by Burton, Mary
Dane’s gaze dropped to Kristen’s cleavage. The desire in his expression made her blood warm. Suddenly she wasn’t in such a rush to leave the house.
He traced the curve of her breasts with his fingertip.
“We will be late,” she said, reading his thoughts.
“I already called the minister and told him we’d be there in an hour. We’ve got time.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I wanted to be beautiful for you today.”
He ran his hands through her dark layered hair, which had grown out to her shoulders. “You are stunning as always. It doesn’t matter what you wear.”
She tugged at his towel and dropped it to the floor.
He glanced at the kittens, picked her up and carried her to the spare room. He kicked the door closed and laid her on the bed.
They made it to the church. And they were on time, just barely. Kristen wore a lemon sundress and the minister said he’d never seen a lovelier bride.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-5968-7
Copyright © 2006 by Mary T. Burton
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