “Honey, I’m home! Double whiskey, Peggy!” Rail hollered as he burst through the doors of the club.

  The entire place roared, and the music was cranked up high.

  “Peggy, baby,” Rail grabbed his crotch, “it’s been weeks since I got any. Help me out.”

  Peggy rolled her eyes and smiled at me. “You need some help?”

  Tess held her hand up to look at it, then right hooked Peggy, sending her backward.

  “Oh, fuck, I have wanted to do that for so long!” Tess laughed. “Stand up, Peggy. I wanna try it again.”

  “Bitch!” She spat blood on the bar top. “What the fuck, Trigger? Do something.”

  I reached over and grabbed Tess by the hair and slammed my lips to hers.

  Tess was reckless, impulsive, and gnarly, which was motherfucking sexy.

  I sucked on her bottom lip before I pulled away and squeezed her ass.

  I was hungry for her.

  “The fuck!” I felt something hit my arm.

  “’Bout time you’re home!” Fin punched my arm again; his little fist was red just like his glossy eyes. I could see he was hurt I didn’t come find him, but truth be told, I was so wrapped up in Tess I forgot.

  “Why aren’t you in your jammies?” Tess went from sexy to sexy mother in two seconds.

  “Vib didn’t wash our clothes, so I got nothing to wear.”

  It was the first time I ever heard him call his mother that. I wondered how she was dealing with Gus being gone.

  Tess moved from my hold and disappeared out back.

  “Glad Tess is back.” Fin sniffed away his tears.

  “Not me?” I half smirked.

  “Like you care.” He folded his arms and turned away.

  Something inside of me shifted, and I was able to feel something for the little runt. I always liked the kid, but he clearly was upset I didn’t go see him.

  Fuck. This wasn’t something I was used to. I blamed Tess for this shit feeling.

  “I care, Fin,” I muttered uncomfortably. “I’m just not good at showing shit like that.”

  “Yeah,” he sniffed. “That’s nothin’ new.”

  “Then why are you givin’ me shit?”

  “Because he wants you to try.” Tess hit my shoulder. “Come here, rug rat, you need to be in bed.”

  “Where’s your mom?” I asked, curious where the junkie was tonight.

  “Asleep in bed, since yesterday.”

  Tess snapped me a look.

  “Cooper,” I grunted, “what’s up with Vib?”

  He rolled his eyes, annoyed. “Gus is away, so Vib will play.”

  Fucking cokehead.

  I watched Tess take Fin to bed and chuckled at Peggy, who was headed my way with her bloody nose.

  “Any other chick would have been thrown out on her ass for that shit she pulled.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed with a smirk.

  “What makes her different?”

  I hated personal talk, but something made me speak to it. Peggy had been a hangaround for a lot of years.

  “She ain’t going anywhere, Peggy.”

  She went silent. She better not cry. I hated when they cried.

  “Fuck, I fuckin’ hate you. I been trying hard to show you I want you for a long time, and you want that little piece.”

  I finished my drink, not wanting to give her an inch.

  I held her gaze; I wasn’t going any further with the conversation.

  “You know what?” She dropped her annoying act and took a moment to think about her words. “Tess is a dime a dozen. When you’re done being blinded by her hot ass and teeny tits, you know where to find me, and you can get some of this.” She grabbed her big boobs and held them up.

  “Can I cash in on that?” Rail tapped his beer to her glass.

  I pushed off my seat and headed for my room. I was fucking tired of talk.
I glanced in the boys’ room and saw they were already asleep. I couldn’t help but scowl at Vib’s naked body, her fake tits pointed at the ceiling.

  Fucking train wreck.

  My room was empty. I went to hunt for the one person I needed to sink nine inches of myself into.

  “Where is she?” I found Brick with Minnie, heading to their room.

  “Pool.” Minnie giggled.

  I tossed my wallet and keys in my room before I headed out that way. The wind was warm tonight, which had drawn more of the guys outdoors than usual.

  “So, you just left?” Cooper was sitting on a lounge chair next to the pool while Tess floated near the edge.

  “It’s not so cut and dried, but yes, I got away.”

  “Have you considered they’ll come for you?”

  She shifted and drew her leg up to her chin, and the double air mattress bounced up and down. She was in a black bikini, lying on her back, and her hair was spread out around her. The water on her skin make her tits glisten in the low light from the pool house.

  “Be truthful,” he said as I tossed a blanket in the back of my pickup.

  She sighed before she answered. “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared, but I would trade places with Gus in a heartbeat.”

  “Why didn’t he leave with you?”

  “They did a number on his knees.”

  “Cooper.” I flicked my head at him so he’d leave.

  He stood and waved at Tess. “Good to have you back, Trigger.”

  I nodded and waited for him to leave, then I pulled off my pants and slid into the water, moving silently toward her.

  She lit a fat joint as she watched me approach and sucked back a long puff before she let it go into the dark sky above.

  “What are you thinking?” she whispered.

  I smirked as I dove and overturned the air mattress, pulling her into me.



  Blood dripped down my fingers as I glanced dispassionately down at the mess on the floor. I pressed my head hard into my fists up against the wall.

  This can’t be happening. How in hell did he get released?

  “Boss,” Zay whispered cautiously behind me.


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